MM-V"! if'; ,o. m TrwWM ' me ' " '7" """''' ''''"'; " " "' '" i" nATT.V EAST MXDLETOfo. CXUdON. TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 12, 1920. TWELVE PAGES .1 -. - - -' - - . 1 1 , bj UKRANIAN TEXT STAYS : SIGNING OF ARMISTICE niOA, Oct. 12. A. P.) The flus- Im-l'nliHli armistice and prellnilimry tiencs treaty was not signed Inst night. It wan announced that a da.MiyiinlU Tuesday wan made necessary hauuuse of the importance-!br ' setting ' the U In hlii Ian text prepared, Thre aro many unverified rumor of late disagreements. It In known that Secretary iborenis of the bolshevik delcKutlon, telephoned to the Poles hortiy before 9 p. m. and apologized for Inability to complete the Ukrain ian text for signature last nlkht. How We Care For Your Meat Cars When you see a Swift Refrig erator Car going by in a train, it seems a simple thing that it should be carrying fresh meat up and down the country. v Like most of the packer activities which contribute to your welfare, you are so , used to having this going on uninterruptedly, day in, day out, throughout the year, that you are likely to take it as a matter of course. But if is not a matter of course. Every car you see going by means long hours of minute, scientific, painstaking care in prep aration for what it is doing. Every time a car comes in it fa washed out thoroughly with scalding water. If any taint, any foreign matter, were present, this would get rid of it. Even the meat hooks are taken down from the racks and scalded with water and live steam. When the car is thoroughly cleansed we put in 5,000 pounds of ice. But that is only preliminary. ' It only cools the car to the proper temperature. By the time the car is moved over to receive its load, this first .ice is melted. More is then put in to keep the car cool. Then the meat is hung on the sterilized hooks and the load of food is ready for its journey. It arrives as it leaves, clean, fresh, wholesome, -appetizing; and your meat supply goes on unaffected by seasons or weather. . . - This is only a part of the service which Swjft & Company furnishes, at a profit to itself so smallaveraging a fraction of a cent per pound on all products over a period of years that if the profit were handed on to the consumer, it would make a difference of less than a nickel a week in the meat bill of the average American family. Swift & Company, U. S. A. AGON PASSES ir (Kuxt Orcgonlun Hperlnl) OritOANK, Oct. 13. Threshing will lo finished In the Nye district thin week If .there Is no bad luck. Men urei at work on the Dultcrfleld placs now. George lloork's niuchlnc Is doing tho threshing. Mr. and Mrs. John Llghtfoot mude a trip to Pilot Hock Thursday, ' Oeoi'KO Taylor, Charlos ' Kly, Charles McDevitt and A. V. Hllcman attended the tulephone meeting held at I'llot Itock Saturday. . I'Ycd Hcffner made a business trip to I'llot Rock Saturday. Mr. Bond, who ban been ut the Hayes ranch thl summer met" with un accident Suturday wnne siuriing to I'llot llock with a load of grain for Mr. Haven. Mr. liond "had 6" Back of barley on the wagon and (ho wagon wheel hli a badger hole which threw Mr. Hond out of the neat, out over the horticii and he fell under Ihe horses, tho wugon passing over niu body. While It i not thought Mr. Hond la hurt seriously he haH several ribs broken and badly bruised. Horn, Oct. to Mr. and Mil. I!ert Heeder of Nye, a boy. Mrs. Header is In 1'endloton and last word that wan received wo that she and the baby van quite 111. Joe Corley helped Hoy Montgom- ery gather cattle a few days last week. IJillard French returneu 1 nursoay from a trip to the eastern market with a shipment of cattle, Mr. French reports the. eastern market very low at present. Mrs. French ana son juck mei mm ut Pilot Rock. . Shorty Hartshorn made a trip to I'llot Rock Saturday, going on to I'cn-dleton. Mr. and Mrs. Tom ISclts visitea Sunday with Guy French at the Ridge. Mrs. Fred Fletcher is spending a few days with her husband on their ranch at the Ridge. Mrs. Fletcher Is spending tho winter at Pilot Rock schooling the children: Mike Daughtry Is putting up a new house on his ranch which was form erly known as the Rust ranch. Arguments for and against the League of Nations will be Ihe chief topic of discussion at the regular meet ing of tho Men's Forum of the Pres byterian church on Friday evening In the church. The discussion will be open to all and will be led for the league by C. E. Wailos and against the league by Stephen A.' Lowell. A banquet for which a charge wi.J bo made. Is to be served. The com niittee In charge is Dr. F. A.. Lieuailen. H. HJ. McLean and Rev. J. M. Corneli- son. The meeting is open to an men whether members of the Forum or not. Rev. Cornelison saya mrs Two a young man who practiced