. 1 ' i . t , ' I v . .;.,....- .......vt.vv,,.,,.- I''H'imi'ihiMi H.i(iilintii'l t ,i i PAILX.EAST OSEGOKIAN, PEKDLETOSf , CESGQ2T, . FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 22, 1920. TWELVE PAGES Tilt BIG STORE THAT LOWERS THE LIVING COSTS TO MEET THE DEMANDS OF ALL THE . PEOPLE OF EASTERN OREGON. "TEACHERS ATTENDING THE EASTERN OREGON INSTITUTE TODAY PENDLETON IS HOST ! Wo HKitiir ot-nil m lH-nrty Invitation to ist our Kino lllg Si ore Vtlillo In our to Iho Tml 1'xi'iirnloii of Portland IIiinIiioh Mon. Today I VmlMon I showing txwiiiful oily, bii.I to slum our miprooinutm imve ailclol greatly lo our kjiIcs- tho big Wlllnmotte Valley lluslucsa Mon wluit wo moiiii whi n o speak of Fast Utrre llmi jmi may bo clvii tiottor wpmoin iso wo nave arranged wima sphiid 1 bflrgntiiK lo help mi 'o roduoe tho H..C. it. SJHl establish, a now lovol for tin Urn Oregon "Pep." Tim Peoples. Warehouse, Willi Mil other business institutions, Is proud of ourselves ami if lxl to "mIiow off." jljOWY t'4. Of lilting. I 11 -.-t.233m at -.. TV 8 fw - i-v is y The V ' .iliLLa? ' I Kummage 1 I "ST- EgggyT 8,110 A 1 A MOST IMPORTANT SALE OF BOYS' CLOTHING IN THE STORE FOR YOUR BOY We call your attention to a most important sale of Boys' Suits, Overcoats and Mackinaws, representing the best niakes of the best makers -of boys' clothing in America. ' There are hundreds of good things to select from but the-extra special bargains are men tioned herein: One of the Boys' Specials SUITS SELLING 12.50 to $16.50 SPECIALLY PRICED $12.95 One of the Boys' Specials SUITS SELLING $16.50 and $21.50 SPECIALLY PRICED $12.95 Outfit your boy in the store that has set aside a special department where a study is made of all his wants and needs. Visit Our Boys' Clothing Department READY TO WEAR SALE FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Only $3500 Wort hof Coats We have gathered together every odd Only $1200 Worth of Wool Dresses., garment in the big upstairs stock and Only $600 Worth of Silk Dresses, sent them all to the Bargain Basement for Only $750 Worth of Dress Skirts. A "QUICK" "WEEK END SALE" And about $1800 worth of Waists, We merely mention this to you in this Underwear, Night Gowns, Petticoats, adv. alone without the big handbills be- Sweaters and like garments, cause there is not a sufficient quantity in ALL OFEFRED AT BARGAIN BASE- the lot to make a very big fuss over. We MENT PRICES, offer you. Attend This Week End Sale. THE DRY GOODS SECTION OF FERS 1MANY SPECIALS for Saturday shoppers. Don't pass up this op portunity to secure real bargains in Sheets, Pillow Cases, Blankets, Towels, Silks, Velvets, Coatings, Georgette Crepes, etc. See these good values tomorrow when you are in the store ', PENDLETON WOMEN welcome the news that we have taken over the Sayres agency for the PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS AND PUBLICATIONS, These, combined with THE DELINEATOR and BUTTERICK PATTERNS place at your ser vice one of the best stocked and equipped pat tern departments in all Oregon. (On the Bal WOMEN'S CAPE GLOVES ' For street wear. Sizes from 6 to 7 1-2. A splendid glove for service. The pair. . . $2.98 One Lot of Valenciennes Lace, Insertion Values to 10c yard. In this sale per yard. . 4c Hair Bow Ribbons, made of moire, taffeta, in all the wanted colors. Special the yard 39c 'Hairbow Ribbons, one special lot of extra good values, regular price 60c. In this sale, special, yard 49c Hairbow Ribbons, tied in bow holder, regu lar $1.35. On sale each . ., 89c Slipon Veils, color black, strong close mesh, that will wear, each MEN! THE MOST IMPORTANT CLOTH ING SALE IN ALL EASTERN OREGON IS NOW IN PROGRESS Most excellent savings are heing effected on MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS And when we say savings we do not mean that you are to buy a cheap "Take-a-Chance" piece of clothing at a seem ingly low price, but we mean that you are to put back the extra change cut from the regular price of The Best Clothing Made in America. We Will Meet the L. C. L. (Lower Cost of Living) i jifiM 7vK 1X "- ys- f'''' v 111 mnuiS i vs i it r v SPECIAL SALE ON ; T1TJF.SSKS All this season's styles, materi al and colors. Serge', tricot ines,' satins, messalines, taffe ta, tricolettes and taffeta, sizes 16 to 46. ' 1 LOT VALUES to $50.00 AT $22.75. 