East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 23, 1920, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    tE KCT.OnrCOXIAIS IS TH? DMT t.VLAXf) CKMil? lsrVV2?Arf!t fitVIVff ftfAn?f vr fi-if ivr fliii rtn fr.pifttftf vw wftM fvritr iw i,. rVr vn i?vm-rv tewi
( j ' , - - t- - - r- -r --T-- - . - . .y,),yw rhkLif.iwii ui uium ytayuum. i hv It ig.ll o II y I J I llU.li UU I fl I lit Wools IM L-L I t fl.il v.t I 4u I iiloi
tutr tt coiiltiipri!ii'?4 of yesterday
' , ', . Dallv
rbl paper it a mfmti.r of and audited
by Ui Audit Bureau of Circulation!.
Tho East Or'jronNn Ij Ivttfn Or
g?n's gr':f;t nwpap r and as ,
-liir.z forc glv to tb9 dvjr:u f
ovr i;rc the guaranteed pAid circu
lation In Pendleton end timsttli. eoun
ty of any oilier ntwiirr.
NO. 9660
Californian Declares That Ohio
Senator is Set Against Any
Compromise and Will Have
Only Outright Rejection.
Wf - .
r jr .v ja.mj. ur wi, zj. una 01 me alarming upwi ui me irt?mum
DeClareS ReDUbliCan NOm nP & J,un ,n" activity ot pro-German sympathisers in behalf of Senator
Uis Tnln i r J' wrl trom all over the United State indicates that the German
iiaa ian.cu WllcqulVULdl , ; go aolldly for the Ohio aenator. .
SitiOn SDeaker Cannot V -Jeorge Bylvestr Vlereck, editor of what was formerly the Katherland, bu:
i , . ... !i . V jw the American Weekly, haa been unuaually active In support of Harding.
liy ri ieilUS (VllSUnuerSianO. rle In now orgtfhlilng Harding clubs throughout the country, compound o:
r.iembera of former Oerman-American aocletlea. He haa announced that the
German vole will be solid for Harding. He wants to "Have America from the
league," he aaya.
The New York Volkdzeltung recently made comment on the campaign
' 'The German pro-Hardng unti-Cox campaign Is in full swing.
A WashloRton dispatch to the Brooklyn Citizen says that tho German
language papers "frankly declare that they are for Harding because he l ,
opposed to ratification of the treaty and In favor of a separate peu'ce with
The fierman-Amerlcan "itirens Ixmjtue met in Chicago not long ago. Thin
conference. Willi Vlereck on the resolutions committee, adopted the follow
ing resolutioiiH:
"in view of certain enlightened statcmenta In Henalor Warren C. Hard
ing's speech of acceptance and in his suliKeiiient utterances, cxpresxlng his
unalterable opposition to the league of .Nations and the perfidious foreign
policy of the present administration, we shall, unless unexpected events
transpire, regard It as our duty to support ihe-repuhlican candidate; we truat
however, that Mr. Harding will expreH himself In unequivocal terms on other
subjects Involving the honor of our country, sikh as the pernicious peace pacts
of the Treaty of Versailles and HI. Germain."
Mr. Harding haa since made his position clear. j
Then there is another sign of where this German vole Is to go In charge
of te western headquarters for Harding at Chicago is none other than John
T. Adams, of Iowa. Ho wrote a letter to an Iowa newspaper saying:
"God never made a more genuine, upright, noble character than the
German Kaiser."
In other letters he blamed the war on England, "said Alsace Lorraine was
"thorouahly German." and assailed the Belg'ans for their "atrocities" on the
invading Germans.
a newannner dlsoatch ouotes a leading German paper as sny'.ng that in
high circles In Germany it Is believed that America will he generous and waive
payment of war claims for damages.
BALTIMORE. Mr., Oct. S3. (A. P.)
