u a V 65 O U CJ V W 1 "T-- THE EAST OREGONIAN IS THE ONLY INLAND EMPIRE NEWSPAPER GIVING ITS READERS THE BENEFIT Of DAlLf TELEGRAPHIC NEWS REPORTS FROM BOTH THE ASSOCIATED PRESS AND UNITED PRESS DAILY EDITION DAILY EDITION dumber of copies prmtrd of yesterday's Dullv 3,290 fhl paper u a member ut and audited by the Audit Bureau of Circulation. Ths East Orsvonlsn la Etrsj Or Con' gratsst nwspapr snd a soiling force gives to th nlTrtlr ovrr twfcs the gurntrt iiitl drew ' Ik t Inn in Pendleton-and tfinatitl owus ty of any other nwsppr. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER CITY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 82 DAILY EAST OEEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBEE 14, 1920. NO. 0658 . . . - A j& o?-w HARDING ADVISED DEFLATION SAYS Remarks in Acceptance Spcch Quoted to Show Position of Unfriendliness Toward Far- . mers of the West. 'COURAGEOUS DEFLATION' WAS CANDIDATE'S SLOGAN Local Man Suggests That Pro ducers Consult Self Interest First and Ignore Partisan Features Involved. 8nator Harding In his acceptance speech talked strongly for deflation and if through llio deflation process now being carried on by the banks farmers are suffering they are getting what Senator Harding advised, polnti out C. P. Strain, county assessor, and chairman of the democratic county central committee. . , Mr. Strath today explain the altua tlon In the following loiter to the East Oregonlan: . Pendleton. Oregon, Oct. 14 Editor East Oregonlan: In a Portland morning daily of the 13th InHt. I noticed on the front pag the startling headlines: FA KM CKASH FEARED; ASKS WILSON S AID. In your own evening IB O., same date, front page, appeared these heudlines: FARMERS SEEK REUE3 IN CRISIS OF' PRICK BUOE. The gist of the dispatches Is that the farmers and the cotongrowars face ru in, according to statements of a con ference of organised farmers how be ing held In 'Washington city, and that they attribute their financial difficul ties to deflation . of credit brought about by the action.' of tho Federal Reserve Board. Their ulaim is that the cotton grow ers of the South have Inst five hun dred million dollars and that wheat growers of the west are fucing similar losses due to tho fall In prices of pro ducts that were and. are .to .be produc ed with high priced labor. Harding's rot.lt :n Wiown Relative to hi matter, candor re quires that It be said that It Is most fortunate for these farmers and co ton growors that they do not have to appeal to a president holding the vlewi of Senator Harding. . Those having Bonitor Harding's speech of aeropl ane as published In pamphlet form by tho Republican National Commit tee, n ay read -on page 12 thereof what Senator Harding has to say on the subject of , deflation. Notice this: . "Wa will attempt Intelligent and courageous deflation and strike nt gov- ernment borrowing with every energy and facility which attend Republican capacity." In thla sentence Senator Harding says that we (meanlntt himself 1. wb try to deflate and that he will be cou rageous about it. To be courageous means that he will stick to his pur pose In the face of strong opposition. He says that his deflation will be Intelligent. But when he Is to fee Judge of what Is Intelligent w can only guess what the word means to him In this connection. His record indicates that he would not consider It Intelligent to use the credit of tho United Slates for the benefit of the farmers. On April 2. m. I am advised that he opposed the farm loan act In .the senate. , Wlial Mi-Adoo lll. A few years ago during this aduiln Ihtratlon there was a threatened short age of money for moving tho crops. Secretary McAdoo took one hundred million dollars out of the federal treas ury and sent It forth to relieve the sit- j uatlon with tho promise that there was : more to follow, if needed. ' j To the farmers who are now begging the president for relief and to those yet to be affected by further decline of prices, the words of Senator Harding herein quoted may come to have a sin ister significance after the fourth of next March. ' Self Intercut Mr Men and women facing bankruptcy due to falling prices can not afford to place party above country and eolf In terest. They dare not Ignore the rec ord and the bias of the jespective can didates. For the government of the United States and of all countries Is an Instrument susceptible of a