DAILY EAST O&EGOTTIAtt, PENDLETON, OMGOH, ' TIITOSDAY EVENING,. OCTOBER 21, 1820. rotjRTEEN PAGE1 PASTIMK TODAY Beautiful Fdyythe Sterling, starring ia "The Gtrl Who Dared," a new Photoplay of the Old West, will the attraction at the Patlme theatre for two day beginning t'xtay. As a gtrl sheriff. h"W business l to round up entile rustlers and Mexican rut-throats. Ert.vthe Ster ling portrays another role which dls ilay her fascinatingly at a wonderful horsewoman and lariat expert. The eiory haa a unique nlot, which con cern the machination of an unscnjip ulous clique which haa been playlnit a double tint, A the newly-elected Itirl aherlff, Edvthe Sterling succeed by dint of tireless prcserverance. In running them down. There are aeveral dramatic Tao ments when the girl aherlff aavea her rather from a lynching at the hands of an Infuriated mob and arrests him until charges atalnat him can be dis prowed. In tha end Right aaaerts It self, and tha truth la revealed. Then Romano takes a hand or both of them. ALTA TODAY IXGKVE O BIMKN SHOOTS w:m vtui.k filming 1U8 WIFE'S WOXEV were at Saranac Ivike getting scenes! for O'Hilrn's Kelxnlck picture, "His Wife's Money," which shows at the Alta theatre today. A cloudy day with snow In the air, which the camera man voted N. G. for picture-making, furnished the alar and director, Ralph Inc with the In spiration of shooting doer instead of scenes. When Zena Keefe and others In the company heard of the plan they or gantxed a nice," polite revolt, and de livered an ultimatum. They would either go along with the parly or there would be no party. Italph I nee aa for putting down the Inxurrectinn with a atom hand, but O'ltrlen threv the weight of hla Influence with (he in surgent. The result was that Mlsa Kcire shouldered a gun and the wholo com pany set out through the woods. After hours of tramping O'Brien bagged the lirul deer. Both Miss Keefe and Ralph lnoe shot a deer, and late In tti aft ernoon the same three deer nvere 'shot" again, this time by the cameras. TO I2LP YRAKGZL ARCADE TODAY s "Shooting" scenes and shooting deer were found to be not entirely Incom patible when the Eugene O'Brien com pany, with Ztna Keefe aa leading . and Raloh tnee as Director, Millions fora New Stomach Oat of Ue greatest Americas mUfion- ires laid. to kit physician, "A ndUios j Collars, Doctor, spot cash and no gram-: kUaf, tar a Bew stomach," and then tha aiek naa groaned mad tuned away. All hit wealth eould sot make bin happy or contented, for happineas large ly, depends upoa digestioa. Without health waeM aees happiness ceo. int After a th. stsmsca play a great part ia . everyday, life. Without a healthy tesxaca and good digestioa our blood ia this, watery and poor, eut heart actios .ia weak, oar liver does not da its duty, i ansa U miserable and anhappy. Prevent disease by putting the bobs ia. order and strengthening the system strainst the germs of disease. tj. Tit, Invalids' Hotel and eurgical lastitu at Buffalo, N. Y, yean ago anderstaod diseases and their preventim, and he. discovered eertaia roots aid herbs which were nature's remedies, and succeeded in putting them cp ia a form that eould be easily pro eared at the drac atore (liquid or tablets). This ealled Dr. Fieree'i Golden Medical Discovery. This Dis covery fives ao falsa stimulation be cause it contains no alcohol or any nar cotic It helps digestioa and the as similation of such elements ia tha food as ar required for the blood. . It gives ta th blood tb food elements the tis sues require. Tor over fifty years it ass enjoyed tb confidence of tb American public Try it now I t Scotch SoIIle Maya Important Part In "Tlio Valley of Doubt" "Jean," the Collie dog that plays such an. Important part In "The Valloj of Doubt" which will be shown at the Arcac'.e theatre beginning Thursday, ccme of a distinguished family of .ictor canines. In fact "Jean" and his brother "Ring" are said to be the Barrymores of dogdom. They first appeared on the screen aa puppiea in a basket In their moth er a mouth. Both