medicine in a rural district became famous and was called in consultation in many towns and cities because of fail suc cess in the treatment of disease. This was Dr. Pierce who afterward moved to Buffalo, Jf. Y. He made np his mind to place soma of bis medicine before the public, and he put up what he called bis "Favorite Pre scription, and placed it with Ue druggists in every state in the Union. For t)trty year Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has sold more largely throughout the United States than any other medicine of like character. It'a the testimony of thousands of women that it has benefited or en tirely eradicated auch distressipg ail ments as women are prone to. It is now sold by druggists in tablet form as well aa liquid. Astoria, Orf.qok. "I saw Doctor Pierce's advertisement and as I had tried so many things for woman's trouble without getting any help, I decided to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, and I did so with good results. I think it is just great." lias. D. ft Rita. f7;il.iriiiiir)i mi innsi'tmns.1 iff " JS'. - v"Nif - ' J . -' Ik vf''V 'V ' I Harvesting the M.mmoth Vf Af'1 'I S- -M' I Mieat Crop In the Edmonton g -i" '"V 'J w,lS"'4jaTi--' 1 Va-"' ' "' " ' . District. fcii..nii ... .TS.rfJ Ur Offer Sabjeet ( l-rler Ssle thanae In l'rlre The Unsold Portion General Obligation 6 Per Cent Gold Note 1 ' city of ; ' EDMONTON Yielding 9 i Hsempt 'Front All Dominion (iovernmrnt Taxation . These I'rlces Are Snbjrrt la Increase WHhont Notice . . DATK1I IKI'TEJinKR 1. lOSO , ' Dcnomlnnllons SIOO, SSOO, BtOOO Mslnrltlro as Follows! ; . ' Duo Sept. I, 1SJ2 Price !4.3 Due Sept.' 1. 19;3 Price 52.15 I'rlnclpsl nnd seml-nnnunl Interest March 1st snd Sep? , trnibrr 1st, pavnblo In ti. W. Gold Coin in New Vork and at.' tho offices of Morris Brothers. Inc. T- dial The wealth of a cltr ran he mraanrnl hy the nrodocllvenc oi lis tnnninrr eonntrr. hc copltMl anil riimmrirlxl rrnlrr or tne myni. "'""' ' Kiliionliini the wealth ot nalurnl crirullnil rcnourccs hot Its poltlon niikfn ""'e K'ar to, Irlbollnn point of. Ihe rrl I'raco Itlvcr roinlrr and the Mchcnslc "" llnsin. Into IMnoaMn'i nnrchonars pour the bannl of n t cninirr famed for bumper em, ling grulna and prodncc. Into her bunko the profit" of thce cron. And 'min bdmo nrroonded nnd natural and wholesale eolublUhnientM (o tho equlpntrnt and supplies for (his areut district. eropH of hlnh onton's rctnll ..N6.e.l;.7ir..nn . 11.033.376.00 FINANCIAL STATEMENT Assessed valuation - :r.Y:'i"""" Value municipal property (not Including public utilities)... Net debenture debt : v -!? S!' SS Revenue from publlo utilities (above cost of operstlun) ii .. "' Net local Improvcuicnt debt (Kate payer's share) s.tHb.iUJ.u" , In addition to being; General Obligation Notes, these are secured by long time debentures totaling $2,594,420 I.raallty npproved by IHalone, Malone at Long, Toronto. Canada. , MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. rortland. Or., Morris Bldg.. 300-11 Slark St. Broadway list. "Tho Premier Municipal Bond Houae" Established Over a Quarter i entury t'apltal One Million Dollars Merchants National Bank Bldg., Ran Franclaco, Col. Telephone or Telegrnph Orders at Oar Expeaao Seattle, Wash. No. a rrnttnl Bldg. Main Tin. , KUIolt SMO. 28 YEARS AGO I (From tho Dally East - OrcBonlun, - October 1Z, 1SU2.) Antono Vey whew ranch Is on Mat lock canyon, 13 miles south of ICcho, lust Haturduy purchased from Charle4 Cunnlmtham half a section of school Innd adjoinlmr. ... . John Tim merman; a ' succesBfu! youiiK Helix rancher, recently purchas ed 3D.1 acres of wheat land udjoinlnK Helix from . William , B. Henderson Tho consideration was H30u. Mr. and Mrs. Furnish will return to nlKbt from an cnHtern trip. Mrs. Jesse Faillnn will leave soon on a trip to Portland; O. W. Webb, ex-state treasurer. Is here from a ilrande.i "Uncle (ieorge" recently returned from a trip KasL whole he visited his birthplace In Maryland. He left there In 1842. Mr. Webb was accompanied home to La Orande by his daughter Mrs. Frank , Frazior. MEN'S FORUM TO HEAR CORK JAIL WARDEN, MYSTERIOUSLY LOST. BELIEVED KIDNAPED CORK. Oct. 12. (A. P.) The first known case of an attack on an Irish prison official occured yesterday when Thomas Griffin, warden In the Cork Jail, was kidnaped. No trace of him has been found. . It was stated that Griffin "was on the "block list" beliyr accused of tormenting- hunger strikers in Jail by of fering; them food, and of mistreating other prisoners. . GERMANY WOULD OPEN TRADE IN TWO GIANT AIRPLANES WASHINGTON, Oct. 12. (A. P.) Germany, throujrh, the Slepplin Air. ship Company has requested permis sion of the Inter -Allied Commission cn Air Control In Germany to construct two giant airships for use In Interna