East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 02, 1920, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    ?:en pases
ranlMta TMllr Bml-w-My, ti
fVndl.lon. Orftun, b the
Knter.d t Ui otorfic t
to, Oregon, a eceod-cl Bull
ta.Brtai Hotel Mfwi Run, Portln.
Chlo-c Burwu, Security Bulld-
'vi'-.Mngto, D. C Borwm Ml Four
.;h (Street, N. W.
..- f lk iHWittH Pma -
Th Aolt-J Pre l exciunlvely
eatl-led to th um for ropublicailoa r
11 a.w dit.h credited to It or
pot etherwi or-llt4 In this ci
4 th lock P-blld a
Dally, en yer, by mall
Haily. i month, by mall .
rlly, tfcr month by mll n. ...
Dully, on month by mall.
Daily, on year by carrier
Iily, aix month by carrier
Dully, thrn month by rrt.
Dally, one month, by crrUr.
B.mi-Werkly, on year, by mll...
Rml-Weeklv. l month, hy mall
Remi-Wevkly. fuur mouth, by mail
(By Fran . Stanton.)
We sowed the eed fer th harvest.
An' dreamed the frulu o". fall;.. ..
An' ..tb'lnfla Went wrong;, ..,.
Though we tolled along--
But w pulled through, after all!
i ' i
MUTiKured the yield o' cpttori.
An", the corn crop went to the wall;
An' we heaved a algh . -j. , j,,-,., ft
At the prospect dry.
, But we pulled through, after all)
oh. it'a all in a rushln lifetlme-
.,Perhapa, when on high, they call.
Be it soon or late . !,r a
When we reach the gal '
We ll oull through, after all!
CniivriehtMl far Lh Ehhi .Oreffonlan Pub. Co.
(Rast Oroiroiilan' Special.) ''. ..
Ot,TniANE,' Nov. . -Threshing w;l
,8.ptttrtid In this vicinity Ikst wee but
. ine recent rain aeiayeu . mem u i-w
-" days. ' ' '
Lit Mr!l K0" Atonigomery ami mr, umi
175 Mra-Vern Ca.te returned ' Tuesday
'lt rrom t"lark8,on. AVnsh.whero they at-
j"' tended their father's and mother' gold
75 en wedding .unniveraarsr. an or meir
! children botntt prcnt oxcept one loj'.'
Ivyi There are 1 1 children in the family.
Mm. Joe ' Mettle visited Tuesday
With Mrs. John iJKlrtfoot.
Frank Chapman 1 started to the
mountains Tuesday to take Chas. Nel
son up on top of the mountain, nau
the misfortune to run a wheel oft his
car. Jim Kelson went up - and 'took
him on through. '.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Monaghan . have
been caring for 'the store and post of
fice during Mrs." Cates' absence.
Mat McGovern, who has been work
ing a short time for Mike Doherty, left
for Pilot Rock to help Truman Cable
awhile, . ' " .'
Owing to the absence of their teach
er Mrs. Vern. Cates, the school chil
dren have had a few days'-vocation.;
f t
AN increase of ?8,000,000 m, exports duc a decrease oi
$150,000,000 in imports' in September, as compared' with
Artrrmr is Khhwn in1 sc. statement issued'today by the Bu
reau of Foreign and Domestic. Commerce of the. department of
Hie exports in September amounted to $606,000,000, against
$578,000,000 in August or trus year, ana oio,uuu,uu 1.i5Ci'
iimluF rf Inst vear
' For the nine months period ended with September, 1920, the
exports were $6)82,000,000 as compared with; ,$5,867,000,000
for last year. ( c ..
- The September imports amounted to $363,000,000, against
sin nnft ftnn in Anmist. 1920. and S435.000.00 in September,
19 19! For the nine months period ended with September of this
year the imports were $4;358,00,000, agamsr ?z,ojy,uuu,uuu
AstfiWrr Vi nrrpsTnriHirio neriod last veT.