now play star dog para. In "The Valley of Doubt" the plot j binKoa a great deal upon the move- j mer.ts of "Jean," Were ho not pre- j sent upon certain occasions certain re sulting Incidents would not have occur red. But "Jean"' is one of the most capable and reliable of his kind he always manages to be present. Some say that "Jean" is "on the ;ob" ao much because he worships the directory Burton George, and likes to please, him, but it Is a safe bet that friendship or no friendship, "Jean" would always be on the spot when trouble "was brewing particularly when there's five interesting reels of trouble. "The Valley of Doubt" Is a Selznick I Picture written Jy Willard Mack and produced under the personal supervi sion of Burton George, the director famed for picturizing the wonderful in scenic effects. It is primarily an out doors picture, having for Its baclc groand t snow-capped hills of the far Northwest and the border atmos phere so well known to fiction of the frontier days. . Thurjrton Hall and Arllne Pretty are at the head of the unusually strong castt. 1 ' . j :.r. l.MJ GU. kYCYGANO rrMOS'g yotthfnl military Be llas, 0niral Wygnd. is o3 to aoqner tinr wwlds. He Is glvsn rdlt for th brnilant tgT hat wabled the Polaa to repulse he Bolshevik armies. Now he as been placed In supreme co-a-land of Oeneral Wrangi's antl ''stevlltl forcfe l routh Pilosis, OU) STA1M; FOR ACHES AND PAHS Any mno or woman wfto keeps Moan's handy will tell you thut same thln4 , ESrnnAUYthose frequently ntMcked by rheumatic twHW. A counter-irritant, Sloan s Lini ment scittcrs the corcstion and pene trate wi:kei4 rvbbuti to the aUcte4 part, soon relieving the ache and pain. Kctt handy and uscil everywhere for reducing and finally eliminating the pains and aches of lumtweco, neuralgia, muscle strain, joint stillness, sprains, bruises, and the results of exposure. You just know from its stimulating, healthy odor that it will do you jood I Sloan's Liniment is sold by all drug- gitfs ix, 70c, 51.4U. Liniment NOTICES define the powers thereof, approved) Section I. The City' of Pendleton ic.hriinrv s. 1S85. snd an act entiuen, sniui nave puwi iu miou, n'ucw An Act tn lnoomorute the Town pt KMA-HliOX Kmuiti "... a.Mi rmmlv. and that at 9 .. "-"'".";; nrov.rt ucruie ins ijowvib iii.'tM . proposed vy Iloved Back to 735 MAIN JOE ELL Insurance EL B. UcKSNZm, EL D E78, Ear, Hose and Throat. ,. Office: 10-11-12 Bond BnOdlsf - ; Pendleton, Or. . PASTIME Thurs. Children, 5c Fri. Adults, 20c THE GIRL WHO DARED A gripping, thrilling story of the cattle lands of the far west. . EDYTHE STERLING the star, and "YAKIMA" CANUTT as Bob Purdy are the in teresting characters in this story. COMEDY "Good Niht Nurse" SENTENCE APPROVED FOR LIEUTENANT WHO TOOK COIN AND FLED WASHINGTON, Oct. 21. CA. V.) President Wilson has confirmed the st-ntence of dismissal from service and 15 years Imprisonment -at hard labor Imposed by courtmartlal upon Second JJoutenant John C. Gottenkiene of the Fifth Field Artillery. He was convict ed of deserting hlH command at Neu- fcausel, Germany, in June, 1919, after ornhrazlinir tSS.ofil of military funds. Alta Today Children, 10c Adults, 35c ' If .Hi,! 1 1 i'- ." . EUGENE O'BRIEN m'His Wife's Money' Selznick Pictures. rut. till an. A most important lesson for those contemplating mat rimony. A woman's heart is like a gold mine. Many a man has gone broke prospecting. ' IN ADDITION PATHE NEWS ARCADE Thurs., Fri. Saturday Children, 10c Adults. 35 jSPIIIlI i " i 0 ' 1 fwwm l 1 vJx ofdoubtI V'' Tv , 1 , ;- t -.