East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 30, 1920, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE FOURTEEN, Image 14

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    0 i u
" oat K13T.";.
i p c
If you expect to enjoy the comforte of Fall and
Winter driving your car must be in the right kind of
Condition. . , ,
Bring it here each and every job is supervised
by an expert mechanic. , iiisHJ
General Auto Repairing
i Cottonwood and Water
Phone 530
(Continued from Page ,)
Article it
The Assembly may from ' time to
time advise the reconstdoratlun by
Members ot tho League of . treaties
which have become inapplicable end
! the consideration of International con
ditions whoso continuance might en
danger the peace of the world.
Article 20
lugs like the Monroe Doctrine, for se
curing the maintenance of peace,
Article 22
, To those colonies and 'territories
which as a consequence of "the late
war have ceased to be under the sov
ereignty of the States which -formerly
governed them and which are inhablt
, ed by peoples not yet able to stand by
themselves tinder the strenuous condl
tlons of the modern world, there
should be applied the principle that
the well-being and development' of
such peoples form a sacred trust of
civilisation and that securities for, the
performance of this should be embod
ied In this covenant.
The Members of the League several -
i ly agree that this Covenant is accepted
aa aorogallng all obligations or under
standlngs Inter se which are Inconsist
ent with the termms thereof, and
lolemnly undertake that they will not
hereafter enter Into any engagements
Inconsistent with the terms thereof.
In case any Member of the League
shall, before becoming a Member of
the League, have undertaken any obli
gations Inconsistent with the terms of
this Covenant, It shall be the duty of
such member to take Immediate steps
to procure Its release from such obli
...... " Article 21
rfo.mrt , .i, .i..ji, uenaii ui me ta
nH.n.l ,. . .i .,l"Ue-
. t n . tiisuiiriiiriiia. dulii na iimuw
of arbitration or regional understand-
The best method of giving practical
effect to this principle is that the tute
lage of such peoples should be Intrust
ed to advanced nations who by reason
of their resources, their experience or
their geographical position can best
undertake this responsibility, and who
ore willing' to accept it and that this
(tutelage should be exercised by them
yjzc ' if
'double Cable Base
w s l r ' .- , s : ii i - -
XJ; . .i . . ... t ' ;
Tttml nudk ft.
So Orf. Tin
Stop Letting Rims Abuse Your Tires!
1 Federals exceed in mileage because
none pi their wear is needlessly
wasted by rim-chafe.
Federals alone have the Doubled
Cable-Base those four staunch
cabks of twisted steel about which
you have read so much. These
cables anchor the tire solidly against
the rim and prevent . rim-cuts,
blow outs just above the rim, tube
pinching, etc. There!s real economy
in using Federal Tires. A trial wiU
convince you.
Phone 400
The character of the mandate must
differ according to the stage of the
development of the people, the geo
graphical situation of the territory. Its
economic conditions and other similar
Certain communities formerly be
longing to the Turkish Empire have
reached a stage of development where
their existence as Independent nations
can be provisionally recognized sub
ject to the rendering of administrative
advices and assistance by a Mandatory
until such time as they are able to
stand alone. The wishes of these com
munities must be a principal consid
eration in the selection of the Manda
tory. r
Other peoples, especially those 'ot
Central Africa, are at such a stage
that the Mandatory must be respon
sible for the administration of the ter
ritory under conditions which will
guarantee freedom of consicence and
religion, subject to the maintenance of
public order and morals, the prohibi
tion of abuses such as the siave'trade,
the arms traffic and the liquor traffic,
and the prevention of the establish
ment of fortifications or military and
naval bases and of military training
of the natives for other than police
purposes and the defense of territory,
and will also secure equal opportuni
ties for the trade and commerce of
other Members of the League.
There are territories, such as South
west Africa and certain of the South
Pacific Islands, which, owing to the
sparseness of their population, or their
small size, or their remoteness from
the centers of civilization, or their geo
graphical contiguity to the territory
of the Mandatory, and other circum
stances, can be best administered un
der the laws of the Mandatory as in
tegral portions of Its territory, subject
to the safeguards aboVe mentioned in
the -interests of the indigenous population.
