Vl PWIT t48T 0SSG0S1AW, f ENDUTON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 20, Jfi80. TWlL?SrA023 Social and CZub News Demonstration P P i i CONCERT ATTltACTS 1NTKIIKST When Ocorge C. Kirchncr, violon cellist, appears In conceit at the high school auditorium tomorrow evening, Pendleton will be afforded the oppor tunity of hearing an artist of note Mr. Klrehner grew tip In family of musicians and from his earliest recol lection music was to him study and recreation. Forming r.n early attach ment to the 'cello, he ha made the In utrument a serious study and has learned It pecularltlea and possibil ities. A a pupil of Julius Klengcl. Mr. Klrehner drew Information from a rwoRniwd fountain head and devel. oped Into an arttat that his audience delight to honor. In the west he has distlngulshee. himself In the Seattle and Portland Symphony Orchestra, und as a mem. bcr of the Spargur Wring Quartette. Mr. Klrchner has been secured for a Pendleton concert In connection with the teachers' Institute ana his coming is awanca with interest. (WILL DIUVE TO rORTLAXD j Or and Mrs. M. a Kern. Mrs, A. .!. 'Smith and Miss Acnes Cresswell will IIOrF'S UP STIRS SHOP WELCOME! Visiting Teachers You are cordially invited to visit this exclusive Women's Apparel Shop while in Pendleton. Come up and inspect our Winter showing of SUITS, COATS, DRESSES, WAISTS AND PETTICOATS All Garments Wonderfully Reduced in Price. . XM FLOOR compose a motor party leaving to day for Portland to remain through out the week while Dr, Kern attends a course of lectures on dentistry. Miss Cresswell, dental assistant, will . also attend tho lecture. WOODCRAFT MEETING ENJOYED. Womoi. of Woodcraft elected offi cers last night and at the conclusion of the business session a delightful sur prise was extended to them by a group of Woodmen who had gathered in the oanouet room to add a supply of good ies to the light supper which had beep prepared. The ladies l.eld their busi ness session In Eagle-Woodman hall and upon adjourning for refreshments were greeted by the callers, ten of whom served the repast while the oth ers joined the party in gathering about well-laden tables. Fred Stroble acted as toastmaster and responses were made by Mrs. Lottie Long, Mrs. Doro thy Thomas, Mrs. Lovell, Mrs. John H. Baker and J. P. Wulker. About 75 en- !oyed the affair. Oftlcers elocted by the Women of Woodcraft for the coming year were Past grand neighbor. Alts. Louise Lampktn;. grand neighbor, Mrs. Dor othy Thomas; advisor, Mrs. Odessa Homier; clerk. Sirs. May Frledly; banker. J. P. Walker; managers. Mrs. J. H. CooK. Mrs. M. A. Ferguson and A. O. Cardcn; magician, Mrs. Balte sorc; attendant. Dr. Lena McConnell; Inner sentinel, Mrs. Agnes Dohnert; outer sentinel, A. Thomas; captain of TIIK I'ltKl Sim PAYS There Is hardly an American woman nowadays "who can keep pace with the demands made upon her time and energy without paying the penalty of ill-health. It may be that- dreadful backache, dragging pains, headaches, nervousness of the tortures of a dis placement. It Is the price she pays. To women In this condition Lydla. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound comes as a boon and, a blessing. A simple rtmedy made from roots and herbs which brings glorious health to suffer ing wrfrACh? . ' OVER TAYIiOR HDW, K ANTLEEI . N.n,- " - 'f M 7) It Can 't Leak, Because It's Made in One Piece A KANTLEEK is built like a bottle all in one piece. Most hot-water bottles are. made in sections, then cemented together. When cement dries and cracks, the bottle leaks. Every Kantleek Hot-Water Bag is moulded of pure toft rubber one continuous piece. No parts, patches, cement. Even stopper socket is moulded in. And guaranteed for a full two years' service or a new Kant leek free. Don't wait until your old bag leaks. Get a Kantleek. Your old one may brealc open tonight. THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. THE REXALL STORE 8 a ROLLED CORN CRACKED CORN In any quantity Phone 351 and Place Your Order UMATILLA FLOUR & GRAIN CO. 1300 W.Alt t Phone 1014, 475, 351 I i s IN POUND The following described animals have been taken up by the marshal of '.he Ctt of Pendleton, to-wit: One gray mare 