TEN PAGES . PAILT EAST, OaEGpiflAW, PENDLETON, OEEGpa, 'TPEBAYVBinWQ, 'Rfi-U, 192J). i 1 i nrr-m '"i , 1 r,' ,i aaarJ t-" n-n i, 1 ",-aa.: People Here and There ' ' " ' ' 'Mini" Helen IrvInK, who tamed Let ,;tie, tile Hound-Up buffalo, mo that the Sntmal came at Miss Irvlng's call, 1h now In California posing for moving picture comedies. Miss Irving; has ap ' pemed on the screen many times, playing character parts. Hubduln Lettie was her first experience In ani mal taming. ' J. J. WKirlna, of the Internal reve nue department, left last night for headquarter In Portland after spend lng two'days here on lome government canes . . ' C. R. Wallee left last evening for Spokane where he ha business mat ters to attend to for the coining day or two. Jack Galloway, known an "the big man" of Firestone salesmen, wan In (own Monday on one of hl uaunl sales VlHllH. I D. Clarke, city marshal at Hollx, In a vlaltor on business In the city to. day, , . B. B. Casteel, merchant, and I. M. Bchanep, attorney,, both of Pilot Rock, were In the city today on business. Forty yearn ago today two pioneer started to Umatilla, county togelher. They are Charles Lane and L E. Pen-, lend, old residents of this city, and they met on that October day at the lava beds In southern Oregon. Wil liam Lane, son of Mr. Lane, was a youngster of five or six, while Claude and Clarence Penland were toddlers of three and two years, respectively, 'J. Among the people of Pendleton's Colored population there is none; bet ter known than Maggie Moseby, who for severul years has been, employed as a domestic by local people. Tomor row sho leaves for Portland to remain. Maggie declares she's glad to go to a city but she fears she won't be allow ed to vote at the coming election be cause of the change of residence. She is uncertain a to party affiliations but wants' to cast her ballot for Cox. NEWS OF THE COUNTY OFFICES ID OFFICERS :-g-r-T- ' " ! Phillips Estate I'rolted. The estate of the late A. Phillips was admitted to probate today when his will was admitted and F. V. Watts confirmed as executor. FrecwaU-r Couple Lloroiwrt, A marriage license was histied by the county clerk this morning to Gott lieb B. Wels and Miss Thelma Uessle Watson, both of ' Krcewater. They were married, in Pendlolon. Mooting of IMrwtors. Tomorrow at 2:30 p. m. Is -the scheduled time set for the election of chairman, vice-chairman and seore-i mry of the Umatilla county lied Cross. The meeting will be hold In the Ited Cross office and the 10 Pendleton ill rectors, with the directors from other brunches In the county will attend. IRVIN S. COBB expressed his "Studebaker conviction," and likewise voiced the conviction of all owners of the new series Studebakers, when he coined the phrase, "The Studebaker is a WONDER CAR.' i . . . Cobb came West to rough it. He instructed his guides to (how him the wildest and most out-of-the-way spots in Eastern Oregon in order that his thirst for wild" game and adventure could be gratified to the greatest possible degree. The Big Six Studebaker was loaded to capacity the occupants and luggage weighing over a ton. i . :: t - "-;: : ., ' Hauled Trailer Beside Ton Load i "' Considering that this load was to be carried over the lava beds of Eastern Oregon up the highest and steepest mountains across miles of country covered only with sagebrush and badger holes not the slightest semblance of a road being pres ent in many instances one would think that this sort of work ahead, a load of a ton would bo sufficient, but in addition to this a trailer burdened with a further one-half ton w ittarhori tn -.he Big Six and that "WONDER CAR" with its marvelous motor carried the compound load throughout the gurelling hardships- i mc nuuic vuuu expeuiuun wunoui a mtcn. "The Studebaker Bix Six is a WONDER CAR. IRVIN S. COBB. , . ' Most generally read of all American writers. "The Wonder Car" so graphically described by Mr. Cobb just as he completed his Oregon hunting expedition, expresses the sentiment of all Studebaker owners. "Thu I a Studebaker Year. WALLACE BROS. Studebaker Dealers V ' ' Fuimral is livid. The funeral of the late Mrs. Ida Wil son was held today from the Kolsom chape) with llev. It. I lluwialwrger. pustor of the Christian church, offici ating. Mrs. Wilson was (8 years of age and Is survived by her husband and six children. Mr. and Mrs. Wil son came to Pendleton only six days ago to make ther home. ELKS' BUILDING PHONE 74 Dint