TJ711AT will please you most about
v V the new NiActeen Twenty One
Buick models is their utility. - You can
rely on the Buick Valve-in-Head motor
for power for the hardest travel, the
greatest speed emergency, .
To remarkable serviceability, the new
Buick models add really impressive beauty.
The graceful body lines, handsome ap
pointments, refinements and roominess
inspire justifiable pride among owners.
Authorized Buick service, nation-wide in
extent, reinforces their high serviceability.
Pricn of the Nw Mnctoa Twenty 0 Dutch S
Model TiMy Oor-Forty Four, tbff pr.fr cr
Mwfel Twenty OM-t'erly f ire, tivt p.msiii ctr 1
. ' , Moitet Twiitr One-ff.!. 9tl. h) piMeimcT tiuup.
Moarl Twenty Onr-Knn, Srmett, five p.Mrliri inJiA
Mffarl Iwrnir Oie-funr rltl, iMt paneufff wip.
Mn.fl TwrMjr Onr-f.ry Nine, Kttn paiwnfpr ctr ,
Mci TvtMi Oar.Kllty, ht.u h'" KiMm
t, OL i. r4 Cm4 rnM.. tout
Oregon Motor Garage
Phone, ASM
"19-121 W Court
u """J"1;"1-' -iL--iMiiiiiinnrj-- y i a ; ,", L I i in rff
: i , ' ' --
To the voters
The taxpayers of Portland and Multnomah County are not only willing but
anxious to-provide tha Port of Portland with needi funds for dredging our River
Channel to the sea. The Committee that formulated what is known as the Port
of Portland and Dock Commission Consolidation Bill under the numbers 810 and
Sll on the ballot insisted, however, upon weighting down the measure with an
enormously expensive real estate scheme, and by a formal vote turned down the
request of taxpayers that the Swan Island scheme and the River Channel scheme
be presented a3 separate measures. Refusing to be forced to swallow something
they cannot approve, Multnomah County is expected to vote adversely to the
whole scheme by an overwhelming majority. Having done this, they will then be
ready to vote for any needed amount for improving ourRier Channels. A Com
mittee of the City Club has submitted a detailed analysis of the measure showing
that it means an ultimate expenditure of at least $40,000,000.
Our Chamber of Commerce and other civic bodies with all of our river pilots
and steamboat owners and others have protested against it. At least twelve form
er and present members of the Port of Portland and the Dock Commission have
declared against it A majority, if not all, of our City Commissioners oppose it.
The Committee of 15 itself that drafted the measure i3 divided. "
The Taxpayers of Portland Appeal to You
in a spirit of fair play to save this county from the Imposition upon us of such an
overwhelming and paralyzing debt as this measure contemplates. It would be
deemed offensive if we gave expression to what we believe to be the selfish and
ambitious political motives that have inspired the measure which is submitted
with a distinctively deceptive title. . .
We simply appeal for fair play and a decent consideration "of 'the hopeless
plight in which this community will find itself if the measure carries. NAs citi
zens of outlying counties who will not have to pay a dollar of the debt imposed,
we appeal to you to consider what would be your feelings if Multnomah Gounty
should try to impose a similar burden on you. Our interests in a general way
are mutual
It is ocr sincere judgment that the success of this measure will seriousV re
tard, instead of promoting, the development of this port and that the state at
large will in return suffer severely as a consequence.
Vote Measure Number 311 X No
i. .-iiiTaxpay eri. Vigilances Committee ;
ROUT. J. LINDEN, Secretary
In every case of mandate. The If an
datory shaH render to the Council n
annual report In reference to the ter
ritory committed to its charge.
The degree of authority, control, or
administration to be exercised by the
Mandatory shall, if not previously
agreed upon by the Members of the
League, he explicitly defined in eah
case by the Council.
