East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 22, 1920, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE TWELVE, Image 12

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    -S 'i I
J. C. Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution
Phce 432300 Weat Webb Street
Ladies' Shoes
Good Quality Kid.
Mixllum Kulcs.
Militni7 liccli.
Men's Dress
. Shoes $4.98
lUack tiiui Metal.
Dull nim her Top,
rENDirroN, onu
Opposite Hotel IVllitlHon.
I - -II... 7 ..j 1 w v
j ' .: v.-v. i rs? da sKerf f-Mioi. code's
Breakfast Bell Syrup... It's fine flavored cane and maple.
1-2 gallon, $1.00
Uncle John's Maple and Pure Cane Sugar Syrup
the Breakfast Delight.
Uncle Johns, 1 pint 50c
Uncle Johns, 1 quart 95c
Uncle Johns, 1-2 gallon $1.90
Uncle Johns, 1 jrallon t $3.75
Crystal White, 1 1-2 lb. can 25c
Crystal White, 5 lb. can 69c
Crystal White, 10 lb. can $1.15
Dark Karo, 5 lb. can 59c
Dark Karo. 10 lb. can $1.09
Karo Maple Flavor, 1 1-2 lb 35c
F tEE DELIVERY Phone 432
- r ''I1S&. srAW s 1 !
Your Bright Girl
Your Girl, there is nothing (ho matter with her.
Sire may not have silk things tuitl Mitli priinpiugs
but Mir is a (food aMaiit wherever you put her; in
Hip kitclini. at the office, with tlw needle, .she turns
her hands to everything useful. Of ..ronrsc you want
to give her as good a t-luuioe as you give the boy.
A Savings Account in this strong hank will alnajs
prove very valuable and stand her in good stead.
Open such an account for Jut mid assist her in
keeping it up.
The AmericanNational Bank
Pendleton. Oregon.
'Strongest Sank in Gas fern Oregon
ttiff if --ft -it it aUfcai -Mi ftjj f t t "ft Mr ir ft 'tfr it mUi twit mnummmfi ni iV f "j
r e 3
Phone 158
Vernicol makes dd
furniture new
keeps new furniture
from getting old
Don't discard that old p!eo i
furniture just becaune Its finish fc
scratched and marred. Give It
new lease oa life -wdth. coat of
YernicoL the jifly-do-over TandsaJ
tain. Stains and Tarnishes the
vood at each stroke of the brash.
Scratches disappear almost mafia
ally. Dries vita a rich, hard,
glossy luster. Wears and wears.
It's good for floors, too.
Keep a can of Vernicol handy, Ifi
a rreat antidote for careless servants
sad thovghtlesa children. Comes in all
the popular finishes, Ask for eel
sard aid booklet
513 Main St
mm MiWa'lsisliiishilhsf ifllssfg
Including Pendleton Prices and Associated Press Reports
Ttie following prices are the prices
being paid to producers by Pendleton
business houses. Wherever retail
prices are given the face will be spe
cifically mentioned.
liens and Poultry.
Bggs, 70 cents in trado. (Retail price
is 75 cents.) (
Hens, 26 cents.
Spring fryers, 28 cents a pound.
Country llam. Etc
him, best quality, 28c
Bacon, best quality, 40c
Butter Fat and Butter.
Ranch butter, $1.25 a roll. (Retail
price is also 31.25.)
All Unes Kxcrut Cattle'
Are Weaker at Portland
Seven loads of livestock formed to
tal arrivals at North Portland for
Thursday. There was a weaker tone
for everything except cattle, and these
were steady.
' In the hog alleys the further weak
ness and lowering of Eastern prices
had their effect upon the North Port
land trade. Trade started slow and
weak, with a lower price tendency.
General bog market range1.
Prime mixed $13.50 ft 16.00
Medium mixed 1 5.00 ?f 15.50
tmooth heavy .
Itcugh heavy . .
. .. 15.00 15.50
. .. 12. OOSi1 14.00
Let's Ao
v v vsV, P"tPeP,nlyur
i V XtZi Jooonarainydcy
5 to get into a
' rH7 y & mm, m nt mm
frs''Jti BRAND
LfijL ;V Rof lex
mkf S,icker
flx&: wnx or sport
gauss vammat
Pigs 12.6(5U4.60
Cattle trade showed a steady tone
generally at North Portland Thursday
Only a small run was shown in the al
leys. In fast, there was not enough
stock In sight to establish a real basis.
