East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 23, 1920, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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    171 V ',(. -r
. ... . . AN TNI.KPBNDKN
a-upiisnea iwiir na Bml-W.kly, at
I'endletnn, Oregon, by the
Kntwed at the poatorfice at Pendle
ton. Oregon, as eecond-claaa mall
Imperial Hotel Nfi stand, Portland.
Chicago Bureau, tot Security Build
in If-
Washington. D. C, Bureau Ml Four
teenth Street, N. W.
Mnikfi mt tha AaaaHatvd Pmn
Tha Aoeoctatrd rreee la exclualrely
entitled to tha ua for republication of
II nm dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited In thla paper
and aieo tba I oca) nawa publlahed hero
Dally ana year, by mall
Iftily. aix montha, by mall
Dully, three montha by mall..
Dally, one month by mall
Daily, one year by carrier
Daily, alx montha by carrier
Daily, three montha by carrier..
Daily, one month, by carrier.
Peml-Weekly, one year, by mall
Semi-Weekly, alx montha, by mall
Semi-Weekly, four montha, by mall
, 1 SO
, 1.S5
, .so
, .?.
. I IS
Telephone ,
in politics.
(By Frank U Stanton.)
Thla here bloomln' country
Is full o- turns an" tricks; ; :
But how a family rlsr
When it Rita in politics!
Thar's Billy runs the poor house, '
Pick 'a marshal o' the town.
An" 'Zekiel'i tax collector,
A-projickin' around.
Elijah Is the bailiff
That'a git tin' over ground;
Tom's In the legislature
Dad's 'lectioneerln' 'round!
Copyrighted for the East Oregonian Tub. Co.
Old SlVQQt
' ITII the election but a little more than a week distant
the campaign finds Governor Cox waging a vigorous
and winning fight for promotion of permanent peace
through the League of Nations. Harding is forced to take the
defensive on a subject where the facts are all against him.
He has placed himself squarely against the League of Na
tions in any form having stated at Des Moines and elsewhere
that it is "rejection, not reservations that we seek."
The Harding claim that he favors trying some other form
of an association of nations has gone to the scrap heap because
article 20 of the league covenant bars any member nation from
uniting with a counter league. This has been shown by Secre
tary Colby, by Attorney General Palmer and thus far there has
been no denial from any one that they state the facts correctly.
Mr. Harding sought to claim he had been approached by a
"spokesman from France" but he had to retract his own words.
Mr. Taft is also authority for the statement that no sort of
a new association is possible :
"No one can suppose that the principal allied powers will
consent to a new association or league," said Taft, "when the
old one is part of the treaty of Versailles, and it would be fool
ish for Harding to insist on this when only through a ratification
of the treaty can he make secure our rights and privileges
against Germany."
In other words, by standing for flat rejection of the treaty
and the league covenant, Harding has closed against himself
the only door through which he might have escaped from the
nefarious position of being a candidate antagonistic to any pos
sible means of insuring world peace through joint action by the
nations. The record is complete and most any lawyer can ten
you that Harding has non-suited himself.
The Harding position is such that he is not entitled to the
vote of any man or woman believing in the League of XMations,
with reservations or without them, or in any other sort of an
association for peace because no other association is possible,
People everywhere are rapidly awakening to the situation
and if thev irrasD the plain facts in the case the election of
Governor Cox will be inevitable.
ICT T is unthinkable that the republican party which has al-
I ways prided itself on its high patriotism should adyO'
cate the crowning disgrace of a separate peace with
This is from the Sacramento (Calif.) Union, a republican
newspaper, which also says:
"We would be failinsr in our clear duty to our readers did
we not endeavor to prove to them that the assumption indus
triously exploited by the republican candidate lor the presi
dency and his intimate staff to the effect that the present Polish
trouble is proof of the utter failure of the League of Nations is
a bald misrepresentation.
"As a matter of fact the plight of Europe today is so plainly
due to our failure to enter the league that we wonder at the te
merity of any politician in maintaining to the contrary.
Senator Harding is firmly opposed to the league and Gover
nor Cox is enthusiastically for the league. There is no middle
jrround. It is either the election of Harding and the scrapping
of the league or the election of Cox and the adoption of the
covenant that is designed to bring permanent peace to the
ARDING declared in a senate speech that the liberty loan
campaign was "unseemly." If it was unseemly for the
American people to loyally help finance the war, what
about the American soldiers who fought the enemy on the west
ern front. Were they too in unseemly Vork Harding likewise
was almost a defender of the Hohenzollerns and Hapsburgs. He
has said during this campaign that we did not go to war for
humanity's sake. He is an advocate of a separate peace with
the enemy and has publicly stated that he seeks rejection of the
treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations covenant.
