PAGE SIX DAftY CAST ORECOmiT, rESPLSTQN, TUESDAY EVENESO, NOVEMBS3 2, 1620. It3 f AC3 , ' .MUlMimit.l.!l l.tim,UMtlUHI-Uill!l4.u.HtWMM Soda and Club News "SOCIETT IS AMOt'RXF.D" ) IfermlMon, will be interested to know Milady todiiy will "put on her el.ijlhat they have chosen Thursday. No jaa.v bonnet" anil accompany nillnr.l j vemlier 4. as their wedding day. Many to the polls where Flie will cast her j complimentary affairs are filling the fiint vote to elect inn president of j final week before the event, La Grande the w rnlled State. Society Is nd- friends feting the bride-elect with Ji.urncd In favor of politics, tit least j luncheons, teas and dinners, until nlghtinlt, 'though election Pr-j -t . thin evening will oe quite theiD. A. R. TO or EX CALENDAR ' v(rup M'hen the I. A. R. Meet this even- Women m e deeply Interested In the i In It will be Umatilla chapter's first ballot this vear and with the connlitu- meeting of the 1S20-21 season. Mrs. tlonM amendment adopted Just iu time I Sylvan Cohn Is chapter resent and to admit the feminine vote, the 'n-j members are asked to come to assist l.imwn quantity" which has caused j in laying plans for the winter. The i nrh scratching of heads In political j meeting has been scheduled for 7:81 ramps, promises to wage its Influence. jc "clock in the club room of the library. Then tnr.lght. when all Is said and rone, these same first-voters will wait;CHl-RCH SOCIETIES TO MEET . . I.., enserlv to hear the news, w- The Parish Aid. the .Sanctuary nil Informal supper parties have been i Chapter and tho Ladies Auxiliary of n heduled for the more ari'ent nn"- me v r.urcn or me tseaeemer will meet to Dlan U amy up for election returns, is joint session tomorrow afternoon. The event wll take place In Parish hull VISIT IS rOSTlt'M-l'- '"Hl members are cordially iiskcd Friend's of Mrs. J. X. Ruraess. who-to be present, have been rxpeeltng her in Pendleton a fr a visit, will regret lo learn thai DB1HKE F JiO.VOR To MEET i mine was delav-Mi t.y tne sei imis me iegree oi Honor will meet In F apartment In the Association' build ing. A pumpkin bowl was filled with varied frulls to form a charming centerpiece und covers, tit tho pretty table were laid for ten. her ci l Illness and deatn oi ner simi -- i'ii-'i i-tismr wwivh lumurruw uu- t Hanks. Oregon. The message was j ernnon at 5:30 o'clock. All mcmliers 'contained In a letter received today by ore Invited to be present. The meeting Mrs J L- Montgomery. Mrs, Hurgcss, , u to be held in I nion hall, who is spending the winter tit The M.llnrvln Portland, will probably UltKAKFAST IS DKLIC. I ITKIT make the visit to Pendleton later. One of tho most attractive of Hal- a ! lowe'en time affairs was a breakfast HIUnK-EI.KCT ENTEUTAIXER. j for which Mr. And Mis. Lynwood Friend of Miss Helen Currev of I-i ; ljvermore were hosts Sunday morn- iirn.le and Est ley Roy rarlcy ot ing. t.uests were asked to their II O s4J .;v.JS r PF'S VPSTAIBS SHOP FOR WOMEN Georgette Blouses VALUES TO .81450 FOR s $6.95 A fortunatet purchase of NEWEST BLOUSES of ex cellent quality Georgette crepe in many clever new style adoptions all newest shades, values selling regular up to $14.50, while they last $6.95 Km. fv f '" MM ' OV K It T A Y li OK If A li I) W A KB S T O K E Our Stock of Books Will Furnish Ycu With a Maximum of Entertainment at a Minimu mof Expense. READ "A DAUGHTER OF THE LAND" . by Gene Stratton-Porter. "THE MAGNIFICENT AMEERSONS" by Booth Tarkirtgtcn. 