1 '...--..'JL " riua two DAILY EA!5T OEEGONlAt?,' j'ENDLETON'," OREGON,' TOTRSDAY' INNING, OCTOBER 7, 1020 TWELVE PAGES lillH MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM(nMMMMlll Illll iYmMMIiMMHHI 1 ,'' " '.'??? " 1 1 4 FIR i (PIT MIT"' Keep the Children Warm and Heallhq With Good UNDERWEAR CARTER'S Union Suits in cotton, wool or silk and wool in just the right weight and style from. . . , $2.00 to. $3.95 t CHILDREN'S FLEECE -V LINED UNION SUITS Wann and comfy in all sizes $1.15 suit to $1.75. . WOMEN'S FLEECE LINED UNION SUITS Extra, fine weave and good , weight k all sizes at $2.50 to $3.00. : WOMEN'S SILK AND v WOOL UNION SUITS All sizes and styles at $3.50 and $3.95. 4 ; Qgjr SPECIAL SALE off F URS Comes to a - i-.rrrTT t ; j -. Close Tomorrow, IF rir i . ? day Evening- It's the greatest display of choice furs you've ever seen in Pendleton, between $35,000 and 1 $40,000 worth are here for you to choose from. It's; a won derful opportunity for you to secure your new fall and winter furs at a saving of Spend a little time here tomorrow looking these furs . over. You'll enjoy it and so will we. ii I T. P, W. Pure Food Shop In Our Model Sanitary Basement. ;' Cleanliness Economy Service 3 Main Line Phones,, all 15. All Other Depts. call 22 Excelo Cake Mixture: Ready in a minute, always delicious. Costs less ; than half when made by the old process. . . , -s .' Just Add Water Lemon and Vanilla flavors the package ........ .". ; 45c v Chocolate and '. Devil's Food, the package. .V. . 50c Extra Special , ; Well made Brooms, worth' $1.50, special price. . $1.10 . 98c m , . 45c . , 75c COTTON BATTS 3 SYHite Cotton, each .. T ..... . iu.ow Cases, 42x35, special each. . . Pequot "Cases, 45x36, special each . . . ' Bath Towels, pure white, each. . . . . . Outing Flannels in colors, best quality, yd. 35c . if .White Outing Flannel, special prices the yard if! Qrt. At sS if iti WOOLNAP PLAID BLANKETS i Large size and special weights, beautiful if line of colors, the pair ...... $6.95 p I l The jjj w iijmSjr t Basement i j WHERE THE BIG RUMMAGE SALE IS HELD. CTOtTON SHEET BLANKETS W ' Extra large, sizes 68x80, colors of 'gray, tan gnd white. The pair $4.50 WOOL BATTS t Cheese cloth covered, all ready to put out side cover on, extra large, special, each $6.95 SPECIAL SALli OF ALL SILK CREPE DE CHINES 40 inches wide, colors of white, navy, pink, Women's Felt Slippers, Rummage Sale $1.49' 71x90 Sheets, Rummage Sale $1.89 ;jf Earthen Tea Pots, Rummage Sale. , . ... 69c isoys' ii,ngusn snoes, Kummage Sale $a.y 36x42. Pillow Cases, Rummage Sale 45c !f Xtra Size Outing Gowns, Rummage ) Sale .. .....i... $2.89 We Are Holding the Best Sale in Pendleton 3 1 oi Women's $1.00 Lisle Hoe, now 49c. Iff Heavy Enameled Dish Pans, Rummage H Sale . , $1.41 Wg Men's Heavy Blue Overalls, Rummage jf - Sale $2.49 fjf Women's Wash Waists, Rummage Sale $1.98 iff Men's Dark Kerchiefs, Rummage Sale.. 5c If Men's $1.00 Silk Ties, Rummage Sale. . 49c M : Waffle Irons, Rummage Sale. ....... $2.89( m We Have Added Another Lot of Women's ... Suits to Our Women's Section All Bargains. Children's Coats on Sale Today. Yard Wide Quality, Rummage Sale... 33c Children's Outing Gowns, Rummage Sale : $1.29, Women's White Hose, Rummage Sale. 29c Hand Purse Special, Rummage Sale.. 98c Heavy Outing Flannel, Rummage Sale. 39c Children's Percale Aprons, Rummage Sale . ...98c Oil Cloth Remnants, choice of any. .... 10c You will not know what it is to ( save money on your children's shoes until you visit this sale. DI ill III m m m m iti m ill m m i i it- ,3 N II 3 3 , i SOMETHING ABOUT DRESS . ' GOODS ..; ;,. .. : Did you know that we are Pendleton's agents for the famous Botany Worste4 Mills Dress Goods, one of the largest mills in the U. S. making high grade all wool cloths for , dresses and suits? The Epinglc, Fram, Tri cotine, Broadcloth and French Serges are the best possible qualities that you can buy at the . price. Shown r.ow in all the leading shades of brown, blue, green, etc. Prices are from the yard . .... $2.50 to $7.50 " WOOL PLAIDS FOR SKIRTINGS ; and lots of them in the prettiest colors you ever saw, 54 inches wide at the yard $6.00 to $7.50. A Splendid Quality of t GEORGETTE CREPE 40 inches wide in colors of navy, white, brown, pink, coral, copen, green, purple, etc. Worth $2.25 qd. Special sale price yard $1.49 .; For Underwear and Blouses This Hi ' CREPE DE CHINE AT X D. il? ia psnpr!n11v ndnnf-.prl. Full 40 inrhfj? wide and rl-Ii.i.0iWJft PurPe lavender, nile green, etc. ji,,,,,,,;,!