Senator Harding is .opposed uiieiiiii
vocally to the league of nations, and
It elected, will not lead the United
States Into It, Hiram Johnson of Cali
fornia told a large audience last night.
senator Johnson referred to the re
cent statement Issued In New York and
signed by Kilhu Root and othersa.
: "Men and newspapers who pretend
to be friend of Senator Harding, and
who assert that he Is to tak this coun
try Into the league of nations, do him
a distinct disservice and pay him a
sorry compliment," he declared.
8ay Stand Is I'ncompromlfclng
"I do not care," he said, referring
tc the statement given out by 31
prominent pro-league republicans,
headed by JCIIhu Root, "If 81 gentle
men In New York, or sio.ono gentle
men In Nrw York say the reverse of
what I contend. Here are the words
of Warren Harding and upon those
words he Is entitled to the support of
every red-blooded American:
Wants Outright lu-jiftloti
Senator Johnson said In part:
"For reasons of their own, certain
Interested Individuals and newspapers
may misrepresent and misinterpret
Henatnr Harding's words.- I resent
thass Imputations on the sincerity of
tha utterances of thts csndidnta and
ths manifest endeavor in some quar
ters to distort his plain. language..
'There is1, nothing , jimhiguoua or
uncertain in our candidate's declara
tion. He hAs courageously taken his
stand. H has put the Jeagus behind
him. Hs wants snelther Interpreta
tions nor reservations, but outright re
jection. 'The men and newspapers who pre
tend to be friends of Senator Harding
and who assert that he is to take this
country Into the league of nations
do him a distinct disservice and pay
him a sorry compliment. I speak of
course, solely from the public utter
ances of our candidate and these utter
ances make plain beyond cavil, that
when Senator Harding Is president he
will not take the f. 8. into the league.
"He characterises the league as a
military alliance which menaces pence
and threatens all freedom. He called
It the suprems blunder and asserted
that hS' would leavs 'America free, In
dependent and selg reliant, but offer
ing friendship to all the world.'
"X am unable to understand the In
tellectual processes which can misin
terpret or misconstrue these words
and do hot appreciate the friendship
ot Individuals who still Insist that the
words are meaningless and that Sena
tor Harding intends something else
than ha says."
Round-Up, Great Civic Enter
prise, Commended to Rose
iuj aiiu oicuc at i-diyc III
Keynote Struck at Banquet.
Business is' Cast Aside and
Party Resolves Into - Hand
shaking Trip With Future of '
Country in Foreground.
There are reasons for the German friendship for Senator Harding. He
voted in the senate on May 4. 1918. against placing heavy fines upon disloyal
ai d seditious acts and utterances during the war.
He voted on May U.. t?". for a separate peace wlili Germany, the peace
that they are apparently depending upon In Germany to release them from
tr harsh damage payments prescribed In the Versailles treaty, and mention
ed by the German-Americans as the "pernicious pact."
And Senator Harding made some statements In i.ie senate mat were
pleasing to the pro-Germans In America. On June 8. 1917, he doclured:
"I have believed the Unerty Bond campaign hys erical and unwen.ly."
Purtherfore. he applauded German patriotism and declared In effect, that
' . . . . ... ...i.i. - tr : . . t. - I. .. II.. ...I... an1
wt. have no Business menaimg wim me nun'm wi n.w uwuwb iM niw.&
Hohencollern. ' Here are his statements: ,
"I should, like American devotion similar to that which Germnn peopw oi
Germany show to the government of that country, ana 1 say buw u.Bi i,wu.
rtne.it it aguln and again. It is not any iualh's of "the Amercan people whu't
class of government any nation on earth may have so long as that government
nspect ths requirements of International law and tne tenets or civiuutiion.
"I think It III becomes the I'nlted Slates of America to measure a man's
patriotic devotion In accordance with his determination that the huu.ves of
Hohensollern and Hnpaburg shall be destroyed."
There are many Americans who question If the coming election is to ne
another test betwaen Germany and America In America.