'THE VALLEY OF THE GIANTS" by Peter B. Kyne. ' " ' "NOMADS OF THE NORTH" , by James Oliver Curwood. "MAM'SELLE JO" " by Harriet T. Ccmstock. "THE LURE OF THE NORTH" by Harold Bindlosi. "THE ROUGH ROAD' by William J. Locke. "THE ISLAND OF INTRIGUE" by Isabel Ostrander. "THE HEARTS KINGDOM" by M. Thompson Daviess. We have hundreds of the latest popular fiction. " All are! priced at $1.00 IKONS' DIG Sid Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention SI'OKAN-B. Nev. 2. (A. P.) Three business buildings suffered In a fire this morning which caused a loss of $25,000. Firemen controlled the blnne which was threatening the First Bap tist church. FACES BITTER FiGHT ST. PAUJj. Nov. 2. (U. P.) The non-purtisan league today faced the bitterest election fbsht in thct north west. Almost -every ballot , marked meant "'survive'" or '"perish," to the leaKuo. The battle in South Thikota is especially bitter, with republicans, democrats and independents all com bined lo down the league candidates. NOT EVEN A WHIFF MOISTENS ARID CITY . OF CHICAGO IN 1920 CHICAGO, Nov. 2. V. P.) To day Is Chicago's "driest" election day. Where booze flowed freely in past election days today there was not even a smell. A two and a half year sentence . to bootleKgers yesterday took all the thrill out of it. Cops could have taken a day off today. BEYOND USUAL DEGREE nrru.l.W Nov. 2. (A. 1'.) Vri: servets. n!ver popular In lrelund and who in times of excitement had often to eat their writs, now have been so intimidated that they do not dare even attempt to serve their documents. In some cases where they took the risk they have been held up by armed men who took the writs from them. Most of the writs are issued by the fih innH commission claiming ar rears of the annuities of the purchase money advanced by the government to tenants to entable them to buy their holdings. N")w rules have been drafted to meet the emergency anil u nas ueen provided that it shall not be necessary to serve a writ. It will be sufficient mQu it hv resrlstered letter and ad vertise in the local papers. The mere fact of mailing is enough so that nothing will be gained by holding up the mail carrier. . i WASHINGTON Nov. 2 (A. P.) Naval airship D-2. which flew suc- .. . r filiin t,t lAllirlev cesstuny u vnv.., ,Vield VV. Va.. Sunday, has been deliv ered, the navy department sum iuj, to the army air lorces hibuoocu - .! 1 thia tr'n l" m 1 on biiim ni"" - - and 45 minutes. It is the largest cralt of the type duih in n.- . l ITI ON SHIPPING BOARD WE HAVE DECIDED TO START NOVEMBER THE FIRST TO SELL FOR CASH ONLY. If credit is wanted we will give same after com ing to a thorough understanding. We can also reduce the price of our goods consid erably on account of going on a cash basis, which will benefit you also. UMATILLA FLOOR & GRAIN CO. 220 E. Court Street 1 -00 W. Alta Street Phone 351-1014-475 V s 'iiP-.T,j?-- f A I ' v 1 MOBILE Frederick I. Thomp fon ot Mobile has been appointed a member ot the United State Shipping Board for the Gulf divi sion. Thompson Is publisher o'i two Mobile papers. The Register.' end The News-Item, and Is an of 3tr of tbs Eouiiorn Publisher JI00 Keward, $100 Catarrh la a local disease irestly Influ enced by constitutional conditions. It tharsfore requires constitutional 'treat ment. HALLS CATARHH MEDICINE is taken Internally and acts th.ough the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of th Sys tem, HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINB destroys the foundation of the dteeaee, five the patient utrensth by improving the (enerel health und tnliti nature In doing He work. $100 00 for any raee of Catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINB falls to cure. Druygnts 75o. Teatlmonlala free. ' F. J. Cheney V Co., ToleiJ, Ohio. FREE One fine Flour Sifter free with each SAck of SKOOKUM PAN CAKE FLOUR. Patronize Home Manufacture None better than SKOOKUM PAN CAKE FLOUR HIGH GRADE COFFEE . i . High grade Coffee In bulk. IMeane