nj u u uu w nj uuu JTHE EAST OREGONIAN IS THE ONLY INLAND EMPIRE NEWSPAPER GIVING ITS READERS THE BENEFIT OF DAILY TELEGRAPHIC NEWS REPORTS FROM BOTH THE ASSOCIATED PRESS AND UNITED PRESS DAILY EDITION DAILY EDITION Number of Copies printed of Aatiirdar'a The F.swt Orotln la Kastern Or, gon'i grftit nwapapr tnrl mm a selling fore gives to the a1vtrutr over twice th guaranteed p,d circu lation In Pendleton unci Umat.il ooun ty of any othr newspaper. 3,429. This paper fa a memtx-r of and audited by th Audit Bureau of Clroulationa. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER CITY OFFICIAL PAPER if VOL. 82 DAILY EAST OPEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 4, 1920. NO. 9647 1 IfcrBg kgEj): - - if TOTY-FOUR VEIL CF BOROB BEH ATTFjgtrJH COHVEHTIOH 7 r 'uS'S w I- PRESIDENT PUTS CASE OE LEAGUE L TO COUNTRYMEN ! I REPORTS, PLAY BY PLAY WILL BE GIVEN IN EAST OREGONIAN CL.EVEl.AND. ThPe mfrnlipra of Hliick, ftamiimn, Wib.; f, n. fiumperlz, i 9i Amprlcan Ix-Kicm, preapnt at the Nw York 'ity; M. WuNlo Hatlnr, "(Hl'il convention ut Cleveland, are NepKhu, Mo.; J. C. Ixiz er, Kock Utile, all winner of the CungreHMlonul Medul S. C; John U Horkley, HlulrHlown, a Honor, Beuted (left to, right). Mo.; JOKeuh B. Adkinaon, Atoka. Charles Hoffman, New York; Arrhlo Tenn.; c. J. Ward, Morrixtown. Okla.; A. Peck, Hornell. N'iw Yorki C. K. Henlimiln Kaufman, Brooklyn, N. Y., Standing flrft to riKht), J. C Lullium. Tarrytnwn, N. Y.; It. II. Illlliiii, WeHt Vllle, K. C; John S. Vllleplgue, Cam den, S. C; Alan KxaerH, New York f'lty; CeorKe H. Mullon. .ftnneaoliM; Samuel Woodfin. Fort Thomaa, Ky.; Harold I Turner, 'Seminole, okla.; I Frank J. Burt, Newark, N. J.j llorold jjohnHton, iJenver, ul.; icarl I. Creg Jory, hae 1ly, Va.; K. C. Allworth, Camp fiordon, Oa.; Oeorge Robb, Sall na, Kan.; H. A. ' Furlong, Detroit, Mich., 'and William A'. Pomp. Public Has Been Played With, Declares Woodrow Wilson, for America Could Not be Forced Into War. ELECTION WILL SERVE j AS HONEST REFERENDUM Nation's Executive Plunges In to Campaign Holding Oppon ent's Definition is Most Un- American of All.. . WORLD SERIES IDE 1920 WILL I BE USHERED IN DECEMBER QUOTATIONS DROP BENE A TH$2 FOR FIRS T TIME SINCE BEFORE PRICE CONTROL L Blue Ribbon Event of Baseball Will Get Underway at Eb- . betts' Field, Brooklyn, With Cleveland Opposing. GRAND-JURY"EXPOSP : WHETS DETERMINATION CHICAGO. Oct. 4. (U. P.J De cember wheut full 10 centa on the Chi- icuK J board of trade today. Heavy j C'unh aelllfiff and conalderuble liiii!da jtlon by aeabnari iiilerestH last week alao aided In forcing down the mar ket. Pi-ovlalona were lower aa a re ault of ie weaknesa of nraine. Players of Both Teams are in Trim for Combat and Clamor ..for Reservations Surpasses Seats Available. KlTWTORK. Oct. 4 (A. Pi The world' aerlea of IS'-'", blue ribbon event of baaeball, will he ushered In at KbhettH' field, Brooklyn. Tueoday. The contentlnK teuma, Brooklyn and Cleveland, champlona respectively of the' National and American leug-uea, are perhapa more evenly matched than vorld'a aeries contender 1 - canerally are. The expose before the.ftr.ind Jury In Chicago of- the crooked dal In which the world's aeries of )at year aii parently has had no effect on the coming- games other than to -nitiiie the playera of both teams more deter mined than ever to make the conteat a true test of relative merits. Clamor l-r Hwrtatlinia -Heports from both clubs are that the applications for reserved seats far outnumber the aeata to he disposed of fcnd. with the' unreserved seats to be sold on the days the games are played, it will be a case of flrat come, firat served. Few fana resident out.slde of Brooklyn' and Cleveland will find it an eaay task to obtain tickets. The meeting of Brooklyn and Cleve land will bring together two teams de veloped and managed by leadera or entirely different schools of bae!all. Gilbert nobinson, manairer of the Prooklyn team, la a graduate of tha Baltimore Orioles of the early 90s. a team that in its day was In a class by itself. Roblnaon,. however, has been constantly connected with baseball since the day of the Orioles and has kept pace with the game and thus has been able to develop his team in ac cordance with what he deemed the best methods of the old school of baae ball as well as what appeared to him tfte beat points of the modern system Trla Kpeakers, munager i f the Clove landH, Is regarded generally as one ot J . . Wheat dropped under 12 for the first time since before the govern ment control took effect, when Chl cag(. today quoted December delivery., at 11.95 and March at $1.1 be. cemher opened at 2.0IH4 and closed I ' Port. ' ' 'Oct. 23.05 23.05 22.811 22.90 Nov. 23. 