The imports of gold in September amounted to $39,Q00,00O
h-& 9A nnn.noA: Tat: the nine
months ended September of this year the imports of gold am
ounted to $39,000,000 and exceeded tnose ior August Dy
i t'0.000. For the nine months ended September of-this year the
imports of gold amounted to $199,000,000, compared witnjpao,-
f.lrt AAA )Un nntvin Aamnrl ff 1 ft 0 VfriiV - "
. September exports of gold amounted to $17,000,000 against
$25,000,000 in August, tmsyear, ana ..a.uuuwu in
3 919- For the nine-month period the gold exports were $359,
000,000, as against $226,000,000 last yesr. imports of silver
r, rnnnnn fnr Rpntmhfir and S73.000.000 for the . nine
months.' Exports of silver during September amounted td $6,
600,000 and for the nine-month period to $99,000,000. (
NEW. YORK.' Nov., ,2. -(A. P.)'
"Professor" P. John Chasler of Brook.
lyn was arrested yesterday on a charge
of grand larceny In connection with a
'discovery" designed to revolutlonue
the motor fuel llndustry by mixing
corn stalks, cane sugar and yeast as a
substitute for gasoline. .
A lesi OI llje suuaiimve in jhcbt dj
him to have been approved a( itamsey,
N. J., bv chemical' experts of. west
Point, military academy.' Assistant
District Attorney Lazarus said the real
icret of the test was two barrels oi
Brain alcohol . hidden behind, a wall
and connected by a pipe to a tank con
tainina- the substitute. Chasler's ar-
reat followed an Investigation by the
district attorney's office of a complaint
of a delegation representing 400 per
ons of the east side who claim to have
l&vested In stock of. the - Fermogas
company said to have-been formed by
Chasler for the manufacture oi,tne
substitute .motor fuel. .
Chaslor.was specifically charged by
Enrich Bares, a dealer In precious
stones, with misappropriation oi a. .,-
000 check made payable to the l-er-
mogas company.
iLL..jjiuj j iffeprwiEJSmlae!Wma!mmmxjLu.i giaw ' -' -
' j flip " " .l jijl j ' '
Lfryt-i 53 H' KV ' Ij obit in construction-tvery part of Hi
:"'"- y.y""' X j "ffi.'NSf ,.Cl - ill,, III , lalUy is fitted to tin fraction of a thousandth
I ' UJi r-ji "T-A fet-ll ofaninchormatler-whichiicbouton.
j ' ' 'H'-'i ' ' '-tLLk -' 1 ' ' 'Hi. -4 VwFr)fTjfrri fourth tin thKkMtst of a fin human hair.
'I " dfi'l f-"J--f . , . . j, j-XipK Y WPlnrSTBll'l vtn singtiitreu). nut and bolt isiruiiviiiu.
'' . -. jPj ' I ' fci "'' I' " ' "''''ff Pi ullfinsdfurfit,itmiiith andikmruk -j
vb ' ' r
J ft--"- - .
.v . -Xfh? -
TT 1
DJDER the laws of Oregon the voter is supposed to have an
untrammeled right to cast his ballot as he pleases on
. .ltinn Hnv without interference. Campaignmgas tor-
biddin and many old-time practices are under the ban. The
i-r fh vprw sWific and the East Oregonian has always con
strued it as meaning in spirit and letter to apply to newspapers
.5 -T-ii iHnnls Therefore this paper has refrained
"w-rTv-nneoii election day: However; the PorH
ITnewsDaners as usual fail to heed what appears to be the
plain meaning of the law. ".' . '. X
en . ,i,.ii ha a Hprisivfl ruluiir as to uie meaning oi tne
corrupt practices act, so that it may. appiyto all alike, f elec
tioneering Is forbidden on election day the fact should be mde
.i. .na thP law should be observed. If, the law does not mean
hatlt says then the bars should be completely down.
FEATURE of the week which has caused surprise in some
quarters hasten the reaction oi money rates w iuk"
levels, with the accompanying effects which necessarily
. ' i i o Thore rinn heen no alteration vx tur-
7?2S. federal resVrveankrbuTon the contrary, a redue
V1 "1 commitments of these' instituhons'
thh wdionnte- In some parts of the countrythe effort to
Sd back aSultural product in order to. secure higher .prices
i rJsulteS slowing down payment at banks and has tended
to prevenUiSidSonf In others, the process of moving crtps
t JSeedednorBm.mdjKiai a correspond-;
&"lSjSK- There has , conb ued
to be a reasonably good demand for acceptances and pthei' in
stmints on the part of country banks. Higher' money rates
vesunenw wic k temnoranr. a view supported by
tt-ard. movement oi quotauons wiuui --k -r: -
Icl&s Whfle the exchange market has responded to. tiie better
r nt Britain every decided gain in quotation, par
MSSbS&IS25 bthe selling of Urger
totcommS bills called forth by the better outlook; and
r;uca t,o h. tn vpetj- Prices down. From the
in conwu-ciac -
Clews Financial Review. , 7. ;
CHICAGO. 'N'bv.'-..'.-Charle H!