A permanent Commission shall be
constituted to receive and examino the
annual reports of the Mandatories and
to advise the CouncU on all matters
relating to the observance of the man
dates. - ''.--a
' Article 23
Subject to and In, accordance wlttf
the provisions of Unemotional conven
tlons existing or hereafter to be agreed
upo, the Members of the League:
(a) wlll endeavor to secure and
maintain fair and humane condt-
- Hons of labor for men, women, and
children, both in their own countries
and in all countries to which then
own commercial and industrial rela
tions extend, and for that purpose
will establish and maintain the
necesssary international organiza
tions; ,
(b) "undertake to secure just treat
ment of the native Inhabitants of
territories under their control; 1
c) will intrust the League with the
general supervision over the execu.
tion of agreements with regard to
the traffic in women and children,
and the traffic in opium and other
dangerous drugs;
(d) will intrust the League with the
genera' supervision of. the trade In
arms a. d ammunition with the
countries In which the control of this
traffic is necessary in the common
interest;.- '
(e) - will make provision to secure and
maintain freedom of- communica
tions and of transit' and equitable
treatment for the commerce of all
Members of tho League. - In this
connection, the special necessities
of the region devastated during the
war of 1914-1918 shall be borne in
(f) will endeavor to take step In
matters of International concern .for
the prevention and control of dis
ease. Article 2i ''
There shall be placed under the di
rection of the League all International
bureaus already established by gen
eral treaties if the parties to such tres.
ties consent. All such- International
bureau and all commissstons for the
i'f (tula tion of matters of international
interest hereafter constituted shall be
placed under the direction of the Lea
In all matters of International Inter
est which are regulated by general
conventions but which are not plac
ed under the control of International
bureaus or commmlssions, the Becre-tarUa-ttt
-the- L gislMMI."'sittJt It
the consent ot the Council end if de-
I sired by the parties, collect and distri
:,: bote all revelant information and shall
S jn-ndcr any other assistance which mny
j b necessary pr jcslrgbls, j
Tha Council mav inrtmiA a v.. . . " - '
S9 SdTnde0; rrr
of thn Inr, , ' na me mitigation TI sut-
1 ,ne league, i .. .-!, iw.i,.,i .u ...
- Article 25 , ' i . -
The Members"' of the Xemfui.
In inontiNM . ----- i 'Auiviiunranu IQ U1I I O VP Rati X Will
ilshmen nd IJZ e"!f f" tnke en ratified by the Mem-
lishment and cooperation of duly bers ot he league whose Hepresenfa-
Uves compose the council and by at
majority of the Members of the League
wlse Representatives compose the
Assembly. 1
No such smenament shall bind any
r i . . . - . .. . ii . . ..i
its Olwent therefrom, Imt In that case
it shall cease to be a Member of the
League. -
MiwiMl r &2i&A
All M&m
WziSSv, -w gf i" lie i '
The first requisite in a Ai
yard crane or a storage
. battery plate '
AND because the Philadelphia
S Diamond Grid Battery plates
are extraordinarily strong, the guar
antee is the longest and most liberal
of any nationally known battery; .
The Longest Guarantee
The Philadelphia Diamond Grid
Battery is guaranteed for two years
from six to twenty-one months
longer than other batteries. '
The Most Liberal 'Guarantee
Free from burdensome restrictions.
For instance, failure of insulation.
one of the most frequent of battery -troubles,
is definitely included. ', '
iPU'SSH; E :, ,J i-Pff W !4fal? -f S 11 i . , Mill
' f, i ..7T" Tim il iii nniii'i I Hi '' - - f
v ,
I . - .i V - .-
- L UI
With the PHILCO Slotted Retail :sx
We repair tnd.Kecharge all 'makes of T!atterlei-and have
' -- . i ' service station. .
a complete clectitcal - slock ' and
TOJL .CITAgE.'.e0.t; jm
' SS i:.' Court (St., IViHlMmii - "J