East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 22, 1920, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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News of
Oct. 20-22 Joint Inatltut
Morrow-Umatilla teachers hir.
Oct. 22 Portland Chamber Of
Commerce vlilt here.
Oct. 26. Eastern Oregon e
Blon supreme court here.
Oct. 26. American Legion
Oct. 29. Pendleton Athletic
Club smoker. ,
Nov. 1. General election.
Nov. 6-67 Northern Oregon
Older Boys' T Conference here.
Nov. 1 1, Armistice Day
State holiday.
Not. 11-10 raclflo Interna
tlonal Livestock Exposition, Port.
Itauveriiig Mm OiktWIIii.
Mrs. Krod Rces, will waa Iporaled
upon at Bt. Anthony's hospital on
Tuesday, Is recovering rapidly.
Hood Mver Arrived Early
The Hood River footbull squad,
which Is playing Pendleton hitch
school this afternoon on Hound-Up
field, arrived on No. 18 lust evening
In charge of Coach Earl Flelschmann,
The boys were at the field this morn
ing fur a light workout.
Trllliono Dlrctrtorlr Out
New telephone directories, bearing
date of October, are being distributed
t clients of the Pacific Telephone &
Telegraph Co. in Pendleton and vicin
ity today. The local exchange has
shown a growth of 1 0G stations during
the past six months since the Issue of
the lasl directory. The total on Oct.
20 was 2043 phones while t.ieie were
1934 when tho last directory was Issued,
Kkler la Coming. .
Ilev. S. E. Bailey, presiding elder of
the Puget Sound conference of the A.
M. E. church, will preach Bunday at
the local church. '.
New lUturo nought.
Joseph Vey, prominent sheep man,
has bought six sections of mountain
sheen range near La Grande. This Is
In addition to 30 sections of range on
Butter Creek owned by Mr. Vey. He
owns 10.(00 head of sheep, having eoe
of the largest bands in the county.
Fosters on IXstay
Fifth and seventh grade pupils of
the Hawthorne school have attractive
Hallowe'en posters on display today at
Alexanders' department storo. The
posters are original In design and show
witches, cats, Jack-o-lantcrns and oth
er designs sacred to Hallowe'en.
Jt(xfi-r from Wood INiiMiiiliig
II K. Cramer, who recently suffer
ed blood poisoning In his hand follow
ing an accident while ut work on a
furm near Nolln, Is recovering it Kt.
Anthony's hospital. The Infection
went to the bone and an operation
was necessary to remove the trouble.
Train lluiinitiug on Time
With express business trimmed
down a bt. train No. I, from Portland,
has been arriving on time with much
greater frequency this week than for
the past month. The train has been
late but once this week. The loud this
morning was 13 cars but No. 6 was on
time nevertheless.
Tr.hnto U Pakl.
Following Is a tribute paid In yes
terday's Oregonlan to the late John
Ourdune, Umatilla county pioneer who
died recently at the age of 7: "John
Uurdane lived to be near tho century
mark. That perhaps, due to his
birth In Scotland, the land of strong
metx. For a generation or more he
was a strong man in Umatilla county
and Eastern Oregon for the good and
betterment of the state. Ho was a
slate builder In his ruggod way."
Seven ,(! Kllliil.
Sol Huum and Trai-nv Hub... i
seven geese today. Th . .......
near ProNpect farm.
Oddfellow to Eat Here.
One hundred Oddfellows, members
of the grand lodge of Idaho, will be
guests here tonight of Eureka lodgo
No. 32 at dinner. The visitors will ar
rive from Caldwell by Bpeclal train
over the O. W. 'It. & N. lines at 7
o'clock and will bo taken to the
Quello and French restaurants fur
dinner. After the meal the local lodge
will be host at a short entertainment
in Oddfelluws hall. Members of both
the Oddfelluws and Rebekah lodges
have been asked to Join In welcoming
the visitors at the train and to attend
the reception for them at the hull.