' MATUON. Oct. 23. (By Raymond
nirt,.r II. p. Staff Correspondent.)
Taking advantage . of a lull In his
speaking campaign. Senator Harding
tort.iv worked on addresses whicli will
be delivered next week In several Ohio
cities. For the time being there will
be little fireworks about the Marlon
front porch. A few visitors are ex
pected each' day. but no large delega
tions. Harding headquarters have ta
ken on an atmosphere of quiet confi
dence and has no feeling of doubt as
to the outcome of the campaign now
drawing to a close.
One reason for'lhls optlrtilst'n view
of the situation Is the apparent har
mony among party leaders which
Harding headquarters believes Jias
now been achieved by the nominee as
o ths league of nations. The latest
development which brought cheers
here was a stalement by Senator John
son that he favors a "world forum."
This Senator Harding Interprets as an
..j....nt of his own position
against the Wilson leaguo In favor of
some kind ot an
ttnns. The view of headquarters here
Is that all republican leaders, now ex
cept possibly Borah, have come around
. ih. Hsrdlng position on the league,
and the nominee believes he has
achieved the end for which he has
striven slnco the convention unity on
the chief Issue.
Mistaken for Burglar Claims
Man Who Fired Pistol, But
Rumors of Quarrel. Come
From Exclusive District.
CHICAGO, Oct. SS. (U. P.) Fred
erick Sextro, wealthy manager ot a
coal company, admitted, police said
tedoy. that he shot and killed Rev.
Frederick Ruff, pastor ot tne memo
rial Mctholst church, In the exclusive
North Shore district, ana owner or
several large apartment DtiuainBS.
Ruff was shot In his apartment nouse.
Sextro declared he mistook the pas
tor for a burglar when he met him in
,. huiHvnv. ciextro occupied the
upartment above Ruff. j
According to information given the
police Sexiro was among many qu
anta of a building owned by the pas
tor who quarreled with him due to a
large increase In the rent
Mrs. buff and the children were In
front of the apartment house. In on
utomoblle, the family being about to
start for .Melvin, ms.. ami nun wun
supposed to be shutting the windows.
locking the doors ana gciung me
apartment In shape to leave. Ruff
was shot dim In the chest Accord
ing to the story Sextro told the police,
Huff had gone to the second floor
where the Sextros live.
"I heard some fumbling around our
doorwlth keys, he Bald. "An apart
ment on the third floor had been rob
bed a few nlRhts ago and we were
anxious about burglars. I went and
get a revolver, threw the door open
and sow a dark form In the hallway.
Mark W. Hlenrn, a young Portland
attorney who formerly practiced law in
Michigan and Ohio will arrive In Pen
dleton Monday morning to spend the
week on a speaking tour otthc county
in behalf of the League of Nations and
the election of Cox and Roosevelt.
Mr. Hearn's first meeting will be
held at Milton .Monday evening. C. P
Strain, ' county chairman who is at
Milton today is arranging the details
of the meeting there. The other dates
for Mr. Hearn have not been fully
worked out but he will be at Weston
Thursday evening, at Umaplne Fridav
evening and at Hreewuter, Saturday
evening October 30. More than likely
he will be with the Chamberlain party
In the west end of the county and at
Pendleton on Tuesday.
Word received from Portland Is that
Mr. Hcnrn Is one of the best speaker
In that state and has a good address on
the League of Nations. He has th
further advantage of a personal ac
quaintance with both Governor Cox
end 8cnator Harding.
Meetings for diHCiisstng the League
of Nations and other live Issues have
been set by Chairman Strain for the
ttmeB and places mentioned aVove. A
meeting was held at Athena last even
Irg and tonight a gathering will be
held at Milton.
Senator Chamberlain Is to arrive
at Stanfleld Tuesday morning and dur
ing tha day will speak at Stanfleld.
Hermiston and Echo. He win spcaii
In Pendleton Tuesday evening.