General tattie range:
Choice grass steers t 9.00 9.75
Good to choice steers .... S.OO'fli 9.0C
Medium to good steers . . 7.000 8.00
Fair togood steers 6.50 (S 7.00
Common to fair steers . . 5.75 W 6.50
Choice cows and heifers 6.75 7.S0
Good q, choice cows and
heifers 5.76 t.'i
Medium to good cows and
heifers 4.75 1.75
Cannera ' . . 2.75 4.75
Bulls 5.00 6.09
Choice dairy calves 13. 009 15.00
Heavy -calves 7.00 0 9.00
Best light calves 11.00?13.00
Medium light cales ... 9.0011.00
Best feeders1." 7.00 7.60
Fair to good feeders .... 6.00 7.00
Only ewes came forward to the
sheep alleys at North Portland Thurs
day. There was an absence of lambs
I but- a slow weak tone was Indicated
all through this division.
General sheep and Iambs range:
East of mountain lambs. 2 9.00 'i' 9.50
Willamette valley lambs. 8.00 8.50
Feeder lambs .. . S 8.00W 8.50
Cull lambs 5.00 6.00
Yearlings 5.00 S 7.50
Wethers 6.004 6.50
Ewes .. 2.25 6.01
Lower Prices on Childrens Footwear
SCUFFER STYLES $3.49, $3.93
One of the best shoes we know of for
growing feet, providing plenty of toe room
that allocs feet to grow as nature intended.
Constructed of only high grade leathers!
that insure maximum service and comfort.
Shown in black and brown calf, black kid
and gray buck, button lace; 5 to 8, $3.49;
8Y to liy2, $3.98. ,
Patent Button, Cham
pagne Top $2.69.
( -
A very dressy shoe
for wee folk, high
grade patent ' leather
button, tops of soft
champagne kid, but
tons to match, medi
um sole, sizes t1 to 8
Patent Button, Brown
Top $2.49
The foot form last
and the dressy ap
pearance of this stur
dy little shoe make it
a great favorite. Its
dark brown kid top
matches the standard
shades of brown
stockings, 51 to 8,
$2.49; 82 to 11, $325
For Growing Girls Gun Metal, $150
Popular English last, modified to give plenty of room at ball of
foot. Good gun metal stock, good weight sole, low heel. There's ex
tra service for the price you payjn this shoe, 2' to 6 $4.50
Brown Calf English $6.50 ,
Style and service are cleverly combined
in the soft brown calf of this shoe fash
ioned over popular English lasts. Good
year welt soles, low leather heels, ll1' to
2, pair . $6.50
, Misses' Mahogany Calf $9.90
The last word in fine shoes for girls or
women who like lower heels, made on a
modified English last of highest grade
leathers, shown in mahogany calf ' and
black kid, Goodyear welt soles, widths AA
to B, pair ; $9.90'
J. C. Penney Ca A Nationwide institution
was traceable to
stocks SImiw -Firmness .
An Day (iocs On.
NEW YORK, Oct. 22. Stocks were
dull but steady at the opening of to
day's trading, becoming more active
and firmer towards the mid-session,
but easing very materially later when
advices from London foreKhaduwed'an
early extension mf the British indus
trial crisis. ,
. The latter situation was responsible
for another setback in foreign ex
change, the rate on London falling al
most four cents from its recent rally
with Irregular reversals In remittances
to most other European centers.
The stock market was again esscn
tially professional in character, further
absence of constructive fuctors In the
j domestic situtation igtlltatlng. against
I any initiative lor tne long accoum.
The bulk of the trading In such fav
nrites as oils, steels, equipments and
affiliated specialties
Investment transportations were Ir
regular or heavy at best, as were also
several of the mo'ors and their sub
sldaries, textiles, leathers, chemicals
and papers. Reactions in me mv
hour ranged from one to almost five
points. Sales 650,000 shares.
In the money market there were
fewer offerings of two and three
months paper and little buying of mer
chants paper, while call money held
at 7 per cent during the day.
Tractions were the strongest features
of the bond market, Liberty issues
evincing irregularity with most other
domestic Issues, "while United King
doms eased. Total sales, par value,
215,300,000. Old U. S. bonds unchang
ed on call.
12.500 Square Feet of Floor Space
If you need a new Heat
er you should have one
of these good, inexpen
sive, reliable kind.
Burn Either
Coal or Wood
Extra heavy firebox,
with good free draft
when open and can
close perfectly tignt
to bank fire over
night. We have these
in any size desired to
suit your particular
We have special bar
rains in second-hand
Cruikshank & Hampton
124-128 E. Webb St. QUALITY COUNTS Phone MS
m yrvyi g"y fjM
iMlleliii ii ihii ilh W a
11500 Square Feet of Floor Space
dtf t fie words ziaTmen
means Aemost ia p& id
A BANK, cr.eck is a receipt for
all moneys paid out. There
, can be no dispute as to
whether or not a bill is paid if you
settle your bills by check. This
bank is a responsible institution,
equipped to politely serve the public
in all matters financial.
