'1 . . .. ' . v, MMrpTS MARKETS SHORTS COMICS MOVIES COUlSTf CORRESFONBENCE CLASSIFIED FOURTEEN PAGES J FOURTEEN PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 9 TO 14 re&onian SECTION TWO PAGES 9 TO 14 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 23, 1920. STT7"-" -cz- -a ytfdST l,OTT"111 7l11" - i r " v " -vera. sEMi-wttiur w v n"- . mm. n mm irnm iirn irrifc l - - Tra The apple valley crew, coached by I'Tarl Flelschmann, lent year coach here, fought till the way. They hud a line xliift that troubled Dick Hun ley'a youthfula and with good general- hlp would huve been far more dan gerous than they actually were. Not until the (second half did Pendleton's line work well on defensive and then U waa JIM flramer and Lee Temple who did the emeuring. . Hoys IXw-rve Honorable Mention mi '''ro hB liloodBtalned details are JLramer, TerjeSOn, MatlOCK and. spread upon the minutes of the after- i noon a meeting. It It not amiss for the "If....- . , ..rr . k. n .. .i . .i i .... lapn n u"ii viit-ii iinm anu iiitsuiitti ER HOOD RIVER Hanley Work Like Vets 14-0 Victory Friday; Attack 'while the name of Bill Kramer, Orie ii Better Than Defensive Pendleton high school earned a hard-fought victory from Hood River Mill on Kound-l'p Field, 14 to 0 Fri day afternoon, in one of the heat high HChool content aeen hereabout since I'endleton became a flag Htnp on the ' O. W. It won anybody's contest until the last quarter and the COO farm and fnnnsltea preaent, -who have hair, felt t the aam Handing up through moat of "th frame. Matlock, Jena TerJeson and Myron Hanley are uttered. These four young sters wearing the blue Jersey of Pen dleton high, performed like college veterans and time and again brought forth cheer from the crowd. Kramer, oulet but husky lad from the wheat lands of eastern Washington, was aa ever present In the Hood ISIver dis appointments as a thumb with the nail missing. He and TerJeson were at the business end of nearly every Hood lliver play that was smeared and when I hey were not starring on defense, Lee, Temple, on hla aide of center, was pil ing them up. ' TerJeson came through on virtually every play, on offensive with four to 10 yards when culled to carry the oval. Once he ran 60 yards through an open field, only to lose the advantage be cause one of the linemen was penaliz ed for holding. Hnnley's generalship, his end runs, punting and forward passing were of a high order. Mullock Has Klur Murks Young Mutlock, playing his first game for I'endleton, scored heavily with the crowd. Past as a wireless spark, he ran where the holes were and hit hard and low. He was good for two yards after every tackle. The Hood River boys simply could not stop him in less than lour to 10 yards. Several times he broke through the center of the line and captured beau tiful passes from Hanley or by an eye. MIL, CHASE AND BY Fighter and Two Former Stars I s of Big Leagues May Face: EE Use the Phones S Grocery 526 H Other Dept'g 78 Use the Phones, Grocery 526 Other Dept'g 75 MEN'S STORE Criminal Gambling Majors. Jrosccution on Contests for!ll C'HCAOO, Oct. 23. Indictments IjjS lash failed to grab the globule. Hisagainst 13 persons believed to have QUALITY SERVICE SANITATION For Pure Food j?ure food is as important to the nation's health as the air we breathe. Food must be good to give the body the proper support. That's all we sell here ( just good, pure food. Everything you find in our stock has been literally hand-picked and chosen for our discriminating customers. j work made the backfield look sweet despite the loss of Btendal and Davis, out with Injuries. Had Slemlul.or Davis been In shape Friday, Pendleton would hove present ed the sweetest backfield In many a day. Hanley, would have been In hi regular place at quarter and the team is figured to be a touchdown stronger with him, TerJeson, Matlock and Davis working. Rcorlng Martl I'Jirly Five minutes had not elapsed when (TerJeson was called for an' off tackle buck and went seven yards for a I touchdown. There