Plans for Pendleton's entertain
ment of the boys coming here on Nov.
5, B and 7 for the Older Boys' Confer
once of the Y. M. C. A., will be laid at
a meeting to be held at 2:30 Sunday
afternoon In the local Y. M. C. A.
headquarters, In the Pespaln building.
Cash Wood, county secretary, today
called the meeting.
Men and women representing all
tho churches of the city, are to attend
Commending to Portland and the
stale at lurge the example of Pendle
ton In unifying Its populace by means
of a great civic enterprise, the Itound-
:p, W. 1.. Thompson, of Portland and
Pendleton, lust night struck a key.
note In the opening address at. a !an
quel attended by 200 huslnf ssmcn,
from the host and guest cities. "Would
that Portland had a Kouml-t'p to
brlngtogether Hs diverging elements."
Mr. Thompson said,, and a chorus of
Portland voices responded with a lusty
A happy spirit of camaruderie per
meated the Pendleton air, crisped by
m autumn sun, yesterday as the 94
trade leaders from the metropolis
met 100 or more of this community's
merchunts and business folk. The
ume spirit prevailed ut the banquet,
nerved In the Parish House of the
Church of the Hedeemer. .where a
sumptuous dinner was followed by
informal speeches.
PeiHlli-tiHi's I'liiflcaliiHi Tolil.
Pendleton became a unit because
its people were brought solidly be
hind a civic enterprise in which not
one person hud a commercial Inter
est, Mr. Thompson told the men of
his newly-adopted home, speaking as
4 I'endletoniui). He lauded the co
operative spirit of his old home folk
and declared for more of that spirit
throughout the state. .
A double toastmaster system was
lined at the "banquet, a novelty for
Uotb J'endfeton auU the Jtose City
ileleation. Nuthun Ktrausa, presi
iunt, of the excursion, culled upon the
qieiikers from Portland while Itoy
Kuley, president of the Pendleton
Commercial Association, -gave the
to:ut for the local men.
Confidence in the future of this
greut KaHtern Oregon couiitry was ex
pressed tiy Frederick Greenwood,
I branch munuger of the federal reserve1
Oank of Portland, who spoke at
ienifth on this feature of the finan
cial backbone of the country. He' ex
plained the working.1 of the system
and pledged the Portland bank's
utmost co-operation in tiding this
lection over the present emergency.
Sjstcm Acts As Krnkc.
The federal reserve system is, like
a cur in the hands of a careful driver,
descending a mountain road after the
peak has been reached, Mr. Greenwood
said. He also likened it to the fire
department which, while expensive
and Infrequently used, is ready for
the largest conflagration. The feder- I
al reserve bank's place is to be ready !
for the emergency and to that end it
is acting now as a break on the
steady descent of things to normal. !
On behalf of the farming interests
of this section, Senator Hoy Rltner ,
jpoke briefly. He told of Umatilla
county's importance to the wheat in
dustry and concluded by lauding the
Multnomah delegation in the state
legislature for always coining to the
assistance of this section when laws
are desired pussed.
J. A. Itaie, vice president of the
Portland Chamber; C. C. Colt, presi
dent of the Portland Union Stock
.ards; Paul De Haas, and others were
called upon by the rortland toast
master for addresses, while an nd
dress of welcome by George A. Hart
man, vice president of the Pendleton
Commercial Association, a talk on the
livestock Industry by L. C. Scharpf
and a brief Introduction by Mr. Raley
constituted the Pendleton toasts.
Pep personified was ev'dent In the
visiting party. Walter Jenkins, com
munity song leader, having trained
the bunch In songs more humorous
than tuneful. No one In the cirwd
was slighted and most of the wircn
engaged In serving were serenaded.