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,-, of good quality, worth more. Special price Worth $2.50, special sale price, yarcl. . . $1.59 feiirulinnffiiTKilmilr per yar( .. ."TV . .', . $1.98 BOYS' SUITS AT $9.85 and $12.95 Special Bargains. PHNim& EATEST D EPARTAENT. STO&Z iiQjreopies waronous iWHERr trade tMmm$. MEN'S BLUE SERGE SUITS SPECIAL $65. Made by Hart Schaffncr & Marx. . . . MlllltIHMIIMIIMIMIIMIMHMIIIMttH JMMilll IMMIIIH IIHMIMI MM 1 1 t t MM 1 1 Itt 1 1 1 1 It I M 1 1 1 1 1 I M 1 1 1 Ht Ml H I It 1 1 1 1 I H M 1 1 1 H f I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I t THE BOOK SHELF All book here mentioned can be found In the Count Library. 'Tls the good reader that makes the good book. Emerson. ' Uouks for Hverjr Home. I Kinne Equipment for teaching do- . There, m hardly a household - 1b J mejitic science. 40. Vmatilla "ounty that will not find Kinrfe Foods and household man from five to ten books in the follow- 'agemeot, 640. in( lints that would be of xpecial val- I i'attson Principles of domestic en ue lu affars of the home. These Igineering, 40. books mil be placed on the reading; ta bles of the central Horary where they may be eaHily consulted -during; the nl two weeks. Out tf town patrons may secure any of these titles by mail by wiuiiu; or phoning to .the county llbraiy. llfWH l-tionilos. Allen THMt servce. 6i. . , Italrlerson llousewfery. 640. liurker Wanted, yountf Wiumait to dtt htusewrk, 6 4 7. llevter Home . economics ' riiove mtnl, 6 4 0. Campbell Househuld economics, io. - . t'hlld Kfflclent kitchen. 643. Troy lotto shorter ways around the house, 64. funis Making; of a housewife. 640. Klllotl Household hyciene. 648. Krenk Household orgunixation for tr aervire, 64 1. iederic-kNcw housekeeping-, f0 Prince fitters to a'youngT house- keeyer, 64 0.. Richards Cost of living, 640. Kicbardson Adventures in thrift, 641). fcheaffer Household accounting and economcs, 640. Taber Business of the household, 640. Terhuue Housekeeper's, week, 640. food and iletics. Birce True food values and their low costs, 6 13.2. Brewster Nutrition, of the house hold 613.2. Christian Eat and be well, eat and set well. 613.2. Cornaro Art of living long, 61 3:2. Frederknen Story of milk. 614.2. Hawk What we eat and what hap pens to it. 613.2. Hogan How to feed children. 613.2. Kellogg Food problems, 613.2. Kellogg Itinerary of a breakfast, 613.2. McCollum Newer knowledge of nu trition, 613.Z. Norton Food and dietlcs, 613.2. Rorer Mrs. Rorer's diet for the sick, 613.2. i Sherman Food products, 613.2. Taylor War breads, 613.2. Wiley Not by bread alone, 613.2. Jokcry. Andrea Home canning, drying and preserving, 6 41. Arnold Century cook book, 641. Hradley Candy cook book, 641 'Christian. Christian 250 meatless menus and recipes. 641. Conley Principles of cooking, 641. Cooper How to cut food costs, 641. Cooper New cookery. 641. Kast Kitchenette cukery, 641. Kvans My candy secrets, 641. Farmer B-mfm cooking ' school cook hook. 64 1. Farmer Food and cookery for sick and convalescent, 641. Farmer What to have for dinner. Fish American Red Cross text book on home dietetics, 641. Ciibbs- Food for the invalid and the convalescent, 641, Olover Dame Curtsey's of salads, sandwiches and beverages, 641. Greenough Better meals for less money, 641. Hill Canning, preserving and Jally making, 641. - Hill Cooking for two', 641. Hughes Bverywoman's canning book, 6 41. James Catering for two, 641. Keen With a saucepan over the tire, 641. Kephart Camp cooking, 641, Kinne Food and health, 641. fiingdon "Just for two", 641. Lincoln ftof-ton cook book, 641. Lincoln School kitchen text beek,' 641. Smedloy Institution recipes, 641. Boyer Paper bag cookery, 641. Stern Food for the worker, 641. Wade Book of corn cookery, 641. Wiley 1001 tests, 641. Williams Dainties for home par ties, 641.' 