i-unnn a ; i f r m r r rrr i m t r r t rr r r r r r rtr rtrr ry ft ,i i i i i ; r r , t j t r t 'r r r f r r r v v r -t f IH ft cm cast okdi6sliff; f tsb. 6 kzdos,- rntoA mscra, OCtOitft ,-lMfrr 8 0Vt, ,..,. ,i,L., i JULUH ..... .. J- - J-' - .-a-jLi-m - ' . .... , i , . . W r " 1 11 " I Social and Club News BIRTHDAY MADE MERRY A delightful surpriNe was extended Muw ekiphta L. Knhysk Wednesday venlng wr.en her mother asked In a gnuip of friends to share In the cele bration of her sixteenth birthday an nlverssry. The home was charmingly decorated with Hallowe'en appoint ment of Muck and fold and n oluind arre of Autumn leaven. Thr evening was spent with music and rmp and a delicious supper was enjoyed. In the party were, besides the. honor guest, Ovelyn Dudley, Edna Knliysk, Martha Hogue, Jennie John win, Lillian Markstrom, Haiel Wal man, Faye Mann, Myrtle Rnbysk, Kthel Enhysk, Sylvia Knbysk, llernlce limiting, John Cryder, Carl Nelson, Falfred Holmgren, Harry DeVore, Ray Malheney and Jamea Ilioe. 11 O P1"S V V S T A I It S S II O great'sale of suits (tomorrow) saturday suits up to 855 for $35.00 We have selected all our Women's and Misses Newest Fall and Win ter Suits, ranging up to $55 and of fer your choice Saturday at the re narkably low price tfjj QQ Included are both ripple models and straight line effects in shades of navy blue, brown, reindeer, Copenhagen and fawn. Other suitsTanging up to $185.00 will be sold at great reductions. THIS IS THE REAL SUIT SALE OF THE, SEA SON. DONTMISSIT! M U JM) FLOOR OVER TAYLOR HDW, Because It's uf& 1 Made in One Ifmm Piece tSSn A-L one piece, like, bottle; no V' A iVKSl s A Kims, no joints Even ftop- K VP l V" pT aocket i moulded in. Guar- ttf ' PfJ cnteed for full two years' tervice H a or a new one free. Get a Kant- H 1 teek. Vou may need it tonight- Haw TLEEI ill THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. THE REXALL STORE EGG USH SCRATCH FOOD If you feed this regular, your chickens will pay for themselves. Try an order. You will be convinced WAP FLd & GRAIN CO. 1300 W. Alta Phone 1014, 475, 351 1 i CONCERT IS REAL DELIGHT Unusual for Pendleton in nature, and universally unusual In Its quality of excellence was the concert last evening of OeorKe C. Klrchner, violon cellist. The artist appeared In the high school audtlorium where hun dreds of local folk thronged to hear the musical delight. . Mr, Kirchner's compelling bow brought out melodlo Ideas with mas terly intonation, roving from pure, re sounding depths of the 'cello voice to the trill and poetlo charm of deli cate finesse. Hoellmonn's Sonata, the opening number, was Illustrative of the hidden power of the Instrument, seldom coax ed to whimsical, vibrant response as in the hands of r.eorge Klrchner, In terpretation of the minor music of MacDowell was artistic and the joyous lilt of Popper's Harlequin was a revel ation. In Kempf's Andaluslan Serenade, another element came masterfully Into play. The piano accompaniment of Arvllle Belstad, wonderfully In tune throughout the program, sprang Into compelling companionship, and shone in lnterprative power and delicate achievement, while the final number Variations Symphonlque, by Boell mann, was a masterly metier 01 achievement. The coming of Mr. Klrchner and Mr. Belstad to Pendleton resulted from the cooperative efforts of Mrs. S. H. Forshaw and W. W. Green, county school superintendent. The event v as a feature of the teachers Institute. Mr. Klrchner Is a member of the faculties of both the University of Washington and the Cornish School of Music In Seattle, and Is recognised as the foremost violoncellist of the northwest. He Is a personal friend of Mrs. Forshaw. CLARENCE BEAN' TAKES BRIDE . Pendleton friends, will be Interested to hear of the marriage of Clarence Pean, former Pendlton. young man and M(ss Alda McDonald, which took Place at the home of the bride In Al bany, October 11. The wedding was the' culmination of a life-long friend ship, begun when the two were school mates In Uyssa, Oregon. The bride Is a trained nurse, she having received her training at the good Samaritan Hospital In Portland, later serving overseas with a base hos pital unit Her husband Is a graduate of the Pendleton high school and la a for mer student body president. He at tended the University of Oregon and Inter finished a course at the Renter School of Decoration, enlisting In the medical corps of the army with Illinois troops four days after war was de clared. He served overseas with a field hospital upit for l'S months, par ticipating in heavy battles and win ning a rank of sergeant. He is now associated in the mercan tile business with his father in Elgin rnd he and his bride are making their home there. Mr. Bean who has a host of Pen dleton friends Is a nephew of Mrs. H. E. Bickers and of Mrs. Jessie Hlest and of this