East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 04, 1920, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Children, 15c
Adults. 55c ' '1
AIU'AIHJ HM)AY AMI MONDAY on (he IJnkH." tram a,hi..h
jplay wm adapted, you know that the
MAURHTR TIHTO'M Il "ory depends fur Its effect largely
MAMTKli op MOTIOV upon tho air of brooding mystery and
1'ICTl 1113 MKlAMMtAMA violence thr.t Stevenson was able to
. 1 , I convoy In Ills writing. Mr. Tourneur
Just a prominent authors tend to J has translated this to the screen, and
mmhu Identified with certain styles : tho thrilling story of love and adven-
of writing, so the leaders In the field ture on the lonely Scottish sand dunes
of motion picture producing are xpe- lives vlvadly In pictures.
rinllsta In definite types of screen I The cast of "The White Circle'
drama. Maurice Tourneur is an illus- eludes Spottlswoode Aitken. Wesley
tratlon. He Is the master of film , Barry, Janice Wilson, and Jack Oil-
melodrama. His pictures are Inevit- j I'-ert. It la a Paramount Artcraft pic
ably packed with exciting action. iture.
Moreover, Tourneur pictures have
"atmosphere." This nvas never more
dearly demonstrated than In "The
White Circle" his latest picture, which I
will be shown at tho Arcade Thea
tre next Sunday and sAmday. If you
have read JJtcvenson's "The Pavilion
Iid you ever leave your home town
wiuivimttre in America 10 seeK your
j fortune with the millions of the me
jtropolis? Then, when you arrived
j there, did you have a hard time to
uuimn employment or any Kina ana on
more than one 'occasion did you have
to ask your landlady to wait a few
weeks for the room rent? And did
you suffer lonesomeness the . kind
that gnaws at the heart and causes In
somnia and melancholia?
If you are one of the thousands who
have had such experiences you will
doubtless find much interest In the
. Tn .... t x ! l"-i"e veiaion ui .1 juisi, lun
v mio. j 1. oohh' Lime Kirn i la n . . .. . . , ...
. , : , , - , , " , , - tutcne v miners piay in wnicn V. o n -bad
with female trouble that I thought . Ktance Bihney is appearing this week
a bad displacement ha ot at theheart ,? ,the Pericnce
My right side would t : T " "
1 ' in toe nJ I was' n? to ew York, without money and
so nervous I could i fr.iends, seeking without success em
not hold a glass Ofip,oyment that is to her n fin-
water. Many times aI1' having to do work which she con
I would have" to atop sidera much beneath her. Miss Croth
my work and sit er's heroine, however, comes out of her
down or I would fall experiences all the purer and stronger
as well as wiser.
Constance Binney was Ideally cast
for the heroine, Penelope Penn, be
cause she herself won success in New
York, without "pull" and by sheer grit
and fores of personality.
By Taking Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound. Many
Such Cases.
on the floor in a
faint. I consulted
several doctors and
every one told me the same but I kept
fighting it keep from having the opera
tion. I bad read so many times of .Lydia
E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound 'and
iv neipea mv sister so 1 began taking it.
I have never felt better than I have
since then and I keep house and am able
to do all mv work. The Vegetable Com
pound is certainly one grand medicine."
Mrs. J. R. Matthews, 3311 Svcamore
Street, Cairo. 111.
Of course there are many serious cases
that only a surgical operation will re
lieve. We freely acknowledge this, but
the above letter, and many others like it,
amply prove that many "operations are
recommended when medicine in many
is an tnat is neeaed.