00 1.0(1 22.111 . 22.111 jr Oct.' 19.07 19.111 13.40 1S.40 Jan. IB. 02 17.00 16.30 lfl.riO.. Mix Oct. 1 r jtn ir,.75 14.40 h.:s Jan. If,. 75 15.75 14.62 14. ll'nm Overbcck & fooka Co.) CHiCAOO. pa. 4. Wheat It wiia a w cm K market front-Mart to finish and a 1 small bulifts due to profit tak- IliK by shorts w-e outcklv eniwed. OH cents lower, according to reports 1 The i mark found resting orders o received here by Overbeck & Cooke, ! buy but In Insufficient volume to 11b. nroKers. while March opened at 2.01 sorb liouldating sales. The cash mar and closed at $1.91 ty. Corn, oata, rye , ket re-iponled to the decline in fui " j ioea . in tures wm altlioueh premiums wci-e POLAND AGREE TO CEASE Announcement of Armistice Ex pected With Halting of Troops Within Striking Dis :Y tance of Capital City. AGGRESSORS FORGE AHEAD AGAINST RUSSIAN ENEMY WAKHiNriTON, Oct. 4. (A. P. I "The whole world will wait for your verdict in November," said President Wilson in a communication addressed to his fellow countrymen, he charged. "You have been groasly misted with regard to the treaty and particularly with regard to the proposed character of the League of Nations." Will Ontorprct Clauses. WASHINGTON, Oct. 4. (U. P.) The democratic interpration of vari ous debated clauses in the League of Nations covenant will be explained in detail in future campaign statements by President Wilson, according to White House plans announced today. The president will conduct what dem ocrats term an educational campaign telling the country Just what he be lieves the framers of the league pact., had In mid when they wrote it. In his first campaign statement, is sued last n:ght. the president declar ed that the election would be a "genu ine national referendum, and "chat the whole world Is waitng for your verdict." - 1 he president said, "The country has been grossly misled" on the treaty and league, and their opponents have been left to invent an "Americanism" of their own which has no foundation whatever in authentic traUitios of the government," Play by play reports of the 1920 world's series between Cleveland and' Brooklyn will be published each day a game is played, starting tomorrow, In the Kast Oregonian. The complete service of the Associated Press has been arranged for to give Pendletdn and Umatilla county readers tho story of the games the same day they are played. The special cut service of the Newspaper Knterprlse Service, exclusive in this territory for the Kast Oreisonian. will carry pic tures of the stara of both teams and the tirst photos of the games as fast as they can reach here from the east. In addition dally features about the players, the world's series of past and pres ent and other live dope for fans will be carried from both the Assoc'ated press and United Preas on the sport page, second section, dally. DEFENSE RAPS HARD TODAY AT STATE EVIDENCE Vigorous Attack Resumed on Strongest Points for Convic tion in Murder Trial of Ker- by and Jack Rathie. FIGHT CENTERS ABOUT CHARGE OF GRUELLING HELD FOR INQUIRY WASHINGTON, Oct. 4. (A. P.) inquiry into the source of a recent shipment of Russian gold to the Unit ed states has been ordered by the de partment of Justice. The department believes the gold is part of the Rus sian propaganda fund. sympathy with wheat. t Continued on Weather. Today's weather report, by mnj" Je Moorhouse. official observer. 