city. WOMAN' S CLUB MEETS. Ro:s in fragrant and vivid abund ance lent charm to the library club room yesterday when Mrs. Horace Stillman, Mrs W. J. Clarke, Mrs. John Vaughan, Mrs. H. L. Simpson. Mrs. J. B. Perry and Mrs. E. J. Murphy were hostesses for a meeting of the Wom an's Club The event was an especially delight ful one, a talk by D. J. Klemme of Bellingham, on the opportunities for service offered the woman, being de lightfully interesting. Mr. Klemme is head of the department of education of the Bellingham Normal School. Mrs. B. L. Burroughs and Miss Mil dred Berkeley contributed charming vocal numbers, their piano accompani ments being played by Miss Edna Gates and Mrs. David B. Hill. Red Roses In a lovely cluster, cen tered a pretty tea table where Mrs. Henry Dixon Jones and Mrs. Wesley N. Matlock presided. EVENING AT CARUS ENJOYE' Mrs. Charles L. Cross extended de lightful hospitality yesterday when she was hostess for a meeting of the Happy Circle Club, her guests being'entertaln. ed at her home, 509 West Railroad1 street. Progressive SOB" was the di version of the evening, honors falling to Mrs. Charles Hooper and William Barclay. A dainty supper was served after the game, Mrs. Cross being assisted by Mrs. Lillian Wilson." The party Included, besides the hos tess, Mr. and Mrs. Barclay, Mr. and Mrs. Hooper, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Newton, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. , Snyder, Mrs. Charles Hamilton, Mrs . Harry Huck step, Mrs. John Mullkan, Miss Faye Snyder and Henry Snider. MARRIED AT CALGARY. Word has been received In Pendle ton of the marriage of Miss Helen Frances Elder and Captain Edgar Egllnton-Balley, a simply appointed but Impressive ceremony being read in Calgary, Alberta, on October 12, The bride Is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Elder of this city and until recently has been a stu dent In the Alberta law school at Cal gary. Captain Esllnton-Bailey served In the Canadian Infantry overseas for three years and was severely wound ed twice. Since his return he has been In charge of the Canadian Sol dlers' settlement board of Alberta. Mr. and Mrs. Eglmton-Balley are spending the winter months in Vic toria, B. C. Fresh Vegetables FOR SATURDAY Cauliflower Cabbage Spinach Green Corn , Bunch Carrot Bunch Beet Squash FRUITS Delicious Apple Roman Beauty Winter Bananna Calif. Grape Fruit. Florida Grape Fruit Bananas Pumokin Hubbard Squash Head Lettuce Green Onions Sweet Potatoes Casabas Cantaloupes Oranges Grapes New shipment today of Pork Sausage. . Demonstration D. W. Coffee (jray Bros, (jrocery Qo. THREE PHONES QUALITY THE TlHOMAS SHOP Reading, When Father Rode the Goat Miss Fleta Wright Address H. M. Elder Address George Mason Solo Mr. Mason Readings, The Hen; Pa and Ma.... Miss Hope Newcomb Reading Robert Mills Reading, Nothing Too Good for the Woodmen Mrs, Delilah Wright Reading, Hard Time Troubles Mrs. Winnie Lincoln In a nail driving contest participat ed in by Royal Neighbors, Mrs. Lot tie Long won a box of bon bons for high honors and Mrs. Wright captur ed the second trophy. Adjourning to the banquet room the party assembled about tables charm ingly centered by clusters of .shining crimson apples. George Mason, as toastmaster, wel comed the Royal Neighbors and Mrs. Walter Jones and Mrs. H. J. Newcomb responded, declaring the Royal Nei ghbors had never been more royally entertained. After the banquet an old fashioned spelling contest was enjoyed, the side captained by Mrs. Long winning the final event. WILL TAKE PART IN DRAMA. ' Miss Lola O'Neill left on No. S Wednesday for Portland where she will rehearse for a drama which will be staged by the Portland lodge of Elks on November 21 and 24. Ihh O'Neill who Is a clever dancer, will do a new "dream" dance. The play, "The Sultan of Sulu," is to be staged for the benefit of the children's Christmas tree of Portland. LAVENDER CLUB MEETS The home of Mrs. Thomas Robert son was the scene yesterday of a most enjoyable meeting1 of the Lavender Club, and rooms of the home were abloom with lilac toned petunias gracefully arranged with ferns. Mrs. J. M. Cook, president of the club, pre sided over a short business session and during a social hour, while the guests were busied with needlework. Mrs. Cook gave an interesting reading and Mrsl L. F. Van Norton contrib uted a group of piano solos. A two course luncheon completed the affair. Guests other than club members who shared Mrs. Robertson's hospi tality were Mrs. Sarah Schwartz, Mrs. Charles M. Peacock and Mrs. Van Norton. CLUB MEETING ENJOYED. Pumpkins, black cats and witches vied for attention yesterday at the home of Mrs. J. N. Scott, 116 Lewis street, where Mrs, Scott and Mrs. Ol ney Simpson entertained the Sunshine ICIub of Athena. A guessing game marked by a Hallowe'en ' motif was won by Mrs. Scott Fisher, and adjourn ing to the dining room the guests drew, frfom a great hollow pumpkin, numbers which directed them to their places. 