UJ TWELVE PACES DAILY EAST OEEOONIAIT, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 5, 1920. PACE NINE ITER CREEK FAMILY III! ; " 1 ; i wi ;v ! i , i ! -ifl: jT" lil'l 'll"''B'ti ivi"'.N!l'il'''''''''i;iiijrTriFilMlirai m if WELCOMES LITTLE SON on n I "rr""'' '''' " ' m i i i - , . - , , t , " o n rifo (East Oregonlari Special.) KIAIt. Oct. S.--The many friends Mr. and Mm. Prank Ullllland, for- Hy of Uklah, but now of Butler k, will be pleased to learn of the h of a 1 0 V4 pound mm born to thorn iraday, Heptemlmr 80. fhe marriage of John Lorenc to is Dollla aalllngton, which occur In Pendleton a few days ago, came a. aurpriae to hl relative and tnUH or Uklah, and all extend con jtulntlons and wish the hnppy cou a long and happy life. Mr. and k. Lioreni arrived Thursday . evan- I at the home of his parent, Mr. H Mth. Charley Lorenz for an lndef- te vlHlt. Many people passed through town flrBt of the week on their return fm the Hound-Up. . t William Meengs of Drldge creek, is In town Saturday on business. Hurley Kirk made a trip to the mld I fork of the John Day river Sunday In a load of stock salt for Fred (teller. Mat Jonea of Range wan In Uklah iursdny night on hla return from jrtland where he had been aelllng hla r cattle. (Karl Turner and family of Rleth b visiting In Uklah with relativea r a few daya. K'harley Denlns of Rltter, waa a ixineas vlaltor In Ukiah Monday. Mrs. Arden Ollllland and children, d Miss Claud Ldgerwood, who have pn vlHltinK In 1'enUleton ror several iya. returned home Wedneadoy. Mrs. M. 13. (lltiba, who apent Uie mmer at Uklah with her daughter. ra. Harry HiiHton. returned to Ien eton Friday for the winter. 1 U7d Jacoha of IXile, waa In town leduesdny after hla winter provlMlon. iMr. and Mra. Hert Keeney poaaed rough town Monday on their way F'1I4 Rock with their baby who waa I taking It there for treatment. Karl Martin nan purchased a new ird truck and expects to haul freight land from Ukluh. jt'harley Hynd visited Wednesday kht In town Willi hla family. L'harley Oney la In town from hla sneatead on the John Day river. Jr. DeVaul waa called to Albee ednesday night to vialt Erma Rhort. jo la ill with appendicftia. L'harley llettoer la threahlng for J. and Harley Kirk, . Miss Ie I la Turner of kos Angelea. Iifornta, arrived In Uklah the flrat the week on a vl'ait to her mother, a. Olive Turner, and other relativea. .Ir. and Mra. Lowell Ganger left urday for Pendleton. Mr. Ganger d Mr. Lazlnka will ship their beef Itle and while they are gone, Mra.) inger and aon will visit in Pendleton Ih Mra. Litainka and .Mra. Oliver Iiley. ' rtr. and Mra. Walter Blackburn, for rly of Ukluh, but now of Lebanon, gon, were In the valley last week ting with old time frlenda. On Ir return they took in the I'endle-Kound-Up. " ' It contlnuea to rain and the graaa la pwlng flue, making feed good every jero. The old aettlera have no recol tlon of ever aeelng the graaa ao far vnnced at thla time of the year. an epidemic of colda In a aevere im. la going the rounda In Uklah. lames Moaaie left for Pendleton iday to eerve on the Jury. 1. O. Uuaaell and family and Jean rkpatrlck and fumlly of Pilot Hock, i visiting with Mr. and Mra. Frank amberlain for a few daya. foe Manzulll, who left Uklah lasl fcember, for hla home in Italy, haa timed to the U. 8. and writea from Icago to friends that he is glad to Kuck in the good old U. R. A. ft'ill Hlnton of Range and George jlina of 1-ong Creek, passed lough Uklah Saturday with 10 id of feedera belonging to Hank ickwell. layette Mettle and Bllle Anderaon I several daya ago, for the moun iia to look for aheep, which ' were i on the trail when leaving the juntalna. flip Huaton left Runday morning i hla home In Pilot Rock after indlng several daya in Uklah look- t after hla interests here. Mra. Jamea Moasie left for Pcndle t a few daya ago to help nurse Mra. nry Mossie, who la lit. threshing haa been delayed again I account of the heavy rains. The Ids are now quite muddy. (van Bturdlvant was1 taken to Pen Hon Thursday, nignt on account of leas. K half night dance was given Sat- day night at V. B. Peterson s hall. Karl Martin haa moved Into the uae on the hill recently vacated, by rt Martin. Verne Duncan of Range was a guest the Uklah hotel Saturday