Weeghman, fo'r several years pre'sldent
of the Chicago National, league base
ball club, was dropped from the direc
torate at the annual meeting of the
stockholders . Monday. William I
'cck( president of the club, .was cho
sen in his stead.,' Other: members of
the board were reelected. '.
. Selectonof John j. .rivers as man
ager of the Cuba was approved as was
the report of the. financial condition of
the elub. which snowea a prom in au
dition to the wiping 'out of all obliga
tlpns.. ' ; . ' -
rovSTANnXOPLB, Novr 2. (O,
P. . Bolshevik ' forces havev Begun
their final pre-winter attack on Gen
eral Wrangel's troops. Tney are
flinging themselves into tne iignung
that th? Electric Light and Power Plant you buy is the
plant best suited for your 'needs. - ' '
Be sure that you are not too easily convinced by clever ,
arguments. ,: . '
Be sur to get pJl the facts. ' Demand the proofs see )
;': the figures. ' ' "' '':''. "' " ' ' '" .' '
. Be sure of the mechanical excellencer-see that preci: ,
sion and exactness are built into every part. 1 :
Be sure that it is simple; that evenf moving part b in- .
stantly accessible. , ' '"' . v ; : '
":'.Be sure that it is dependable, that it is efficient; that it :;
is powerful; that it will do in the" best, most convenient
and mofct economical manner everything that is claim-
edforiL. i- 4v,',.l - ':"r"-''i
Be sur above fill tfatKeSrSi'flilngd' areve)cplafned;:'de" .
monsf rated and proved to you in detail clearly and V
concisely, so that you can understand them.
Then, and not until then, can you possibly be sure that
you have made the best selection. ' , '
Be sure to sea the LALLEY before you buy and prove
to your self tliat it "Does More-Does It Better." Theh, ;
and then only;J will you know the reason behind the
LALLEY slogan "Dpes More Does It Better." ; . "
Get the LALtEY . book;, . itt is full; of labor-saving,
money .making helps. It tells you iri detail all about
the bigger, better, more powerful LALLEY and how it
. will pay for.itself in time and labor saved.'. This book
. is free andjt does: not obligate you in any way send ;
-'". tfor it today.. V-;: .';...rv'i.ry ';;'.;,'. t.-.w.v'-
?S;;:;;:;:'S ; -'l:':'
" Pendleton, Ore. . ; Walk-Walla, Wash. '
Stll Hit plant of provtn quality.
A plant drtigntd by tntn u ho know farm
light and pourr tnimremcntt kmlt U
giv yeurs of perfect tertkt at lot optr
ahi.g cost
A plant which hat given amipktt talis
faction to thousands of ustrsoi tr a ptriod
often years. , .'
A plant on which tit after tales tervic
dot not tat up yourprofJs.,
Our tried and tested sales plan enables '
dealers to increase their net profits and
to build a permanent, substantial business.
There is still open some' good productirt
territory. To dealers who uill go light
after business and no' after it nnht, ut
uill assign txrlusiv territory and ro-
operate un!h tales and sen ice methods
that have proved stucessjuL Writ or
Hire AO IV for the .alley Piopouiiun.
The BE SURE Coupon
Gentlemen: I want to Bm Sort, to without obligation ,
or co-t on my part, send me the pew I slley ikk and full J,
Dirtkula s about the Laliey Light and Home Electric .
I Power Plant, also the name and addfe ut my nearest I
Laliey Light Sale and Service utiort. v j
Name j
Town ............i
, . -rr- r
with fresh divisions from the north
and with arms from, the Polish front
Soviet troops attacked along the en
tire southern front. ' Ilolsheviki com'
muniques claimed complete success.