wide range of action and It Is pretty sure to serve tho particular class or classes In control of It. ' The producers of the Went and South can not toll when other millions of Federal funds may be needed to move their crops and they cannot af ford to let the fedcrali reserve system fall into unfriendly hands or to take chances on losing the farm loan act and ether friendly government inter ventions to protect them from design ing Shylocks. The election of November second looms as something Immensely bigger than e question of whether republicans or democrats are to enjoy the salaries and tho emoluments of office, or as to which side Is to exhult in the pride of . partisan victory. Itcspoctfully. , C. P. STRAIN. 1 . - -. VyBREGON TO VISIT U. S. 1 ' if h 'sfiM I '$rfSfAi ) Sky. SELECTION WILL DECIDE LEAGUE ISSUE, SAYS COX Senators Who Wguld Scrap ' League Regardless o', Peo ple's Mandate Grilled as Tak ing Unthinkable Course. WEAKNESS iTAFT POSITION IS SHOWN; MRS. W00DR0W WILSON GIVES $100 TO SPREAD WHAT LEAGUE MEANS NKW YOItK, Oct. 14. (A. I'.) Mcm. Wood row WiIhoii today contributed $100 ''to help Hpreaxl what the league meann." FARMERS CAM NOT HOLD PRODUCTS FOR HIGHER ON GOVERNMENT PRICES LOANED COIN RESOLUTIONS TO BIDS' IN ELECTRIC WRINGER Argument That Senate Would- Not Ratify Even if Cox is Chosen Held as Direct Defi ance of Democracy. VAN WEKT, Ohio, Oct H. (By Herlieit W. Walker, U. P. t'taff Tor respondent -AHsertlntf the l reBidcn tittl elect'on Will be a referendum on the league of nations, Governor Cox declared here today that his election wojna be a "mandate from the peo- Petilious Ask for Improvemeat of Five More Blocks to be! t Add2d to Already Formidable; Total Contemplated. I Paving, from resolutions to bids, claimed the lion's Hhare of council manic attention at tho weekly meeting of Pendleton's city fathers last night. Bis were opened from the Warren Construction Co., for the Improvement of Jefferson, Matlock and Lincoln streets at $2.30 a yard but because of la. estimate for the cost of each bloocfc cn recommendation of the city attor- President of 30 Organizations Says Announcements of Price Cutting Have Tightened Credits Critically. CHICAGO GRAlFMEN WARN OF H. C. L JUMP Declare Favorable Action on Demands Would Boost Mark of Necessities and Fan Radi cal Move to Flame. Kast Oregonlan .Special.) T'MAPTXE, Czt. H. Howard Morrt- on, the three year old baby of Edwin Moir'son, ivho recme.ntlv purchased the William Records place, yesterday morn'ng ran his arm Into the wringer ot the electric washer, and before the electricity could be turned off had his arm badly mangled. Ha waa rushed at once to the hospital In Wal!a Walla j WASHIXGTOX, Oct. 1.4. (By and Doctors In attendance say they , Ralph Cough, U. P. Staff Corrspond bave hopes of saving the arm. It was ent.) Secretaiy Houston today reject ftared at first ammputation might be'ed d-etnam! of farmers for th revival necessary. PRE.51. DAIIjAS, Tex., Oct. 14. Dmelopment of better' relations between Mexico and the United mutes may result from business and semi-official contracts established during I he Texas Slate Fair at Dallas. October 9 to 24. To fa cilitate this step. It is reported. I'resident ObreBon has declared his intention to visit the fair on October 16. "LEAGUE IS DEAD" JOHNSON SAYS HARDING "SCRAPPED IT" . --- . n f-ecommenuaiiun 01 me cji atior- pie to the senate to ratify the treaty" ney they were referred to the bidder and that for It to do otherwise would iwltn a reaust for exact figures, bo untblnkablo.- The statement was Mayor Vauffhan appointed Council lii reply to a claim of Tart that even j men Manuel Friedly and William Dunn Vr, T,. ""--" " "y n-:tc serve with him as the city's repre tun ini iiiui(iu.i.c ittK) woum not I have enough to carry the laiue. j BY HIIIAM W. JOHNHON Kenalor lliir.llnc has wrHpiied tha Iajfi'c. Th!s was really, done by the r-publloaii platform and In the republican cand;dte's speech of acceptance; nut certain gentlemen and certain newspapers for their own purposes pre- andod to misconstrue the words of the platform and of tho candidate wholly U variance with their plain tenor. There can now be no pretense even of m'sumU-rMtandinif. Itecontiy. ir. Hardline reiterated In linKuKe Incapable of two interpretations his position and hostility to the leaaue f Natiotut.. . Ho tictslared hh w have all declared favor of arbitration