IIiikIiii-ss Not Trip's Object
Itusimss was ca t aside and the
party resolved into a handshaking
trip, local men being placed In touch
with the various lenders in Industry
from the mctroolts. Nothing but
words of praise for 'the cord'al rela
tions between the two cities were
After the banquet and toasts, the
party adjourned to the Klks club
where open house was In oriier and
where a general mixer was enjoyed.
The train heuringdhe visitors on their
way to the five towns of the county
yet unvlsited, steamed for Pilot Rock
at an early hour this morning and to
day the junketers are winding up
their week of education and travel by
calls at Pilot Rock, Echo, Stanfleld.
Umatilla and Hermiston.
That the ballot Is a prayer and
should be cast this year for peace
through the League of Nations Is
the expressed view of Krza H.
Vinson In a letter to the East
Oregonlan under a L'klah post
mark. Mr. Vinson's letter is so
sincere In tone and so timely In
view of the great question that
Is now uppermost that it is given
this consipcuous position.
Editor, East Oregonlan:
Are you for peace or war?
What is the ballot to us? Very
likely you get many letters these
days but pardon me for giving
you my personal views about the
above question for peace or war.
One candidate Is honorably for
peace, the other is not. As a na
tion we profess to be a Christian
nation, believing In a loving All
wise Creator. A nation's will as
expressed at the ballot box Is the
law of the land. The ballot is
our political prayer to God ask
ing Him to help us to lice in
peace at home and a 1 1 road; to
help us make the conditions we
want. During the late war by
request of our president I lhnk
every church joined In prayer
to God most earnestly for peace.
Will their political prayer tho
second of November be in har
mony with the prayers then
made and ask God to help us
Join with the other nations in a
covenant or league to prevent
war forever between nations?
Lord Mayor of Cork at Close of
72-Day Battle Against Food
Which is Received Only in
ATHENS, Oct. 23. (A. P.) The
condition of ftie king is most grave
today and he is frequently delirious.
His morganatic wife who was a trained
nurse is at his bedside night and day
fighting for his life with all the skill
she gained during the war.
Sisters, Expelled From Brixton
Jail, Take Up Brother's Hun
ger Strike; Wife to Remain
t Bedside Until End.
Sympathetic Walkout Ordered
for Sunday Midnight is De
layed and Miners' Negotia
tions are to be Reopened.
IINDO.V, Oct. 23. (A. P.)
Grave reports were in circulation at
noon today regarding the condition of
ference Mac Hwlney, Ird Mayor of
Cork, on the seventy-second day of
his hunger strike in Brixton prison.
The Exchange Telegraph company at
that hour declared his last moments
were at hand. He said Mrs. Mac
Swiney was with him and Father
Dominic, his private chaplain had al
so visited him.
Sisters Take Up Strike.
LONDON, Oct. 23. (U. P.) Rel
atives of Lord Mayor Mao Swiney fear
he Is dead and that officials of Brix
ton prison are supurecsing ti e taci.
according to a statement of his bro
ther, Peter Mac Hwiney. of New York.
Annie and Mary Mac Swiney, his sis-
GRAND JUNCTION, Colo., Oct 21.
til. P.) Western Colorado today is
being swept by a severe blixxard and
snowstorm Train 'norvlce is ylrttial
Jy paralyzed. No loss of life of suf
fering has been reported.
hunger strike. Their action followed
exclusion by officials of the orison
from his bedside. Mac Swiney's wife
was allowed to remain.
The home office later informed the
lilted Press that the sisters were ex
cluded from the prison on the grounds
that they might interfere with the'
physicians feeding Mac Swiney dur
ing periods of delirium.
Annie bscame hysterical after :;he
and her sister were' compelled to leave
the prison.
' "Mary and I will remain here In
the prison yard and stucve until we
see Terence." she said. "If we are
thrown out -of the yard we will stay
at the gate day and night."
Lloyd George is Understood to
Have Made New Formula
Ready for Presentation at
Conference, Now Scheduled.
