CITZriT PA5E3 inri ; 1u Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found, For Kent, Etc. Classified for Easy Reference. f- !-.. f- , ,, NEV TODAY FOR BALE 6 -room bungalow In A-l WILL TRADI3 1918 Cadlllao Iri first condition on good street Phone class condition for good city prop 7T1. jpOft RENT Furnished apartments (02 Tuitln St. FOR BALIS 7 room nous and three lot. at 611 BuHh St. Price 350U In. quire of owner. FOE RKNT 3 room apartment with , bath Phone 1041. FOB SALE? Rhode Inland t hens ond pullets Phone 10F6. Red FOR SALB Second hand baby car- ' rbvge good condition 31 W. Alta. f'QR SALB White sewing machine '. excellent condition Phone J168-J. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires i position AouresB -ez mi umce. WANTED Vegetable of all kind y 1 the ack 416 Garfield St. Phone 348-M. FOR SALB Borne , fine registered ! yearling Shopshire ram Palton mot, Macleuy, Or. . -. WANTED A live wive salesman In quire 120, Pendleton Hotel, between he hour ot 6 and I. COMPETENT MAID wiah general house work, 6G5.90 a month, ln oulre 61" thl office. FOR SALE CHEAP Coo If table and book case Call 176-R, or 409 E. Alta ater ip. in, erty phone 667, auk for Mr. Winer. FOR SALE Two late model Reos one 6 passenger and one Roustabout first class mechanical condition- new tire -Umatilla Auto Co., Phone 417. ,!':.,:, tun oal.. neir-propeued ooiauine harvester, ltll model, good ahape term Bturgi atorle. FOR BALE BY OWNER 4 0-aeres river bottom land near Mission H. D. Longley, 901 Turner Bt. FOR SALE My equity In quarter section Idaho wheat land Phone 324-W, mornings and evening. FOR SALB Four wagon boze, for bulk grain, low prle If taken toon B. L. Burroughs, Phone S. CHEVROLET TOURING CAR Just overhauled, $100.00 down, tsrmj to' Convenience buyer. Dodge delivery nearly new $400.00, discount Over land bug roadster, now being over hauled, $100.00 down, balance to ult buyer. Frcntzel Motor Co. j Handy Business Directory nf Pendleton and Vicinity . . A - A .1 ...... rantnnathla knlnui rnsS hfl rSOraBi Thl Directory J. eapeclally handy for the out-of-town reader who mar want tne ... "l""" the following line. AU ar. rellabl. re.pon.ibl. bu.lne. concern, who ta dready to give you prompt .rvlc. WANTED AT ONCE A 60 , H. P. team or go engine at Mars query, cabbage bill for trlul; will pay rent un til it prove to suit my work, then buy same. J. L. lara. Cabbage Hill. TEAMS WANTED Lumbe.- hauling by day or contract. Bardell Lum ber lc Box Co., Freewater, Oregon. AUTO ELECTRIC WORK FOR RENT APT. AND BOOM 9 ALTA APT FOR RENT Sleeping Water St. room 109 PRIVATE OARAQB tor rent-s-Phone W-J, 813 W. Alta, FOR BALE New 12 gauge Reming ton Automatio shot gun with case an i hunting ceat John Leuer Oarage ill Willow St. FOR RJENT urnlahd room liii B. Court. Bleeping AUTO ELECTRIC WORK of all kind. Magneto, starter, Ignition, etc. Elec tric service station, Garden and Court streets. 