treat'es and tho Hague Tribunal. ' Oovemor Cox says, aa the democratic cand date l e favors poin(t into tho 'f-ague.i Henator Harding now emphatically uumyers, lis the republican can didate, ho favors slaying out. ' . The long fight Is won. We will go through the form of voting upon the question in November: butitio election of Senator Harding is certain. The League is dead. (ll-oin a front pace article by Hiram W. Johnson, published under. his sig nature in the California Republican, issued by the California State republican ci'mmitteo September 10. IH-fl. I "Th'8 statement of Mr. Taft." said Governor Cox, "can only mean one thing, that when I am elected on a straight-forward platform favoring th league of nations, it is the purpose of brazen conspirators in the senate to treat the mandate of the people withi contempt and turn their backs on the expressed will of the electorate. This in the first place, is unthinkable and in the second place will not be permitted for after all this, is democracy and the will of the people is triumphant CRUSH'NG POLICE F01CE Fourteen claims today were filed for trie 760 offered by the city and county for the capture of John L. ItathiM, one of the five Jail breakers wanted In connection with the murder of Sheriff Til Taylor in July. The lrl'fsil Il ATIXCM THKl'T FUOHKIJ NEW YORK. Oct. 14. Herb Hoth, alias Roddy Rothman, arrested In Brooklyn yesterday at the request of Jackson. Tenn.. authorities, was held In 3f.00 hall by a United Htatea com mlssloner for examination In connec tion with the thefts of 200.000 worth of nplatlnum from the government during tha DECEMBER WHEAT REACHES $2.1 1 1 -2 TODAY BUT MARKET SETTLES TO $2.03 AT CLOSE hearing: on . distribution was taken up today in court room with members fentatives today in the meeting called to determine who shall get the rewards offered by the city and county for the iiura ui vne ..v ,., mr , Mabulary ,aree enough to crush " . "Mdlsturbinff force in Ireland Ahk More Paving Petitions for paving1 on Perkina ave nue from Wilson to Washington street and on Washington from Perkins ave nue west to Grant street were read tor the first time last night and grant ed. These projects add five 'blocks more to the already formidable total under contemplation on the north side of townw. A resolution for the paving of Turk street between Court and Turner was also submitted and passed first read ing. This block is In the vicinity of 8t. Anthony's hospital and serves a growing neighborhood. Prepare PX for Winter The street commissiouer was order ed to place the water pipes in the auto canip ground and the north s'de park In shape for the coming of winter. The auto camp is now closed and the" eorn m XL-Ill tnnlr nflor thm onlllD. ment there during the closed season, of the war finance corporation to fl- I nance h3 export of American farm ; products. Houston also reiterated to j the farmers that the treasury has no ; money to lend to persons who may I wish to hold their products for higher, prices, , s ' The war finance corporation props al. Houston sa d, would amount to this government lending money to Gr , many and other nations in central Europe with which to boy American farm products. "The government Is not prepared," he said, "to go Into the ; banking business, accepting, as collat eral the fe leral. state or munic-pai ; I-onds of Germany." !( , St at omenta Were Represents t. vc, WASHINGTON, Oct, 14. (A. P.) Secretary HouMon today reiterated to DUBLIN. Oct. 14. (V. P.) A con- ny force in Ireland was promised today by Sir Greenwood, chief secretary for Ireland. He said the system or a special constabulary, similar to that in England, will be es tablished, under control of the Royal Irish constabulary. The force 'will be " L,ca7 ' y ..u....B renresen'aives of the agricultural In- aeemea necessary 10 ena Lerrur.sm. tereste conference here that the treasV 8aid- j ury would not be a party to withhold jing any commodity from the market to ! maintain artificially high prices. The i spokesmen of the delegation criticized Houston's recent statement that prices (had begun to recede and the secre tary told them as frankly that his statement tepreeented conditions. - ' ' EVIDENCE OF WRECK Estimates and plana were submitted or rewarasjj,,. tne city KnBlne(.r for either the Ihe county I ;.,,,,, , .,,lmt in of the loceitiber wheat opened nt $2.09 1. today, reached J3.il 1-2 and closed at f 8.