PAGE THREE TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 26, 1920. News of Pendleton liuifliiiiiiDn Ir-i. , CALENDAR OF EVENT! l morning wan struck by a Cadlllao car a at ths Intersection of Oarden and Oot. 5. Eastern Oregon ee lon supreme court here. Oct. ' 'it. American Legion dance. , Oct. . Pendleton Athletic Club imoker. Nov. I. General election, Nov. 8-6-7 Northern Oregon Older Boys' T Conference here. Nov. 11. Armistice Day State holiday. No U-XO Paclflo Interna tional Llveitock Exposition, Tort. land. ' Dec. 10. Sale of Indian lands, agency. ' Railroad streets. The right front whoet of the truck was demolished but no other dtunage resulted. It was re turning to the ooal yard empty at the time of the accident. Take Infant to Portland. Deputy District Attorney C. Z. Tlan- diill left for Portland last night with Itls month-old Infant and It nurse to consult a baby specialist. Will lie In Wwlon Mrs. Edith O. Vanlicusen, homo demonstration attend went to Weston today for two days, which will be spent In the Interests of her work. Weather (;ood fur Heeding The weather Is favorable to seeding operations and farmers are busy put ting In the new wheat crop. Many crews worked Sunday to take advant age of the sunshine, November It fkliool Holiday. Novomber 11, Armistice Day, Is a school holiday throughout Oregon, word received toaay by County Super intendent Green from J. A. Churchill, state upartntaadent of public Instruc tion, said. It was declared legal holiday nti the governor and thus be- Vl!M tMmtA at Helix. County School Superintendent W. comes a nebool holiday as well y. urnun worn to noiii loaay 10 visit: j the school in that community. I Chairmen Arc Selected t Mrs. DuPuls, of Adams, has been selected as community chairman for the coming Red Cross roll call. Other community chairmen chosen are B. A. Barnes, ,of Weston, and Mrs. Faye I,e- Qrow, of Athena. Chairmen will take charge of the drive In their respective communities. Coal Truek In Colltapn. , A one ton Ford truck used to deliver conl for B. L. Burroughs, Inc., this Collins Mill Opens Collins Flour Mill opened yesterday. E. J. Matthewson, who is In charge of the mill, sas that there Is enough wheat for a considerable run. 101101101161101101 101101101101- Vta- "HALLOWE'EN" Sure we have "PUMPKINS" All sizes for Jack o' Lanterns and Pies. 3cPOl)ND Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. PHONES 101 (Private Bechance Onnnecta Both Depart FINE GROCERIES AND MEATS Two Take llTmlts. A Dermlt was Issued Monday to James Cornfield to move a- bulldln for 3. I Burroughs, Inc., t j a location on W. Railroad street and place it upon a foundation. The contract Is for 1175. 'Mrs. Zella Finch was Issued i-ermlt to remodel her dwelling at 10 Aura street at an estimated cost of tiooo. :iHmiinimnnnu:nn::; Use the Phones Grocery, 2 Phones 526 Other Depts. 78 ill r 7 rs m m tf m aiTALITY SERVICE NDLETONU LEADING STORE Use the Phones Grocery, 2 Phones 526 Other Depts. 78 S-3 Sale Special on Suits 25 PER CENT REDUCTION ' Some of the season's latest and prettiest mod els are in this collection owing to the usual amount of late shipments. Brown suits trimmed with beaver in the new shades of Malay, Zanzibar, reindeer and spar row. Navy suits plain or trimmed with mole or squirrel. Other shades of blue in Ming, Nan keen, Copen. i. ioi loiioiioi loi loi loi lui loi loi Station to lie Built O. F.sSteele, of 317 Lewis street, will build an automobile service station on the corner of Matlock and Ralcy s'reat. he announced today. The sta tion Is to cost $4000 and will be a strictly modern structure. Oils, greas es, gasoline, etc., will be sold. The contract Is to be let soon and work on the building will commence within a wefck. This Is a new venture for Mr. Steele is he has been engaged l;i forming and also In railroad work. , Sheep Are Shipped A carload of Ramboullet sheep were shipped Saturday by the Cunningham Sheep Co. to McConnell Brothers, and to A. B. Brown, of Nyssa. The Cun ningham company is shipping a car load of cross-breda, of Lincoln and Ramboullet stock, to Clark A Ken nedy, of Lewlston, Idaho, Not ill the sheep of the Cunningham company have been taken from the range, but have been loft on the deeded land own ed by the company. Grass Is excep tionally good this fall. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 1 I I r or as o n Farm Tractor More than 100,000 Fordson tractors have been sold to farmers In the United States. They are helping .those farmers do more and better work In leas time and at less cost. 