LONDON, Oct. 23. (A- P.) Rail
way men have postponed their pro
posed strike in sympathy with the min
ers temorarily at the request of a min
ers' executive. The miners today ac
cepted Premier Lloyd George's Invi
tation for further discussions.
The Evening Standard ' said it un
derstood the premier would present a
new formula at a conference which
rhaS already received the Unofficial ap
proval of several miners' leaders.
Readiness with which the rallwaymen
acceded to the miners' proposal is ac
.epted as victory for Secretary
rhonas. railway union, who opposed
the ntrike. Predictions were freely
made in official circles that renewal
of negotiations would bring about
quick settlement
Opportunity for Settlement.
7.0NDON', Oct. 23. (i:. P.) The
ters have joined their brother in his nationwide railway strike, scheduled
to start at midnight Sunday as a
sympathetic demonstration with tha
miners' walkout was postponed this
evening. An official statement, is
sued hy the miners. -said that, acting
on their advice, the railway workers
have suspended their sympa'h"tic
strike "to give every opportunity for
an honorable settlement." It slated
that the suspension would continue
during; the perigd of negotiations be.
IWeen miners and the government.
.i, . ., i riemnmled. There Committees w.ll oe cnnsen irom uiii-
.,.. I shot once and the ong their number to look after nous
hortv fell to the floor and rolled down I'nK. entertainment and other nrranEe-
stalrs to tho first floor." Intents. The program is set by the
state headquarters for boys' work.
tv-iiTr ivn Oct. 23. (A. P.) A Mrs. Hiram wnne, anniner lennm. Miinmiy scnooi worsers. represenla-
Washlngton special dispatch says Jo- said she was In bed and heard Sex- tlves of the young people's societies
seen N Teal of Portlond, today has tro yell, "Who's there? Who's there?" and any other adults Interested In
been; appointed aTmombex of tha U. several times. -She heard -no answer hoys' work ere Invited by Mr. Wood
a. shipping board. and suddenly there was a shot to attend tomorrow's meeting. .
Victor and Paul Bracher, sons of C.
G. Bracher, Pilot Rock businessman,
are lost In the mountains near Leh
man Springs and a searching party
from Pilot Rock left this morning to
URslst in the hunt The boys have been
missing since yesterday morning when
they left Elkhorn cabin together to
Search was made for the boys
through the day and night by their
father, who took them to the Elkhorn
Hunting Club for an outing. Friends
at Pilot Rock were notified last night
cf the boys' being lost and early today
the rescue party started out.
The place where the boys are lost is
in the wooded section of the mountains
in the south of the county. The coun
try has few-distinguishing-marks-and
on every side of the ridges are creeks.
In this particular locality creeks with
in a short distance flow to the Grand
Ronde, the John Day and the Umatil
la and one unfamiliar with the country
might easily become confused and lose
the way.
The boys are without food and the
ground has snow on It In places.
While they are expected to be suffer
ing from cold and lack of food, they
aro expected to be found today un
harmed. Both the boys are high school stud
ents, Victor being about 18 and Paul
about 15 years of age. They are accus
tomed to hunting and handling of fire
arms and it is not believed that any
NcUli-inetit Kxpcctol.
LONDON, Oxt-JJ. tn,iH was-
beheved here today that ihe strike of
railroad workers, scheduled for mid
night Sunday in sympathy" with the
stiking coal miners, might be pre
vented. Although they voted to go
out, they were faclngerious disxen
sion within their Own "ranks due to
the refusal r,r J. tr Thnn! ti.i
I waryV to lead Biich a demonstration.
1 he situation led certain officials of
the press to predict that the railway-
men would find a means to induce
the miners to reopen their case. The
liellef was also expressed In official
circles today that transport workers,
the third division of triple alliance,
would refuse to cai; a sympathetic
strike. It is admitted a dangerous
situation has developed among dock
workers. Employers are discharging
thousands as a result of the coal
strike and agitators are active.