1 Maximum 74. Minimum 44. ; Barometer 59:42. ' Barometer falling slightly. Wheat. Dec. 2.05 14 2.05 ii 1.95 l.tS March 2.01 2.03 1.91 1.S1V4 Ofrn. Dec. .Si ' .89 .,SW' .Hi liny , ,91 .:! -'- Jh : Outs. ' Dec. .ST. 4 .58 .r,4Vi .54 May .HUM, .fin 14 J, ..69 4 Ityr. Dec. 161 1.C1U l.SZVi 1.B8V4 May 1.49',4 1.49 1.41 '1.4V l4iiloy. Dec '.86'4 .87' -881., .HS May .KsVi -K9 .Hi ,S8 AS RELIEF MEASURE FOR TRADE IS URGED Supplementary Transportation by Waterways to Get Away From Railroad Congestion Considered at Portland. IWE WEATHER EOEECASI Tm!hl rain. Tuctulay futr. I. . POB.Tl.AND. -Ore., Oct. 4. (A. P.) Plans for supplementary facilities through Intensive development of ex isting ports and waterways in order to relieve the railroad situation were on the program for discussion here today at the opening of a two day Session of representatives from Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho interested in ports end waterways. General discussion of the Jones Flap ping bill was to follow an address this afternoon by Kenator W, I Jones of Washington on "Our Merchant Mar ine," Senator C. I. McNary, of Oregon ,was to speak oil waterway develop ment. Charles Hall, president of the Ore gon mate Chamber of Commerce open ed the session today, and there was an address of welcome by Mayor Oeorge U Baker of Portland. A feature of a noon luncheon was a talk by Marshall shakleford. field sec-, rotary of the National rivers and har bors congress, of Washington, D. C. Afternoon addresses Included "needs of Minor Ports of Oregon." L- K Boan, Eugene, "The Uses of the Co lumbia and Its tributaries."' by Mar- I unchanged here, the bahls was & cents j lower in the northwest.. For the first j time in several days, the export le. maud was reported completely absent Perhaps the most significant n w.i 01 the duy was a report- that countrj '.diows more wKlinsntss to s ITnjj and its Importiuice Is jempha'-ixed wlien on realizes tl.at tiie farmer 1 tubborni: refused 10 sill coi n' above J1.60 bu' is now dumilog It on the market a., rapidly as possible. Corn General scjling developed shortly after the opening and the loai P jthat was put Into the market wa A j more thnii the Iviyin;, which wa j mainly to cover shorts, could digest 1 here was nothing mw In the wa: of new i, in fact, there was nothing necessary .to brmjj about lower prices, cash corn continued to d'splay weak-nt-'S by declining to around October prices for tho coutruct grrade. He--.el:ts full to decrease us many ex pected and, from present indication jthe movement Ih likely to continue o good proportions for mme time ti come. There Is a surplus In the coun try that tho fanner appartntly want to convert Into cash, reardlets ot sacrifice. Indications of a tuilisluntl al upturn are not present and the tendency will undoubtedly continue downward, unt-'l something construct ive comes to the front. Oats Prices receded readily with other grains and although the market encountered support from time t time, the volume was not large onoug to counteract the infhu nee , of bcui pressure. Cush prices broke with the futures and spot sales were on approx imately same b-is'.s as Satin duy. Till market might be low enoi gh- to be purchase, but there is nothing in th outlook upon which to base prog-nostl-cations of that Fort. Kye The buying pewer In tl:l: market was considered of an inl'lur-n-tial sort but it fulled to offset tin selling Inspired by weakness In othei pit'. Cash rye declined shortly and sold at S cents to. 9 cents over Decem ber for N01. 2, Foes of Bolshevism Crashing Tnrough Soviet ' Armies on Two Fronts and Prisoners Number 42,CC0; Booty Huge UlXnON', Oct. 4. (LT. P.) A Wursuw dispatch today said Poland md Lithuania have concluded an irml.tlce. Anmluncemer.t to such an igreeinent 1 m bi en expected in view jt the fact that Poland had discon :nued efforts to seize Vilna, the 1A- huan an oui ita.1. Polish .troop are within striking d'.st.mce of Vilna but alted, while tne main offensive fur ther south was directed to the east iga nst the bol.shtx I! 1. I With conclusion of the armistice. fContlntiftd on page .) fooavoInsIrTe day per! gf old CLOTHES COLLECTION Secretaryfor Near East Belief Te Is School Children of 110,000 Needy Youngsters; County Co-operates. (Krom Ovcibeck & Cooke VTo.) NEW YORK, Oct. 4. The market an a minora l proposition, exhibited very Htrong lone today, particularly in th cloinff hour. Tho steady Hhrinkuse in commodity values, like wheat, corn, oata and other related food.stuffH in a mont gratifying level-! opment of late and naturally with the ineroaslng: purchasing power of the dollar investment stocks of which show lurpe yields at current quota tions are in more active demand. The- development of this ImytiiK power ;eetns to le Increasing and It i par- railroad era I re- Khali Da nu, of Portland. "The Hat Qiieritltm from a , ('nrntnlwloiifr ticulnrly oh erv! le in llio Standpoint, " 11 A. Wtlllnms. Or?