The train probably will be held hor?
two hours. The delegates are from
towns of northern Idaho.
Iteliekalia Have lllg Meeting
The degree team of Kebekaha from
Freewaler, accompanied by a number
of Oddfelluws, were guests of Pauline
lodge of Kobekaha last night. The
Freewator team put on Initiation for
10 members. There were delegates
here from Stanfleld, Helix, Pilot Hock,
I'mapine and KTeewater and H. J.
Taylor, of Eureka lodge, acted as
toastmaster at a banquet which follow
ed the degree work. There were 200 ,
at the banquet. Toasts were respond
ed to by Mrs. Etta Sanderson, Mrs.!
Mayrne W'cller, and Pearl Hoylcn, of
Freewaler; Mrs. Nnrvcll, of . Helix;
Sarah Harvey, of Pilot Hock; Stella
ICceves, of Stanfleld; K. K. Bean, of
I'mapine; J. C. Crimmlns, of Free
water; Mrs. Mae Friedly, Jessie Smith,
Mrs. Frank Whetstone and S. F. Bow
man, of Pendleton. The FTeewater
degree team consisted of the follow
ing: Mayme Wellcr, N. (.; Pearl Boy.
len, V. O.; Delia Phipps, Chaplain;
Emma Jrons, Past Grand; Roberta
Wright, Conductor; Ruth Sheets, War
den; Nellie Bean. R. S. N. O.; Minnie
Jenkins, L. 8. N. O.; Chella Mason,
Recording Secretary; Regina Thomas,
Treasurer; Lena Clark, R. 8. V. O.;
Alice Kchultz, L. 8. V. O.; Mary Dixon,
Outside Guard; Bertha Hoon, Right
Altar Support; Florence Phllllppi, Left
Altar Support; Mable Valentine, Hazel
Dunnlck, Esther Crow, Florence
March, Banner Bearers; Julia Sander
son, Musician; Etta Sanderson, Captain.
Union WtJii Have Dunce.
Cooks and WHitera- Iikm.I v.. .... . i.
Wanning a dance In the Labor temple
mil iur election night, Tuesday Nov, 2
Barometer lioat Vp
The barometer revluinru vi i
Major Lee Moorhouse promises fair
niuuier. mo maximum today Is 08
and the minimum last night was 32.
Where Is Jes.se Ilriin?'
The local Office nl I ha I'mnlill.. !),..!
Cross, Is searching for Jesso Ilrun, an
ex-service man wno was overseas with
Batterv n. 148th vipIH amiim-v ti.,.
office has Important Information to
givo inr. jtrun.
S. A. Gives CloUies.
The Halvution Army has clothes on
hand for the poor.and noecly. Captain
Jonnle Conrud. head of the local post.
announces. The 8. A. will distribute
the clothes each Wednesday afternoon
irom 2 to 4 o'clock.
Arthur Itudd nn Staff
Arthur Rudd, Pendleton boy who
recently entered University of Oro
gon, Is a member of the news staff of
the Oregon Dally Emerald, college
paper. , Young Rudd was a member
of the local Lantern staff and was
high school reporter for the East Ore
Three I t hings Given.
Three beautiful etrhlnm lv Tallin
Orr. famous Kreneh nrtlKt nrHiAri tn
day as a gift from Northwest Red
cross headquarters, to the Umatilla
county chapter. The artist presented
20 sets to the northwest division, and
tho Umatilla chapter was among the
chapters chosen as recipients. The
etchings, which are framed, were
made during the war by the artist at
tho request of the French government
which feared that the cathedral ennM
not long withstand the bombardments
by the Germans and wished to secure
an authentic picture. The cathedral
was under heavy fire while Orr was
making tho pictures and he was
gassed while at his work. One pic
ture shows tho south side and the
ruins of the archbishops palace, an
other the facade and a third, the
south transept. The pictures will be
hung In the Red Cross office.
101101101101101101 101101101101-
Rome Beauty Apples
We have bought one man' entire crop of FINE
ROME BEAUTY APPLES and are offering them
at the following low prices.