If you want special advice write t
Notice For Itirts
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids and proposals will be received by
the Common Council of City of Pen
dleton on and until October 13, 1920,
at 5 o'clock p. m.t for the improve
ment of Lincoln Street, from the North
line of Raley Street, to the South line
of Jackson Street, Improvement Dis
trict No. S9, with either Oravel Bitull
thio Pavement, Concrete Pavement or
Warrenite Bitulithic Pavement on
L-ydia r ink ham Medicine Co. (conn Crushed Rock or Crushed - Gravel
dential). Lvnn. May. . foundation, in accordance to plans and
P&stitiie Today
Children, 5c
Adults, 20c
Harry Carey
"The Square
P. S. Leaving
for K. C. tonight
housed as close to
the roof as they
could put met
Drop me a line
care Hotel Balti-
Always learn something when I head into
this old town.' Passed my deck of Camels
to a fine, business-looking citizen in the
Pullman dressing room this morning and
this opened up a conversation. Listeti, Pete,
that man talked the Camel language accord
ing to Hoy let ,
"Camels are the very quintessence of
cigarettes" said this party. Pete, get that
word? It fits it spreads the news it
spills the whole Camel story t And, if you
don't get what I'm driving to you, look up
the word in Webster's! Why, Uncle Dan
put it there when he dreamed Camels were
coming 1 That man slipped into one word:
mellow-mild-body, no cigaretty aftertaste,
no cigaretty odor and the best cigarette
in the world at any price! '
Pete, why do you hear men of all types
everywhere actually boosting Camels?
That's because they know Camels are right!
They know from Camels flavor that Camels
have the quality and they know that
Camels blend of choice Turkish and choice
Domestic tobaccos makes the most delight
ful cigarette any man ever put between his
lips! '
Old oil well, I'm no gusher, but the way
Camels are going to more and more men
every one of the seven days in every week
is a sight to seel
A typical Harry Carey picture, with gunmen, dance
hall, girls and all that went to make up the West in early
days. '
j Universal Comedy J
specification for such Improvement
now on file in the Office of the City
Recorder of City of Pendleton, Oregon.
Each bid must be accompanied by a
certified check of 6 per cent of the to
tal cost, payable to the Mayor of the
City of Pendleton, to be returned If
the bidder is unsuccessful and to be
forfeited on failure to enter into a Con
tract 1n accordance with the bid, if
Each bid must specify the price for
said improvement as follows:
126.30 cu. yds. of dirt exca
vation, per cu. yd.
40.20 cu. yds. of Fill, made
from surplus dirt of exc.
within the TMstrict, per cu.
yd $
1000 sq. yds. of Hard Surface
Pavement, per sq. yd. .
600 I ft. of Straight Curb,
per I ft.
Total : ..:
Bids must be filed with the etty Re
corder, on or before the time above
The Common Council reserves the
right to reject any and all -bids and
bids will be opened by the Common
Council at the regular meeting there
of on the day herein above specified.
Dated Sept. 30, 1930.
City Recorder.
Children, 10c Adults, 35c
-lam ice Tourneur
Notice for Bids
Notice is hereby, given that sealed
bids and proposals will be received by
the Common Council of City of Pen
dleton on and until October 13, 1920,
at 5 o'clock p. m., for the improvement
of Matlock Street, from the north line
of Raley Street, to the North line of
Jackson Street, Improvement District
No. 71, wit either Gravel Bitulithic
Pavement, Concrete Pavement or
Warrenite Bitulithic- Pavement on
Crushed Rock or Crushed Gravel
foundation, in accordance to plans and
specifications for such improvement
now on file in the Office of the City
Recorder of City of Pendleton, Ore
gon. Each bid must be accompanied
by a certlied check of 6 per cent of the
total coat payable to the Mayor of the
City of Pendleton, to be returned if the
bidder is unsuccessful and to be for
feited on failure to enter into a Con
tract In accordance with the bid, if
Each bid must specify the price for
said improvement as follows:
72. 1 cu. yds. of Macadam
Excavation, per cu. yd. ...
7a. cu. yds. of dirt excavation
per cu. yd
105.1 cu. yds. of Fill, made
from surplus dirt of exc.
within the District, per cu.
671. I ft of Straight Curb,
per L ft
94.8 L. ft. of Circular Curb,
per Li ft. ....