-! wt$ 'w.'t ?. ,:?. - . - - -; . f THE VALLE DOU Y OF rPain'sl ertemy Notice Is hcreliy Riven General Election to be held In The City of Pendleton on November 2nd, 1920, there will be submitted to the volet of Tho City of Pendleton, for their approval or rejection the follow ing proposed amendment to the Char ter of The City of Pendleton: A niu To propose by Initiative petition an Act to amend the Charter ol the City of Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, by amending Section ell of Article 10 of said Charter, to au. thorlze and empower the Water Commission to Issue water scrip for the extension and betterment of the water aystem, and for the payment of Bnlarlea and expenses, and furth er providing; that tha water scrip outstanding at any time ahal) not exceed tho sum of 125,000.00, and fixing the rate of Interest on aald scrip at six per cent per annum from the dale of Issue until the same be called for payment by the Water Commission. Be It Knnctcd by the People of UM5 City of Pendleton; Tho People of tlio City of Pendleton Do ordain as Follows: That Section 11 of Article X of the Charter of the City of Pendloton Umatilla County. Oregon, shall be amended to read as follows Section 11. The commission shall have power end authority to Issue wa ter scrip for extension .nd betterment of the water system of tho City or Pendleton, and for the payment of sal aries and expenses of the commission and for any other purpoae, provwea that water scrip outstanding at any time shall not exceed the sum of twenty-five Thousand Dollars; such aorlp shall bear Interest at the rate of six per cent per annum from the date I thereof until the aama eha.'l be called ifor payment 'by the water commls- ision. Vhe following Is the number and form In which the foregoing question will be printed on the official ballot. PROPOSED Bf INITIATIVE) PETITION. Charter Amendment lo Increase Amount of Water Scrip. The purpose la to permit the Water Commission of The City of Pendleton, Oregon, to Increase the am"nt of water scrip Issued so the amount out standing shall never exceed Twenty- five .Thousand Dollars and fixing six per cent titercst thereon from date of issuance, for purpose of pay jing aalaries, expenses, extending and 'bettering the water system ICnlirilnrv IT, 1S99.' Initiative petition and adopted by the people of the City of Pendleton oy majority of th. votes cast thereon at a special eloctlon held on me ii uj of Julv 1907. he and the same aro hernhv amended to read as follows: s.ctinn 1 The C ty of I'enuieion shall have power to Incur an Indebt edness In the sum of I14,000.uo tor xne niirciiaM of a fire engine and truck in nririMtton tn the 185.000.00 Indebted nnxn provided for la subdivision S of Becilon 1 o Article 1J of the Charter of The Cltv 6f Pendleton. Section 10. Tire City or rcnaieron shall have the power and H 1 hereby authorised to lasue, sell and dlHpose or negotiable bonds with Interest cou Dona attached for the purpose of pur chualiiir a fire murine and truck, for the tme of the Pendleton Fire Deptrt menl end for such purpose said city is hereby authorized to Incur an Indent edness not exceeding 114, uOO tn add! tion to the present general bonded In debtednoss of said city, the bonds la. sued under tho provisions of this sec- lion to ts known as "Uenenl Indebt edness Bonds, Series B" and those words shall be written, stomped. printed .or engraven thcroon, said bonds shall be numbered consecutive ly commencing with No. 1, and If the whole amount of said bonds uthorl ed by this section to be Issued shall not be Issued at the same time, any sud- equent Issue shall be nuirbered com mencing with the number next follow ing tiia last number used In the next preceding Issue of'sald bonds. The following Is the number ana form In which the foregoing question will be printed on the official ballot: PROPOSED T INITIATIVE PETITION. Charter Amendment to Increase Gen eral Indebtedness. Its purpose Is to Increase general In debtedness of The City of Pendleton, Oregon, Fourteen Thousand Dollnra to purchase a fir. engine and truck ana to Issue negotiable bonds thereror, end to aniond Section One and Section Ten of Article Twelve of the Charter of said city for said purpose. Vote VES or iv o ilnecs In the sum of M. 000.00 for park purpose lu addition to the 86,000 Indebtedness propovlded for Subdivision l of Heo. 1 and In ad dition to 111,000.00 provided for In an ameni,nent tu uld section proposed by Initiative petition for the purchase of fire engine and truck If auld