(18. March ewheat opened at 2.04 1-2 and closed at $2.03 3-4 after reaching a hlsth mark of $2.06. Kollowlng: nre the quotations from Ovcrbock & t'ooke Co. local brokers: Chicago (.rain Market , Wheat ! -Open. High. l,ow. flose $2.03 i $2.1 1 V4 $2.04 V4 2. $.04 2 " 2.lt0 2.03 X . Coin , , 1 .91 OaU. .so - .60 lte 1 .fi KhiIc.v lcc Mar. Iec. May ec. May .81 .r. .60 ,.89 14 .10'. 4 Dec. 1.63 M, J.62 .90 .t. .o 164 Hoc. May Oct. Xov. Oct. Ian. May Oct. Jan. W. 00 17.00 17.15 15.15 .lMrk 141111. 1 20.50 17. SO 7K..10 . Kill 20.00 1.S7 17.10 19.45 IS. 15 .97 23.50 28.50 20.45 17.KO 17.S0 17.25 10.45 Fort-tan Kxclian(tf (From (verbeck & Cooko to. ). Iindon, 350; Palis, 659: lteljtlum. 899; Germany. 14: AUhtiia. 30: t o penhaKen, 1309: Swiss. 1600; Spa'n. 1448: tlrcece, 965; liuiiiania, 185; Bulgaria, 150. (Krom Overbeck & Cooke Co.) CHICAGO. Dec. 14. Wheat Stall ed easy on selling Inspired by the spe cial government report issued- yester day, which was construed as bearish, thereafter tho inurliot erratic but was compelled to discs', a 1hi, nm omit of kcIIIiii; pressure which caused deebne of about seven cents from the high point. latter should come thrnuirh laillsfac torily there w II be sufficient wheat to satisfy all needs, but on the other hand, should anything happen to the ....... I. .....i., .,,..'. ...m.i.il.' will l ecome necessary. At the present nal by the t nion county posse. time our wheat market appears to be in a position to have a further advance. county court and the c.ty's committee in charge. One. contest for the $4 260 reward placed for the capture of Hart and Owens, is In store. These two were captured by a I-a. Orande posse on information furnished by telephone from a Pendleton po;se which was pursuing the pair. The Union county men anked the entire reward but five local men, J. II. ISstcs, C. Z. KundaM, George Ferguson, It. li. Kivermore and Herman Rosenberg, declare that they deserve a portion of the reward tor their work in tracking the two. Rosenberg telephoned to la Grande and furnished the information that lead to the beading off of the crimi- !Yom Overbeck & Cooke C'o. Chicago Tribune Stock of wheat in the United 81 a I en on October 1st totalled 608.OO0.O0O bushels, the de partment of Kgrieu It ure est ; mat ed yesterday. This compares with 747, 000,000 bushels on same date last year. The total on hand the first of this month represented 4 77,000.000 bushels, held by farmers, 102.000.000 bushels at country, mills and elevators and 29,000,000 bushels at other points or accmnuhitioli. l-ast year on Octo ber lHt farmers held 515,000,000 bushels, mills and elevators 14 2,000, 000 bushels and other points of accu mulation yo.000.ono bushels. The de partment reported that during the first quarter of present season from July 1st to October 1st farmers mar keted 821,000,000 bushels compared Ia G ramie leader Has Claim, J. H. MclJtchlen, of l.a Grande, who was in charge of the tarty, put n a claim for J1700. It is understood that he wHI share that with a man who drove the car but d-d not actu ally lake part in the capture. His three associates. II. K. Turner, of I-a Grande, 'and Perry Woodell and Arthur F. Kurman, of Imbler, also ask 850. M r. M cl jkc h I cn and M r. Wood el I gave their testimony this morning, a court stenographer having been em ployed to take down all the facts. Mr. ! Kates, Mr. Randall and Mr. Ferguson were on the stand today and Mr. Ros enberg and Sheriff l,ee Warnlck, of Union county, are yet to be hoard. i Rathie Captors Plentiful. For the $750 reward offered for the; capture of 1'athie, the following have i put in cIuJnih: lcdfoitl Conger,' Mathew Duffy. Pean Hhull. Kugcne , IninntH. W. I. Ronlfor. Hugh Robin, j w. sr. Hyatt, J. A. Holaday. l. J. G. W. Mulkey. J. F. the men's lavatory at the city hall or replacement of it with new equipment. Kenovation, he estimates, would cost 70 and new equipment $1098. ' WASHINGTON'. Oct. 14. (By Ralph Couch, U. P. Staff Correspond ent, j Demands for government aid in financing the marketing of crops to SEEING OF STORES OF CD UELTY TO PRISONERS IS FOLLOWED BY R EViEW OF COURT RECORDS Evidence that was taken by the cir cuit court jury In the two trials re cently held for the murderers of Sher iff Ti! Taylor today was heard In de tail by the grand Jury, In its investi gation of alleged cruelties and "third degree" methods. Several