1 f rrrr: ::( mi- . I r -r .. page msi': TWELVE PAGES DAILY EAST OMaOflflAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY EVENlN(5OOTOBEE"18, i&2d." VE1 wan killed by shots fired by unknown persons, , E335S3S2 WHITESAYSCOUNTRY SUCH BUYING! SUCH ENTHUSIASM! NEVER BEFORE WITNESSED IN PENDLETON f SUCH CROWDS! DTQ COX Representative Men and Worn- en Eenudiate 'Little Amer;. ica' Party and Sign Long List for Patriotism First, NEW YORK, Oct. 18. (A. P.) A nint atntitment by "over one hundreO l..,r.tittlve men and women who Jiave unually mjpported the republican far proirrewilve tickets," announcing their intention 10 voie ior itooscvelt und thone senatorial candl- ,ii.. "11 hn Munil liiiricHtlv ana iruiv.i- )y for ratification of the treaty and adherence to the league," was made ?uubllo last night by Hamilton nun Vtitflrullim IMlltor. This statement set fortn mat - w now too late to talk of a new "associa tion of nations to bo created unncr ro iiiihiir-n uMilcoHs." and repudiating th nresent republican leadership that "has permitted the repuDiican ii to heeome a 'little America' party. ' unfed all republicans and progressives i r. nutr iii am above Dariy anu add their names to the list of signers. This list according to 'Mr. Holt, U liicrnnirinr dally. An analysis said that it Included 15 republican officers of f the leaitue to enforce peace; clorRy. men representing all the principal de 'nominations: the presidents of Ubcr lln. VsHsar, Bmlth. Hryn wawr ana Mount Holyoke colleges; 'several vet erans of the great war und nine for mer republican or progressive party managers and officeholders. In the last classification were listed Charles I. Howland of New, York; Violet H. Leroy, New York; Theodore Marburg. Baltimore; W. W. Nichols. Kenning ton, Vt.; Herbert Parsons, New York; Kllas D. Balsbury. lidlanaMlis; Ed win E, Bloason. New York; Illcliard Welling. New York, and Alice Whllf. Vellcsley, Mass. . . i NKW YORK, Oct. 18. T.oorge White, chairman of the democratic national committee declared In u Htutoment luut nlKht that the "political tide, which lust Bulurduy was at the lu rn, Is now sweeping toward the democrats." 'It Is too Into for tlio republicans to arrest It," ho suld. "The control ling voters who have been waiting with greut patience for Senator Hard- lug to take an honest stand for the great Issue accepted whut he said at Don Moines us his rent conviction. They felt ho hud broken the bonds of deceitful strategy Just once." Henulor Hunting's stutemcnt that ha slunds for rejection. Mr. White suld mude a cliur Issue between the lougue of nations with clarifying und pro tecting reservations und no leaguo at all. The people accepted It and the rush to the league side. the demo cratic side begun. ill 1 KIDM'COY NOW FREE TO WOO AND WIN NINTH WIFE Una ANC1ELKH. Oct. 18. (U. U.) Another cliupter In the matrimonial experiences of Norman Kelby, better known as Kid McCoy, former prize fighter, now a movie uclor, Is a di vorce granted to Carmen Broudncr Hell)) , aged 2(1. his clghlh wife, on the grounds of cruelty. This man will get another wife If f grant the divorce." Judge Jackson said. "Perhaps It would be well for this girl to act a a buffer for the rest of the community." Nevertheless he grunted the divorce. I ni'IlMN, Oct. II. (A. P.) Her. gcant Itoche of the Kovul Irish con tabulary, who came here from Tip perary to Identify the body . of Mr. Tracey, who was shot during the dl. .turbanccs Friday, was shot dead yew Icrday on the Ormoml Quay. A mini and a girl also wore wounded by his aiwallunts, A former soldier named Itoblusnii, who was shot Friday night by two men describing themselves us repub lican police, died last night. ' "i While Constables Flaherty and I'ykes were on patrol duty In txindon derry late Katurday night Fluherty Wheat Crop lnfllbln P. KG IN A. Husk.. Oct.. II. (A. P.) Oil a busts of 12. DO a bushel.xnct, the cosh