last proposed amendment shall be enacted by the people. Section 19 The CHy of Pendleton shall bav. power nun la hereby au- thorlied to Inane, sell and dispose of negotiable bonds with Interest cou-4 pons attached, for the purpose of pur-, chasing Bluclt 61 of the Ueeervatlon Addition to tho town (now city) of Pendleton, Oregon,, for park purposes for the use of suid city, and for such purpooe suld city Is hereby authorised to Incur an InileMednexa not exceed ing the sum of IXI'OO In addition to all other bonded Indebtednns of said city heretofore authorized by law and In addition to H.00'gcneral indebt ed newt bmMli proponed by Initiative petition for thu purchase of fire en Kine a id truck. If wild measure shall be enacted by the people. Trie bonds Issued under the provisions of .this sec tion shall be known as "General In debtedness Honds, Series C" and thos. words shall bw written, stamped, printed or engriivon thereon, and aald bonds shiill be numbered consecutively, commencing with No. 1, and If the wh'ile amount of said bonds authorized by this section shall not be Issued at the same time any subsequent issu thall be numbered with the next num ber following the last number used In tho precedli.g lut'io of such bonds. The following la tho number and form In which the foregoing question will be printed on the rifflcla! ballot: PKOI'OKKD BY INITIATIVE PETITION. . . 403 Yes 403 o amending Section Eleven of Article Ten of the Charter of The City of Pen lleton. I Vote YES or NO There will also be submitted at aald olection to the logal voters of ,the said cltv for their approval or rejection the and jloilowing proposed amendment to the Cliartcr Amcndnienl to Increase Gen eral Iiidelrtcdneas, Its purposo Is to Increase general Indebtedness of The City of Pendleton. Oregon, Eight Thousand Dollars for park purposes to purchase Block Sixty One of the Reservation Addition tu Pendleton; aald amount to be In ad dition to Eighty-Flve Thousand Dol lars, provided for In aald charter, and Fourteen Thousand Dollars, to pur chase fire engine and truck proposed by Initiative, if said measure ts en- actI by the people, and to Issue ne gotiable bonds therefor, and to amend Sections One and Ten of Article Twelve- of the Charter of said city for aald purpose. Vote YES or NO 100 Yos 101 No BT A story of smiles and tears of virile men and a wom an's undying love. -A breath of the vast northwest. BRAY PICJOGRAPH There will also be submitted to the legal voters of said city at said elec tion for their approval or rejection th following proposed amendment to the Charter of The City of Pendleton: A BILL To propose by Initiative Petition an act to amend Sections 1 and 10 of Article 12 of an act of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon, en titled "An Aet to incorporate The City of Pendleton, In Umatilla County, and tn ilaffn. V. hnmra I h.r.nf nrf PA. 'peal an act entitled, An Act to Incor porate the City of Pendleton. In Uma tilla County, and to define the powers thereof, and to repeal an act entitled. An Act to Incorporate the Town of Pendleton, Umatllia County, Oregon, approved October 25, 1880. and an Act entitled- An Act to Incorporate the Town of Pendleton, In Umatilla Coun ty, and to define the powers thereof, approved February 5, 18S5, an act entitled An Act to Incorpo, -te the Town of Pendleton, In Umallla Coun ty, and to defini the powers thereof, approved February 21. 188", filed In the office of the Secretary of State, February 20, 1889, and all acts amend atory thereof," aproved February IS, 1899, as amended by an act entitled "An Act to amend Article 1 2 of an act of the Legislative -Assembly of the State of Oregon, entitled 'An Act to In corporate The Ci'v of Pendleton ii Umatilla County, and to define the powsrs thereof, and repeal an act en tie J An Act to Incorporate the City of Pendloton, In Umatilla County and to define the powers thereof, and to repeal an act entitled. An Act to incor porate the Town of Pendleton, Umatil la County, Oregon, aproved October 25, 