persons were called before the grand Jury yes terday to tell what they knew of the treatment of the prisoners but no imnre were called in today. The court records including the testimony of the five men engaged in the jail break, will be digested thor oughly In the probe to get at the bot tom of the sensational charges These, with what was told the jury by Mrs. W. A. Roberts, Mrs, A. L. Mallorv, Mrs. O'Connell, Mrs. USmil Feck, Kov. W. H. Cox and others yesterday, will lead to the decision of the jury. Talk which was heard outside the VANCOUVER. Oct. 14. (L P.Y Word wa received -today that the ; crew ortiio fcten-meriJtedondo. is ,nj js!,v farmers being ruined. b,y faJilrrg. brought here on the steamer Cheloh- Prces win oc put airectiy to secretary s'n. Seventeen white men and 22 Houston by farmers :n national con Orientals are in the loti and they are ference here. - . , classed as destitute American seamen. ! ve nai. also insist that the secre The report Indicates tho Redondo had tary ot tn5 treasury desist from mak-, een wrecked somewhere up the coast. icliiui pnns are is wir.i. miP has heen received ainng, saia f resident Barnett or the though it has been rumored the vessel national board of 30 farm organixa- ' went down. I j Far mere are not , asking , special jpriv-jicse. v e are merely wtsmng that j the governmen, through the treasury i j or federal reserve bank, make it pos i sib!e for us to obtain loans from the banks which are vitally ree led. lia:(. . ers fear to loa:i money on crps dvi to dander of falling prices. This :a a state of mind resulting from state : merits and prediction by government officials that prices ajw falling." Bar- ; rett Kiid. , thy for the cause of the prjponers told " Vh7b US confeience adjourns ts watch the eco nomic eituntior. and work for agricul tural interests. under oath In the court room. The persons who had shown their sympa thy stories of cruelties which had been . er from the boys or from relatives, while some who were subpoenaed proved to know nothing at all once they were brought In. j Warn ((f pr;co , Sheriff Taylor and his deputies were CHICAGO, Oco 14. (U. P.) That called up yesterday afternoon and S , prices of neceslstlea will soar to new A. Newberry, candidate for district at- h;(!h figures in caJM! favorable govern torney, also was called before the jury melJt ac(OI1 & taken on demands of After hearing all the evidence f rom j t)le farmers In Washington for lower persons not connected with the tral. ,ng the federal reserve board red la the Jury today asked for the court roc- j count rate and expansion of credit, was ord.s in the case. the prediction of grain men here to. Interest in the probe is not high ir. iday. the vicinity of the court house and the If the government acts favorably on feeling now Is thut the matter will be j the farmers' demands, it will mean .-.(fed iown and found to have grown ! highet prices again," said Howard out of porportion because of rumors Jackson, grain dealer. "The result juryrcom last evening indicated that Intuiting unuuly wide circulation. No I would be disastrous and it would check the stories of cruelties which rad been Indlcijiienl or censure of officers are given wide circulation were not told I anticipated w,n' J,"...:.' ';. i,: i Thompson, :iv,p ,uia i-.. .. .- " 1. A 1910 Is estimated at 7!8.(no.oo nusn- , i. nnnt I.... ihun luu the county. V. I. lionifer asks this amount. and K. A. IMitdey. Amounts asked by these men ranged from "an equltablo yeur. These figures were said to In- dlcate that farm marketings during first quarter have been relatively smaller than in any similar period last vear. Total supplies in all positions considered, there Is less wheat on hand than last year and two yearn ago. The big decreases are In the mill and ele vator storks and ut terminals. View ed from the total supply as compared with last year the statement is bull ish. Considerable change has come In the lental attitude of the grain trade past few days owing to ugltation by fanners dissatisfied with present low prices. Country elevators have litttle FATHER OF BANCROFT COMES SEEKING FACTS During the la: t hour a strong time i grain in which there is no loss and bulges firing out saics ny mi-m. The public in general Is not Increas ing Its imorrst on the buyinfr. do of grains despite the holding attitude of the farmer. ('evelopcd and a irood part