What more do you want to know?
In offering a reward for anyone who can show he has chang
ed his position on the league question Senator Harding has made
a joke of himself. It would be more apropo for him to offer a
reward for the man who could keep track of his flipflops. -
Ninety two per cent of all federal income goes in one form
or another for war expenses, past and prospective ; reduce this
colossal tax by supporting the League of Nations which is pledg
ed to reduce armaments and preserve permanent peace.
As expressed last evening there is a friendly spirit between
Pendleton and Portland. There is every reason that such a
fueling should exist and one way to foster that spirit is for each
town to learn more auoui uie otner.
Last evening a small boy on a bicycle was seen zigzagging on
the north side paved street while an auto was approaching. The
driver was careful and there was no accident but nevertheless
the boy was playing with death.
That footbalLgama Prday waajLt:nupx; affair ani the
Wal man who f JE44 'WU!JHtteel fcttrt-.wortbnrbil wpart
la whic hthe Tendleton high school came forth victorious.
The charm of the old-time melodies
comes back to entrance once a&ain when
you play them over on the Cecilian.
- PI
Hi a n
Madt by BUSH & LANE
A son& of tKe lon& a&o, with its haunting mel
ody, or a "hit" from tKe latest revue either
one is at its best when ycu play it on this
supreme player-piano. .....
For there's a charm about the Cecilian that you
will find in no other player-piano. Its superb
artistry has converted many a music lover who
believed that all players are necessarily " me
chanical !' in tone.
By the parches, ef a Ceefllaa from the manv-farti.-rr
under our direct elan ef Mllina. yoa
r enlr oetain th. HIGHEST GRADE PLAYER.
riANO IN THE WORLD with aa unconditional
(Tj.rante.. hut are required to oar nor. taaa '
the price, crdin.rllr eikea (or la.lrum.ata of
Iciler quality.
I Vtaeflr wn4 M tUwat UIUm mm mt Mr. CeifltM Ui -
MV at Mr UmmUh rarala, plwi-MMl Oal MT M f Mlfl t aM.
' !
i . i
Rid Yourself Forever. of Wash-Day -
Drudgery Buy a
. On Special
At best, wash-day is trying . and irksome, Every
woman knows that, yet some are unmindful that
there is a better way. A demonstration of the elec
trically driven THGR will Be enlightening and satis
fying. The cost of operation for current consumed
is but a cent or two per hour.
During OCTOBER you may have
which to pay for the new THOR
wringer, .
17 months in
with swinging
"Everybody's Buying Them."
PacifiG Power & Light Co.
c 1
Manrfraewrert ,
Pertland Burt
Baik Lane Bailainr. Breaawar at Alier
- Portland. Oreiar
"Always at Your Service."
Phone 40 :
Cottonwood & Court Sts.
Unless you are aure your family will be properly provided for when "
you die. Tou can eitally provide for your famllte'a future need! by
taking" a policy with the Leading- Nof.hweatern Company
Ansc over $3,200,000.
Local Law Enforcement
Pendleton, Ore.
Oct. 23, 1920.
Editor, fcust Oregonian:
Seme year ago near a southern town
Negro wu killed by a passing fast
train where with other Negroes he
vas working on a section of the track.
e was badly mangled. Finally the
ody in several pieces was assembled,
I reparations for Interment, "without
I ertoflt of clergy" were made. How
ever, before the body was placed in
the grave a Negro companion stepped
forward saying "Brethren, It seems
to me that the occasion requires that
something serious be said. There be-
no parson present I am goln? to -as
sume the responsibility of saying It"
So suiting his words for the occasion
he proceeded with the obsequies, how
ever awkward. Mr. Editor, Mr. and
Mrs. Voters of Pendleton and Uma
tilla county, I have waited bmg' and
patiently for some one more competent
to speak "something werious." Why
haven't they? Why dont they. How
anxiously all of us walled till the great
political parties, in convention assem
bled, had formed their platforms.
Then how equally disappointed and al
most disgusted were the nuiy be
cause of their omm:lon on the real
issues before the nation. Nearer to us
and. of so much more Importance be
cause they stand right outside our
door yard, and rub elbows with un
every day, are tho local elections, and
the men up before us for public offi
ces in our city and county. How we
oirld like to know their platforms,
their policies, their colors, so to speak.
along certain business, social, moral
and law enforcement lines. Dont tell
us In a general and platitudinous way
that you will give us a good business
administration, enforce the law and
"support the constitution." Tell us
definitely that you will not allow to
happen again, if It bo in your power to
prevent It, that you will not allow to
I happen any more the disgusting bac
chanalian orgies that did happen at the
last Round Up and Happy Canyon.