Extra Fancy, wrapped and packed $2.45
Fancy, wrapped and packed $2.20
Choice, wrapped and packed $1.90
These apple are fine quality and being FREE
ioi-ioi loi ioi loi loi loi lux lui ioi-
Pendleton Cash Market, Inc.
(Private Exchange Ooonecu Both Pihii Igj
- I -
Use the Phones
Grocery, 2 Phones 526
Other Depts. 78
Use tite Phones
Grocery, 2 Phones 525
Other Depts. 78
Special Sale
Some of the season's latest and prettiest models
are in this collection owing to the usual amount of
late shipments.
Brown suits trimmed with beaver in the new
shades of Malay, Zanzibar, reindeer and sparrow.
Navy, suits plain or trimmed with mole or squirrel
Other shades of blue in Ming, Nankeen, Copen.
; Mb
y - 2
ft ".i
P-: ;
tt . ail
(Bdlti)r's note: The writer Is the
12-year-old prodigy who has Just en
tered Columbia ' University, epulpped
with a knowledge of 12 languages and
a better fund of general Information
than most college graduates possess.)
(Written for the United Press.)
NEW YORK, Oct 22. What I have
done Is caused entirely by two things.
The first la Horace Mann. From kin-
jdcrgurten until the present day I have
had the good fortune of being In con
tact with remarkably good teachers.
Already while still in kindergarten,
the project method was Impressed
upon me. For instance, ve were all
asked to walk like bears, and that aft
ernoon found me In front of the bears
dm In the too. And were we study
ing birds, Esqulmos or Indians, I was
down at the natural history museum.
During all these years of elementary
work, I spent two days a week at the
Metropolitan Musuem of Art At six
I was admitted as a regular student In
I the roof school of Horace Mann. For
several years I worked among the
clouds. Sometimes tho temperature
was 6 degrees below xero. To this
fact of working out of doors I attri
bute my ability to complete several
trades In one year.
M. I
& nr a inrwY prpcriN nr furor cioct 4
l,OS ANGELES, Oct. 22. (U. P.)
It is not that women take more equi
slte delight In viewing the charms of
their beautifully formed sisters of the
stage more than It's men. It's a
fifty-fifty proposition and Includes all
i of us, according to Mary Miles Mln-
ter, noted screen star, fthe took issue
with Ann Pennington's statement
that "It Is women who are responsi
ble for tho Increasing nudity on the
"No. I've never tried revolutions
myself, but almost any girl with a per
fect figure likes to reveal her beauti
ful lines. And why shouldn't they?
Perhaps I should have been a chorus
girl myself If well you know what I :
Big Lot Dress Goods
I $2.00 Yd.
H A splendid assortment of high
H grade dress goods for the price.
H This is no special sale, but due to
H a lucky purchase we can offer
these fine dress goods 0 AA
H .at this price. Yard..
H Such colors as black, grey,
H navy, bnwn and green.
H Buy a length for that dress.
H Specially good for school dresses.
Damask Lengths
3.00 Yd.
Mad- of fine long staple cot
ton with a high satin finish, of
beautiful designs.
We guarantee these to be all
rntinn marie on linen looms.
They wear like iron and launder
fine if half starch is used. They
come 2 and 2 1-2 yard lengths.
Comfort Covering
Such as silkoline, cotton chal
lie and figured satesn are the
best cloths to use- They are of
fered in many colors and pat
terns, 36 inches wide and of good
quality. "1
Silkoline 19c to 3 jc
Challie 40c
Sateens 60c, 75c
Cotton Batts i
15c to $2.50 Each
Make up comforters to your
liking. Make them as heavy and
fluffy as you like.
Use our Cotton Batts as they
are really made to wear and of
good quality, sanitary cotton.
One thousand feet of film show
ing the Utet tyle for fll. We are
sure it will be interesting as this was
taken at the Great Stjrle Show in
Chicago recently.