1880, and an act entitled. An Act to Incorporate the Town of Pendleton, In Umatilla Ceunay, and to define the powers thereof, approved February 5, 1885, and an act entitled An Act to Incorporate the Town of Pendleton, In Umatilla County, and to define the powers thereof, approved February 21, 1887, filed in the office of the Sec- retary of State, February 20, 1889, and all acts amendatory thereof,' approv ed February 16, 1899" as proposed by Initiative Petition and adopted by the people of the City of Pendleton by majority of the votes cast thereon at a special City election held on the 1st day of July, 1907. Be It Enacted by the People of the City of Pendleton: (The People of the City of Pendleton Do Ordiihi as Follows: Section 1. That Sees. 1 and 10 of Article 12 of an act of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon, en ltled, "An Act to incorporate The 3ity of Pendleton, in Umatilla County, and o define the powers thereof, and epeal an act entitled. An Act to In corporate The City of Pendleton, In Umatilla County, and to define the powers thereof, and to repeal an act entitled, An Act to. Incorporate the Town of Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, approved October 25, 1880, and an act eqUtled An Act to Incor porate the Town of Pendleton, In Uma tilla county, and to define the powers thereof, approved February 5, 4886, and an act entitled An Act to Incor porate the Town of Pendleton, In Uma tilla county, and to define the powers thereof, approved February 21. 1887. filed In the office Vf the Secretary of State, February 20, 1889, and all acts amendatrry thereof, approved Feb ruary 16, 1899, as amended1 by an act entitled, "An Act lo amend Articlo 12 of an act of the Legislative Assembly of the Ktate of Oregon, entitled 'An Act to Incorporate The City of Pendle ton, In Umatilla County, and to define the powors thereof, and repeal an act entitled. An Act to Incorporate The City of Pendleton, in Umatilla County, and to define the powers thereof, and to repeal an act entitled. An Act to In corporate the - Town of Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, approved October IS, 1880 ,and an act entitled an Act to Incorporate the Town of Peadioton, la Umatilla County City Charter of said Cl'y: A BILL To propose by Initiative Petition an act to amend Sections 1 and 10 of Article 12 of an act of the Legislative Assembly ot the State of Oregon, en titled "An Act to Incorporate The City of Pendleton, In Umatilla County, and to define the powers thereof and re peal an act entitled. An Act to incor porate tho City of Pendleton, In Uma tilla County, and to define the powers thereof, and to repeal an act entitled An Act to incorporate the Town of Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, approved October 25, 1880, and an set entitled, An Act to Incorporate the Town of Pendleton, In Umatilla Coun ty, andto- deflre the powers thereof, approved February 5, 1885, and an act entitled. An Act to Incorporate the Town of Tendleton, In Umatilla Coun ty, and to define the powers thereof, approved February 21, 1887, filed In the office ot -Ihe Secretary of State, Februa-v 20, 1889. and all acts amend atory thereof," approved February 15 1899, as amended by an act entitled "An Act to amend Article 12 ot an act of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon, entitled An Act to In corporate The City of Pendleton In Umatilla County, and to define the powers thereof, and reVeal an act en titled An Act to incorporate the City of Pendloton, in Umatilla County and to define the powers thereof, and to repeal an act entitled. An. act to Incor porate the Town of Pendleton, Uma tilla County, Oregon, approved October 26, 1880, and an act entitled An Act to Incorporate tho Town of Pendloton In Umatilla County, and to define the powers thereof, approved February 6 1885. and an act entitled An Act to In corporate the Town of Pendleton, In Umatilla County and to define the powers thereof, approved February 21 1887, filed In the office of the Secre