East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 23, 1920, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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NEW VOTIK. O.t. 23. (A. P.)
The Intee-collc-glate boxing assocls
lion wu formally organised here Inst
night by representatives of nine col
legesWest Point, Annapolis, Penn
sylvania, Cornell, Penn Stale, Colum
Ha. Massachusetts Institute of Tech
nology, Johns Hopkins and Spring
fiotd y. M. C A. Assurances of sup
port were received from many other
colleges and thesewere permitted to
make application Vithln SO days to
hi' ome charter members.
SAGINAW. Mich.. Oct 23. A. P.)
Captain Hub Roper of Chicago,
claimant of the American army heavy
weight title, knocked out Soldier
Jones of Toronto, Canadian llght
heavyweight champion, in the eighth
round Inst nght.
Roper wore Jones down In the in
A valuable addition to Vnlted States
military history has Just been contrib
uted by an Army Truck Convoy In the
completion of a 4,000 mile transcon
tinental Journey from Baltimore to
the western coast.
The ocean to ocean expedition was
undertaken by the War Iepartment to
stimulate Interest in a system of na
tional highways across the country,
and followed the route of the Bank-
fighting. A right to the Jaw put the
Canadian away after he nad been
down twice for the count of nine In
the final round. Roper weighed 18
and Jones 170.
head Highway, the most southerly of
our transcontinental routes. Rlrector
general J. A. Rountree, of the Rank-
head Highway, accompanied the cara
r,-,. '?y?.r?7piffl. OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING OCTOBEE '23, 1020
; - . ' i ..
Cut in Two
Plates insulation.
Just these two working
ere all any battery has.
Substitute Threaded Rubber
Insolation for the ordinary kind
and you cut the chance of battery
trouble squarely in two.
Threaded Rubber Insulation is
the kind selected by 136 manu
facturers of passenger cars and
motor trucks
Electric Service
CWllardJun m
a I WS 1 1
til 1 1 ffl I
i 19 ffi 9 HI H tij
Officially the trip started at Wash
ington, D. C, and ended at Los An
geles, but the convoy actually started
from Baltimore with San Francisco as
its final destination. The expedition
disbanded in the bay city after deliver
Ing its equipment to the ordnance de
partment at the Presidio.
Forty eight vehicles made the start
from the city on Chespeake Bay 3!
motor trucks, t motorcycles and 8 pas
senger cars. The motor trucks ftnd
motorcycles were driven by men of the
detachment while the convoy's officers
drove the passenger cars.
The cavalcade came through Rich
mond, Raleigh, Charlotte, Atlanta,
Memphis, Little Rock, Texarkana,
Dallas, Fort Worth, El Paso, Blsbee,
Tucson, Yuma, 151 Oentro, San Diego,
and Los Angeles to San Francisco over
route embracing every conceivable
road condition.
Among the main purposes of the
cross country tour was the desire to
obtain first hand evidence concerning
the performance of pneumatic cord
tires on heavy army trucks, and with
this object about half the trucks in the
convoy were pneumatic tire equipped.
Extensive reports were made daily
concerning the. operation of the solid
tired freighters and the trucks wear
ing pneumatics. Based on these daily
records, a comprehensive report Is to
be made later by the commanding of
ficer to the War Department, showing
the compartlve efficiency of the
trucks on these two types of tires.
As pneumatic tires had never before
figured heavily in tours sof this kind
the officers "played safo" and trans
ported a large supply of spares for use
in emergencies. But so little trouble
was experienced with the pneumatic
that a whole truck load of spares was
left at El Pasco, as it was quite evid
cnt no use for them would develop.
Two large trucks on Goodyear pneu.
mattes, the B2 and B7, .wearing 38x7
front and 40x8 rear tires, completed
the entire transcontinental pjourney
without a single tire change, arriving
at the coast with the original Mary
land air in the tires.
- And despite the exacting road con
ditions, ranging from southern swamps
to western deserts and rocky moun
tain roads, the tires finished the tour
In fine condition, appearing good for
many more miles of service. In addi
tion to the pair of trucks that came
through without a tire change, a num
her of trucks on Goodyears came
through wkh only one or two replace
ments of tire equipment. , .
Officers and men are unanimous in
their praise of the service rendered
S . " . - i.u.ium.ilm iitliUiliiUiH.iiL .iUUumi"! ,j
ll I LI :,"
Ml 11 11.111 iim)W.-.S.' " ' - j
I UXURIOUSLY. finished and.
J equipped, our five-passenger
Sedan model is everywhere ac
knowledged as holding a place of
leadership among the finest motor
carriages of this country and
Europe. ; It is unquestionably one
of the most exquisite creations
in the fine car field.
A tremendous satisfaction is de'
rived from its ownership, for it is,
above all else, a car of practical
utility a car whose daily useful'
ness is entirely independent of
both season and weather.