do not don fuse this coffee with Home of the cheup grades on wile. , 3 pounds run through our Coffee Refiner take out all the Chaff. $1.15 "M. J. B Diamond V Hills Bros. Imperial nnd Chase nd Simoom's Seal Brand Coffees 5 pound, $2.73 ' Drat Otne SufCnr, 100 poundn, $11.00 &ray Jms. (jrocery fo. THREE PHONES tlUAi-HY J HIGH SCHOOL NOTES I'lsy Cutt Clitxen. Tho choice of the cast for the Senior play was com pleted It evening. MIhb Olive Roeche faculty advisor of the class, Mlfs Ada St. Peter of tho English dept., and Miss Laura Ross coach of the play acted as a committee to choose the charac ters. The play this year will be pre vented before the Christmas holidays so that it will not Interfere with the class day exercises as was done last year. All members of the class of 50 tried for the parts and those who were -most usessftU and were. chosen for parts were: Sir John Cotswold Ivan Ilouser Uidy Coltswold ...Mary D. Chlsholm Cecil Cotswold Dnvld Swanson Pegpy Cotswold ...Alberta MVMonles Vining, Cotswold's servant S-'am Oliver Mr. Lewis, 5rus,icnl agent of Cecil's .i John Simpson Sir Isaac Jsxobson . . John Henderson Lady Jacobson ...... Blossom Wilson Ksther Jacobson ... Genevieve Phelps Adrian Jacobson . .Lucius Matthewson Maximilian, Jacobson's servant .... Gilbert Struve Capt. Trevor, An English-officer. ... Harold Goedecke ..blVc. cv .' P . The play Is centered on the hatred of the Jewish family by Sir John Cots wold the master of the English home. HHs son Cecil who has become famous abroad as an opera singer has return ed and has fallen in love with the daughter of the Jewish family. The son of the Jewish family has fallen madly in love with Peggy, Cecil's sis ter. Neither parent can consent to the marriage of their children but thej finally force their parents to consent ini all ends well. PULLMAN PORTER IS KILLED IN S-. P. WRECK ' SAN' FRANCISCO, Nov. 2. (A. P.) A pullman porter named Weisbcr ser was killed, nd two passengers, were hV'ired In a collision between two sections of Southern Pacific train No. 16, bound from San Francisco to Port land, at Corma early today. The. collision occurred while the first section -was backing out of a sid ing. The second section crashed Into it, partially wrecking a pullman car. WATER IN CALIFORNIA MOST VALUABLE CROP NEURALGIA l or headache rub tho forebea. melt and Inhala the vapors V VAPORUB ' Chct 1 7 Million Jan U-J Yuri, HIGH PRICES CARRY . WEALTH TO ESKIMOS VICTORIA. B. C. Nov. 2 (A. V.) High prices, penetrating to the Arctic rim of western Canada, hove brought wealth atid prosperity toKsk4mos. of the Mackcniie river delta, who have sold their recent fur catches for rec ord figures, according tp Arthur Thompson, an American prospector who recently arrived at Edmonton. Canada, from the far north. Mackenzie River Kxklmo, Thompson said, own a number of . schooners which they operate on tho northern rivers and between the Islands of the Arctic seas during the summer months when the Ice clears from the waters. Thompson prospected as far east as the Coronation Oulf, honje of 'the bon.e Eskimo, reported discovered by Vilhjalmur Stefansson ! Candatan explorer. Thompson said he found the eyes of the Coronation a-ulf natives were lighter In color than those of the natives of the country to the west. Many of the Coronation Gulf tribes still use bows and arrows in hunting, Thompson asserted. Firearms are, however, gradually making their appearance. SAN FRANCIHCO, Nov. 2 (A. P. i-Wutop 1m futiforniiis most valuabl crop, according to the unnnal report of the Railroad Commission ot Cali fornia to Governor W. I). Stephens hHt the two fold develop ment of water storage for irrigation an power purposes win iinng aooui period of enormous development in fVin utuln "California's streams and rivers, Itn n, In full and Its snowfall, must tic n,n,ii in nerve and serve well. the governor was advised by tho commis sion. Experts have estimated that it will require between three quarters of a billion and a billion dollars to con struct the necessary hydro-electric power plants to care for future power demands, and the commission said the expenditure to carry out a program for the conservation of water for Ir tgatlon and domcstid purposes un dmihtedlv would be as great. . 