8mali tables were decked with Hallowe'en appointments and a de lightful luncheon was served on unique paper "pumpkins." ' Mora than thirty guests enjoyed the event. ' TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Laborers for . excavation work Inquire Frank Hays, City Engineer. ROOMS FOR RENT Possibly ar rangements for cooking 415 Gar field Phone 248-M. LOST Black leather grip on Main highway Jetween Walla Walla and Pendleton Reward Phone 245 or iddress Pat Lonergan, Pendleton. Beauty More Than Skin Deep Thar is an old saying that beaut la only skin deep. That mar be with those who gat their beauty out of a box but not the renulne sort Beau ty la really only another word for good health and no woman whr Is bilious and constipated can reasonably hope to be beautiful. Chamberlain's Tab lets will correct these disorders, then with proper diet and exercise there la no reason why any young woman with regular feature may uot bops to b beautiful. 8be Beta a flood Example, 1 keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and' Diarrhoea Remeds In the house at all times and have recom mended it to many friends and ac quaintances who have used it with good results" wntea A. O. Newell, New Kerenlngton, Pa. Should you not do Ilka wlaeT Think of the pa.d and suf fering that c-'ist be endured when medicine must be sent for. Sow Is tle Time to Get Rid ot Your Rheumatism. If you ire troubled with rheumatism let a bottle of Chamberlain's Lini ment and ass it according to th plali printed directions, lou will, be sur oruwd at th quick relief which It af ford No Internal treatment I re quired in case of ohronlo or musclar rheumatism. All you nd I to nae M liniment froalv ANNOUNCEMENT ISS Edna Contralto Soloist and pupil of the eminent voice specialist FRANZ ARENS of New York Announces the opening of her studio at 130 S. Main. Lessons by appointment Telephone 217M VISIT FROM HOOD RIVER Mrs. J. M. Culbertson and small daughter of Hood Rover are visiting in Pendleton for a few days. ROYAL NEIGHBORS ENTER TAINED. Royal Neighbors enjoyed a delight ful affair last evening when the Mod- em Woodmen entertained for their pleasure. Nearly one hundred guest snd hosts enjoyed the- event which took place in Eagle-Woodman hall. A program was given Informally In cluding the following numbers: Sole George Edmunds 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1 1 1 jrrorason Farm Tractor More than 100,000 Fordson tractors hove been sold to farmers In the United States. They are helping those formers do more and better work In less time and at less cost. North, East, South, West everywhere the Fordson has proven Itself a money-maker and a real necessity to the farmer. Besides It is helping mightily to solve the labor problem. v ' . These one hundred thousand and more practical farmers ' have affirmed the economy the exceptionally low fuel 'and op erating cost of the Fordson; its time and labor-saving quali ties and Its ability to increase production. The Fordson was built to be the most economical tractor; It is compact and devoid of excessive weight. And It Is built of the some strong Iron and steel as Is the Ford Icar. Winter or bad weather does not hinder the Fordson's use fulness. Day or night twenty-four hours a day If you choose you can utilize the Fordson. Only so many Fordson are allotted this territory. Orders ere being filled in sequence first come, first served. Let us have your now. There' a practical use for the Fordson every day of the year. Let's tell you. Come In and have a tractor talk. Give us the chance to make a demonstration on your own farm. Simpson Auto Co. mart Goats at- rices Now $19.50 to $97.50 You'll be simply amazed at such beautiful coats as these seling at such low prices. Plain and fur trimmed in a wonderful assortment.- All the new wool materials and plush in short and full length. Come, your coat w here. SUITS At $35, $45, $55, $65, and $75. These are translations of the Paris mode and the highest type of American "workmanship fused into the smart suit fashions of winter. All the popular styles now priced from 1-4 to 1-3 less than regular prices. CHILDRENS COATS of the better grade, sizes 8 to 14. Priced $14.50 to $32.50. FlMMV 408 I'KXDLKTOX, OREfiOV - Water and Johnson htm. 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 I JI PERFECT REST ON A 'PERFECT MATTRESS The housewife who realizes her resnonsibility for the members of her family in the matter of restful sleeD will crfve them a Sealv mattress. This is the mattress that invites complete relaxation of mind and body, actually induring the SLEEP THAT RESTS ; ' when you sleep on a SEALY. Crawford furniture HOME FURNISHER tOS E, Court St. Phone Company