3 years old, branded TZ Hght stifle 800 pounds. One cream horse 3 years old, brand ed circle with I conrected (on top) o right stifle, 800 pounds. One black mare 10 years old, brand ed I on right stifle 1300 pounds. One bay mare, white star, ( years old, branded AS (on side) or left stifle 1000 pounds. One bay gelding 3 years old, brand id diamond inserted U on left stifle, left hind part white 900 pounds. If said animals are not claimed by the owners or those entitled to their possession and costs and expenses paid and taken, an ay within ten days from the date hereof, then at 2 o'clock p. m. of the 23rd day of Oc tober, 1920, the said animals will be told f0 the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, at the City Pound? in said City of Pendleton, the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the pay ment of such costs and expenses of making sale. Dated this 12th day of October, 1920. ' AL ROBERTS. City Marshal. Wadhams & Co. are going to have a demon stration on Diamond W and Wadco Coffee Friday and Saturday. Be sure and come in and get a cup. of good coffee. We have reduced the prices of all our coffees, , keeping in line with the new wholesale prices. Cjray $res. (jrocery Co. THREE PHONES QUALITY the guards, Mrs. Tom Robertson; mu sician, Mrs. Ora Hamilton. WOMAN'S CLUB WILL MET At the club room of the library to morrow members of the Woman's Club are to enjoy a talk by B. 3. Klemme, head of the department of education at the Belllngham Normal School, who Is In Pendleton as one of the speakers at the teachers institute. The affair is scheduled for 2 o'clock. Hostesses are to be Mrs. Horace Stlllman, Mrs. J. R. Perry, Mrs, W. J. Clarke, Mrs. E. J. Murphy, Mrs. Robert Simpson and Mrs. John Vaughan and alt mem bers are asked to be present. , TO VISIT THROUGH WINTER -Mr and-Mrs. B. J. Dresser will leave tomorrow for Richland, Wash ington,' to visit their daughters. Mrs. Curtis and Miss Dresser for the winter. LAVENDER CLUB TO MEET Lacender Club members are to be guests tomorrow afternoon of Mrs. Tom Robertson. They are asked to her home at 201 Garden Street. MRS. MORTON DEPARTS Mrs. Sabina Morton left today for Seattle. She has been spending a few dcys In Pendleton and In Athena, her lormer home. TUBERCULOSiSMOST "No rule can established as to the length of time a man can fast. Ills endurance will depend upon his pre vious health, his constitution and also upon, his spiritual condition which Is very mportant. It Is well known that! a starving man may increase his en durance a great deal by drinking wat I 1 7 - . MANUEL FRIEDLY Democratic Nominee for Representative in Legisla ture for Umatilla County. Resident of Umatilla county 35 years. property owner and tax payor for 30 years. Vote 57 X Manuel Friedly (Paid Adv.) . Jl KOEPPEN'S PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE A. C Koeppen & Bros. Cba Drag Mora That lam Xovj Beat. ATHENS. Oct. 20. (A. P.) Tuber culosis is more prevalent In Greece than in any other European country for which reliable figures are avail able, with the possible exception of Serbia. There Is no governmentaly or private program for the control of the disease. The number of physicians in proportion to the population, which lis about twice as high as the rate in the United States. The other forms of the disease also are present, mak ing the total tuberculosis death-rate 365 per 100.000 of population, one death in every six Is due to tuberculosis. To deal with the disease tho exist ing agencies are very inadequate. There Is little or no hospital provision for the care of the bulk of the popu lation "Of 5,000,000. There are less than a score of general hospitals in the country. There Is also an alarming preval ence of, typhoid fever, which at times rises to the proportion of an epidemic. Even In the larger cities- as Athens the typoid death-rate is strikingly high. In the last three-year period for which statistics are available the rate was 59 per 100,000 of population, about five times as high as the rate in the United States. ' ' The prevalence of this diseases Is duo largely to the absence of sewers and of udeouate and safe water sup ply.. No improvements in the water supply