- MockH uml i)0ntjs. The K. gon I'ubllc Service Commission. serve system exhibit Rjiturday was . The evening program Included - i rut her favorable und the lrnsening de rire?sei by c W. Hinlson. Portland, j nianiH Qf rommt f al enterprises for and It. F. Stone, chairman of the As-ftm,iM expected to further Improve torift port commission. . " the banking ptw'tlon from now on. Tuesday's program Includes an n1- dresH in the ofternin by Marshall Indttrlal storks have Seen severelv depressed and there seems to be a 8hacklefnrd on tho work of the na-.feeling in conservative quarters Jhat tional rivers and harbors congress. A banquet Tuesday will close the sessions Willtam Piggott, Seattle, Is to Bpoak on trade with the Orient . j quotations in certain departments have been carried to extremely low Today, Tuesday and Wednesday are ret aside us days for the gathering of old clothing to be sent to Armenians :n djre need of garments for this win ter. Appeals were made yesterday In all local churches and today in all the schools, for the assembling of these garments and their deposit at the four depots designated in the city by Coun ty t'hnli man J. X. Scull. H. K. Jones, field secretary for the Near Kust Relief, who came Saturday, carried the message to the school chil dren of Pendleton today. The text of President Wilson's ap peal for the league follows: My Fellow Countrymen The Issues of the present campaign are of such tremendous importance rfnd of uch far reaching significance for the Influence of country and the development of its future relations and I have necessar ily had so much to do with their de velopment, that I am sure you will think it natural and proper that should address to you a few words con cernng them. 'i-Tveryone who sincerely believes In government by the people must re joice at the turn affairs have taken r regard to this campaign. This elec tion is to be a genuine national refer endum. TIi roe Questihs. The determination of a great policy upon which the influence ana autnor- Vy of the United States in the world must depend is not to be left to groups of politicians of either party, but is to he referred to the people themselves for a sovereign mandate to their rep resentatives. Th chief question that is put to you, is, of course, this: Do you want your country's honor vindicated and the treaty of Versailles ratified ? Do you in particular approve of the League of Nations as organised and empowered in that treaty? And do you wish to see the United Sta.es play its responsible part in it? You have been grossly misled with ; regard to the treaty and particularly 1 with the proposed character of the League of Nations by those who have assumed the serious responsibility of opposing it. IVrsonal ?fi nit von. They have gone so far that those who have spent their lives, as I have spent my life, In familiarising them Helves with the history and traditions and polic es of the nation, must stand am axed at the gross ignorance and im pudent audacity which has led them to attempt to invent an "American- sm" of their own, which has no foun dation whatever in any of the authen tic trad tions of the government. Americanism, as they conceive It. reverses the whole process of the last few tragical years. It would substi tute America for Pruss'a In the policy of Isolation and defiant segregation. Tho r conception of the dignity of the nation and its interest Is that we i should stad apart and watch our op- ; ities to advance our own inter- mi itirAMim.A ...Jflere returned capti BY INGOMING TRAIN!