4 . TIME CARD Weston-Pendleton Auto Stage Leaves Weston for Pendleton at 7:30 a. m. and 12:46 p. m. Leaves Athena for Pendleton at 8:00 a. m. and 1:00 P- m. Leave Adams for Pendleton at 8:20 a. m. and 1:20 p. m. Leave Pendleton (Allen-Knight Co. Stom) ;or WesU-n at 10:00 a. m. and 4 p. m. O. U. McPHERRIN, Prop. BEAUTY SHOP ft BEAUTIFIED at Miss Roofs shop. Judd Jldg., Phone 1060. . MAKINELLO SHOP AU kinds of I beautiy parlor work. Skin and scale treatments a specialty Room , Association Plock, Phone 776-R. 4- OPTICAL WE HEP AIR anything electrical on an automobile. W. EL Chase Oo. AUTO TIRES FOIl SALE Good green house, and residence goo with this. A bargain. UKOItGE W. KIJ)FJt BIS Main Kt, FOR BALD 4) room strictly modern house on north aideTerms it ac sired Address "3" this office. JXrtW Two Northern Poclfie remit. tiuice envelopes containing valuable papers Return to N. P. Ticket office Reward. EAT AT WElaME , INN Whole- ., some horn cooking, fsmily style If satisfied tell your friends, it not. tell us 227 Water St. Phone GC9-J. NOTICES IJT POUND The following described ' animals fcav been taken up by the marshal of the City of Pendleton, to-wlt: -One gray mar 3 year old, branded ' fZ right atlfle-'-SeO pounds. One cream horse 3 years old, brand ed circle wlthT connected (on top) o right Mifle. 800 pouuda i One black mare 10 years old, brand ed I on right stifle 1100 pounds. f On bay mare, white star, 4 years old. branded AS (on side) or left stifle 1 0 posnds. . - . -1 One bay gelding 3 year old. brand ed diamond inserted U on left stifle., left hind part wulte-r-800 pounds. - If said animal are not claimed by the owner or those entitled to their po mention and costs and ' expense paid and taken a-rny within ten day from tha date hereof, then at t o'clock p. m. of the 2Srd day of Oc tober, 120, the said animal H' be old 'a the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, at the City Pound, In said Oty of Pendleton, the proceed f uch anle to be applied to the pay ment of ueh cost and Pnse of making sale. t i Dated this 12th day of October. , AL ROBERTS, , . . . City Marshal- Pes. Phone 172-W Phone03 FOR SALE OR LEASE Sheep rarsh 320 acres, well equipped Abun dance of rang Joining Address U. R. Waltor, Quinsy, Wash. , FUR SALE, at HermlBton 10 acres alfalfa. Improvements could not be replaced under $0000. Price $4000. Easy terms. Address "69" E. O. of fice. FOR SALE Holt 76-H. P. Caterpil lar and nine bottom engine Oliver gang plow, and two organ special gas combine. F. A. Dooley, R. F. D. No. 1, Athena, Oregon. FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping room Phone 204-M. f FOR RENT Two furnished apts. and one cabin (14 Cosbie. , , FOR RENT Clean front ground floor 719 College. room, 4 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms Mrs. W. B. Mays, 2H Water St. PENDLETON CYCLE CO. Ajar, Re vere and Saver tires. S2$ E. Court Street. WALLACE BROS. Flsk Tires, oords or fabric. We do our own adjust ing. 84)8-12 Johnson St. ' ' Penflloton-Wslla Wall Bog V Leave Allen-Knlgi.i, Pendle- ton at 2:30 p. m., to Walla Wal- la, Dayton and way points. Leaves Grand Hotel, Walla rWaila at 16:00 a-m. , BATTERIES BATTERIES repaired or reohargefl new , and rental batter-tea. Xlery Service Station. Cor. Garden and Court FOR RENT Down tnlrs . room, close in Phone 38C-R. L. B. KENTLET & CO. Goodyear and 8.amond Tire Tlra aarce, oils jan accesrorles Alia and Garden Sis. 'gFRTSON Ik MARTT Gates Half steeping . e000 jle. buaranteed 1-2 I cost of new tires. 