East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 19, 1920, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    " t f V ! '
News of Pendleton
Oct. 19. Milton A. Millar
speak for Democratic campaign ,
Arcade t neater.
Oct. It. County T. M. C. A.
Convention her.
Oct. J0-I1 Joint Institute
Morrow-Umatlllft teacher her.
Oct. 11 Portland Chamber Of
Commerce vllt here.
Oct. 25. Knstern Oregon ses
sion supreme court here.
Oct. 2. American Ieg-lon
dance. .
Oct. 25. rendlcton Athletic
Club smoker.
Nov. J- General election.
Nov. 5-6-7 Northern Oregon
Older 'Pqy' T Conference here.
Nov. 1 1. ArmLntlce Day
State holiday.
l.-.v v...w . .
tlonal Livestock Exposition, row-
land. T
Morning Train Delayed 25 Minuto
Portland passenger train No. this
rrnrninr was 25 minutes late In reach
ing Pendleton. There were 14 cars In
the train.
Transfers to Submarine llano
u.,iirf trulls Hicks, seaman second
class, U. 8. N. H. T., left Baturday foi
Portland to transfer to tne regular
-,., utr "irirka Is being sent to the
submarine base at Ban Pedro, Calif.,
for duly.
Victory Medals Now Heady
Kx -service men who have not enroll
ed In the reserve force may obtain a
Vletory Medal upon application 10 me
navy recruiting office located In the
Federal Hulldlng. It will be necessary
for such men to present their origin
i rii.nhnrin certificate. War service
certificate or other official papers In
dicating the ships upon wnicn tne men
served should also be submitted at the
same time In ordor that the clasp to
which they are entitled may ne aeier-mlned.
year been employed as a federal offi
cer and ha don valuable ecret ser
vice work for the government.
Mm, IUo Operated 1'pnn.
Mrs. Fred Reese was operated upon
today at Ht. Anthony's hospital. lat
est reports say that she Is doing wen.
Fred IKmnlon in jmrmlKton
Fred Unnnion. County agriculture
Birent. Ik In llornilston on business con
nected with his work. He will return
Use the Phones
Grocery, 2 Phones 526
Other. Depts. 78
O Grocery, 2 Thones 528
Other Depts. 78
Oklaltonu. Man Berk Fntlior
J. W. Messner, who was last heard
of at Hermlston, Is being sought by
his son, K. U Messner. of Muskogee.
Okla. In a letter to the local lodge
asked that word
bo put In the pupers here In hope the
. . . A.mm imlrfl I A with his I
miner wuum i
on. The older Messner is a life mem
ber of Rnglnaw. Mien, looge.
Harry Minnis to Return
Harry Minnis I expected to arrive
here the latter part of the week from
Yakima accompanied by Mrs. Minnis
for a visit with Mr. Minnis mother,
Mr. W. C. Minnis. Friends of Mr.
Minnis will be glad to learn that he
from a serious infection
on the foot. He sprained his ankle
and hh three operations were ineuec-
teal. It was necewinry to amputate m
foot. Mr. Minnis has for the past five
loi 101101-. im lm ioi lot loi loiioi-
In Our Meat Dept.
Choice Fresh Red Salmon
Whole or Half Fish
"You Can Depend on "101"
Pendleton Cash Market, Inc.
(Private Rxctuuum Connect Both Putiaiti
Few Nurses Register
Three nurses have registered with
the Red (Toss office for service. The
Red Cross pays the nurses when sick
families are unable to do so.
Rainfall is ,lg Im-lu
Knlnfnlt lust nluht and today was
la lnrhu mr, Mnlnr I.ee Moorhouse
official weather man. Tho muxlmum
is 58 today and tne .Minimum su.
TuVi-h Place ax HUwograplier.
Miss Esther Jenkins has accepted a
position as stenographer for the Cun-
nlnuhom Bheen Co.. In tne neao oince
of the company here, She was for
merly In the roadmasler office. i
Koiuirt Frser Appointed
Kenneth FTaser, who since 1914 has
been deputy federal clerk and who has
often visited Pendleton In that capa
Mtv ua. veHterdav formally sworn In
a United Btates commissioner for the
Portland district. Fraser will be suc
ceeded by E. M. Morton.
ru-ldcrow Is HoiUilit.