'North, East, South, West everywhere the Fordson has proven Itself a money-maker and a real necessity to the farmer. Besides It Is helping mightily to solve the labor problem. These one hundred thousand and more practical farmers have' affirmed the economy the exceptionally low fuel and op erating cost of the Fordson; Its time and labor-saving quali ties and Its ability to Increase production. The (Fordson was built to be the most economical tractor; It Is compact and devoid or excessive weight. And It Is built of the same strong Iron and steel as la the Ford tear. Winter or bad weather does not hinder the Fordson's use fulness. Day or night 4wenty-four hours a day If ;rou choose you can utilise the Fordson. Only so many Fordsons are'allottcd this territory. Orders are being filled in sequence first come, first served. Let us have youra now. There's a practical use for the Fordsort every day of the year. Let'a tell you. Come In and havo a tractor talk. Oive us the chance to make a demonstration on your own farm. Simpson Auto Co. Phone 40S I'ENWiETOX, OIlEtiON Water and Johnson Ms. O o O o o o o o o o o o e o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 6 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Tribute Paid Mr. Ik-nnion A tribute to Fred Bennion, county agriculture agent, is paid by the V. 6. department of agriculture, In a bulletin which has been sent to all county agents In tho northwestern states, and which contains the story of how Mr. Bennion assisted farmers during the gasoline shortage. Each' month the department selects an achievement of a county agent and under the head "This books Good," tells how the work was done. This Is the first time that tho work of an Oregon agent has been cited. The bulletin says In part: "The alertness and resources of the county agent In Umatilla county saved the large wheat farmers many dollars direct cost and avoided serious loss of crop. , The stock of motor fuel was so low that plowing could not be com nleted and many farmers were serious ly alarmed, regarding the possibility of aeouiinff an adequate supply for harvest. Distillate was off the mar ket. Mr. Bennion got Into touch with a source of distillate supply In Califor nia and 111 farmers were saved a to tal of 19.060" The bulletin gives the entire details of the transaction. j-'- WOOLEN DRESS GOODS 12.00 YD. Finq woolen dress goods now on display of plain shades and plaids. You will like the fabrics and weaves and we're sure to please you in colors. Se lect a length today. Make up your dress. OUTING FLANNELS Right now is the time to make up your SLEEP ING GARMENTS of outing. We're showing a wide range in white and colored outing. White Outing . 23c to 45c Colored Outing Flannens, 27-in. 33c Colored Outing Flannels, 36-in.. ... 45c and 50c C 3 .-3 Women's Winter Footwear In Most Liked Styles 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 A BIG LINE OF GRAY ENAMEL COOKING WARE PRICED AT 67c I s ! 8 I 5 Oil Hand Lamps at . . ....... ... 39c Women's and Children's Hosiery at. .. 9c to 47c Children's Caps at . 67c Girl's Knit Bloomers and Underskirts, choice ' 67c Boys' Sweaters 97c These together with the largest stock of noti ons at greatly reduced prices should appeal to anyone desiring to lower the H. C. of L. The BEE HIVE Pay Cash gend!ton' Variety Stor Say Cash Wool Growers to Meet The annual meeting of the State Wool Growers association will prob ably he held In Pendleton, says Mack Hoke, secretary of the association. No date has been set, nor has thlB city been dlfinltely chosen but Mr. Hoke believes that the meeting will be held between November IS and January 1, and he expects 150 to 200 wool men will attend. J. H. Dobbin Is president of the association and he ana Mr. Moke "will arrangements later. The tariff question, Mr. Hoke believes, will be one of the leading topics at the meeting, as sheepmen blame Aus tralian wool and mutton for the slump In markets. Another subject for dis cussion will be co-operative market ing, the producers of sheep being in terested In the lessening of djstunce between the producer and the con sumer. Alma L. Kttis, ncaa oi mc Oregon dairymen's league, will explain the system used by dlarymon. Other speakers tentatively selected are F. R. Marshall, secretary of the national wool growers' association, and Dr. S. W. McClure, former secretary and for merly of the Cunningham Sheep Co., now vice-president of the Columbia Basin Wool and Warehouse Co. or Nampa, Idaho. You will have no confusion and make no mis take in selecting your winter footwear from our new stocks of quality shoes. We have not loaded our shelves with extreme styles, but pre sent the most popular models in the more ex clusive of the season's newest in shoe fashions. The prices are reasonable, $9.00 to $15.00. Our smart shoes for sport wear are splendid ly made of excellent leathers and are ideal shoes for outdoor wear. They are just what you want to set off the attractiveness of your street ss wear, and are as comfortable and serviceable as they are attractively styles, $7-50 to $13.50. E Nature's True Shape in our children's shoes. " Take care of the children's feet by having them 5 correctly fitted in nature-form shoes. Shoes 3 that are built to give support and shoes that will g give satisfactory wear. "Kindergarten" and s "Little Pals." $3.00 to $5.75. H Grocery Department XXXX Brand Evaporated Milk for Cook ine, each 10c; doz. 1.10; case $4.40. Curtis Artichoke Hearts (in sauce) per can. Sinclair's Pickled Tongue, per jar ; . 