1 LOT VALUES TO $80.00 AT . $39.75 iThere are 50 of these dresses lows us to oner you tnese un- leard of values. Come early and get your choice. 29c T. P. W. PURE FOOD SHOP In Our Model Sanitary Basement CLEANLINESS, ECONOMY, SERVICE 8 Main Line Phones, all 15. All Other Depts Call 22. PANCAKE FLOUR AND SYRUP Our Stock is Very Complete Olympic, Golden Rod, Diamond W., Aunt Jel mima, Alber's Flapjack and Skookum Pan , cake Flour. Price 20c to $1.10 Adrinodack Pure Maple, Sweetengood, Break, fast Bell, Tea Garden, Log Cabin, Marsh mallow, Light, Dark and Maple Flavor Ka ro Syrup. Price , $25c to $d.00 Weston Mountain Netted Gem Potatoes, 100 pounds ;.. $2.50 Extra Choice Rome Beauty Apples, 1 box, $1.50 ; 2 boxes, $2.90 ; 5 boxes, $6.90. WOMEN'S GRAY SILK HOSE $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 grades, excellent quali ties, this sale price $1.19 Women's Silk Hose, Shawknit, a hose of, quality, black and dark brown. Sizes 9 and 9 1-2. In this sale, the pair , . . . . 98c Women's Fine High Grade Black Silk Hose,' sizes 9 1-2 only, $3.50 grade, in this special sale, the pair $2.49 IHHmiMMMMMtlMMMM,IMtMMIMHIIHI Mill H III IHMIIMtftfr 6 Has your attention been called to the vari our Xtra Special Reductions in Our Boys' Department7 Visit this most important sec tion. ' . '9SAirMBtfT2?l?S3fl WHERE fr pays t trapk i All loncliors uIIoikIIiik Iho tjo.toni Oregon lustitirte will make Ihjs fine Ms store ypor Ih'iuI(iiui1its during your May In our boniitlfiil city. We take thin occasion to say that we hnve "sproaU onraolvos" to ninkn you woliYimo. We Invite you to make the. l-t use of nil oor Kroc xor. vices. I so Uie I'. H. Tost Ol'fico llranch (hut Is 1im h(i1 wltliln the store. For any Information ask our ohliKiiig, courtMnui alos)ooi)lo or call In our office. CHIEF OF POLICE'S NEW JOB IS MEETING BRIDE WHILE FARMER HARVESTS Portland to meet his mall-order fian cee, so he vked tbe chief of police to the honors. That wouldn't been so bad, but this iia.ine uniy oeHcripiKin in wuuiu-ue rORTLA.T. Or., Oct. 22 (C. P.) i groom sent to Jenkins ?hlef of Police Jenkins now won-) ders what next they'll ask of him. Jenkins latest task was a stunner. A prospective bridegroom, a farmer, coulnn t Wvt his work to come to CltOCF.lt VP AGAINST IT' ' "I havr lieeq up u gainst it for past S years suffering from pain in my ulnmach and side until I was consider. Ing giving up my grocery business. Doctors and medicine did not help me. I heard of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy through a friend In Buffalo. The first dose gave me more benefit than all the medicine I had taken before. and am now feeling as well as ever in my life." li Is a simple, harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the Intestinal tract and allays th Inflammation which causes prac- I'k" all stomach liver and intestinal "She la heavy set and wears a black dress andbiaek hat." The farmer Informed 'the chief he had advertised for a wife, started a curtship-by-mall, won the consent of a lonesome miss In another state, and she was due to arrive In Portland. He had promised to meet her. But a fel low couldn't desert his crops at a cru cial moment, so wouldn't Chief Jen kins please greet the bride-to-be, and direct her to the farmer's ranch? Jenkins instructed his union-station cops to do the beat they could. They intercepted all the women thejr saw coming from the trains wearing black hals and dresses, if they were