riot Attorney It. L Keotor is hard ut work on the unsutnents in two cases which he will bo obliged to han dle before the supreme court of the state In session here this week. In one he will uphold the state's side In the appeal of W. W. Wilder, now serving a Hfe sentence for murder. The oth er Is the appeal In the case of Ray Keller vs. Charles A. Johnson,' Mr. KeRlor being attorney for the plaintiff, who Is respondent in the apepiri. IT'Snotabitoftroubleto have plenty of good things to eat on hand all the time, ' when you use Calumet Bak ing Powder. Mix up a batch of biscuits or the finest kind of cake it's all the same. There is never but one result the sweetest and most palatable of foods. There is not as much worry over baking cost3 either. Because Calumet costs less when you buy it the price is moderate. Si if i 'AILU.yVu-E.T. AKING POWDER It costs you less when you use it because you don't use as much of it it has more than the ordinary leavening strength. You get more out of the flour, sugar,eggs, shortening, etc, because there are no failures no waste. Received highest awards World's Pure Food Exposition, Chi cago, Paris Exposition, Paris, France. The largest selling brand in theworld. Pound can of Calumet contains full 16 oz. Some baking powderscome in 12 os. instead of 16 ox. cans. Be sura you get a pound when ; ou want it. Calumet Doughnut Recipe 4 cups of pastry flour, 3 level tea spoons Calunr'tt Baking Powder, Vi teaspoon of salt, 1 cup of i sugar, 2 eggs, ! beaten together, 2 tablespoons of melted butter, ' 1 cup of milk. Then mix in the regular way. SLOAN'S GOES RIGHT Too can Just tell by Its healthy, tlmulatini odor, that it is . going, to do you good THOUSANDS of men and women, when the least little rhedmatic "crick" assails them, have Sloan's Liniment handy to knock it out. Pop ular over a third of a century ago far more popular today. That's because it tf so wonderfully helpful in relieving external aches and paiiu sciatica, lumbago, backache, neuralgia, overstrained muscles, stiff joints, weather exposure results. A little is all that is necessary, for it soon portraits without rubbing, to the soro spot. No muss, no stained skin. All druggists 35c, 70c, $1.40. linimentS TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WAXTKD by couple, clean, modern apartment permanent rent rea sonable Phone S42. room 1. 'State-Wide' Telephone Service Our efforts are constantly directed ti the extension and improvement of "state-wide" telephone service. Large and small communities are dependent upon each other, commercially and socially. Good telephone equipment in th cities and towns of Oregon, with good construction and well maintained "long distance" poles lines and wires between mean their mutual convenience and profit. ; . . ' The value of any telephone is proportionate to the number of other telephones which may be connected with it. In Orgon there are approximately 138,000 telephones connected with our system. Ideal telephone service means the prompt connection of any one of these with any other and the least possible loss in strength and distinctness.in the conversations that follow. , ' ) 1 Our entire plant is engineered and constructed with the object of rendering a satisfactory "state-wide" service sufficient in facilities available and with these facilities sufficiently maintained. For this purpose the telephone equip ment must be better, local and trunk wires must be of proper size and type, and central offices and switchboards must -have additional apparatus to accommo s date and care for the long distance circuits, u . i i :. . . , Before the troubled period of the war we always aimed to maintain "spare" or reserve plant that is, plant ahead of immediate needs, thus ensuring prompt and more satisfactory compliance with demands for service as they arose. Dur ing the war this reserve was exhausted as the materials we use were required and properly taken by the government and those industries given priority considera tion. . With the reconstruction period, as is the case with all other lines of business, our problems have continued to an unexpected degree. We are still hampered by shortage of materials and delayed deliveries. We realize the requirements of our lojig distance patrons. We have a compre hensive and well defined program designed to provide additional toll circuits sufficient to meet the present and constantly growing demands . THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE and TELEGRAPH COMPANY ItiRKCKt Buck of Brawn. ' A big buck killed recently near Ka- mela by B. L. . Nlchols weighed 275 pounds dressed and Is thought to be the largest deer killed this season. F. Mi Hlley. who with Fred Homers, ac companied Mr. Nichols, says that the party saw a large Dlack bear but wars unable to get within range of him. The deer is the second killed this season by Mr. Nichols, who brought down a buck iq the John Day region this fall. 1-: fliiTlfr ots liquor Haul Green Bett-a, classed by the sheriff's office as one of the most active pur veyors of liquor in the county, was ar rested Sunday at Athe'na by Sheriff W. R. Taylor and a government agent. Five canes of bonded liquor were con fiscated. Ettes "was placed under ar rest and will be tried In the Justice court at Athena, with the probability that the government will also look Into his case. " ' " ' UNFAIRNESS IN BALLOT El Wheat went up with a bound today, December wheat cloning at J2.0D 1-p after opening at $-'.01. March wheat opened at 1.8t 1-2 and closed at $2.02. Following are the quotations from Overbeck & Cooke Company, local brokers; A bit of unfairness in thS arrange ment of the ballot for November 2 is causing some comment here. The general spirit of the election laws calls for arranging names on the ballot in alphabetical order and such an nr ransement is compulsory on the pri mary ballots. However, on next Tuesday's ballot, the names of J. T. Lieuallen and Man uel Friedly are placed at the tallcnd of the Umatilla county legislative tick et, while on an alphabetical basis thev should lead the tcket. It Is con tended by practical political workers that this arrangement is grossly un fair, if not illegal, and. that it will work to the hardship of Messrs. IJeu-1 alien and Friedly unless their sup-. porters take care in murking their bal-, lots. t The same unfairness is shown In Wheat Dec. 2.0t 2.10 2.006 2.09H March l.4'4 2.02 1.93 '4 2.02 CVn-n. Dec. .S0 .801 .S24 May .!7 9 .86 .88 July .S4 .90 .S8 .904 Oats. Dec .53 .03 .04 Jiay " .5S '.59 .D8i4-.69?4A Ke Dee. 1.63 1.72 1.63 1.71 May 1.52 l.OJfc 1.53 1.58 H A Itarloy Dec. .92 .95 .92 ' 94 ' B May .93 B Oct 23.60 Nov. 23.60 Jan. 24.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 lard. Oct. 1975 Jan. 16.75 17.05 10.45 17.05 May 15.B0 16.45 15.80 16.65 Itye. Oct. ' 16.50 A Jan. 13.80 14.30 13.70 14. SO lrciKn Exehnnife. Matks. 144. Sterling, 34 7. " CHICAGO, Oct. 26. Wheat Active buying credited to the seaboard was the outstanding feature in today's! market and the response was com plete. Offerings throughout the ses sion were smnll with apparently no the arrangement of the ballot. Though alphabetically the Cox electors should be first on the ballot the Harding electors are given the preferred position. Xo blame is attached to County Clerk Brown, who is said to have mere ly followed instructions from the sec retary of state's office, which he is compelled to do. The feeling is held that some one in the secretary's of fice indulged tn a bit of jobbery that is not in keepng with tho spirit of the law. In a speech at Milton Saturday night J. T. Dieuallen called attention to the discrimination shown and he was given a cheer that indicated re sentment against such practices. presidential deslrc to liross lhv short side while ex- K' ib nic in utt; iiuti nri ttiiti iiiv country offering cash wheat sparing' ly. Only i5 cars of wheat were ex pected for today's market and the do mestic milling demand was Insuffi cient tn advance premiums. Henefi- P LI A veteran's jewel for 25 years' ser vice In the Knichts of Tythlas. was presented last night to. J. M. Williams; nf Damon Lodge No. 4. Mr. Williams was a charter member of Honor lodge N'n 7. at Lone Rock. Ore,, before transferring here. Five members of the local lodge were present at the meeting and so cinl following; who have won tn:s jew el. They Were: J. J. Hamley, John S. Bentley. George W. Coutts, J. W. Malnney and Mr. Williams. James H. Owinn, keeper of records and seal of the lodge, recalled this morning that the twenty-fifth anniversary t his Joining the order fell on Monday. We was initiated October 25. 