Built on the highly refined Six'42
chassis, this light- Sedan model
establishes a new stanHarH of
0. E. Holdman Auto Co.
632 Cottonwood St. Phone 337
'efficiency1 is the operation of en
closed cars.
Its six cylinder motor, of original
Paige design and construction,
has all the speed that anyone
could desire together with an
abundance of power which makes
possible an acceleration from five
to twenty-five miles per hour in
nine seconds flats.
In short, the five-passenger Sedan
has all of the essentials that make
for complete comfort, efficiency
and utility in a thoroughly fash
ionable car for general family use.
It is easily, V2 believe, the great
est dolkr-for-dollar value among
enclosed cars on tne market today.
Manuactureri of Motor Cars and Motor Truch
DETROIT, Mic - jan
hy pneumatics and declare that but for American Association baseba-U olngne
tne tractive qualities furnished by
them when the trucks got into diffi
cult positions, it would have been Im
possible to extricate them without
pulling out by ttractor.
It Is generally agreed that this lat
est of coast to coast motor truck runs
has not only proven the adaptability
of pneumatic tires to regular army
work, but that the transportation of
munitions of war bytruck to western
and southwestern points is entirely
feasible, and with the Improvement of
the highways will become even more
announced today. Lear comes in part
payment for the transfer of Catcher
Gaston, sold to the Giants before the
season closed.
BUTTE, Mont., Oct. 23. (A. 'P.)
Six hundred ex-service men in Mon
tana have been approved for vocation
al tralnint;, according to IJlo Fred
ericks, supervisor of federal vocation
al training for this state. Of thl
number, from i0 to 75 will be planed
in tho Mate college at Bowman, and
six m the state school of mines at
Butte. Seventy-five men are In place
ment training and otherre In schools
scattered over the tat forty of the
men being at th state university in
Missoula. The cases of 1400 Injured
rvlc men In Montana have bee Aw
vextlgated, according to Mr. Fredericks.
DALLES, Tex.; Oct. 2,3. (V. P.J
A new outbreak of terrorism by night
riders seeking to intimidate cotton
rowers Into refusing to sell cotton un
til the price goes up, is reported here
today. A cotton gin at Handley was
destroyed last night by fie. Author!
ties suspect night riders. Owners of
other plants have received threats that
they will be burned.
MILWAUKEE!, Oct. 23. A. P.)
"King ' Lear, New York's National
League infielder, will wear the Mil
waukee uniform next season Presl
dent Otto Borchert of the Milwaukee
I !
y s dr"? V- f 8lle does, ask her to drive around to I
Ijs? '' kYw p4. our service station and try our ( f
J)M j "Free Service"
y-Jt' "Tlie Scr,lcc Wlth Smile" J
, w- ...wijWt. she will be more than pleased with the j 1
. . v f nervine w friv. k I
s J 1LA..4k None Better. ' .
WA :- diamond AGAINST PAL'S HUBBl,
u., , ; Full of Life. q , -ys&j". "W
V.4,! Jlr. vl,k.. I WEED CHAINS Yf
: 1 f'f'.V We have the regular and extra heavy i fl-.... V-
.chains In stock. Don't forget us when , tf'y
J !,'' ' ' "you need them. . i lkiA"
M L. S. (Spence) Bentley .f - ' V
f d Co. Inc. P''
I Vh ' V;l, Altafit, I1me 755 Oposite P. O. I ' - V
V ""VVi VV " GAS-OFIACCESSORl'ES if ' '' i
Si,! . : 1 f f v
CjyUSINESS men and professional men, in chooi
U ing a car, place dependability first.
That is why so much of the important work of the
day is entrusted to Buick.
For those calls where time is important and Eet
ting there essential, Buick can be depended upon
tor swift, sure transportation.
You will find among the new Buick Twenty One
Models-the car which exactly suits" your business
needs and the needs of your family. ,
The mechanical excellence of the car you choose 11
backed by a nation-wide authorized Buick Service.
Prices of trlt
New Nineteen Twenty One
uuilk scries
"T 'm' -Fnr Font, ibt. Wp, a,
MM J.M, to.f, 6i,, (o cm
M,M l ,mlr Ont-rOT(, Se,rn, i.e ,,,
Moitell .enc7 Om-mrl uren p..K(v d
v r. 0.X tiulHt Cml Tirmliul Him
ties Is one tiling and social lift
ll anothr. Mrs. Mattie B. Harl,
eandldat for Congress, Is p-oc-Ing
this. Her opponent Is W. It.
Green, who has represented this
district (or several terms In Co.,
tress. Mrs. Harl remains very
"chum my" with tho congresman's
wife. 4wplU bar owb political
ambltfon. -,,,.,
5- IV I
B 1
v. a3 mm
iJZA ferr- -iff .-. :
Oregon Motor Garage
r i
?1-121 W Court
rf! "