"f v 2.t2 It s f 1 if : ti::!il!!i!!i!!!!l!!!!!III!ilI!I Lower Prices GROCERIES DRY GOODS NOTIONS SHOES MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS BEAK CASH STORE ( Phone 432 300 West Webb St. EE Out of the High Rent District aUTBURSTS Of; EVERETT TRUE Going forward A community must either go forward or retreat, there is no middle ooursei. Civic enterprises suc ceed to the extent of the stength or local financial institutions and the manner in which they are able In render assistance. Kstablislml some Thirty-two years an, the Amor Ican .National Hank has kept pace with Pendleton's development. Today It is foremost hi modern hanking service, with splendid resources which en ables it lo handle all kinds of commercial and sav ings accounts. The AmencanKai ional Bank " Pendleton. Oregon. 'Strongest Sank in Gastern Oregon' 7 m mo we re tvtokcst WL : JOT OF TfcOOQ,t.S. ; '-TMIS MlGiM ANO T-OU KNOW tVHAT TUiT MNICl'.Ae, - ii r .r hi il . - r- ".v,SWir- Sir? A PAm i -r-i fou-RS GITHCR A PROMT OH A T"Ot CHLiMI-rY- -- A -POSC? .Wvl Tirfr-r t rz Ml DAILY MARKET NEWS, LOCAL AND GENERAL Including Pendleton Prices and Associated Press Reports Tht following prices are the prices being paid to producers by Pendleton business houses. Wherever .retail prices are given the face will be spe cifically mentioned. Hens and Foul try. Eggs, TO cents In trade. (Retail price Is 75 cents.) Hens, 20 cents; Spring fryers, 28 cents a pound. Country nam. Etc, Kam, best quality, 28c Bacon, best quality. 40c Butter Fat a-id Butter. Ranch batter, 81.2s a roll. (Retail price Is also 8 LIS.) Dr, Lynn K. Blakeslee Chronio and Nervous Dlseaaea and Diseases of Women. X-Bay Electro Therapeutic, rem pie Bid. Boon u Phone 41 DR. C H. DAT Physician and Surgeon Osteopath Rooms 28 and 25 Smith-Crawford Building. Telephone 70s Rea. T4I-F -"'''a,ttiiis.M.u.e.iiisiUi1us.uieaiis Cabaret Dancing Every Evening at the Jolly Inn Cafeteria Basement St George Hotel Come and dance to your heart's content amid the most favorable surroundings. m it til t S3 a Hi m m if OnlyS days left He' sure to see our big Ten-Day Sale Exhibit of latest 1820 McDougulls handsomest ever shown before this sale closes! Note the prices! McDougall TheOnlyAutoFrontKilchenCabiiiGt Bit and Just reach. Why trot, trot, trot- Have half you kitchen btfoie you in one of these McDougulls. Come and get one at our Sale Prices based on old wholesale roots. We have no Idea what the new prices will be. McDougalls are the finest kitchen cabinets built Made by the oldest firm In the business, leaders from the start. You will agree on their excellence when you see them. Rave by buying now. fipeclal terms, if desired, for these last three days! ' Cruikshank & Hampton lJTTi JS E. Webb St. QUAXJTT OOCKTfl Phone MS Hogs Arc Weak and Ijower for Week's Start , , Arrivals at North Portland Monday included 86 cars, compared with 123 a week ago, 117 two weeks ago, S4 four weeks ago and 114 a year ago. hogs were weak and 50o lower, cattle were slow to steady while sheep wera about steady. In the hog alleys there was a n.n of only (16 head, compared with the nominal showing of 471 last week and 843 head a year ago.. Trade at Nocth Portland started the week with a loss of 50c in the swine alleys, tops going down to 814 during the morning. General hog market range: Trlme mixed 813. 50-5)14. 00 Smooth heavy 13.00J3.0 Rough heavy 1 0.00 W 12.00 Best pigs 12.0013.00 Feeder pigs ' 10.00 12.50 AVhile no price changes were In dicated at the opening of the Monday trade, the- market for cattle at North l'ortland was rather alow and only nominal business resulted in the start. There was a rather fair run In the cattle alleys but the totals were below recent Monday's. However, -this did not stimulate the early trading. - General cattie range: Choice steers .. ... .. . ....2 8.759.50 Good to choice steers . . . 7.76 8.76 Medium to good steers . . 8.76 7.76' Fair to good steers ..... 8.26 8.76 Common to fair steers .. ' 5.60 8.25 Good to choice cows and rotifers . .' t.iiOijj) 6.50 Choice cows and holders . 6.50 7.60 Medium to good ws ar-t heifers 4.50 6.50 Fair to mediumcows. and, heifers .'3.50 4.50 Canners .' ' 2.60 3.50 Bulls 6.000 6.08 Choice dairy calves .... 11.000 15.00 Heavy calves 7.00 (.08 Best light calves , 11.00 13.00 Medium light cales ... 8.00011.00 Best feeders 7.009 7.60 Fair to good feeders .... 6.00 7.00 Early trading In Bheep and lambs at orth Portland Monday failed to :feow the slightest change either in price or sentiment. There was a rath er liberal run of 2425 head, compared with 1836 a week ago and 772 head a year ago. uEast of mountain lambs. 