Slight. Mr. and Mrs. George Caldwell were town Sunday, the guests of frlenda. Directory of Architects, Builders and Supply Dealers. . Timely Hints and Suggestions About Building. laalajaii Let us show you our complete line of P. & F. Corbin locks ana naraware. "own ynrit own home" Universal Stoves &Fumaces 643 Main Street "SERIVCE" Phone 81 Pa inting the New Home 'Let .us paint jour home at least let us figure with you before jon let the job. PHOENIX PURE PAINT 't be beat Paper Hanging, Calclminlne; and Inter. KW IrooraUng tliat gives aaUafactlon. GET Ont ESTTMATE8 MURPHY BROS. iai F. Court Street Telephone SIS Ilencwed Activity seen. A revival In building activity In the past ten days haa been noticeable from permits Issued by the city recorder. Several persona have shown a faith in the good sense of building at this time by starting work on dwelllnga. The projects are small in most cases but represent an effort to relieve the hous ing shortage to aome degree. Homer C. Krehblel -la to erect a dwelling on Irvlngton Heights which will cost In the neighborhood of H, 000. A. I. Graham, of 810 Ash street, was lasued a permit to erect a dwell ing which will cost $3.r00. He Ulana to do the work himself. L. O. Frazier has" undertaken ' extensive improve ments to hla residence at a cost of $1000 and several other projects are under way. The past summer haa been devoid of any building activity, due to the level at which materials were sold, coupled with the Inability of would-be builders to get loans at satisfactory terms.. The recent trend toward readjustment has been felt already to Borne extent and it is apparent that soon conditions will be more favorable for a renewal of building. There are dozens awaiting the orportunity to go ahead with building operations should conditions stabilize sufficiently. B. B.- P. &R. Co. DUNHAM, BROWNLOW, PAYNE & ROSS General Contractors and Builder Planing Mill, 705 W. Alta St., phone 737 Shop and Office, Golden Rule Hotel Basement, Corner Court and Johnson Sts., phone 383. v We do All Kind of Building and Repair Work and Mill Work of All Kinds Estimates Free of Charge See Us Before You Build. DUNHAM, BROWNLOW, PAYNE & ROSS Mill Phone, 737 Shop Phone, 3S3 C M. GRISWOLD GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Residences, Business Buildings- Apartments, Churches, Garages, Farm Buildings, Job Work. Let me give you estimates on your job. "OWN VOVR OWN HOME" 728 Cottonwood St. Phons 744 Raw Material to Itinished Product PIG IRON TO PISTONS A Machine Shop Second to None. A Modernly Equipped Foundry Employing Modern Methods Phone 71 Phone 1056 Burns Foundry and Mch. Works Cottonwood and Water Sts QUALITY FIIITUO "OWN YOTTIl OWX HOME" Careful Attention Given TO YOUR HOUSE WIRING will give you the best service and prevent many a fire. We use care in all our work ELECTRIC FIXTURES Tbe largest and finest stock in eastern Oregon to select from. We would be pleased to figure wtlb yon. J. L. VAUGHAN Pendleton's Big Electrical Store 20 H Oonrt Srree Telephone 13 (C When painting your home, why not get the best. use m 12) HIGH STANDARD PAINTS and calcimining Get my figures on painting, papering before you let the job. Paints, oils, varnishes, calcimine, brushes, picture framing, glass, etc. 515 Mam Street' L. J. McATEE THE PRACTTOAJj PAINT MAX Telephone 158 wiiiWiiiiiwiiiiiBiiiw . .T-r - r.:"7j rr : -- . :. . : :r:::--"i iiii'tiiiliUi'iiiMiili.lLiii. E23S COX DECLARES WOMEN HOLDING BALANCE OF. POWER WILL SAVE LEAGUE IN REFERENDUM statutes of sound statemanshin. and 1 hrlng; to the sons of men peace that 1 can ivri cover the sea." 1X)!!MKR MAGNATE IIKS PHILAIBL.PH1A, Oct. 5. (A. P.) earth as the waters I William H. 