Mr. and Mrs. Alger Feo are doml
in ilia Jones residence on !wis
street, purchased recently by Mr. Fee
from Mrs. Itoger Kay. Mr. ana wrs.
wav cm in tbe Ttrnwnfield anar mcnts
awaiting the completion of their new
bunen.ow on we street.
loi-ioi 101 101 lui iui ioi ioi ioi ioi-
Revenue Unllnrtor II cm.
V. D. Chamberlain, collector of In
ternal revej for this dlstr. return
,l m hl nfiioe In the fei'.ral build
ing Monday. He ha been absent for
several week on business in other
parts of the district and for tho next
fortnight will be at work in the towns
of the county. ,
Tourist Itrport Is necrtvert.
The annual report of Herbert cutn
Hjrf sofminrv nf the Paelfie North
west Tourist Association, was receiv
ed today by the Pendleton Commer
cial Association and placed on file.
Th r.nnrt foil nf the wnrlt of the as
sociation In Oregon, Washington and
Kritlsh Columbia,
Martin Jones School
Of Dancing Now ppen
Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.
Afternoons 1 to 8 Eveninps 7 to 9.
Xeaching Waltz, National One
Step, Fox Trot, Wesleyan, Ohio,
Tiny. These dances were adopt
ed by the American National As
sociation Masters of Dancing,
convention held at Portland in
12 Lessons $10.00
5 Lessons $5.00
Committee Getting Ha liquet IJ.it.
Two committees are at wora among
the businessmen of the city today ask
ing heads of local firms to attend -lianuuet
to be clven Friday asening for
'the Portland Chamber of Commerce
j members who will be the city's guest.
j noy ftucnanan ana t. r juorne cuia
i prise one committee and Chauncey
Rishon and George C. Baer the other.
They met with good response and
probably more than 100 local men
will attend. The banquet is to be
nerved in the PArish House of the
Church of the Redeemer.
Cruise to Bo Made.
F. R, Weaver, local navy recruiting
officer, today received a dispatch from
Secretary of the Navy Daniels stating
that the navy department has issued
instructions to the C. in C. of the At-
i mime urei .uu iiiu 111 v.. ml uif:
arles for tho foreign cruises to be
made by the fleets in the summer of
1921. The Atlantic fleet will proba
bly visit parts of the east coast of
South America, Cape Town and pos
sibly South African ports, including
passing the Island of St. Helena where
Napoleon spent year of captivity. The
Pacific fleet expects to visit the
South Sea islands and part of Aus
tralia and New Zealand. It Is prob
able that the fleet will also visit ports
in southern New Zealand and Tas
mania. After completing the winter's
Joint maneuvers In the Pacific fleets
will proceed to their target grounds
by March 10 and after target practice
and repairs, it is believed the vessels
will get away on their foreign cruises
June IB, 1921. Mr. Weaver points out
that this is a good chance for recruits!
to see the world. He states that last
week showed 2300 enlistments and
that the enlisted personnel of the navy
i now over 112,000. I
V-1U-I !M it K 1 1
r3 -tmm im' m
JtC i if
Close Out
We are closing out our entire stock of Ladies Per
cale Aprons, and are offering; you a chance to get a
good supply of house aprons at a price that you
cannot refuse.
Your choice of many patterns
At $1.29
Remember we are telling our Kiddie Play Suit
at 75c
"You can get it at"
t Pay Cash iendMon' Variety Store Save Cash
Directors for the county organisa
tion of the Young Mens Christian Asso.
elation will be elected tonight at the
annual meeting of the board, which
will be held in tho Methodist church.
The business moeting will be preceded
by a banquet, at 8:30 o'clock, which
Is to be attended by 100 or more men
Interested In the countty work.
The Seasons Newest Creations in
and Goats
You can choose from a wealth of fabrics, of colors and designs.
The crispness of Autumn seems somehow to be woven into the rich and colorful
clothes, of which these distinctive models are fashioned.
'You will surely find among such assortments the very garment you desire.
SUITS 39.50 TO $175.00
Whether you have decided to buy '
a suit of tailored simplicity or one of ex-
1 1-1 . '11 f ,1
ireiiiciy ciauuiaic myiv juu win miu n
n . 1- 1 I'D
our collection equal to your uemanas.
Upon precise tailoring and symmetrical i i
! 1 1 .1 . - ... ' P il 'i
line depend me auracuveiiess oi me
plain models, while with the dressier
suits trimmings share honors with style.