Lloyd George sent a litter to the
miners, inviting them to immediate
conference. Secretary Hodges accept
ed for the federation, and arranged for
a deputation of miners to mee the
premier tomorrow morning.
Scratch-Balloters Comprise 80
Percent of Total, is Estimate
in Face of Issues Which Di
vorce Party Lines.
" CHICAGO'. Oct" 23. (U. P,). The
"scratch" voter is causing a bumper
growth of gray hairs on the pates of
politicians for, the first time in a
presidential campaign. This "fourth
dimension" injected in 1920 politics
comprises 80 per cent of the voters, ac
cording to party leaders here who say
this is their sole fret as the campaign
enters its final swing. Newly-fren-chised
women comprise part of the
"unknown quantity" although many
partisans believe a majority of these
first voters would follow party lines.
The league of nations issue has tan
gled the tickets until democrats and
republicans have become rare speci
RIG 111
CORK, Oct. 23. (A. P.) Several
shops were burned today and the win
dows -of principal business concerns
smashed at Bundo near the scene of
yesterday's ambush of military lorries
itt which an officer and private were
killed and five soldiers wounded. The
village of Innishannon is also report
ed to have been damaged. ,
iccldent has befallen them but rather ! national committee here to.lav.
Kthey have lost their way and are fol- i -chore will he n lot of remihlirnnx
many streams inivotcffor 'ox and the league and some
a roadway or democrats will go the other way," he
lot of
owing one ot the
hopes of coming to
"The campaign this year is one of
1 rinciple and not party or person," Mr,
Doremus added. "Many voters may
follow party lines in state and muni
cipal balloting but on national and
senatorial questions they will vote for
an issue, realizing the president must
have a favorable congress to Beeure
things for which he stands."
Congressman Good, at republican
headquarters here, declared today that
in addition to women voters, a great
increase In naturuliiatlon and additi
onal population of the United States
greatly swell the vote this year. He
predicted an increase of 40 per cent
over the last presidential vote when
Expect Campaign Stop ,1 eighteen and a half million ballots
WASHINGTON. Oct. 23. tU. P.) I Were eut
The visit of the Portland men was I I resl(1,.nt Wilson's next campaign "But this will be a mighty light
statement on the league of nations witl ! vote considering that number that
he delivered Wednesday to delegates! should turn out," Good said. "The
of pro-league republicans and inde-j suffrage amendment enfranchised 8.-
denpents headed by Hamilton Holt, !'. Oiui women. This, with other fac-
ihe while house announced today,
PltoliI Battle is Fought
DUBLIN. tlct. 23. (A. !.) A
pitched battle was fought last night
near Moute, when a military lorry
was ambushed. One policeman was
ulled and others were wounded. A
according to Frank Doremus. I military party, sent to aid the police
was attacKea and a running fire was
maintained throughout Moate, in
which it is reported a woman was
"i- Combined military and police
-virt'es returned to Athlone, shooting
at they proceeded through the town
and cutis. ng panic.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 23. (A. P.)
The President will receive a delegation
r.f pro-le;igue republicans Wednesday
and he is expected to deliver a pro
nouncement on the league of nations,
I" is second of campaign steps.
the first venture of its kind ever sent
Into this section and results are won
derful, the visitors said. They were
high In their praise of the clty-llkc
aspect of Pendleton, marvelled at the
inodernlly of the city's newer build
ings and at the volume of trade en
joyed by local stores. The lands of
the county, seen during yesterday's
trip to the east end, also Impressed
them, they said.
Heported by Major Leu Mooshuuss,
official observer:
Alnximuii. 6:;.
Minimum. 45.
tonometer, 39.J2.
PORTLAND. Oct. 23. (A.
Markets are steady today.
tors should give a total vote of neurly
double that of four years ago. But
many voters are going to stuy away
from the polls, particularly tn south
ern states liceause they cannot con
scientiously suiqioit Cox and the
league," he said.
Tonight and
Sunday f.ar.