tlonal trade between the United States and Germany. According to advices received here In official circles the re- ouesf was temporarily refused. Negotiations with the Commission Included an effort to obtain sanction for Germany to retain a certain pro portion of her airplane, aeaplane and airship stations for use in International and lnter-state traffic. Lints of all air stallions were prepared by the German air officials. There are said to be ap proximately 600 public and private stations of which the Germans hoped to retain some 20 per cent. Gorman! airship authorities are con vinced of the future international com mercial possibilities of giant airships and are making every effort to save as many as possible for German use Some members of the Inter-Allied air Commission were said to favor estab lishment In Germany of a few stations for the use of International aircraft. Commercial airship interests in France and Great Britain, however, were des cribed as anxious to delay for several years the recovery ot the giant air ship Industry In Germany.- EGG HARBOR CITY, N. J.. Ost. 12. (A. P.) Tho alleged confession IS CIVIL ENGINEER WW r Lou f' ALT .. h 1 MELTON DENVER LeaTS It to wo man 1 That's what the United States Bureau ot Publlo Roads In Penrer did when an assistant bridge engineer's job was open. Hiss Lou Alta Melton Is filling the place In fine shape. She was the only girl In the civil engineer ing class which graduated from the University o( Colorado last June. And she Is also the firs' and only woman memoer ot tB Colorado fiocleur ot Engineers. I MUM pltcsna av ssi a ' f j r ; '. U'.' Look fp fpr this Sound Board TTnStrd;vr wonderfully . contrived that it will pUy tfiy make of record. TheToneArm, the Wood Tone Throat, and the Sound Board of edge-graiiud wood, bring out the bestin evety record. No extra attachments are needed; the iniertion of s different needle and stum of the Tone Arm changes from one type of record to another. all aroad eanatnittloB r a awl. lOtlaoacuaCM HawiianNji NoLimitationofAirorjIrliS This Stradfrara Sound Board givei to the mueic of the Stradi. vara the quality of tone that you hear in s fine grand piano or a ran old violin) it is the essential part of a good instrument; it gives oWiry to any tone. And this Sound Board Ban exclusive and patented feature of the Stradjvera. Look for the name on the front tdgf of Sound Board cobei With this Master Muscial Iristrument you become in a moment any great Artist You may not play the violin, piano or any instrument, but be cause the Sound Board principle of these instruments is duplicated intheStradivara,the master instrument of musical reproduction, their tonal beauty comes to you as thrillingly as tho they and their masters were present You virtually become possessed of their wonderful genius and training in a moment's notice. Test the STRADFARA Tone at For Sale By Phone 147 lS11ES TALLMAN & CO. Leading Druggists ' , , . Pendleton, Ore. (a) aDfl KNOWN FOR. TONE of August Pasqualo that he accident ally smothered to death Blakely Cou ghlin. 15 months old, while kidnaping him from his home in Norristown, Pa. several months ago, led to a search for the body at New Gretna yesterday. Tasquale is said to Rave brought the child to Egg Harbor City after the kidnaping. No trace of the body was found. . Mother Doubts Story. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 12. (A. P.) If August Posquale, J"the crank" who is alleged to have confessed he stole 15 months old Blakely C'oughlin and smothered him, la telling the truth, it clears up one of the most sen sational kidnaping cases since the disappearance of. Charley Koss in 1874. . Over the telephone from Harrisburg Major L G. Adams, superintendent of the state police, said Pasquale has told so many tales that proved untrue tbat he will not feel the raae is cleared up until the body Is found. "I do not believe Pasquale smoth ered my baby." said Mrs. Coughlin. "He has proved to be a liar so. many ' times that I will not believe what he c.v pntil the child or his body la found." x ' 19 ! ' ' You might say "bully, "immense" or "great" N means the same thing. Means: "There was room at the top for a cigarette that can refresh a tired and much tired taste. And Spur's that cigarette." In the new Spur blend you find: . The richness of the full bodied Oriental leaf tem pered by the mildness and fragrance of Burley and other choice home-grown tobaccos. It's a happy blend that brings' out to the full that good old tobacco taste. Just smoke a Spur and see. Ar. A4 ...'JV., And what mnraf ftAttinw ImnevrWei fianrr 1 1 faun ait Ann . Makes u tMr-riwiai, irwr-'QrTrinf . A fnithlV saamaSt ' VaiB. and-Irwew' liiilin sanaaaW (:; I ; (' i' 4 I 1 Pi H il ! i 1 'vVi5iT'-!"V"ts'i,; i'!W' ;