-"-" Tales of Alleged Cruelty are Again Related and Subse quently Declared False; Judge Suggests Probe. A vinorous attack on the state' strongest points for conviction in th trial of El vie D. Kerby, alia Jim Owens, and Jack Rathie, was resumed this morning; when the trial of the two, charged with complicity in th murder of Sheriff TB Taylor July JS. wa tak en up. The state completed it testf- . mony about 10 o'clock and rested the case. The defense" Is centering- It flghf about the testimony of the five defend ant In the case, which, tt alleges, was made under duress when the men were taken before the grand Jury. The defense is endeavoring to 'prove that confessions of complicity In the jail break were prompted by fear in stilled after a tortuous and gruelling third decree on the Saturday night following the murder, when all five were returned captive to the county nt that surpassed thing in the annals of Oregon crime. . ue!ty Talcs Related . Tales of alleged cruelties were agaift A Chevrolet car belonging to Frank ire '!.! t,iv h w.-i. .hs Taylor and driven by H-year-old- Miss e3ramtned on behalf of the defense. At Ward Taylor, was struck at the Malnne J incline this morning district At. street crossing of the o. W. ft.' N. at ,rney ft. I. Keator made a motion to 9 o clock this morning by incoming the court that Kerby story of the train No. 1 from Walla Walla. The tMrd degree be not allowed as testi. left front door of the car -was smashed mony. . The jury was excised while and the right rear tire blown out. The;the moton was argued and Judge O. car was struck In the center by the w. Phelps ruled that the testimony pilot of the engine but the occupants WO"ld he allowed. were Unhurt. I A ahort .lout ltetlv from Port. - Eye witnesses allege that the gh-l. .his. n.m.-irn-hv trf h. who was said to be IS years old In 1 , wnw i tho man .. n-,,.. r September, was driv;ng at a good rate : having administered the third desree. south on Main. The train was on the(Ammonla was forced In the Up o track farthest north and was hidden ,h. ,, ., -,-v .n from view by the freight house. ItiK-riiv- trentd hv this man nrt fellow moving slowly .and was stopped i officers. Kerbv loM the court. The story he unfolded, following his di- the accident be- closures of Knturriiiv wrere listened to, with bated breath by a large audience of men and women in the court room. Jndse Suggests, Probe ' ' After allegations ot the cruelties was In 25 feet. Persons who saw lieve that with any warning at the crossing the collision might have been averted. Request was made recently by the Pendleton Commercial As&ocia- lne rauroao tor a riagman at , nad en mails on Saturday. Judge that crossing and two grade crossings Pnelp1 suggested from the bench that in the city. General Manager J. P. . iv.i,niin .hi.mil h n.n. n,i O'Brien acklowledged the communica- the. truth nr ,,,. , th rh-P ... tion but nothing more has been done i ,h,.hj ri,rf... m... towards fulfilling the request. Keator that the accusation, were oo,l SECOND HALF OF TAX MONEY DOE TUESDAY;- Tomorrow is the last day for the payment of the second half of the 1919 taxes and preparations are being made at the sheriffs office to han dle the expected rush. Up to clos- ng time Saturday night payments had not been very brisk but heavy re ceipts by mail today and tomorrow were looked for. Corporations which pay large sums in taxes wait until the last day before paying the:r quotas and it will be sev eral days before the collector can ii- t,A -imrtun ... ' esi involve unriit; ii u v irtijiiai v,"im in ne youngsters in tne op pressed country who are solely de pendent upon this nation for their clothing. He asked local children to take the word to their homes and to bring what old or outgrown clothing j was absolutely opposte to this. They material for a grand Jury investbra tion. Offlc'ais in the sheriff's offce, from .Sheriff Taylor down the line, de clare that the story Is "framed. Ben F. Yo"nr, called this mornlns; by the defense after the state had rest ed its case, declared that he was In he jail on the night of the capture of I tne jail breakers. Unusual cruelties in the handling of the men as they -were i questioned were told of by this wttnewa. Finis Kirkpatrtck, who said he was also in the