of the loss Wiu r 'Mvered. What I'ttle nws. titers is ieened to bo mostly of u t hare- .vr truonng fun her advauv. Im porters were reported In tho market. they having taken good iiiantltlrs yesterday. Outside cash markets were Irregular, the south west report ing slightly lower prices and a mod erate increase in country selling, while In the northwest the demand was good and prices higher. Local spot offerings were small and premiums well maintained. The world wheat W. Z. ISaneroft, father of Emmett Bancroft, self confessed slayer of There is no conlt-t on tne reward for the capture of Stoop and Hender- ton this .morning to confer with local son, two sheep herdPi-s. John Met Vr-! officers of tho law in regard to his tan and Irnoy neviin. of Hilgard. j HO-s case. mr. Bancroft came here having clear title to S00 each , possible, facts on the en- James A. Fee. city attorney. Is rep- ' v rerentlng Ihe legal side of the casMrr tlr0 case from first-hand sources. In both the city and county, inasmuch as j hopes that he might still save his son Llstrlct Attorney Keator Is busy with (from the gallows. grand jury and his deputy. Mr. Kan- j T)e e)der Bancroft, engaged In the dull, is a claimant Tor a portion of re- painting 'and decorating business In war( ' 1 1 he Colorado metropolis, received his County Judge C. II. Marsh and Com- : fi,, word pf nB mn', plight about a miss'oners O. U Iunning and P.. K. month nim through a letter written by SERIES MELON HELD UP the present price decline. What farm ers are after is to get the government -to fix tho price of wheat. If this hap pens prices would rtse and the radical movement throughout the country j would .grow in strength as a result." That farmers are losmg money is ad .....vi (ZAjjviia. inn, mey said is due to a large corn crop. wh'.ch caused prices to drop below the cost of production. CINCINNATI. Oct. 14. (L. P.) Rube Murquard's share of the world iseries melon was attached In munici pal court here today. Judgements against Murquard, obtained In New York by Louis Hienry and Max Robin sun for JjIM.91 and by Joseph Rosen wcig for $316-91 were the bas's for ac tion. John Itruce, secretary of the na tional baseball commission was made defendant as he tmndles the checks. Anderson represent tho county, while the city Is represented by Mayor John I. Caughan and Council men Manuel Kriedly and William Dunn. Hi 1 i::X IWITKO TO MKKT PULbMAN, Wash.. Oct. 14. (A. P.t Sixty six collt'WH and universities of the west have been Invited tn send representHtlves to an inter-colleglate conference of women's organisations iit Washington Ststp College here Nv ill, 12, snd 13. Discussioiuj of topics situation for the coming year can bo i relative to policies of women's campus analysed as being dependent upon the organisations is tha announced purpose outcome of the Argentine crop. If the of the meeting. EXPLOSIVE EXPERT IS CALLED TO LOOK INTO BOX, PASSES BON BONS Captain Jennie Conrad, of the Sal vation Army. Today he called upon her. upon Chief of Police Roberts and Sheriff W. R. Taylor, brother,, of his son's victim. Mr. Bancroft told one of the offi cers that his son had always been wayward and that, it is his belief that s it ptal!v dfPHent. Whether he Intended to press that belief in an ef- i lull lo nave tne death penalty com- 8 AN FRANCISCO. Oct. 14 tl. P".) j muted was not ascertained. Rcrnard Rthl, explosive expert, was i After reviewing the case lnre. the t ailed upon today to open a package j condemned man s father will go to found In Judge Shortall's court. Keihl passed around milk chocolates. the state penitentiary at Salem to see his son, now In a death cell under sentence to be hanged on Nov. 5. HARDING FLAYS WILSON TO WIN VOTE IN SOUTH POARD THE HARP1XO SPEC I. t Oct. 14. A. 1". Sena'nr Hard ing ts on his way to Ixutisville. Ken tucky, where he will speak tonight. He spoke In the Chattanooga armory last night and to an overflow crowd outside. The train was scheduled for six stops today. In his talks the nom inee made tho record of the present administration the basis for his appeal for support In the South. CATTMS MARKET STEADY PORTLAND. Oct. 14. (A. P.) Cattle are steady, hogn are firm and sheep are -weaker today. Kggs are firm. Butter Is lower; extra, cube are P5 cents. father Mayimum, fit. Minimum, 4 ti. Parameter. 19. 45. Riinfall, .70. O- H 0 nit mm FORECAST Tonight rain Kriday fir. 'I'M'