tary of State, February 20, 1889, and all acts amendatory thereof, approved February 15, 1899, as proposed by Initiative Petition and adopted by the people of the City of Pendleton by majority of the votes cast thereon at a special City election held on the 1st day of July. 1907, lie It ICiiAclcd by the People of die City of Pendleton: Tlio People of the City of Pendleton Do OrcLvin Aa Follows: Section 1. That Sees. 1 and 10 of Article 12 of an act of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon, en titled "An Act to incorporate The City of Pendleton, In Umatilla County, and to define the powers thereof, and re peal an act entitled. An Act to incor porate The City of Pendleton, In Uma tilla County ,and to define the powers thereof, and to repeal an act entitled, An Act to Incorporate the Town of Pendleton Umatilla County, Oregon approved October 25, 1880, and an act entitled An Act to incorporate the Town : Pendleton, in Umatilla Coun ty, and to define the powers thereof, approved February 6, 1885, and an act entitled An Act to incorporate the Town of Pendleton, In Umatilla Coun ty, and to define the powers thereof, approved February 21, 1887, filed In the office of the Secretary of State, February 20, 1889, and all acts amendatory thereof", approved Feb ruary 15, 1899, as amended by an act entitled. An Act to amend Article 12 of an act of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon, entitled 'An Act to Incorporate The City of Pen dleton, In Umatilla County, and to de fine the powers thereof, and repeal an act entitled, An Act to Incorporate The City of Pendleton, In Umatilla County, and to dcflno the powers thereof, and to repeal an act entitled, An Act to In corporate the Town of . Pendleton, UnsUilla County, Oregon, approved October 25, 18S0, and an act entitled An Act to Incorporate the Town of Pendleton. In Umatllia County, and to define the powers thereof, annroved February 6, 1885, and an act entitled, An Act to Incorporate the Town of Pendleton, in Umatilla County, and to define the powers thereof,' approved February 15, 1899," as proposed by Initiative petition and adopted by the people of the City of Pendleton by a majority of the votes cast thereon at a special election held an the 1st day in juiy, jam, on ana tne same are 404 Yea 40S No Dated at Perfeton, Oregon, this 5th day of October, 1110. THOS. FITS! GERALD, City 'Recorder. IN POl"ND The following described animals have been taken up by the marshal ot the Cltv of Pendleton, to-wlt: One gray mare 3 years old, branded TZ "-Ight KtfTle 800 pounds. Oi:e cream horse 3 years old, brand ed circle with I conrected (on top) on rinht stiflo, oo pounds. One black mare 10 yeurs old. brand ed 3 on right stifle lSOO pounds. One bay marc, white star, 8 years old, branded Ad (on sido) or left stifle 1000 pounds. - One bay gelding I years old, brand id diamond Inserted U on loft atlfle,4 left hind part whlte 00 pounds. If suld animals aro not claimed by the owners or those entitled to their ponsesslon and costs and expenses paid and taken away within ten days from the dale hereof, then at ) o'clock p. m. of tho 23rd day of Oo tober, 1920, the said animals will be told '.3 the highest tolddcr, at public auction, for cash, at the City Pound, in said City of Pendleton, the proceeds of euch-sale to lie applied to the pay ment of such costs and expenses ot making sale. Dated this 12th day of October, 1920. At, ROBERTS, City Marshal, i 111 - "" ' ! lJuLJ-.::-..... MANUEL FRIEDLX Democratic Nominee for Representative in Legisla ture for Umatilla County. Rosidont of I'mntllla, county 85 years, property owner and tux payor ' , for SO years. Vote 57 X Manuel Friedly (Paid Adv.) DR.-C.H. DAY. ., Physician anil Surgeon Osteopath Booms 21 and 26 Bmnu-vrm-. Building;. .- Telephone 704 Dr. David B. Hill DENTISTRY and X-Ray Diagnosis Pendleton, Oregon in ii i i 111 llhlrliil!!!;!,. :.M,Mii!il lilt ,! ulllll..l!!lll.:il!.i liilUiIlll:!t!li!!lliilii!!:l;;-.:s i!!fi;i!nsii!inn;,.i.id!i. in!.) lima ,!.! ,.,.l(lf:MMliih