Tell us that you dont stand for such
"High Jinks" then or at other times
and will do all In your power to stamp
I' out. No, no, I will not put it down
In writing, lest some one out of this
community might sec It In print. Lest
some one might misunderstand and
think that I was "knocking" the town
and people and show that I love so
much and have taken such pride In.
Cut surely I was not the only one who
"saw thlnga" during those three days.
Whereever I have been since, out of
tnwrr,. tho- rmmm tbinaa -erf their.
ortii have fceeg trirbM UOO'IHV face
to my shame. Yet uo one more com
petent has spoken out. Possibly they
think is no worse than a three days
'cold m the head." But I call It moral
tuberculosis and moral leprosy, that
lll eventually ruin the good and fair
lame of our town, "the biggest town
of its size in the world," until moral
md cultured people will not desire to
live here to educate and bring up their
"amines. We might as well face the
ssue right now, and so cut off the of-
f'ndlng right hand; or pluck out the
offending right eye. How proud I
was to advertise such a town, and to
tell people that I was from the town
whose pennants were flying In the
freeze from the truck I drove for nine
months up and down France and Bel
gium. Are we going to keep this town
such?. How we would like to know
what the prospective mayor and his
police force stand for. What the pro
secuting attorney,, justice of the peace,
county judge and county sheriff will
do In. his respective office to make a
clean moral town, and keep It so, in
which our boys and girls might grow
up. And In which that will not ty
Mibjected to such annual bacchahalism
orgies that do so much to break down
morals-and spiritual -morale. Those
very high things that the schools and
churches in the town seek to build up
throughout the year. Such satarnalia
captivates the minds and Imaginations
of the young and puts strange Ideals
before them that are far below those
things that are refined and cultural,
(rr the same way should the, dance
halls, pool halls, and many eating
laces be looked after, or otherwiso
they could be dubbed "Jolly Places"
without being a misnomen. Perhaps
I have said enough. Possibly, you wilt
say too much. But lot me assure you
that it comes out of a heart that loves
well this community and people. . My
twenty one years In your midst, be
speaks such feeling. I have no desire
to go elsewhere to Uve or to work, nor
to die. I trust that I may find my
"God's acre" not far whom where 1 1
write these words. , But I feel that I
would be recreant of my duty to keep
silent any longer.
mic readjustment which began soma
time ago In unmistakably reflected In
reports from vlrtuatly every Industry
and trade of importance, and In the
different statistical barometers that
Indicate the trend of conditions. After
a period of unprecedented expansion
and inflation, due to unnatural stim
ulus, business of unsettlcment and em
barrassment accompanying the transi
tion. From the abnormally low levels
of last year, failures have risen abrupt
ly in both number and magnlture.
Skepticism as to the genuineness of
the downward prico movement has
been dispelled by the progressive and
rapid yielding of many markets.
Weekly bank clearings $8,603,645,
508. ' '
Apply thickly over throat
cover with not flannel
- 1 7 Million Jan LW Ytaiiv J 1
We beg to announce that we have pur
chased the Insurance business heretofore
conducted by Joe Kerley, located at 721
Main street, Pendleton, at which location we
will continue this business.
On behalf of the former owner we desire
to thank you for the patronage you have so
kindly extended and trust that we may be
favored with a continuance of the same- '
We are thoroughly familiar with the In
surance business and the needs of the in
juring public, and herewith offer you our
service in any matter relating to all kinds
of insurance. ; . i-tali
Yours very truly,
Economic Adjustment Is
Widening In tlo
NEW YOHK, Oct. 23. Dun's today
Widening of the scope of the enono-
Catarrb Cannot Be Cured
cannot reach tha aeat of tha dlaeaae.
Catarrh ia a io al dlaeaae, greatly influ
enced by constitutional conditions. HALLf
CATARRH MEDICINE will cure cataril
it ia taxen internally and acta througc
the Blood on the Mucous Surface, of the
la comDOMrf of anma Af h hMt tnnlsm
known, combined, with soma of tha beat
blood auHflera. Th nmrtert ftimhlniMn. i
of the Inaredlente In HALL'S CATARRH I
MEDICINE lr. what producea auch won
derful results n ratarrhal nondltlpii.
- ' - umuniie lice.
F. 1. &mntmmn Propa., Toledo a
The American Legion
will give their first
of the winter' e&on on
Tuesday, October
at Labor Temple
The public is cordially invited
ADMISSION Centlemfcn, $1.10, including Ux
"u etxoiar-
1 194. 01 Orm
Sr. .-3