8 9.00 J 9.60 Willamette valley lambs. 8.00-tf 8.60 Feeder lambs 8.00 8.50 Cull lambs 6.00 6.00 Yearlings 6.00 0 7.50 Wethers . ., 6.00? 6.60 Ewes ' 2.60 5.75 iCHUMANN-HEIilK THRILLS IMMIGRANTS . ,. r !:. --y :':::iTA m; iL-yV jjgL i .yfl , 'ilM ' -J. C Penney Oo A Nationwide Institution 4 e Boys Fall n4 Winter Cats 89c, 93c, $149 : : 1 1 ' l PKNDM7TOW, ORP ' -Opposite Hotel Pendleton, mfV, Waffn Cloves & MUt.nq 49c, 59c, S9tJ, 9itc; Lower Prices on Penny Jr. and Armour. Glad - Clothes for Boys New Costs Shown in Latest Price Adjustments , $12.50, $14.75, $16.50 - Our policy of price protection for "our 'customers on quality merchandise is again emphasized in the new prices we are able to quote on our justly famous PENNEY JR. and ARMOUR CLAD de pendable clothes for boys. .'. Lower prices would mean nothing to you were it not for the unusual service built into these well known boys' clothes. Very pleasing fabrics woven from spe cially tested woolens thoroughly shrunk before cutting. Double elbow cloth, guar anteed mohair linings, special canvas fronts, reinforced pockets. ' ; t .,v'v Pants have double seat, double knees, lined throughout with extra quality lin ing, taped seams, belt loops, adjustable bottoms and non-ravel pocket facings. Ages 7 to 17. In our adjustment of prices we have placed our entire stock in three low priced groups. . ' . 5 .. $1250, $147$, $16.50 v ' No change for alterations. EVERYDAY PRICES ON UTILITY ! MERCHANDISE 36 inch Challies for comfort coverings, yard . ;', . . ... .'. 29c 36 inch Silkolines, dainty patterns, yard . '. . '. .... . ". . . . ... 25c Toile Du Nord; Red Seal and A. F. C. Ginghams, yard. : . .'.. 33c Pay Day Heavy. Blue Denim Overalls, pair $1.98 J. C. Penney Cc- A Nationwide Institution 5 3 I 3, i a a 3 ft-abord Bui In llrfps . : Rabtc Price of WTieat. CHICAGO. Nov. 2. Buying on the part of houses with seaboard connec tions led to moderate upturn In wheat values Monday after the market had been depressed during mqrt of tne season. Prices close firm at the same as Saturday's finlsh'to 1 1-2 higher, with December 2.09 1-2 to 2.10 ana March 2.02 to 2.02 1-4. Corn closed 6-8 net lower to 1 1-8 advance and oats varying from 1-8 decline to S-4 to 7-8 gain. In provisions the out come was a decline of 17 to 23. Wheat showed some strength at the outset but there was a lack of sustain ed sunDort and a reaction ensued briefly as a result of speculative sell Ing based on talk of liberal receipts, Export of clearances, however, were large and no great desire was shown to press the selling side of the market. Shorts were quick to reverse their po sition when late in the day some signs of demand from the seaboard ap pcared. On the other hand new ex port business was said to total only 200,000 bushels. Corn and oats failed to reflect the rally In wheat. Provisions, although dull, were higher as a result of an upturn In the hog market. WE ARE PROUD OF .:f "TX.I3 ISLAND, N. T. "oa. ear can you see.'' Madame nn-Heink, famous grand opera prima donxa, sans; with a i vlgot Sbe has seldom equaled when she poured forth the ; words of the national anthem to Immigrants Just arrived .as other day. The great singer won wild applause from ttu .cos to bo. Tbs Inset la remarkable photo of Madame Scill ,4oa-Ueiat w efts ?( bcr wbste ku! to to Antrim J. song. Hops Quiet at New York; ' 11 des and Wool Unchanged. NEW YORK, Nov. 2. Hops quiet; stateiW20, 5055191, 40S45; Pa cific coast 1920, 4761; 1919, 46 48. ' 1 Hides and wool unchanged. ! I IIM2QIDS IORANULK- CsiINDIGESTION Dfawolv InetantlF en tongue) (win waln-hoi or cld( da not hmv to srush. QUICK RELIEF! also IN TAaurr powm rtA who essrxs thsm. macs or scott a oowwa . MAKERS OF SCOTT'S EMULSION ', 3 The Qeanest Coal in the World. THAT IS WHY WE SELL COAL BY : -'NAME. ' Beware of the Dealer That ; Sells an Unnamed Coal.! '.' t -sir Phone 178 i aCQ I,. niflfTlir 1 AlirnAIll AA isv" taiiitf iirit,s 1 Dr. David BrHiU DENTISTRY and ' ' X-Ray Diaifnosis Pendleton, Oregon! THE ALFALFA FARMER ' Is 4t hard to sell your hay? . Why not put In a few feeders tliW winter? The Farmers and Merchants Bank "Walls Walla, Wash, '.. E. 8. vicisszis, n. D. Eye, Ear, Koi snd Throst. Offlcti ; 10-11-12 Bond BondiBf Pendleton, Ore. . " ' 1 -i - . IJt.t J J...IH..I.I, JUL' 1 ..!. '. ''. "' I I.H -UlL.. H I, HI. The New 1921 BUIGKS have arrived. , Come in and look ' them over. ; T '-y -,-1 JT- " nr" .:,. regon jyjotor Irmge, , BUICK, CADILWC AND CHEVROLET 1 3