or sewerage systems have been made since 1908. The rudimentary sewage Bystem. where any exists af fords little or no protection against surface or finderground contamination of water supply, and no safe guard against conveyance of infection. In Athens plans have been drawn by the national government to provide the cltv with adequate and modern water and sewerage systems. But the execution of these plans has been de layed by tie war. The water supply In Athens is at present brought in thru an acqueduct built by the Emperor Hadrian near y 2.000 years ago. in the "fcummer months the water is in sufficient .to carry off the sewage. II PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 20. (A. P.) Motion pictures will eventually dis place many text-books In the publio schools, predicts Louis Nusbaum, as sociate superintendent of tho schools in this city. Thirty publio schools now have mo tion picture machines and rent films from the film exchanges for use in their lessons. "More can often be learned In five minutes with an Instructive specially prepare motion picture film than In an hour of study from the text-book," sain air. .-Misnaum in urging the Idea K3ITTALr:' Jl J Jr'T appeal to everyone ; lfn v "W"0. appreciates and admires the artistic f T V worth and merit in . , JUU ( . - fin? Wei-Pieces of rn iu 1) t. .Oriental weaving. - I'M II5 .1 ' ' ; ! ! H A Mey .permit you to 1)M (A fi enjoy in your glomes ' ) A ' V U all ihe beauty in the J fl , i il ' designs and colorings j .vil of these rare fabrics j Jl i , ' and without departing J V from your own ideas ' J Jv of true economy. LJ yj. ) I r jhere is a WT)ittalI Ruo for jfc- J . Lf- Every Room in Every Home , ford Fumi Ii ure uompany HOME FURNISHER 10S E. Court BU Phnne f befor the property committee of the smooth hoavcles 131: roUn Board Of Education. "Motion picture machines would help out In tho text boow shortage,". llis and Uiulo Steady In Pugvt Sound Market. SEATTLE. Oct. 20. Hogs. Re ceipts 97. Stoady. Prime l?i17.0: medium to choice 1.501?.60: heavies 1JI3.0; pigs M" Cattle - Receipt's - "99. St. Prin.e ste. r .50r 10; medium , to ,j,..i,.n AOr.00: common to good. common to gooa 4Sl3; calves 7Q18. i 0OW7.50; best cows and heifers i r,t6 if 7.701 medium to choice .00 7; 4.50 COO; bulls II!!!l!lilli!l!l!l!ill!I!!ll!!l!lllllll!l!IH UhyllinthmtMHhiHaiiiilriiiaUtUlalWHiaiiiaiyiftWI THE THOMAS SHOP 1 hi lnliiii?d t lllllllllllllilllllllHllllillllllllllllllli i i i i It ill aUUl iUiii iUilUli UtUllJ tHIIiU'Wlll MUH 'M'llittfi 81 Phenomenal RECORD HUNGER STRIKE PREVAILED 63 DAYS PARIS. Oct. 20. The long hunger strike of Mayor MacHwIney; of Cork has caused much, discussion here as to how long it Is possible for a man to fast. Dr. Bocquet has told the Par is Midi that the record has been ti days without food set by William Uranler In 1831. "Granler had been sentenced to death and was confined In the prison of Toulouse," said Dr. Bocquet. "He had a horror of the guillotine and to save himself from death by that In strument he determined to starve which he did after 3 day. " Many hunger-strikers have lived longer than could have been expect ed." he went on. "There are the cases of Tanner, Sued and Merlatte the lat ter of wbome starved lor 48 aayt while he lost one-quarter of his weight Taylor tells of the ase of a worket who was Imprisoned In a mine for id Any without food. He lived, three days- after his rescue and died as a result of being excessively fed. Many lunatics have refused to take food fot 20 it, or even 10 days. RIPPLE AND TAIL ORED STYLES At $35, $45, $55 and $75. . Regularly priced $49.50 to" $110. ,; Most Remarkable Values. These beautiful garments are shown in brown, reindeer and navy. The styles are the most' popular and the quality the best Complete assortment of sizes to choose from- COATS Just opened another big shipment of Coats Wraps and Coats at much below regular prices. Developed in all the new materi als and the favored shadings. ' Specially Priced $19.50 to $125.00 " FURS At 1-4 off. Foxes, Lynx and Wolf. S3 S 'S 3' 13 ' COMPARISON INVITED illiliilillliiiiiiiililllllliliO jiHtiiifiiiiiii ..Hi iiiiijni,i;r;-imiiiiii'i"'ii . n g-.T-'.Vra't llll iilfii ilHTsi '