1S95, and is in line for a veteran's jewel. Mr. Gwinn mndeffthe speech of pre sentation for. Mr.'Willlams' jewel. A reading by J. H. Morris, an ad dress on "Service" by tleorge l Clark, and musical numbers hy Fletch er's nrrhnstra and McDonald's trio '.featured the social meeting, the first iof a series of monthly entertainments I planned by the lodge for the winter I in ii awa; lEilllil Do This For Constipation THE public should know that there is a vast difference in th action of the various remMlipt for const lotion. Some are "flushes," purges, physics. They crip and weaken. For lasting: effect use a laxative. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin acts gently and mildly so that even a tiny baby can use it with safety. It is a compound of Egyptian Senna and Pthersimple laxative herbs wh pep. sin and pleasant -tasting aromatica. A sixty-nt bottle will last an aver age family many months. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Is the most popular of all laxative and mora Is used in American home than any other. Last year eitrht million bottles were sold by druggists, the largest sale in the world. TRY IT FREE Send me your name and address and luill srnd you a free trial feurrlr of mi Swip Pe psin. . Address me Dr. VC. B. Caldurll, 511 Washington St., Monricriio, III. Exrrybvdy now and then nti'cfa'alajrtmf.arci it is Mdntle Clocks ' Mantle clocks make a distinctly addition to any home not only for their usefulness but also for their beauty. We have ;t received a new ship ment of the newer stvle In clocks. In a variety of . . .i iii.)ii shapes to harmonize witn any snape mumm. now our clock booth Is particularly well stocked and our showing Is complete from the lttbornte mime , ,h ..on; ln,.,ni.nill'. lrirhan TIIllTttl Cl'H'kS. Trices range from 110.00 to KK).(M Hfn il THOM .H Is the name and guarantee on most of our clocks. For five generations that name has guaranteed clock buyers, ' -deujeler) Pendleton Ore. Tk4 Lrgt Diamond JJeslers la Eastern Oregon. 1 .(b R(J E rj WATCH t sX cial rains were reported in the south west for the new winter wheat crop. The sealard estimated the' expoit business today at 1,S(M,0C)0 bushel!". Uite in the day cash receivers report ed that the advanced price has brought nut a substantial increase in offerings from the country. When compared with other commodities the price of wheat looks vpry high and we think thero will be a readjusSnent ere long although with small stocks and Unlit receipts there may be more or less congestion in the December delivery, which we cannot consistently advocate as a short sale. (From Overbeok A Cooke Co ) NEW YORK, Oct. 2. There were a few weak spots but the market as a general proposition held up very well and In fact in the late deal! s exhib ited a willingness to advam-t. H-a vy money withdrawals from the ta.iks again stiffened the tendency of call money quotations .but the higher av erage of rates for Accommodations to day had little or no effect on prices. While on the surface, there apepars to be many unfavorable features con nected with the geenral trade situa tion, nevertheless, there is conviction in some conservat've' circles that the iot d.nant future will see a Changs for the better and with this view in mind, buvlng power is promoted In ths stanuard rail and industrial shares. The action of the market would seem to Indicate that accumulation is ifoing on In many directions and ere long this will be reflected in resilient price tendencies. We lean toward the .tea that the next movement of con sequence in the standard rail and in- dustral shares will be towards higher levels . ' - 1 V jrfr fcUwm,,TTT- Beautiful Women of Sociery.durlng the past seventy year, nave reueu Vj uwu fc ) NguUhed appearance. The white complcskm it A In-, ta.lintltf Is always me souitc u I nattering ounmcra. 1 DESPAIN & LEE CVSH GROCERY 209 E. Court . Phone 880 or 881 BUTTER Gold Crest Creamery Butter, an all sweet cream butter. 1 Pound 65c 2 Pounds .....i.25 Pay Cash Receive More Pay Less DESPAIN & LEE CASH GROCERY 209 E. Court ' Phone 880 or 881 ' 1 I CrO O n i ows 11 I e 8 Vernicol makes 1 furniture new keeps new ftirnitura from getting old Dsnt discard tlat old d tomiture Just becatus Its fi Ij cratohed and marred, Giva tt a new leas ca Ufa witH eoat of yerniooL the jiiJy-do-OTer TarnlaSji tain. Etaina and Tarnianea the txd at each stroka of tha braalk 6oratohes'diaappajf almost mafia ally. Driea with a rich, liar lossy luster. Wears rod veaxa, t'i good for floors, too, Keep a can of Vsmlcol aaad Rffe 0 great actldota for careless aerrutf and thovjrhtlesa childreo, Comes in a4 r. -s.popyiar nnianaa, A lor tard and bocUvt, L J.MciiTEE Phone 158 513 Main St omts fi .,-'