, TAGE SIX -J . DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 31," 1920. FOURTEEN PAGES t Social and Club News, 1 HB Wi:i) IX 1'dRTl.AXh .OlXiRS W1U. OATHKK EXTKUTAIXMBXT MSUGllTFCb V ..nl!ct"n " '' V rf, piv-1 An Interesting event In lodge circles Most cnjovnlile was an affair given Ing announcement of the m.rrtiw of ; scheduled for ?;S3 o'cltick this lyeutcrduy for Degree of Honor mom. Mid. KMiih rower Knpcr am! Louis I " ' when the l'millne Hebekah I bers and a number of guests when they It. .sieeiluimmer. In 1'iutlitml yextor- I ,"'!-' Is to entertain sister chapters I were entertained hy Mra. Marv McQeis day. in ih are former reimieton poo- ' icenaier. Kcno, Stan tile ami impular here. Mrs. ste-lham mer Is the dmiRhlcr of Mr, niul Mn V.. 1 PowiT, fur nmny ye.irs ri wulo-nt of this lit. lr, Slooihnmmrr Ik em ployed lv the Hishop Widen mill in-ten-KlH and t!ic onupl" will make tin it lnmie In I'orll.m'.l. VISITORS IN" roitTI.ANn llecenl visitors In Portland were. Mra. (1. t. 1-aIW, Mr. V. O. V. Prultt. Miss line l'ruitt rind liltle Mts Mary Helen rrnttt. They came from lVn dleton for a few day's visit here. Mrs. IjiiTVw'a home is In Curvallis and she has been visiting l'enillolon fiictiifs. Oreonian. lion 1010. rut nook and Helix. The Mil-lon-Freewater staff will put on Initia tory work with 15 candidates to be re ooivod. The affair will lake place in the J. . . K. hjill and a supper will follow the session. CI,I M E KTIN'o I'LA NXKn Spimeiinkttim t'ltib members are. anticipating H meeting tomorrow aft ernoon when they are to be guests at the home of Mrs. Mary Hoyden. MRS. IH'RrtRSS TO VISIT Mrs. J. X. liurRess will be In Pen dleton during the early days of Novem ber fur a short visit. She la now Portland at the Mallory hotel. in I VIFtTonS ARK EXTRRTAIXETD Miss Kvelvn Mortimore has as her miosis during Institute. Miss Kdlth !STO,'a HKRB RXROI.TE OrnveR of Hermiston and Miss Oa j xtrs- C. HI Jensen of Portland, a Calkins. Mrs. orare PuBois and MissjKupst here for a few days on her way Olive Mortimore. of Adams. to Salt Uike. la being entertained by Mrs. Arthur Snhl. hopp's iri'STius shop CHEAT SALE OF SUITS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY , SUITS UP TO $55 FOR $35.00 n& s ;;ji I -Mix j ' J Aim SW FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY We have selected all our Women's and Misses New est r all and inter Suits, ranging up to $55 and of fer your choice at the remarkably low jjjgjj QQ Included are both ripple models and straight line effects in coloring of navy blue, brown, reindeer, Copenhagen and fawn. Other suits ranging up to $185.00 will be sold at great reductions. THIS IS THE REAL SUIT SALE OF THE SEA SON. DONTMISSIT! taptain of division No. 1 und her com mittee which Included Mrs. Lillian "onroy, Mrs. Agnes. Williumson, Mrj. I'elestino King, Mra. Olive Allen, Mrs. Myrtle Farley, Mrs. Klla Ross, Mra. Ella-Andernon, Mra. May Powers. Mrs. Annul McConnell, Mrs. Nettle Hrown, .Mrs. Ressle Nelson, Mrs. llessie Taylor and Mrs. laura Tweedy, A Hallowe'en motif marked the af fair and autumn foliage and flowers ik'oked t'ninn hall where tho party assembled. An Instrumental solo by Mrs. Nelson preceded a clever buries. Que by Fatty Arbucklo and his chorus girls. A contest In bobbing for ap- Plea was won by Mrs. P. V. Dayton. nincneon, prettily appointed, was served lift lie dining room where more of the brilliant October foliage com llned with gay orange pumpkins and glamlng candles to deck the tables. eIloy "cats" pointed out the places and more of their fellno companions lay tucked away in the napkins. Aoout fifty ladies were present. (those other than members Including Mrs. Henry Thompson, Mrs. B. E. I Raltezore. Mrs. J. C. flommens, Mrs. I Dayton, Mrs. J. M. Payne, Mrs, H. M. Massey, Mrs. H. A. Newton, Mrs. F. Mills, Mrs. A. H. Cox, Mrs. T. W. Horn und Mrs. Kd Dupuis. LADIES CHILD ELECTS. Election of officers was held by the Catholic Ladies Guild last evening, Mrs William Dunn being chiwen president, Mrs. C. P. A. Lonergan, vice president, Mrs. Charles Mark, treasurer, and Mrs. Ed Etnnsbury, secretary. Retiring officers are Mrs. M. Roden, president, Mrs. Oeorge O'Daniel, vice president, Mrs. Henry Schwarz, treas urer, and Mrs. Joseph Ell, secretary. The guild met at the