1439.5 sq. yds. Hard Surface
Pavement, per sq. yd . . . .
30 L. ft. Header, per L. ft. ...... .
Monument $....
specification for such Improvement
now on file in the Office of the City
Recorder of City of Pendleton, Oregon.
Each bid must be accompanied by" a
certified check of 5 per cent of the to
tal cost, payable to the Mayor of the
City of Pandleton, to be returned if
the bidder is unsuccessful and to be
forfeited on failure to enter into a
Contract in accordance with the bid. If
accepted. '
Each bid must specify the price for
said improvement as follows:
260.8 cu. yds. of dirt excava
tion, per cu. yd .....I.......
121.9 cu. yds. of Fill, made
from surplus dirt of exc
within the District, per cu.
1321. sq. yds. Hard Surface
Pavement, per sq. yd
600 L. ft of Straight Curb,
per L. ft. ,,
94.2 Lv. ft. of Circular Curb,
per L. ft J
1 Monument f
Total $
- Bids must be filed with the City Re.
corder on or before the time above
The Common Council reserves the
right to reject any and all bids and
bids will be opened by the Common
Council at the regular meeting thereof
on the day herein above specified.
Dated Sept. 30, 1920.
City Roconlcr.
jNovelty Cartoonist ,
Sintfinar, Dancing and Banjo ..
iiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiMiiiUHiiiB
'" .: . SUNDAY
. ' Chicken Dinner
Roast Meats
1 Meat Croquetts
I Salads, Pasteries
Open .from Noon .to 7:30.. ,., ...4
I The best dinners in tlie city. I
The Ft der-il Electric Wher Machine we are howii
is a new machine !ji thi city. Pefore buying look it orer.
Phone 1S
toe b. Court m.
coe'venrto 1 ft to
. , A' product of the highest quality;
absolutely the most healthful, pal
atable spread on the market.
The thousands of users of NUCOA will tell you of its most wonderful
qualities. " . - , j . ,
Bids must be filed with the City Re
corder on or before the time above
The Common Council reserves the
right to reject any and all bids and
bids will b opened by the Common
Council at the regular meeting thereof
on the day herein above specified.
Dated Sept. 30, 1920.
City Recorder.
Mot Inn for I tills
Notice is hereby given that scaled
bids and proposals will be received by
the Common Council of City of Pen
dleton on and until October 13. 1920,
at 5 o'clock p. m., for the improvement
of Jefferson Street, from the North
line f Martin Street, to the North line
of Wilson Street, Improvement Dis
trict No. 70, with either Gravel Bitu
lithic Pavement, Concrete pavement!
or Wajrrenlte filtultthic Pavement on
Crushed Rock or Crushed Gravel j
foundation; in accordance to plans and '
This is the
faith we
have in
Buy a pound of NUCOA;
try it for one meal. If you
are not absolutely satisfied
notify your dealer, and he
will cheerfully refund your
Remember NUCOA
costs less than butter, and
stays sweet.
NUCOA is in a class of its own for food and nutritious -value.
It has many imitators but no equal.
Read what Dr. I. K. Phelps of the U. S. Govern incut
Food Control Laboratory at Washington, D. C., lias to
say relative to the nutritious value of Nucoa.
Writing of the energy-producing value of NUCOA, Dr. I. K. Thelps
declares: .......
"Cocoaniit oil as nuulc up Into IVut Margarine 1ms a lilclier nutri
tious value In Nut Muiuurliie, ni'itclit for wight, than Hotter, hImi
Nut Margnrliio as wild uimiii the niarki't Is lii;licr In content of fat oil
than Is Uuttcr in content of butter fut." .
.Wholesale Distributors .
for the
Nucoa Butter Co
San Francisco, Calif.
I nsrv
11 3 Ttsrv
roa "amx use. rm foh wimai ti.
The Nucoa BunrR Cotapany
m n i
Ban , -1