'Whltaker. for many years J president and principal owner of the ' Philadelphia Athletics, died Monday. SENATE BVT1JWXO nCTCXS I He was amonK ,he most prominent of MANILLA. Oct. 6. (A. P.) Th.ltne early baseball magnates. interior TRrS SPEAKER OFF TO GAMES CLEVELAND, Oct. (A. P.) Tris Speaker, manager of the American league pennant winners today gave the team a mode of attack against Brook lyn. He will leave for Brooklyn to night accompanied by many fans. For SHERIFF Regular Democratic Nominee W. R. TAYLOR If elected will strive to ve the people an economi 1 and efficient adminis ation. (raid Adv.) x DAYTON, Oct. 4. (A. P.) Home nation will not vote to scrap the cov- rrom a tour covering; 11.00Q miles Into, enant. every state weat of the Mississippi- river except three. Governor Cox, though supposed to. rest for two daya, today continued hla pica for adoption of the league of nations, the paramount Isbuo or the campaign. Addressing a body Of women he told why women should support the league, asserting that throughout many years they have been "leaders of progress in the world," and declaring that the wrath of women who were made to suffer in the war would pursue emperors or Austria, Germany and Hiisala "through all eternity." Re said the lengua not only will preyent war which he asserted la lta primary purpoae, but also will promote progress and "set up or Itself become a clearing house for International jus tice and social service'. ttconmca Solemn Itcforcmlum DAYTON. Oct. 4. (Bv Herbert W. Walker. U. P. Staff Correspondent.) The campaign has develnoed Into "a solmn referendum" on the treaty of peace, with Its proposals for the lea gue of nations to prevent future wars" governor Cox told a delegation of the league of women voters at his home here today. After asserting that 10 years ago nnyone who suggested that a national referendum would be neceaaary to de termine whether the United Statea ahould enter the league to prevent war, would have been ridiculed. The gov ernor predicted that women of the Vl'omra Will Decide "Fortunately for the first time in history, the women of America hold the balance of power, and will cast the deciding vote" Governor Cox said. The women of America will vote to keep our pledges to 81,000 heroes whose blood crimsoned the poplea In Flanders. They will vote lor the limitation of armaments, publication of secret treaties, amelioration of dis tress and elevation of labor conditions n Hts' s'-'nd.ds 1 v tK . Will vot ror. Jha leans SrEIcH JrlU ' " " v . i . .11.,.. 1, .i Of the PhUiDoinea senate funding burned yesterday. The loss la 1100.000. CUT THIS OUT IT IS WORTH MONEY DON'T MISS THIS. Cut ont thla slip, enclose it with 5c and mail to Foley A Co., 2843 Sheffield Ave., Chicago. III., writing Tour name and addreia clearly. Yon will receive ia return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound, for bronchial and fa grippe coughe, colda and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, foe lame back, weak kidneys, rheutnatiam. bladder troubles; and Foley Cathartic Tab lets, a wholesome and thoroughly deans ing cathartic for constipation, biltouaacas, headache end aluggiih bowels. You will also receive, free of charge, Foley's Family Almanac, contsining "Alphabet Foley 'a Booklet on "Kidney Diseases'' and Hood's Sarsaparilla Makes Food Taste Good .Veates an appetite, aids digestion, purifies the blood, and thus relieves scrofula, catarrh, the pains and aches of rheumatism and gives strength to the whole system. Nearly SO years' phenomenal aales tell the atory of the great merit and success of Hood's Sarsaparilla. It la Just the medicine you need now. Buod'a Pills help One cathartic SAVE IOFHSHiP by having your Raw Fur made into FIXE FlltS at our place? At the same time your old ones remodeled, repaired, cleaned so they took like new. At prices that are right. In TAXIDERMY we mount anything from a fly to an elephant. M. It. MOTIR few simple suggestions for those I Spokane, Waah, 9 Bornard St.. So. having kidney and bladder troubles. can secure all tacts tvr only Sc. loo Write about our deer head contest. Furs Spcclnii-ns Fur Hug Sold Fnrs WHILE HOUSECLEAMNG Don't forget to have on hand a case of that wonder fully sparkling and refreshing WINE-O An occasional bottle during these strenuous days, will do much toward relieving the fatigue and nervous strain of the industrious housewife. "A botUe of WINE-O at dinner, also, will soothe the Irritability of father, when he conies home and finds the house topsy-turvy. Besides, it is good for vhe kiddies. Keep a case of Wine-O in the house all the time. Bottler of All Kind Soda Waters Bfaaafaotarers PKXDLJCTO.V. OKEGOH PASTIME TODAY Children, 5c Adults, 20c HELEN HOMES THE FATAL FORTUNE ART ACORD THE LAST CHAPTER OF THE MOON RIDERS COMEDY A ONE CYLINDER LOVE RIOT