rectory and plans were made for the reception of candidates for membership. A class Is to be received on Sunday, November 7, at the 8 o'clock mass and a break fast will bo given in honor of the new members immediately following the ceremony. It will take place at the rectory. WILL HOXJR MRS. OLIVER Mrs. Roland N. Oliver, who is soon to leave fur Montana, will be honored by an Informul affair Saturday when Mrs. Charles Bonney, Mrs. J. T. Lleu allert and Mrs. Clarence Penland are to entertain at the home of Mrs. Bon ney on NoTth Main street. Mrs. Oliver, with her two little daughters. Lois and "Peggy," is to Join her husband and Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Bennett who preceded her to Montana. Mr. Oliver returned here recently how. ever to accompany his family to tho'r new home. 'ti': '" - MACCABEES INITIATE. Members of tho Maccabee lodge met Tuesday and enjoyed an initiatory ses sion followed by a luncheon. A class of three was receive.d and rooms were abloom .ith roses, nasturtiums and chrysanthemums. About forty mem bers were present for the event. LADIES OF G. A. R .TO MEET. Ladies of the G. A. R. are anticipat ing a social alternoon tomorrow when they are to meet in the club room of the library, sharing their hospitality with friends of the organization. A grab bag is one of the features of en tertainment planned. ENJOY VISIT AT SANTA' BARBARA Word from Santa Barbara received today says that Mr. and Mrs. Roy K. Temple (Jane Murphy) arrived at the Ambassador Hotel there Saturday and are vacationing at the seaside. RETURN FROM VISIT Mr. and Mrs. J. S. MatWws ar rived home today from Richland, Ore gon where they have spent the summer months as guests of their daughter Mrs. J. O. Kettle. 5 ov,:nxAV,.on,n,w. j MOII Ppimni MflTCC - ZL-1 , nJ i PARENTS OF LITTLE! DAUGHTER. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Struve are being congratulated today upon the arrival of a daughter, born at their home 300 Mark street. The little girl weighs eight and one-half pounds. DELPHIAN CLUB TO ME-ET The home of Mrs. David H. Nelson, ill East Washington street, is to be the scene tomorrow of a meeting o the Delphian Club. ' The affair is set for 2:30 o'clock. " 'I . .-. .40 f --Jt-Vi ( m-mmm i j mw winpwi IWB4KA' -JIM.'tX..VUk 4 i Z SKOOKUM PANCAKE FLOUR Insist on Home Products Made by the Sc-Iiool to Have Rally Tonight This evening the high school will hold a j rally at the school grounds to arouse i interest in the game tomorrow after- J i noon with Hood River. Material has Kjbecn secured for a large bonfire and R during the fire talks will be given by P the football men ana afterward a ser f fertine on Main street will be staged. John Henry Simpson is in charge with ' jjohn Henderson and Allen Folsom as 5 j assistants. The student body is doing i 5 ' all that they can to rouse Interest In this game, it is against a team tutor R'ed hy Pendleton's former cOach, Karl K E. Kleischmann and they are out a I great deal of expense In bringing Hood j Rover's team hi re. Although pendle d ton's team Is loser of two of its bacs & field they expect to give Hood River a Jjigood fight and the game promises to 5 1 be one of the hardest fought of the 8 ! year. I mm FLOUR & GRAIN CO. ( Teacher Tmprmpd Fred. E. Schmidt, instructor In algebra, is able to be about again after several weeks' absence, due to typhoid fever. Miss Lcura Jerard has been substituting for Mr. H'-hmidt. He was able to attend the morning Vession of the Morrow ami Umatilla county institute.. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 1300 V. Aha Phone 1011, 173, !."1 Avvor.'i;.ii-.T Friday Oct. 2Jnd. reopened Oraml-"n-r Kitciien fully equipped to wrve fsrnily style meals. Everything clean lid appetizing (irandma Hewell In barge 302 W. Webb St., Gritman fill!. . . , J , . t J . ' , '" ' I Demonstration Diamond W. Coffee Friday and Saturday S Come in and try a Cup coffee NEW PRICES Diamond W Chase and Sanborn Hills Red Can Golden Gate M. J. B. . Golden West 1 pound can- : 60c 2 pound can ; $1.15 , 3 pound can . $1.75 5 pound can .$2.75 All othsr coffees in proportion. Crisco ' .. . t ; 1 1-2 pound can ......w..:... 60c 3 pound can $1.15 6 pound can x $2.15 Yakima Potatoes, 100 pounds $2.35 - (jray J$rcs. (jrocery Qo. .. . - ., . - , v THREE FHONES -' ' " -QUAUTy v . iiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiliuiiuUiiiiiiiiiiiiii .-t THE. THOMAS SHOP Exceptional Suit Sale SIMPLICITT IN WILD POSE tROCK I I I WW . t . T . I i ., V i A.M. t I ft' - r $ u. r r J 1, Sr. . ;.tfns St. , f t WW L HI No petal gp"?Ti amons the Paris creations has been quite so attractive' thif wild rose frock. Ad It Is so simple. All of taffeta save for eoma fold'? of cresruy tulle Inside the low-cut square neck. First, there Is a straight, narrow underskirt of the tan'eta, then a tunic cut in scallops that are finished with a nanow bias banding. The alternating ones aro decorated with a iarpe wilrt rose fasliioueU out oi the taiteta. their edges embroidered with metal thread. BRITISH COLUMBIA IS I VANCOUVEM. British Columbia. Oct. 21. (A. P.) Government otTl ciala are considerinR how liquor shall be administered as a result of a 15, 000 majority repudiating the prohibi tion law yesterday. It Is believed li quor will be dlspcntiea in government stores. i Wider Majority In Prospeot. VANCOUVER. Oct. 21. (U. P.) Indications are that British Columbia defeated the prohibition act In yes terday's referendum. The majority apainst the act is expected to reach 30,000. Women participated in the voting. The result will be a generous policy for sale of liquor In government shops but not over open bars. No more doctors' prescriptions will be: necessary for Securing liquor. There will be ho return of the bar but the country has EOne Wet In tho sense that liciuor in limited quantities here after will be always obtainable. Van-, couver city decided fof the change by a majority of 10,000. Out of 400 polls not more than a score voted dry. Tn the whole of Vancouver island, only one village refused to join the popular procession. One reason for the change of sentiment is the prevalence or scan dals and Door administration of the MCIT. AKCLINK 2 I'KIt CI INT WASHINGTON, Oct, 21. (A. P.) Te decline in retail prices of food stuffs in September averuged two per cent, the department of labor reported. Potatoes and sugar show tha greatest decrease. Eggs, pork chops and or anges incressed. The" retail ' decline has not kept pace with that of the wholesale. At $35, $45, -$55 and $75. Wonderfully smart are these new suits of Duvet De Laine and Tricotine. Made with rip ple backs with fur and embroidery trimming, also beautiful tailored garments. Be sure and see these before you buy your new suit COATS Values of a Most Extraordinary Character. .1 Snappy coats with fur trimming and grace ful voluminous wraps superbly tailored with deep fur collar or beautiful embroidery. Specially Priced $19.50 to $125. i , ii i At'140ff. r' Foxes, Lynx and Wolf. . NEW BLOUSES-r-NEW SKIRTS ' That are Different Just Opened. Comparison of Style, Quality and Prices Invited LEMON JUICE FOR FRECKLES Girls! Make beauty lotion for a few cents Try It! -r ! Squeeze .the Juice of two lemons Into a bottle containing "three ounces of orchard white, shake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and complexion oeu.i- tifiir. at very, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter win nuvvr three ounces ef orchard white for a f, cents. Massage this sweeny mi grant lotion Into the face, neck, arms and hands eacn day; nna see freckles and blemishes Disappear . i. n,i rosv-whlte tne ELECTRIC PIANO LAMPS dry law. Physicians nave been im..- now - . &na prescriptions at the rate ot four SKin Decora. "::;M.. lng thousand a month. never Irritates. We Have Just Received a Large Shipment of Popular I COPYRIGHT BOOKS ' ' ' Containing a Large Assortment of Titles by GREY CHAMBERS NORRIS RAINE VANCE RINEHART KYNE PORTER BURROUGHS ETHEL M. DELL WISTER WHITE BOWER GREGORY FARNOL CURWOOD TRACY TARKINGTON and many other famous writers of fiction OUR BOOKS ARE PRICED AT $1.00 - THOMPSONS' DRUG STORE Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention. . try I ... ix fl U H..MMi wminmi The largest and best selected stock of lamps in the city awaits your inspection. ,Now is the time to buy while lines are com CEDAR CHESTS , A splendid display of genuine Tennessee chests, in avariety.of styles and sizes.. ,, , Wy Not Select Your Christmas Gifts Now? Crawford torn Company HOME FURNISHER 103 E. Court HU Phone ; tstiiiixta:..