'uHfAt-nfn'M naramount need Is cheap power. Buys the commission, hnennse the state has no coal supply and Its oil is needed for other pur- .iiiiiitim tnil.-iv. the reDOrt continues as a result of regulation are' selling their product at a price nearer io me prices of pre-war days than Any other Mmmmiiiv. run and electric rales having advanced on an average not more than 40 percent, against tuu to 600 percent advances on other com modities. WASHINGTON APPLE GROWERS HOLDING FOR HIGHER PRICES 8P;aTTLE. Nov. 2. (A. P.) Washington 'apple growers are hold ing back apple shipments in anticipa tion of higher prices, according to Kred W. Graham, assistant agricul tural development agent of the Great Northern railroad, who bases his statement, he said, upon the dally bul letin of the federal burea'! f mar wets at Spokane. According to the bulletin, Mr. Graham said, apple prices in British markets show an up ward tendency with London prlcei heading the list, . , IKEI)8. Carrie A. Thompson to Hattie E. Stanfleld. flO. 440 acres In Sees. 2. II and. 12, Tp. 2, N. R. 27 and 340 acres In Sec. 17, Tp.,6,'N. R. 27 and also lots In town of Umatilla, Daniel Shaw to C. M. and M. F. Umbarlser 600. i-2 Interest in and to lots 2, 3 and 4 and SB 1-4 Sec. T, Tp. 1, 8. R. 36. H. J. Williams to the Bluo Moun tain Camp Grounds, 1800.. NW 1-4 Sec. 35. Tp. 4, N. It. 37. ' Frank Puff to M. T. Baiter 34025 80.5 acres, mote and bound tract In SW 1-4 Sec. 33, Tp. 1, S. R. 32. Anna M. Herrlck to Alice V. Oliver 14040.00 mete and bound tract in block 21. original town ot Pendleton. Blanch H. Moorhouse to Olive V. Oliver 3800. Mete and bound traot In Block 21. original town of I'endloton, F. M. Oliver to Roland . Oliver tl. Lots J and 6. Block 6, I4vorniore's Add. Pendleton. , . . t Hermiston Bank & Trust Co., to 1st Xafl Bank of Hermiston 500. Lot 12, Block 6, original town of Hermis ton. ' . Jessie S. Vert to Bardell M. Van Donge 34400. NE 1-4 Sec. 32, Tp. 3. N. It. 30. i W. M. Sliishcr lo Bardell M. Van Donge, $7500. NW 1-4 and Sec 32, Tp. 3, N. R. 30. When Run-Down Anacortes, WASH. "I had or ganic trouble for a long time. I suffered from backache and those heavy baring pains, and my blood was in bad condition. I had no ap petite and was generally run-down, I used Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre-' scription in connection with the 'Golden Medical Discovery' and Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, and was completely cured. I always recom mend Dr. Pierce's medicines to all my friends." Mrs. A. Kebse, General Delivery. Send Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., 10c for trial package of Favorite Prescription Tablets Good looks in woman do not depend upon age, but upon health. You never see a good-looking ; woman who is weak, run-down. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion is the best women's tonio there is. It is 50 years old, and its age testifies to its goodness.' THE THOMAS SHOP i,niii!;(imt!i!!iji;!iiiiipHlMniliirwini!ii"""i( mm.;- Sumptuous Fur Collared Wraps and Coats PRESENTING PHENOMENAL VALUES ; Quiet luxury and the extreme of elegance tire achieved in the luxurious wraps and coats. Execut ed in Evona, Chamoistyn, Caledoria and Bolivia Cloth with deep collar of Neutria, Australian Oppos um, Racoon, Squirrel, Hudson Seal, etc Jow. re duced to $15.00, $25.00 and up to $97.50, ' ' CHILDRENS COATS s , Sizes 8 to 14 Reduced to $15.00 and up to. $35.00 ( ' ; I'lans for the Cider Boys' Confer ence here, November 6, s and 7 re u Ihg completed rapidly. The program will begin Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock with a brief address by the conference director. A. E. Yount, on the subject, 'Why Are We-Here'' fol4 lna-l Kv abort address hv Rev. Geo. I Clark of this city. In the evening. Norman F. Coleman, president ot tnt Loyal Legion of LogRers and Lumber men will speak on the subject "Am 1 Pit?" ; Saturday morning will be taken up by addresses and conferences. The afternoon will be given over to recrea tional features in charge of Cash Wood, County Y. M. C. A. secretary for Umatilla county. Saturday even ilg there will be a banquet for all deie. gates given by the people of Pendleton. On Munday the delegates will attend church and Sunday school with their h,ost and hostess, in the morning. In the afternoon there will be a large mass meeting for delegates of tho con ference and the older hoys of Pendle tin. This meeting will bo addrossed l)y Hal Donnelly, student secretary for tSie University of Oregon. Tho closing service of the conference will be Bun day evening In charge of W. W. Dll Ibn, executive secretary of the Inter state Executive Committee of tho Youns; Men's Christian Association of Oregon and Idahfl. SAVE jYOlltSEI $ i by having your Ttasr Pur uiaa Into FIVE row - at our nla. ! At ft,a ..- - iiuia vur old ones remodeled, repaired, cleaned so they look lko Dew. At prices that are right In TAXIDERMY we mount an) thing from a fly to an elephant. . s Spokane, Wash. a Itcmrd f. go. Write aboui our deer head contest. . ,r vcusr speocn in the pub- re scnoois is m progress in Seattle this week under ths management of the school teachers, "Think about your verbs" Is a slof in Ui tho tcac It era and It is their nlun A ... encourage bettor American speech. ine campaign is not confined to tho scnoois out. according to the promo ters is to be carried Into the homes of tho community at large. THINK ABOUT YOUR VERBS IS SLOGAN BRATTLE, Nov. 2. (A. P.) A CUT TmS OUT IT IS ' wncTii MflWTV DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this Hp, enclose II with S moil nail to Foley A Co., 2843 Sheffield At., Chicago, I1L. writing font same and address clearly. Yon will receive in return a trial pscksja containing Foley's Honey sod Tar Coo pound, lor bronchial end Is grippe coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney PIlJs, lor lame back, week kidneya, rheumatirm, bladder trouble.; and Foley Cathartic Tab Irti, wholesome sad tborouihly c leant jng cathartic for consiipstloii. bilioasncM. headache and tlnggisb bowels. You will also receive, I fee of charge, Foley's Family Almanac, containing "Alphabet tor Children" and "Health HioV't Foley's Booklet os "Kidney Dioceses'1 nd lew simple suggestions lor those having kidney and bladder troubles. Yoq can secure sfl these lor only Sc. Daveno Be d A Daveno bed is two useful and attractive pieces of furniture in one. ' By day it serves as. a davenport to enhance the an pearance of the living room and at night it may be jjant'y transformed into a full size, comfortable The mattress, bedding and pillows are always in place, yet concealed from view when the Daveno is closed. . , , , . - oak, upholstered in genuine leather. - Crawford Furniture Company: HOME FURNISHER 10S E, Court fit. Phone 4M 11' U H M ( ( t H-lWr... . tut If, ..,. AAA. .sJsVf.fcil.-Js J k-. aifcjUsVjaVAaVaVJsV,t.afc L.Sj. q