value of the wheat crop now being tuken off government grcuter production farms In Huxkatchcwun and Alberta Is placed at $2,000,000 by W, M. (tiulium, Indian commissioner here. Mr. Ci rah am would not ven ture an estimate of operating expens es, but admitted that the profit on the venture for the present year would I well over a million dollars. The wheat crop is placed at 600,000 bush els. Approximately 20,000 acres were sown In wheat this year. The yield on the Alberta land is announced at 45 bushels to the acre, though the value estimate Is on the busts of 40 buxhels to the acre. Saskatchewan's quota to the toul will yield only about 15 bushels to the acre. FA1K COOI, WKATIIKIl AIIKAO. WASHINGTON. Oct. 18. (C. P.) The weather forecast for the Pacif ic coast states this week is generally fair and cool, with frequent frosts probable In Washington und Oregon. Sale B ayres" Monster mm A BARGAIN EVENT WITHOUT EQUAL IN THE HISTORY OF THE WEST. usy! Well Rather ? WE'VE BEEN TOO BUSY ALL DAY TAKING CARE OF THE GREATEST SHOPPING THRONG IN PENDLETON HISTORY TO WRITE OF BARGAINS BUT THE BARGAINS ARE HERE NEW ONES, TOO. WE TOLD YOU wc were going to give you the GREATEST SALE ever advertised in Pendleton NOW YOU KNOW WE MADE GOOD. Ever since we opened this moaster Closing Out Sale, our store has been packed and jammed with eager buyers, every one expressing an appreciation of the wonderful bargains of fered at this mighty sale. Hundreds of customers were turned away on opening day, as it was not humanly possible for our large force of sales-people to wait on everyone. Many of our bargain lots were sold out com pletely, and we are certainly pleased and gratified to know that our efforts were so well appreciated. If you are one that could not get waited upon, we urge you. by all means, to visit the sale this week, as we will have many more surprises for you, each and every day, of this great event, and we want you to know it is to be a real sale all the time, and that the good things were not for the first day only.. We want you to come to this store and sale expecting to buy the best Dry Goods, Coats, Suits, Dresses, Furs, Waists, Skirts, Shoes, eta, that money can buy, andt prices less than they can be duplicated for in any wholesale market today and we promise you will not be disappointed. , " THOUSANDS OF PATIENT PEOPLE REWARDED! " ON SATURDAY, it was utterly impossible for ou r many sales people on the floor to serve all those who wanted Dry Goods, Coats, Suits, Dresses, Furs, Shoes, etc The crowd was good natured indeed under the cir cumstances, but patience had its reward for those people who could wait.. A dollar to twenty and even fifty dollars saving is soir.e reward in these days of sky-hi gh prices. - REMEMBER! EVERYTHING IS NEW, FRESH, CLEAN NO ODD LOTS NO CLEARANCES "SAYRES," Inc. GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. BOND BROS. NOW IN CHARGE mi1" Lu.j.....iii"iamiiii"ii!jr'i'i...j,ii.j'L jui', ".i.--- ..' m'i1-- ---i --- .'. ."rHJl 7". I i i J J r ANTIC MEN OF O UIT AND 1000 SUITS CUT IN PRICE. 500 OVERCOATS CUT IN PRICE "Absolutely nothing reserved. ' LOWER CLOTHING PRICES FOR UMATILLA COUNTY. Wc invite the public to take advantage of these big price reductions and we can assure them of only the highest class of merchandise. , . $27.50 SUITS AND OVERCOATS . . . ... 7 . $22.25 $30.00 SUITS AND OVERCOATS ...... 7. $24.25 $35.00 SUITS AND OVERCOATS ; $28.25 $40.00 SUITS AND OVERCOATS $32.25 $45.00 SUITS AND OVERCOATS . . . . 7 $36.25 $50.00 SUITS AND OVERCOATS . . . . : $40.25 $55.00 SUITS AND OVERCOATS $4125 $60.00 SUITS' AND $65.00 SUITS AND $70.00 SUITS AND $75.00 SUITS AND $80.00 SUITS AND $85.00 SUITS AND $90.00 SUITS AND OVERCOATS $18.25 OVERCOATS .$52.25 OVERCOATS $56.25 OVERCOATS 60.25 OVERCOATS $61,25 OVERCOATS.... .$68.25 OVERCOATS $72.25 BOND PENDLETON'S LEADING CLOTHIERS '"III'IUM!1 I si ll!T " rTTTT JL.ti