637 OXtonwood Bt.1 FOR SALE Leas on 1809 acres .wheat land 1000 acres ready for seeding. First class outfit 8 miles from town, three mile haulSee Snow A Dayton. RANCH FOR SALE 1040 acres, all under cultivation, 6(0 acres summer fallow. ( acre now seeded to fall wheat new house, barn and well W. H. Bufflngton, 113 W. Webb St. notio: -otk of payment of CIJ of Pendle ton Innrnvetmiit Bonds. ' , Notice Is hereby given that City of Pendleton Improvement Bonds Nos. 11-23, Series D; Nos. l(-l-30. Series E- No. 17. Series N; and No. 8. Series U.' will be paid upon presentation thereof to the undersigned t the Am erican National Bank. Pendleton. Vmattlla County, Oregon, after No vember 1, 12. ' Interest on tne aoove Bonds cease November 1.1820. ' Dated October IS, 1926. ' umx a v lbh MOORHOtTBB. Treasurer, aty of Pendleton, ny H. ' W. Dickson, Depirty- ' FOR BALE My north tide home, 120 Monroe St., one block from county library S lots, houses reota for $70.00 per month one 12 room house oca 7 room house Paved street and concrete walks. Call at Bowman' Studio. FOR RENT Sleeping room, hot and cold water with bath Phone 498-M. SIMPSON TIRE SERVICE CO. Re- pu ol'e ant' Firestone tires, corto or COMFORTABLE ROOMH for rent fabric 223 E. Court St., Phong 631. heat furnbhed Phone 248-M, Hi nTrnu iiwn r-n TTnlt a.tM Garfield. FOR RENT Nicely furnished sleep Ing room 407 West Alta Phone 1177-W. Tires. Both cord and fabric ner Cottonwood e Vl Water Sts. Cor- NICELY FURNISHED sleeping room for rent bath privilege close ln-r 14 Thompson St. FOR BENT Mica, Sleeping room. Bourd across tha street. Phone II2-M. 816 Garden. FARM FOR RENT at $2.60 per acre ((7 acres for rent from 3 to 6 isars In Wallowa County Oregon. Cash in advance each year 200 acres plowed, 3S0 more can be plowed 40 acres timothy meadow, can be Irrigated, running water, ( room house, large barn A. R. Rice. Enterprise, Oregon. WANTED FOR SALE 10 acre tract on highway, near Athena. Well improved, 3 1-4 aoroa alfalfa. 87 fruit trees, ( corned modern furnished house, tenant house, good bsrn, cement walks on premise, overflowing arttsian well Laura Counter, Real Estate, Athena, Oregon, FOR SALE by ownei at cost Strictly modern house, well located on north side, f room. Tils bath, refrigerator rooms, hardwood floors, concrete gar age, etc Address Box 47, City. FOR BALE Lease 1600 acres of sum merfallow caterpillar, gaa harves tnr, 60 head of mules and outfit also 1600 acres to plow in spring. Located about 10 mile from Moro ShAfman county, Ore. Addres U P. Maishall. Pendleton, Ore. FOR BALE Household ruriflture In cluding Reed chairs and table, Vic trola, cabinet sewing machine, electric wssher.. Circassian bedroom suite, whits Ivory bed, breakfast table and chairs, rug etc., wMl be sacrificed for Immediate sale Call 1003 Raley St. : OIRLB WANTED French Restaurant WANTED Chambermaid Hotel, at Btetfc WASTED 4Sewlng plain or fancy Phone 306 -M. WANTED Work-by 14 year old high school boy Phons 16F4. WANT TO RENT Furnished Apt. by Sept 10th. Phone CO. WANTED GOOD CLEAN RAGS AT The Bast OregonLn oaflca. WANTED Woman for general house work Call 1003 W. Jackson or Fhone 218-W. WANTED TO RENT by the Salvation Amy, a 4 or 6 room unfurnished house Phone 1062. , WOMAN WANTS position as house keeper or cook on ranch Address 008 Willow St., Phone 606. Notice to Patron Beginning with Oct. 10th.. 1920, taxi service wilt be as follows: Single fare 36 cents. ; Two passengers 60 cents, each addi tional 26 cents. Riverside, single fare 60 centt, eacn additional K eent. Coupon book, of 26 ticket. $7.60 cash and good only within the city limit. ' . PARKER TAXI CO. OSBOUNB TAXI CO. , WM. OOEDECKH TAXI CO. vmin in IriA Public t wish to announce to the public t v.nv niniln resumed the man- " . th Rnwmaa Studio at 916 .' Main St.. where In