at all inclined to be heavy set. PORTLAND, Oct. 22 (V. V.) Oscar Bair, an engineer, was scalded to death In a freinht train wreck on the Southern Pacific at Park Place, south of Portland, today. He was en gineer of a helper engine in the mid dle of the train. The flange on a gon dola car broke, causing -our cars and the engine to leave the rails and tele scope. Kscaping steam scalded Balr to death before he could be extracted. Fireman A. McCall Jumped from the locomotive as It left the track and es caped with minor injuries. The wreck delayed all mala line S. P. trams for several hours. . The wreck tore up the track for a distance of several hundred feet. HARDING SAYS SENATE There were so many who answered . . . i . 1 . : r . V. 'Mu.Hiil An" that th.f K.r. n.M will convince or money refunded, compelled to report they missed the Bair was found pinned beneuth the lru(tts rerywhera, right one. 1I. .. . ENROUTU WITH HARDING, Oct. 22. '(By Ruymond Clapper, V. 'P. Staff Correspondent) His speaking campaign closed except for four days stumping In Ohio, Senator Harding on his way back to Marlon oday is con fident that his five excursions from the front porch have clinched thous ands of doubtful vots. Twenty states several-on the borderland of the dem ocratic south have been visited by the republican nominee. As the campaign draws toward the eleventh hour, Harding is taking more aggressive attitude on the league of Nations. In ulljils speech es recently he has emphasized the treaty deadlock, which he says would result from the election of Governor Cox. Not enough votes could he ob tained to" put through the Cox ratift ration program In thfl senate, Hard ing insists. "His attempt to carry out his prom ises would only result in a four-year stalemate," Harding said during his speeches. "I've been unwilling to ac cept the democratic pogram because It is not only un-American und unwise but because It is wholly Impossible of fulfillment and simply tends to keep the American nople In the ferment of a useless controversy." Harding appeared somewhat tired us a result of steady traveling recently. A cold has left him with a slight cough and hoarseness. of the buildings adjoining the yards wore shattered. TRAJN BANDIT TRIO WITH ONE DOSE JMES BRIEF OTE Bi BUFFALO. N. T., 0t. 22 (A. P.) Three bandits, firing revolvers Into tho air, robbed passengers of the New York Central train In the Fast Buffalo yards yesterday. George Sinclair, trainman was shot and wounded. He tried to bar their way when the ban dits Jumped on the platform of a pull-' man. They fired and he fell. Knter- 'Pape's Cold Compound" then breaks up a cold in a few hours. 22 (U. r.) engine crew BATAVIA, N. Y., Oct. Three members of an were killed Thursday when the boiler of an engine standing In the New York central yards here exploded. The ex plosion blew the bodies high In the air and dropped Ihem 20 feet from ths wrecked lucvmotlve. Many windows Relief comes Instantly. A dose tek. en every two hours until three doses are taken usually breaks up a savers cold and ends all the grippe misery. Tho very first dose opens your clog- ged-up nostrils and the air passages in the head, stops noso running, re lieves tho hcniliu'he,.dulinnsM, feverish. Ing the coach, they fired several shotsjness, sneezing, soreness and stiffness. Into the roof, marched passengers to Don't stny stuffed-upl, Quit blow one end of the pullman and robbed j n(f and shuffling! Clear your congest, them of money and Jewelry. Twenty ed head! Nothing else tn tho world minutes after the robbery police ar- gives such prompt relief as 'Tape's Cold Compound," which costs only a rested John and Stanley Depka, broth ers. They were taken to tne train ana identified by the passengers. Erwrff Inaster ,U5?ocq few cents at any drug store. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, contains no quinine Insist upon Pape'il 1 1