Sharp Advances m Cufree
r'utimn Follow Ilra.lluin Wire.
NEW YOARK, Oct. 22. A sharp
further advance In the market for
coffee futures during Thursday's ear
Her trading wad attributed to higher
Brazilian cables and reiterated reports
that the Brazilian government was
preoarlng measures for stabilising val
ues. First prices were 11 to 23 points
hither and active months sold 65 to
66 points above last night's closing fig
ures during the middle of the day with
tnc. touchlnir 7.94 and May 8.95 or
about 180 to 194 points above recent
low rocords. This advance seeme.I
sufficient to bring our realizing how
ever, and a good part of the Improve
ment was lost owing to rumors of l3
favorable reports from Brazil and sol:
Inf by houses with cotton connection.
Doc. broke to 7.44 and May to '8.45,
with the market closing at a net ad
vance of only 2 to 16 points. Closing
bids: October 7.15: Doc. 7.46; Jan..
7.68; March 8.01; May 8.35; July 8.6?;
Sept. 8.89.
Spot coffee firmer; Rio 7s 8; Santos
4s 1 11-4 to 11 3-4.
Hogs are Ijowcr and
Cattlo Slow ai Scuttle.
SEATTLE, Oct. 22. (A. P.) Hogs.
Receipts 88. Lower. Prlm 16.25W
16.75; medium to choice 1 5.26 fi 18.25:
smooth heavies 14.25ft 14.75; rough
heavies 12.2512.76: pigs 12&14.
' Cattle Receipts 291. Slow. Prime
steers 9.00 tj 10.00; medium to choice
itai: common to good 6 to 7.50; best
cows and heifers 7.00 tt 7.50; medium
to choice 6.00 ft 7.00; common to good
4.50r6.00; bulls 4.001 5.00; calves
MkilUiood of Strike Spread
Cuuses Slump in Grains
CHICAGO, Oct. 22. Sharp down
turns in the value of wheat took place
Thursday largely as a result of like
lihood that British strike troubles
would spread.. The market closed un
settled, 6 to 0 3-4 conts net lower, with
December 1.97 3-4 to 1.98 and March
1.89 3-4 to 1.90. Corn finished 1 3-8
down to 1-4 advance, oats off 1-2 to
3-4 and provisions at a setback of 10
to 4 5c.
Heavy selling developed In the wheal
market after midday when news was
circulated that British railway em
ployes and transport workers had de
cided to join the coal miners strike
unless the government opened negotia
tions with the miners by Saturday.
Bear pressure was Increased further
by reports that Canadian millers were
offering flour for from three to six
months delivery at rates equal to 20
cents a bushel below present prices of
wheat, Profit taking led to something
of a rally near the close.
Corn and oats were depressed in
sympathy with wheat.
Steers and Cons Steady;
Sheep and Lamhtt strong.
KANSAS CITY, Oct. 22. Cattle 3.
800; beef steers active, fully steady;
top 15.-25; fat she-stock steady to
strong; new prime cowe 910; bulls
weak; all other classes generally
steady better grade vealers 12 13.50;
canners mostly 3.75.
. Sheep 7.500; sheep strung; western
ewes 5; fut lambs steady; western
12.25: natives 11,85; feeding lambs
Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee
JKronlo and Nirvous Dlaeasea 'and
t)t f Women. X-bar Electro
Femple Bldg. Boom II
I . Phone 41
For Biliousness
Sick Headscbe, Sour Stomach, Blost
' ing, G, CoDdipsiloe all thete dii
timing consequences of iodigeition sra
evoided if lb: bowels are kept opca
cod regular. ,
ect promptly, without nam or osuwa.
They clear the bo welt, wee(ea tha
stomach and tone up the liver.
' E. . Wlilt.tiurM. . F. 0. I. Korfoik. v. i
Foley Cathartic Tablaia bars dmia mm mora,
good thao aoy oadictoa I aver uaed."
v I
- J
Regular Democratic
i. Nominee : ' '
If elected will strive to
give the people an economi
cal and efficient adminis
tration. fPH Adv.)
Prices cm Grains and
Feed Itenuim I'm hanlOPd.
SEATTLE. Oct 22. City Delivery:
Feed Scratch feed 179 ton; feed
wheat S85; all grain chop 167; oats
158; sprouting oats 163; rollad oats
360; whole corn 365: cracked corn
37; rolled barley $62; clipped barley
Hay Alfalfa $30 ton; double com
pressed alfalfa 33; ditto timothy f 42;
eastern Washington mixed $36.
Carload of
4 and 7 Passenger Cars for immediato
delivery. . , ' ,
Oregon jotor (jarage