the future you wlU receive the same personal attention and best of work as wa ray pw r . V a BOWMAN. STRAYED pCsjs",, " ' . v tm Tellow Irish Terrier, re , sembles Alrdale female, answ era to name of "Kary", last seen Sunday aft ' i.m r. m. near ranch. Any VI 1 1 1,171 1 l.ww - . Information regarding sams will be ap L.",...,.ward. Notify Geo. L riot,iAU.u Fontaine. ' ' LOST AND FOUND v rtOT a irv milch cow with halt uAi Martin Kupera or r uii Phone 378-M. WOULD PARTY who stole my two , 1 off. my front porch please return them 300 Lewis St. FOR SALE FOR SALE Furnished 14 room Apt. house 602 water. FOR BAUD All kinds of Insurance. J. H. Este. IM Main bi.. FOn SALE FOR SALE 6 room residence, north side best bargain. 6 ROOM nsw bungalow near scnooi, best bargain on the north side. NEW FOUR ROOM bungalow good location and cheap. 6 ROOM COTTAGE north sld. , 8 ROOM RESIDENCE, large lot, outh Mil. ' - - . . - ; ROOM RESIDENCE, south hill, plastered. 4 ROOM COTTAGE, east end. I have houses to suit almost any one In nil part of th city. Call and get my list. , GEORGE w. r-uvrn 818 Mam St. Res. Phone 972-W Phone993 USED CAR EXCHANGE FO.R SALE 1920 Maxwell touting car A-l mechanical conuition Phone 796-R. urm BAI.m We have some exception al hnva In late model cars. Every en ! In A-100 ner cent condition, practically all light standard mike. Term If desired Ipnattiia auio o, 609 Garden St I'SED CARS 199 Ttnlck tonrlns- car, all cord tires, we sold this car new last Fobru ary, big reduction la price. 1918 little six Buick, fine mechanical condition, new top, cord tires, newly painted. , , 1919 Franklin touring car, has had good care and is in first class conat tion, will sell cheap, 1919 one-ton Ford truck, used only short time; price $500. 1919 type 67 Cadillac 8, seven pas senger, as good as new, all cord tires, $3000. ' 1920 Hudson Speedster, used less than six months, big saving In price. 'Look these over at the i Oregon Motor Garage WANTED Work operating farm tractor four year experience Writ Alfred Founaak, Gen. DeL, Pen dleton, Ore, WANTED Carpenter work special attention paid to Job work eity or country. Phone 303-W, call 614 Lilllth St. . WANTED Boy of 16 years or over f work in wrapping department. In side and easy work. Apply Pendleton Baking Co., 221 East Court. PENDLETON RUU3ER & SUPPLY Barney Oldfielcl, Goodrich 811 vertown Cord and Pennsylvania Vacu um C t 30. E. Court. AUTO TRANSRER V M. UOYDEN-r-Stand at, Hennlng Cigar atore. Country trlpa Phone t. W. O. FISHER -Stand Rile & Kemp, Phone 6J2. . C. K. WILLIAMSON Stand at Griggs Cigar Store ruone 107a. - Lehman Cprlnga Stajre Leaves French Restaurant 10-10 a, dl, Monday, Wednesday, Friday. MISCELLANEOUS Pilot rtiwk-PiTMlleton Aeto fcaage Ltavs Pilnt Rock at 8 a. m. Leaves Pendleton at 10:30 - tt. Leave Pilot Rock at 1 p. m. , Leaves Pendleton it 4 p. k. FANCHO BTUBBLEFIELD, e Prop. PHJLADOTiH1A iIAMOND GRID BATTERIES guarantee for 13 month W. E, tha Co, 320 S. Court. Telephone 269. Pendleton. PREfiT-O-LITE BATTERIES Bert . by competitive test. Service on all makes of batteries, guaranteed. Prest-O-UTE Serviae Station,' 4 04 H. Court Phone 8(4. DALE ROTHWELL Optometrist M4 Optician. ' Glasses ground to fit year eye. American National Bank Betid ing Phone . OSTEOPATH CATERPILLAR WORK DR. O. E. HOLT Osteopathic, phy6 cian and Surgeon. Judd Bldg. Tela phones, office 60S; nestdenoa I78-W. , m DR. UCNA M CONNELL