jail that evening, denied knowledge of any such measures a are alleged by Kerby. ShfVff Tells of Delivery Sheriff W. R. Taylor, who went to La. Grande to bring back the two most desired prisoners. Bancroft alia Neil Hart, and Kerby, on the day of the cnure, denied charges of cruel treat ment on the way over. The sheriff nd his deputies delivered both the men safely into the jail here despite the mob that surged about eager to All five were placed delinquency is looked for as the first nan ia.t8 wei-e met very generously get hold of them. nd throuehout the summer a steady 1 safely behind the bars, stream o fpaymnts has been coming The state called Guy Wyrlck to the n. . o i stand this morning and he retold. In Under the law. payments which aredeta'l. the story of the encounter In not made by 5 o'clock tomorrow even- the back room of the sheriff's office ing become delinquent and. besides a ' . penalty, draw interest after that dite. Continued on pure CONTESTS FOR MAYORALTY AND COUNCILMEN IN STORE FOR CITY ELECTION, NOV. 2 bility for the maintenance of right in the world or for the continued vindi cation of any of the thiiiKS for which j from we entered the war. l ne conception of the great creators of the government Oconto C. liner this afternoon with. Lawrence, in the third ward, will make drew as a candidate for councilman ,ne race for Ralph Polsom' place. the thlril ward, according to : ,Tne only ""Untested seat, are those uum me iQwnn warn. statement by 1ry recorder Thomas' they might wee I. have to the depots this Kverytown in the county is doing the ime as i-emuctun and the bundles stlnC(I to set a responsible example iiu coiieciea una sent to state headquarters at Portland by Next Sun day. Counties east of here afe also In line and Mr. Junes will go to l u Grande tonight to ass.st the county chairman there. thought of America as the light of the:""" i-wn-m-e as a ranuuiatc world as created to lead the world In """" t,ut !. the assertion of the rights of peoples! - Hii.1 the right of free nations: as de- Contests for the mavora'tv and for c unenmen in ail sae me fourth ward all the world of what free government I nrs ,n "OTr "or ,m ?ttj election which iv-iauue fen a nil i iwm m , i A. A. . ..a I.-. u. mi HiiiMiivuiu leaves i reelection for four years. Wlllimm mnn. appointed to succeed Frank K. King when the latter resigned a year ago. Is out for election for two years. In this ward there are two council men to be returned. Moorhouse and Marlon Jack. In. (Continued on page .) "Woolen underwear, nhoos. service able clothing fur men, women am! children are articles desired. The directions are to mutch pieces, tw them together anil securely wrap nil bundles. Donations may lie left at the Chrtsilun church, The Peoples Ware house, Alexander and lioud Brother. s d can do for the maintenance of ! WMI nelt NOV- Hl-ngs of can. -umbents. are unopposed for their re- right standards, both national and in-:"'""" r "- wun uj necoruer ir.Minnl. This lluht the opponents Thomas Fits erald up to Saturday of the league would quench. They night and 1 names will go on the bal wnuiu relegate the United Stutfcs to a Whv should we tie afraid of-respon-sibil:tles which we are qualified to sus tain and which the whole of our his (Continued oa pace -) pectlve offices of city treasurer and watPr commissioner. lb-sides these f.ndldates there are three Initiative measures to be voted upon. No. i no and 40 are given to the measure allowing the water commis sion to isMiie script to the amount of sr.. nun. Nos. 402 and 4J are fur the 114. nio) Isold Issue fur the purchase of l new fire truck. Nos. 404 and 4t are for the $ooo bond tasue fur the lurches nf lh mark .ml .. !--.-,- I oilman. George C. Baer and Kichara site in the east end. lot for the six vacancies to be filled. subordinate role In the affairs of the I George a. H.-trtmnn and A. W. Kugg wnrl.l. iare the sole candidates fur mayor. IV feat Prusslanism. I From the first ward. Itoltert Simpson and A. K. McCulley will contest for ' J. H. Ksles' scat around the council tnhle. From the second ward. Willard Bond I contesting with Charles Bon- ney for Henry Taylor's place a coun