It was through our efforts that
you will be able to see this "Grand
Spectacle of Styles.
Special Sale Single Bed
Blankets, All Wool $7.75
They come in plaids of differ
ent colors of good weight and
bound. They usually sell for $12
but they are slightly soiled and
we want to clean them out.
Towels of all kinds. Huck
towels, of linen, union and all cot
ton. Turkish towels of all sizes, in
white, brown and colored.
Huck Towels 25c to $1.50
Turkish Towels. ... 35c to $1.00
I Grocery Department j
i Extra Fancy Blue Pairmane Cooking or Eating Snow Ball Cove Oysters 4 .30c
! Apples, per box $3.50 Hall's Red Alaska Salmon, No. 1 tall cans, e3cn 4oc s
; Royal Club Oysters (large eastern) No 2 cans. 65c Crosse & Blockwell's Anchovie Paste (for H
Otter Brand Mince Clams, No. 1 cans, 2 for 45c sanrwiches) each ; 65c S
Curtis Tuna Fish, No. 1-2 flat cans, each 35c XWX Brand Evaporated Milk for Cooking, each g
H Burnham and Morrill Fish Flakes, can 25c 10c; dozen $1.10; box $4 40 a
Illlllllllllilllllllllllllllilllllllilll ! l!llll!lilllllll!l!ll!IIIIi!lllll!ll!llll!illlll!!HIIIIIIII MM IIIIIMIIIIlllliHllIHIIIillliHli;!
WASHINGTON, Oct. 2 .( A. P.)
D'scusisiou by tlio Amertvan Hankers
Aooiation of rriMcism of rrtain New
"You can get it at"
PayCath tendUton' Variety Stor Save Cash f
Any pocT fish can
have a whale of
an appetite
but what's the
use without
York banks by Comptroller of Curren
cy Williams culminated today In ad
option of a report of the association's
resolutions committee condemning
"dangerous attacks" by unnamed in
dividuals on the credit structure of
the country.
. Dpnuuul Profit Tax llppraJL
. WASHINGTON, Oct 22. (U. P.)
Immediate depeal of the excess
profits tax and revision of surtax
rates was demanded in a resolution
adopted at the closing session of the
American Bankers Association here
Mr. and Mrs. William Alhoo of He
lix are guests in Pendleton today.
Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Farnsnorth ar
rived this morning from Seattle for a
fHW dura' visit with relatives and
friends here. They plan to remain for
a fortnight or so. i
SALEM. Oct. 22. (A. P.) The
state highway department today an
nounced that tl.fiVO.onn in state high
way bonds will be offered for sale at
the next" meeting In Portland on No
vember 6. This will be the first block
of 510,000,000 highway bonds issued
at the special session of the legislature
in January.
T Care a Cold In One Uay
Take GROVE'S L B. Q. tablets (Laxa
tive l'roino Quinine tablets). Ask for
GROVE S 1 B. J. tablets. Look for E.
W. GROVES signature on box. 30c
PORTLAND. Oct. 22. (AT P.)
Cattle and sheen are steady today;
hogs are weak; eggs are firm; butter
is lower, extra cubes tiro 60 and SI
by having your Raw Fur made Into
at our place? At the same time your
old ones remodeled, repaired, cleaned
so they look like new. At prices that
are right. Ia
we mount anything from a fly to an
elephant. j
- M. K. MOHK I
Knoli no VjLh a Itpnianl Kt. Sn. !
Write about our deer head contest, j s
We Believe in Economy
Service and couresy, that makes it pleasant and profit
able to trade with us. Our aim at all times is for
Campbell's Soups 15c can
Van Camps Soups
2 for 25c
Finest Spider Leg Tea
in bulk 75c lb.
Booth's Sardines....25c can
Norwegian Imported
30c can
Honey Boy Cookies
20c dozen
Grandma's Cookies
10c dozen
fandard Grocery Co.
230 E. Court St 4 r rhonq JXJ
C. L. Bonney, Pres.