Osteopa. thlc physician and surgeon. Tempi Bldg. Office phone 147-J, P. as. 344-M. POULTRY SUPPLIES CHIC FOOD, Scratch food, tonic. bone, hell. grit, corn, oata, rollea oarley. X maxilla llour urain ui. CATERPILIaARS, harvesteta, ga en glnes, automobile and general blacksmithitig. Round Up Garaire, Parks at Nt'hergaU, 211 West Webb. AUCTIONEER COL. W. F. 4TOHNKA Auctioneer. ' Call at Sturgls Storle's Implement Co., for sale date. CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS PA RKER&BANFI ELK Deafgnlngi Engineinc, Constructing. 14 years experience in concrete ai.d brick con struction. W E. Tliinl St. Niirtll, Port- lantL Oregcia. LHIR0PRACT0RS W. O. ORR I ACCTIONF.Elt ; Sell anything, anytime, anywhere Satisfaction GnanuitcetL Pemlle;on, Oregon See E. L. 8IITIt. Clerk. Phone BR 'for date. P. O. Box 8S4 AUTO PAINTING T MEN WITH YEARS of experience. Motor Inn Garaire, 722 Cottonwood. Ward A. Uoairland. Prop. AUTO REPAIRING THE "PIONEER" AUO MAN satis faction guaranteed. We repair any make. Clen Long, 32 Cottonwuoo, PERKINS & AMMONS, Automooiie lUoairine. Ford. Che7rciet. Btude- baker or any make of car. Service at any time. 630 Cottonwood, Prone 203. ATTORNEYS MRS. ADA FIELD- Sptrella corsetiere Phone 324-W. Address $14 Jane. PHONE 275-M I. C. Snyder for chimney sweep will send you a man. MATERNITY and convalescent hos pitalMrs. Frail, 114 E. Bluff EL, Phone 277. WE HAVE TWO good business oppoi tunltles In Pendleton priced right quick action necessary Snow & Dayton. I HAVE BUYERS for several houses and ranches. For quick sale list your property with T. B. Bufflngton 113 W. Webb, Pendletrn. THE OREGON JOURNAL delivered (6 cents a month, Sunday Inoluded- G. W. Hooker, agent. Office, Alio Shinning Parlor (Al Richardson' Place) (09 Main St Phone 622. AUTO TOPS OEORora W. COCTTs. Attorney at Law, Roora 17, Schmidt block. CARTER A SMYTHE, AttorneV at Law. Offices in rear of American Vational Bank building. FEE & FEE, Attorney at Law. . flee In Pespaln HuiUlng. Of- R. L KEATOR, Attorney at . Law, Room 26. Sinlth-Cravrfoed Building. & A. LOWEIXs Attorney lad Ceunsel . lor at Law. Office In Despatn Bldg, 8. A. NEWBERRY, Federal Building. Attorney at Law. PETERSON, BISHOP ft CLARK, At- torner at Law. Room 31 and 4 Smith-Crawford Bldg. JAME3 B. PERRY, Attorney at Law, Office over Taylor Hardware Com pany. . RALEY 41 RALEY, Attorney at Law. Office In American National Bank Bluldlng. GADWA'S AUTO TOPS, Plat Glass. FRED H. SCHMIDT. Attortsy at Backs, Side Curtains 20 East Law. Room S4. SmlttuCrawford Oonrt St. Bldg. DOINGS OF THE DUFFS HE SEEMS TO KNOW WHAT HE'S DOING. TMA-r'- AP JtIXK6W1 ' K'tX-t 't (JO.-, TO Y MliO MO . F4Tr - i ... r- .n , HOJ ' ) SlfS WWW. rv- " 3Y ALLUIAN Vm IswsinJuP rtiJT W(TM,' tT FUTU ' I fHii uec mam? ... TMtTe mm I PI 1 III I I I I I . ( 1 MM V Akin LsTIXKOfttTI r w 1 I H 1 raw -V-- (A'f w ' VM:Mn r" 1 ROTilFl B Ae'ooMe.M Me! f 31 9 StMeieCMs6 It IK'ivm i we t; ioe. ! LTr- it was i A nmn ctw-o ' "i f ' J DR. R. C. ELLSWORTH Specializing in nervous disease and diseases of women. 9 to 12 a. m. 1 to 6:20 p. m. Evenings 7 to 8. Phone 7 U6, Smith Crawford Building. DR8. TERPENC'G Chiropractic and Sanlpractors, 610 Tustin, Phone 442 PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING AH makes Warren s Music Hon, $10 Main SU Phone 624. PIANOS AND PLAYERS aitiri GRADE PIANOS of plaastaa tone quality. Player of tndmdunHtjr. Its the construction that count.. See piano on display, writ or phone Ital tii Ille, 28 Main Sw, Phone 107 I. f. Darnaii, Fautory Kep-, Chu Piano Co. Painting and Paper H angina CLEANING AND PRESSING MODEL TAILORS 4 CLEANERS Pressing and repalting. 