was a steady march I down the field from the klckoff, Han !ley, Mullock and TerJeson alternating i with the ball. Hanley kicked goal ami the score stood 7 to 0. ' Hood Hivor could not advance after jtho klckoff and punted. Pendleton advanced the boll to the 12 yard line and first down when the quarter end ed. The boys were held by Hood River on the eight-yard line and the ball went over. The visitors threw a scare Ir.to the crowd by marching down the been Implicated In the "throwing" of , games In the 1919 world's serle by j Chicago American league players .Were returned Friday by the special t'ookss count grand Jury, which haa been in- veatigating the baseball scandal for i more than a month. Fimher indict- 'ments are expected when the Jury lEEs convenes again next week, state of- flclahi declared. I tz Indictments against 10 men named ; previously had been voted, but were EH revoted to overcome legal technical!- i 55 ties while the other three Abe At tell, Hul Chase and William Burns had only been unofficially mentioned In, connection with the Investigation. ;SS All of the indictments charge cnn-,: spiracy to commit an illegal act, a 5rj crime for which a penitentiary sen- 'zOz tence can be given under the laws of IS Illinois. ,r Chase and Purns, former major iES league players, and Attell, once, the featherweight boxing champion of the S world, have been accused by 'witnesses EE: of being three of the clique which Pendleton Trading Co. " Phons 45S . - If It's on the Market We Have If WHILE HOUSECLEANING Don't forget to have on hand a case of that wonder fully sparkling and refreshing WINE-0 An occasional bottle during these strenuous days, will do much toward relieving the fatigue and nervous train of the industrious housewife. A bottle of W1NE-0 at dinner, also, will soothe the irritability of father, when he comes home and finds the house topsy-turvy. Besides, it is good for the kiddies. Keep a casd of Wiue-0 in the house all the time. Bottlers of All Kindt Soda Waters 0 MaaafaflMfcra MCNDiiETON, Oil BOOK framed" the world series a.'d arrantf- ! field, their shift puzzling the local j " rioe L.mcago u nite box players linemen. They got to the 40 yard line,"" "" 'u lo irom ,j.,uo 10 before Ooedecka downed a runner Just i 1M00 to try to lose games in the , short of yardage on the last down, contests for the world baseball cham-i Tcndleton had the ball on Hood ;' P'onshlp. i. Itiver s 41 vard line at the end of the According to testimony "at least ; hIf ' several hundred thousand dollars" was !cs Pemlleton lacked to Hood niver'bet Bnd WH" " the world series, j to open the third period but the hoy. Chase a the first man to suggest 5 were unable to gain and punted. Han- throwing" the series, it woh said, and , ley passed be and straight over Uckle, 'llld others to help him. Into Matlock's wollli.g arms, the gain l,,rr- U.nK. a Chicago., told the Iwlng 25 yards. Jens made five an.l i"1')' "e alone placed JST.uao l bets t Ilinlev tore off 10 on an off tackle;"11 Cincinnati for ".Sport" Sullivan of f run TerJeson took the oval Iho ret J "oslon and testimony has been re- (SSS of the way to the goal. Hanley kick-1 vw concerning many other large i . I bets, it Was said. , ZZZ ed goal. ' jj IIkm1 IUvct Siiurta Ih I.ate . . 's; For the real of the game the bail W ,S I.VXKP.. . eeeeawed. Pendleton gaining on ea, 'S'-W S ' ..u j.a. -. int.r. Mlk O'Dowd. Bt. Pad) middleweight. 3 Htnanm. r-in-n i"ur a , t- . .- , -.iiiii.fiiiiittiiiiifiltiliiliiiltilltlllfllllltlll'llllttlllllllllllttll.iftlltllllltlllt.llllli g If I WW Men Here's your chance to but that Suit or Overcoat At Greatly Reduced prices. This is PENDLETON'S GREATEST CLOTHING SALE. BUY YOURS NOW. Get and enjoy a full season's wear out of it. Alterations Free. $23.00 Reduced to ....... .'. $18.75 $27.50 Reduced to $20.63 830.00 Reduced to $22.50 $35.00 Reduced to $26.50 $37.50 Reduced to $28.73 $40.00 Reduced to $30.00 $42.50 Reduced to $31.90 S45.00 Reduced to ' $33.75 847.50 Reduced to $35.65 $50.00 Reduced to $37 50 $52.50 Reduced to ........ . $39.40 $55.00 Reduced to $41.25 $57.50 Reduced to ........ . $43.15 $60.00 Reduced to $45.00 $62.50 Reduced to .... . . . . . $46.90 $65.00 Reduced to $48.73 $70.00 Reduced to $72.50 Reduced to $75.00 Reduced to $77.50 Reduced to $80.00-Redutcd to $82.50 Reduced to $85.00 Reduced $52,50 $54 40 $56.23 $58.15 $60.00 $61.90 . the fourth quarter on their five yard! line and advancing to Pendleton a 40 yard line as time was ca"ed. Inability of the Pendleton line to I make goi'd their tackles la accountable icr moat of Hood Klver s gains, nme Td again three of four tacklers would lose a man because of their Inability to bold. The linemen failed to crash Into Ir.terfert-nce and thus spill runnerR. It was not until the Hood ftlver quar ter bennn directing plays at the guards that he met a Waterloo, Kramer, at one guard, and Temple, at the other, trovlng Verduns. The game was a vindication for the visiting cach. who showed a far better team than ha moulded here lat year. Flcischmann's men had fight and there were a number of high class interscho lastlc players in his line-up. That they did not score was attributable chiefly to lack of generalship on the ,art of the'r field director. Pendleton played the same team (fciihoiit hut Hood River was ob liged to make -two substitutions. ! (Ireen, nt left end, one of the fastest; high school ends seen hereabouts in j bnany a day nun nis arm mm ' -'i be replaced ny c-wk-k. i.m.ui, K , gave way to P. Heed. Fred Bennion refereed in very satisfactory shape and J the gamewBsfast, due to the absence of wrangling. The Lineup. Pendleton Position Hood River Warner ler Moore '".'" n t bo- Allelicofllte0l6!Da When Soft Soap was . made from Ashes and Grease, ana Good Suds were made in Rain Water. Present Price -ON- Don't Let TIRE TROUBLE Spoil Your Trip Your summer vacation includes a motor trip, of course. Possibly the tire trouble experienced last year, damp ens the joy of planning this summer's outing. THE GATES HALF SOLES Eradicates Tire Trouble. Gertson & Marty 639 Cottonwood Street Phone S9S ,ltr Davenport j ,lgr Wasley; center Florerl .rgl Dixon; . .rtl Heed, .re! drcen! ,lhr Johnson ,rhl Annnllai ...ib Sletton Matlock fb 8-orlng: Pendleton, toucnoowoa, . TerJeson (2); goals from touchdown,) Hanley (2). fioedeckc Kramer. . Kennedy. Temple. . Rogers. . Wahill . . . TerJeson. Hanley . . Snyder BE NO 12 CLUB LEAGUE cmriOO Oct. 23. (A. r.) Presi dent Ban Johnson of the Anierlcanj league, yecterday told newspaper re porters as he was leaving the grand. Jury chambers that "there would be no 12 club league." Me reneru.cu ,.- vlous promises that soon he would is- sue a statement concerning the action1 of the National league clubowners and , three American league clubs in going; or record in favor of abrogation or me; tion of iNisebatl under a "civilian tri bunal. ciniKS MAY HOI I STOCK MILES CITY, Mont., Oct. 23. (A. P.) KeportH in this section are that many ranchers have decided to hold their ... .. .ti.lttlfins are de- siock. nniie" n-r.. v - . clnred to he better and It Is expected will continue so through the winter. Now We Use 20-Mule Team Borax Soap Chips and Grand-Mother ays our wash ing is Cleaner and Sweeter (than hers used to be back in the sixties. Paige and Oakland Guaranteed until July 1, 1921 by their respective factories. 0. L HOLDMAN AUTO CO. 632 Cottonwood Dead Storage $3.50 Month. We do repairing1. Phone 46 I Riitter Price Hluccl four CVnts at Sisikano SI'OKANK. Oct. 23. The wholesale and retail price of butter was reduced four cents a pound on the local mar ket Friday, bringing te best grades to i to IT cents per uound retu.il. ''It's the Borax in the soap that does the work" Instead of buying a softener and a soap, you make one small expenditure and ob tain both in MU1E-TEAM . B0BRX SOAP CHIPS .v. LET'S GO FOR GEESE! The recent storms are bringing the Ducks and Geese. TRY YOUR LUCK WITH WESTERN SHELLS Sec rnc about that GUN. SOL BAUM Sporting Goods Man Hotel Tendleton Bldg. 3 3 "3