75c 75c Sinclair's Pickled Pigs Feet, per jar 75c Curtis Ripe Olives, blue pint cans 35c Libby's Dill Pickles, No. 2 1-2 cans 35c Porter's Salad Dressing, 8 oz. bottles 35c Extra Fine Country Bacon per lb. . . . 45c ESS lion Horn Monday Evening A son, weighing seven and one half pounds, was born Monday evening to Mr. and Mrs. F. B, White, of 301 South Main street. The little man will be SAY "DIAMOND DVKS-' Don't streak or ruin your material In a poor dye. Insist on "'Diamond Dyes." Easy directions In every package. GIRLS! LEMONS BLEACH; WHITEN Make Lemon Lotion to Double Beauty of Your Skin Squeese the Juice of two lemons Into a bottle containing three ounces in Orchard White which can be had at anw drug store, shake well and you have a quarter pint of harmless and delightful lemon bleach for few cents. Massage this sweetlyfragrant lotion Into the face, neck, arms and hands each day, then shortly not the beauty of your skin. Famous stage beauties use lemon Juice to bleach and bring that soft, dear rosy-white complexion, Lemons have always been used as a freckle sunburn and tan remover. Make this up and try U. , IIIIIIlliltHllHllllllIllllllltllllllllllllM named Frank David. Mrs. White and the baby are at the home of Mrs. I. E. Eiirl. I T. A. To Meet The high school Parent Teacher As sociation will ajiieet Thursday evening at the county library. The meeting is scheduled for 7:15 p. m. Drunk Goes to Jail. John Flyn was found guilty in po lice court today on a charge of being drunk and was fined $10. Being with out funds he went to Jail for five days. Poland to Bo Visited Miss Stasia P. Walsh. Ited Cross nurse who has been lit Belgrade, Ser bia, writes from Paris to Pendleton friends that she expects to leave at once for Poland to continue her work. She mentions having seen Miss Eglan tine Moussu, Pendleton girl who Is in Paris. Wilt Ite Guests Justices of the supreme court who ere visitors In Pendleton will be guests of the Pendleton notary Club tomorrow. They are Chief Justice Thomas A. McBrlde, Justices Henry J. Bean, Ueorgo Burnett, U T. Harris, Henry Benson, C. A. Johns and Ueortre M. Brown. The club will have Its reg ular Wednesday luncheon at the Elk's club. . - . Will Move to Portland Frank Ely. for the past four years employed In the Pendleton poslofflce. has been transferred to the peruana office. With "Mrs. Ely and two chil dren, William and James, Mr. Ely will leave Pendleton tomorrow. He has been In charge of the Civil service de partment of the local office. His suc cessor has not yet been appointed. I Wink Kmployrti Move. I p. A promotion In the ranks of the In land Empire bank force took place today. It. M. Mayberry, assistant cashier, stepped out of the paying and receiving teller's cage to a desk beside C E. Wailes, cashier and vice presi dent. Clyde Phillips took Mr. May berry's cage and Emerald Greenwald left his books and took Mr. Phillip? old place as exchange and collections tellor. The books are to be kept by Miss Ninta Clark and Miss Helen Wiley, a recent addition to the bank force. toastmoster and talks were, given by the following: H. G. Barnes and K ot Wilton: Judge I. M. Schan- KevaH Y- StBVer- ' 0t RS: i "e. K U Bussubarger and Rev I George U Clarke, of Pendicler Judge! Henry J Pean. of the supreme court! . Mr. tochran. water master from I aiarg w. Hearn, political speaker who spoke here last night. Moved Back to 735 MAIN JOE ELL Tnsnranc Masons Are Visitors. Thirty-five lasons from Milton and 15 from Pilot Kock visited Pendleton Blue Lodge of Masons last night, the Milton Masons conferring the Mas ters degree upon James Bowler of the local lodge. A hundred Masons, In eluding visitors and local men, sat down to a banquet which followed' the ceremonies. Harold Warner acted as MOB m For Expectant Mothers Used By Three Generations MTt M tOOKlIT UtTMIUHOOO t TWI BAIT, nt lusnui LUWLATQI CO Din. I. Aoamt. Cav ftM2GID5 'GRANULES) Es: INDIGESTION DJmoIt Instantly on tenpM 2j "tr-hot or coldi do QUICK RELIEF I ALSO IN TABLET FOKH FT St THOSC WHO eSIFIS THEM. DR. C 1L DAY Physician and Surgeon Osteopath Rooms 21 and SB Smith-Crawford Building. TnlsDhone TO Tim, T4t-R ao av scott bowks MAKERS OF SCOTT'S EMULSION Dr. David B. Hill J DENTISTRY and X-Ray Diagnosis Pendleton, Oregon I . I i THE FKUKItAb 1CKSKRVK SYSTEM The advantages of tlH Federal- Kesvrve : System are available both to tho hnnk . and customer. , The Farmers and j Merchants Bank j Walla W alla, Wash. Boy Wanled Pendleton Drag Store . .-.taeB?jri(is.jt.a- - ,4 aVABSMMSMkaAA t,ii-. " ""- tm -...