504 W. Webb St. Phone S21, Pendleton, Ore. J. W. JACKSON Wan paper tor sale cheap, paintng, paper hanging as) kalsuminlng by day or I Phone 1034 ! Calvia 83. PAINTS. Wail Paper, Picture tag. L. 1. McAtee, the PraetieaJ laint Man. Low Breaw Palnta. DRAYMEN RADIATOR REPAIRING. CALL PKNLAND Bros., iransfor van to move your household goods. We Uso puck or store srooda. We do coun try hauling. Telephone 339. DENTIST DR. FLOYD CROUP Dentift Room 109 American Bank Bldg. Phone 326 Pendleton, Or. rjR. H. M. HANAVAN Room V, Temple Bldg. - Dentistry, Phone 173. EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT OPTICAL Dept., any slse, style or shape glas whllo you wait. D. N. Reber, M. D., 7, 8, 0, Belt Bid. FARM LOANS SNOW & DAYTON, 117 E. Court 86. Real Estate. Fire Insurance. Farm Lorn. See us about loan. iLTA AUTO RADIATOR WORK 701 East Alt, street. All make ot adlatora repaired. Work guaranteed. 0. Ulasberg, Prop. RESTAURANT THE QUELLE. A good place to . SECOND HAND FURNITUEE WE BUY, SELL, or exchange house hold goods, We also do general fur. niture repair work Phone 622, Riley A Kemp, 623. Main St. THE SWEDISH INSTITUTE HEMSTITCHING MiMV't and Steam Bath Electacal cabinet bath, medical tub bath, electricity, V-Ray, vibrator, etc, at The Swedish Institute. If you uf fer from rheumatism, stomach trou bles, nervous, run-down, paralysis;' adiposis (reducing of weight) come and see us. O. W. Brown, If. O. D. Graduated In Sweden. Expert Lady Assistant Over Taylor Hardware Store, Main St, 743. Phone 1679-W. HEMSTITCHING at tha Singer shop. Mall orders promptly attended to. HEMSTITCHING Kail order Mr. Ralph Hassell 117 Bush. Phone 996. JUNK, JUNK, JUNK BRING your Junk to Ui Pendletcn Hide A Junk Co. See us before you sell. L. D. Cameron. Prop. KODAK FINISHING PERFECT DEVELOPIWG and print ing for the amateur enlarging. Prompt work. Tallman Drug Co, LAUNDRY EVERY Article Launderett Perfeetly. There' an agent In your town Troy Laundry. 608 Garden St SECOND HAND DEALERS V. STROBLB, dealer tn new and sec ond hand good. Cash paid for second hand goods. Cheapest PUK to buy household goods. 110 tB, Ooart Phone 271-W. SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTIC THE most up-to-date effectual lead ing science practised. E. F. Gibeo. P. S. T.; N. 0. Room 13 Peebler Bid. I. W. AYERS Room l-17,Bond Bldg. Graduate of Parent School WelU mer Institute of Nevada, Mo. . SURVEYOR AND ENGINEER LAND SURVEY General engineering work. 7. A. Lansdale, C. K River side, Pendleton, Ore. MADE TO MEASURE nn uu Carl E. Franscen. Elka Bldg. TAILORS . 647 Main Phone 1008 iiiuiiiiiiiiiiiniii;iiiiii:!MiiHMiiiiiuiiiiiiiiusiiiiiiiniiiii!iiiiiiiiini6iiiiit!iiWmiu I FALL BUTTER PEARS $4.50 Box 75c Basket Huckleberries, 30c pound NEW FIGS, 15c package SUN MAID RAISINS - SEEDLESS RAISINS SEEDED RAISINS PLENTY OF KRAUT BARRELS BUTTERNUT BREAD Made with milk fresh every morning, 17c Tile Dean Tatom Co. Meat Dept, Fhone 86 Grocery Dept Phone m i : ' ! - r . n,r.,r ninf iron 8ALEJ We are prepared to give very UDerai i!!HMtiimmnHiuMimiiiiiiii!iMiM Phnir frms ii dortd. ! .-J '-Jlai! OJ Jj ! M t 4k , 4 t A 1 in .;llinytW4!H.U;-H.3-'4.iwUIV .iiuiiMiew-ju-iam-jajs--. - -- ., t V ' ' """" "