Embroidery, braiding and hand
some furs are effectively used.
Modart Corsets
Front Laced
More and more women are coming to realize the relation a properly de
signed corset has to their general health and well being.
In a like manner the importance of the selection of models and make is
receiving attention.
You will find our corsetiere service both helpful and valuable in assisting
you to select the particular corset best adapted to the improvement of your
The knowledge that your corset has been carefully selected and skillfully
fittedtf and is actually improving your f igure as you wear it, constitutes an ad
ded feature in your satisfaction.
We announce the arrival of our ne w fall MODART models which have un
usual appeal. These are priced at figu res which are realy low when the high
quality and general excellence of this c orset is considered.
84.50 to $20.00
Grocery Department
FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Bananas, per pound 20c
Hot House Lettuce per pound 33c California G Fruit h
.Head Lettuce, each ....lac , 1 '
Celery, Stalk 15c Tokay Grapes, per pound 23c; per basket $1.00
Turnips, Beets and Carrots, per bunch 5c Pomegranates.
Cabbage, per pound 5c XXXX Brand Evaporated Milk for Cooking,
Oranges, per dozen $1-10 ; Each, 10c; dozen, $1.10; case $4.40 '
Name "Bayer"' on Genuine
Dr. John H. Secor. pastor of the
Methodist church, will be the principal
.speaker at the meeting, which will be
held in the church. This meeting win
be open to te public Annual reports
will be presented and filed and one
third of the directorate will toe replac
ed by new directors, chosen to serve
three years. There are at present 17
directors in the county organization.
Delegations are coming from nearly
every town in the county for the ban
quet and meeting. , The affair will be
In charge of the local Y. M. C. A.
board and admittance to. tho banquet
Is by ticket only.
attended the convention were Miss
kAlice Greenwald, of the Disciples
church, and Miss Mary Allen. Indian
girl from Tutullla. Rev. Cornelison
represented both the local church and
the mission. Three cars of young
people from Stanfleld went to the con
vention. . '
Local delegates speak high praise
for the entertainment given by the
people of lone. One of the high iiglits
on the program was a banquet at 6:30
p. m. on Saturday. More than 100
people attended.
Don't streak or ruin your material
in a poor dye. Insist on "'Diamond
Dyes." Easy directions in every package.
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" la genu
in Aspirin proved safe by millions
and prescribed by physician for over
twenty year. Accept only an un
broken "Bayer package" which con
tain proper direction to relieve
Headache, Toothache,' Earache, Neu
ralgia, Rheumatism, Colds and Pain.
(Tandy tin boxes f 11 tablets cost few
cents. Druggists also sell larger
"Bayer packages." Aspirin Is trade
mark Bayer Manufacture Monoacetic-acidester-oX.
Claude Myers of Stanfleld, was elect
ed president of the Columbia Chris
tian Endeavor Union at its fifth an
nual convention held on Saturday and
Sunday In lone, with over 40 delegates
present from the various C. E. bo.
cietlca in the union.
Miss Uly Allenger, of lone, was
chosen vice-president Other officers
elected were Miss Bertha Moon, of
FYeewater, intermediate secretary: Ja
bin Vaught, of I'endleton, secretary
treasurer: Rev. J. M. Cornelison, Pres
byterian missionary at Tutuilla, alum
ni advisor: and Rev. tjeorge U Clark,
pastor of the local I"resbyterian
church, pattor.
Among the addresses which made up
the program were three talks by Rev.
Cornelison, one entitled "Forward,"
another "Stretching Forward to tho
Ideal," and the third, "Missionary
Work at Tutullla." Mlns Fa ye Stein
niets, of PortRind, state president of
C. K. societies gave several talks.
Aiuoiitf Ihus -iruut Paullttia who , up and try it.
Lemons Whiten and Double
Beauty of the Skin
Superior Drills
Hoe and Disc Types. .
Squeeze the Juice of two lemons Into
a bottle containing three ounces oi
Orchard White which can be had at
anw drug store, shake well and you
have a Quarter pint of harmless and
delightful lemon bleach for few cents.
Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion
Into the face. neck, arms and hands
each day. then Bhortly not the beaut
of your skin.
Famous sluge beauties use lemon
Juice to bleach and bring that soft.
clear rosy-white complexion. Lemons
have always been used as a freckle
unburn and tan remover. Make this
Sturgis & Storie