'Willa'ms Sunday suppers, 641. Williams Chemistry of cookery 641. tfloUllliK, Mackay Housekeeper's apple book, 641. Maury Penny -.lunch, 641. Milan Camp cookery. 64 lj Mitchell Fireleas cook book, 641. Murphy American Indian corn. 641. Nell Canning, preserving and pick ling, 64 1. Nell Salads, sandwiches and chaf ing dish recipes, 641. Powell Successful canning , and preserving, 641. Iteed Kvery day luncheons, 641. Reed One thousand salads, 641, Reed What to have for breakfast, 641. Robinson Lessons . In cooking through preparation or meals, 641. Rockwell t-'ave it for winter, 641." Rorer Home candy making. 642. Rorer Vegetable cookery and meat substitutes, 641. Rose Kveryday foods in war lime. Baldt Clothing for women 648. Banner Household sewing with home dressmaking, 646. Bolmar Art in dress, 646. Claydon Needlework without spec imens. 646. Fuller Constructive sewing, 646. ; Hapgood School needlework, 6 4(1. Johnson Art and practice of nee dlework, 646. ' Klickmann Beautiful crocret on household linen, 646. Klickmann Modern knitting book, 646. , . . Laughlin Complete dressmaker, Wintcrburn Principles of correct dress, 646. Textile Dooley Textiles for commercial In dustrial, evening and domestic art schools, 6 7. . Kinne Shelter and clothing, 677. Nystrom Textiles, 677. i Turner. Study of fabrics, 677, Woolman Textiles, 677. . Worst Foot power loom weaving, 677. Chambers juide to laundry work, 648.-- M.icleod Housekeepers handbook of cleaning, (41. Wetenhall Practical laundry work for home and school. 648. J Children. 1 Comstock Mothercraft, 649, Craddoek' Care of babies, 649. Delano Amer, Red Cross text book on elementary hygiene, 649. Griffith Care of tho baby, 649. Harrison Home nursing, 649. Holt Care and feeding of children. 649. Hutchinson We and our children, 64. M.icCarty 'Hygiene for mother and chlld, 649. Oppenheim Care of the child In health, 649. . Ramsey Infancy and childhood, 649. , Tweddcll How to take care of the babv, 649.' Wheeler The baby. 649. Wheeler Young mother's hand book, 649. SclUM-l Hyglcno. Bulkley Feeding of school chil dren, 371. 7. , Clark Physical training for the ele mentary schools, 613.7. Dresslar sjchuol hyglcno, 371. Rapeer Kducatlonal hygiene, 371.7. Terman Hygiene of the school child, 371.7. (See also) Maury Penny lunch, 641, House Plans. Bevlcr The house, 728. , Hevier Book of little houses, 728. j uuttcrrield Book of house plans 728. Comstock Bungalows, camps and mountain nouses. 728. Desmond Building a home. 728. Uodd The . healthful farmhouse, 726. Kmhury Livable house, 728. Howes building by a builder, 728. Howes Inexpensive homes of Indi viduality, 728. Robinson Domestic archlteciurc. 728. Sanders Farm buildings, 728. Haylor Bungalows, 728. ' Baylor Distinctive homes of mod erate cost, 728. r ,. Homes for workmen, 728. , -t Squires Hollow tile house, 728. Stckley Craftsman homes, 738 , White Successful houses, 728. ' Wilson Bungalow book, 728. ll'Hiic Fiintlshlng. , Daniels Furnishing of a modes , homo, (45. ' ' ' . Dyer Handbook' of furniture styles, 749. . Dyer Lure of the antique, 749. Kellogg Home furnishing, praotl- ! cal and art let to, 645. ... ' Northend Colonial homes and i their furnishings. .. " ' Parson Interior docoratlon. - Vj l'rlestman Art and economy In home decoration. 747. " . ' Prlestman Handicrafts In )hej; home, 747. A Qtilnn Plnnnlng and furnishing tfca home. 747. Holfe Interior decoration for the small home, 645. ' . . Hhackleton Adventures 'In home ' making, 645. Walllck Inexpensive furnishings In good taste, 645. . Wheeler Principles of home dac I oration, 749. - . French fjcneral lo Akl Wrnngcl COPKNHAOHN, Oct. 7. (A. P.) ' general ; Weygand of France left for south . Russia to take aupremeoom nsUiiri of feneral Wrangels troops, says the Tidendc. . 1WIITH FIflK VICTIM HIKS BOISB, Oct. 7. (A. P.) P.. E. , Pearsons Is dend, tho fourth victim of (he Roblnctte fire,