Wrangel-admitted the evakniatinn of
BerdlarJsk, on th bank of Azof,. and
Alexandrovsk., Withdrawal, is said
to be strategic, Wrangel' desiring to
meet the enemy on prepared lines
:' ! r '
tWfl i averatre voter strives
. .IT. x.-.JLt tn th. nuestions at stake. It is the right
?.ia"","T.T T kVtt maintain a continnous inters
; i aairr It M hard to coach up on so many things at
pne time. i , T
v After a day or two it will be possible to take some time for
the football season, the Red Cross drive ana otner press...
political events oi liuere-a. r t . g ; J , , , r
Another drop in the price of sugar is reported and no one
wilt complain agatnst sucn news.
avTWKRP. Nov. ! --A. . re
publication of the lnidwry of th
Dutch football player protested
strenuously against the quarters allot
ted them aboard a small steamer I
which brought them to Antwerp and
on which they were supposed to, live.
Pour of them, ringleaders In the "re
bellion." were barred from the bigl
. ., , , .. ....( 1 1. r. i . . v. n t.a iMiif.t KnmmiTr.i I
. u.t i.iiri. rwixium ""' lira, uu w 1,1. . i ...... i
- in the Olympic touma- -client to discipline them and send
.... ,h.t Hi American Olym-iihem home In dltrrace the entire!
tteeam as not th only, on to rebel, team formed a "rt of a soviet and
becaur of the tranport aocommoda- forced th .committee to. back down,
.-ik.il theia. - li-t aa th American 1eam won out
,,., the America's found the ever it Olympic committee lo ill caeel
Jiatolk ait overcrowded h'i h n jiheara. 1
t Jim''' ' V
, V- . ' v - tx ,
. t
';.!. ', . II
!.' l
. . J
' ' 4 : 1 1
:; -
ww. afraid? Tht UtUe ftetch lal hin't, anyway! The pic
Wno izTZLliriw river In Ulenesk on a wire "bridge," con-!ei-L?
U thT. ma-neTthe fam.l, gets rxro. tb
SLb4 iTwhT?hl. Utti lrl want to so to totu, u -U tu
r-.-v - '-r " ft' - ' ' " -r-"- " ;
'. . tt.. . 1 til ,. i 1 i
' (East Oregonlsn'Speclal.), ' ' '
-C. A. Rhea I spending a few days at
the home of his son, Waldon Rhea,
C. M. Jackson made a business trip
to Sand Hallow on Wednesday.
Mrs. H. M. Cox ami daughter Miriam
of Arlington, Oregon, were week end
uets at the home' of Mrn. Cox'b sis
ter, Mrs. W. O. Rodda. On Sunday a
party motored up Little Butter Creek
tq Lena, where they left Miss Miriam
COx who teactte school near that
place.: Miss Cox had been In attend
ance at the teachers institute at Pen
dleton last week. ,,'-!
Elvin Corley of Gurdane' was a re
cent' visitor at Westland. :.. :', .-
1 fay Is again moving from the West-
lahd siding as the Tillamook Ranch
Co. Is shipping Its crop to coast points.
Fred. Thorn who la attending the
Pendleton high school spent Institute
r eek at the home of his mother, Mrs.
It., E. Thorn,' Ha returned to Pendle
toa. Sunday afternoon.' . . ,; .
Lower Butter Creek people have re
sumed their neighborhood dances held
a the dance hall,, and those attending
Saturday evening had an- enjoyable
time,. The next dance will' be. held
Vov. .,', ... .-',''
- Wt,ll Ogden has moved his machine
r.liop iy me site ni nis turnirr nli
which waa recently destroyed by fire
and has remodelled the machine shop
and converted It Into a neat' and com
forfabe. residence., -. . . -
1- (. 1..
MOXTOOMHUr, Ala"., Nov. 2. (A
P.) Armed county .and. cily officers
and cltft.en volunteers were on guard
last' night In the southern portion
this county where the burning of cot
ton gins, dwellings and churches yes
terday . has led to the arrest of . 11
neeroes and the death of three others
The property loss reported due to
the Area waj tsitlmated. at 1100,000.
rr .
-;. Jj '1-
t" " f 1
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EL PA80 President Obregor.. ol Meco, Is seen la this 61c
tore arriving at the station her, en route to Dallus to a-'tend the
Texas Mate fair. Hit Visit It expected to do much to k,t about
h.nir-ittr,n. Ti n MnyV-n axul-l-- lllllUd SlHlan. ...
1 '-'... "9
. ,