U U LJ v W C U U V W .(- .(k'sJ. .. , it j- f i BIOVIES COUNTT CORRESPONDENCE CLASSIFIED MARKETS COMICS r ' scgrstsiBfftraeaBst , I; FOURTEEN PAGES S SEdTION TWO PAGES 9 TO 14. Tc , FOURTEEN PAGES . SECTION TWO PAGES 9 TO U IL;,rry?' seh i'L...., W, a . . "r'i Ki I Lain JS 5akvH wjiJ xyo hbsqju oh Sl'.-J . IUJ DAILY EAST OEEQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. r TIE IS BEST CHICAGO WHITE SOX CAN HAVE . Cleveland Break Even While Team Crippled by Gambling: j hits weii scattered. - Diflcloaurns T.nspc to : St ! u. Lottip in' Opener of Last ,? SerHe. . - ' tunng ins championship unless through a play-off of a. tie. . Ineffective pitching and inability to hit in the pinches co Chicago the game, .i , After netting awsy -to a three run lead In the first Inning on the result or tnree passes, two hits and a sacrt flce, Fuher weakened In the third, mix ot the eight men who faced htm hit ting safely, giving Ht.' Ixiuls five runs and a lead that wss maintained the rest of the game. -. lavls wan wild hut kept the visitor' SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 2, 1920. NEW lOBK, Oct. J. (A. P.) Cleveland can clinch the. Am- erlean ' league pennant by mind, .- ning one of ,u. two-remaining gamea, or by Chicago losing one of It two names. - The gap between the two rival. ' -widened to two full games Frt? I' day when the Indians broke even 4 In a doublaheader with Detroit and :th White og lost to t. The best Ctilcago can do now is to tie the league leader. In the' meanwhile St. Louis Increas ed Its lead ot the expenae of Hpdge and merer. The' contest was the first In. which Chicago has participated since seven member of the club -were susnended In connection Vlth the world's series gambling scandal. As a result Mana Ber Cleusnn presented a lineup that was almost oompletely changed from that with which he went' through the season. ' Kay Rchalk was tendered tin ovation when he came to bat the first time osl was presented with a huge floral basket from local admirers. ' Tle Only Is Possibki DETROIT, Oct. . Cleveland, fight ing for the American league pennant, made certain of at least a tie by divid ing a doublehe&der with Detroit while Chicago was losing a single game to m. jxmis Friday. The visitors lost the first game, S to 4. in the ninth When Shortstop Bewail threw Flag- staffs grounder Into the 1evelnd dougout and Pinalll followed -with clean single. The Indian's victory In ths second gams was decisive one, 10. to I. Fifteen Cleveland hits, six for utra bases, and four Detroit errors, contributed to the result, the league leaders scoring In every Inning bubthe second. The second game Was called t the end of the eighth Inning be cause of darkness. " -"-' k .: I Cleveland end Chicago each have two games to play and should the In dians lose both while Chicago wins two, the tie would result. Detroit's victory in the opener today broke - Walter Malls' winning streak, lie held a four run lead when Detroit solved his delivery. In the eighth and tied the score. , Uhle who succeeded him was taken out after passing one man In the eighth. l Caldwell was in several tight places and was hit freely In the second con test, but his support stood up fairly - welt -behind ntm. aoiisldaiuia; the ex tremely cold weather. NEW YORK GOLF TEAM Hood's Sarsaparilla Makes Food Taste Good -'reates an appetite, aids digestion, purities the blood, and thus relieves scrofula, catarrh, tho pains and aches of rheumatism and gives strength to the whole system. Nearly to years' phenomenal sales tell (he story of the great merit and success of Hood's Sarsaparilla. It Ir 'ust the medicine you need now. Hood's I'llls help fine cathartlr )il!ill!ll!ll!llll!lillll!ll!!llllll!!lllll!llIITlllll!lllll!lllllll!j!l!ll!lllli! Use the Phones " Grocery 526 Other Uept's 7 Other Dept's 78 MEN'S STORE PHILADKLPHIA. Oct.' I. A. P.) The New York Leslie cup golf tean defeated Massachusetts, 8 to 7. here rnaay ana win meet me rennsyivania golfers today for th trophy. New Vork won three of the five foursomes, while the twosome matches were evenly divided, each team winning five. Francis Oulmet of Massachusetts, maie a now record for the champion ship east course -with a card of 68. when he defeated Peter Huron, New Yorlt, 1 up and five to ploy, in a two some. ' drove out his 28th home run of the season In the' sixth. Hyddy Ityan Hanramento rlaht fielder, wus ordered from the game hy ttmnire l-umnn tnr disputing a decision at the plate. Seals fMln on Ixsdcrs IS A.VO'BIKM. fVet. ! Nun Vrr.. Cisco gained a full game on the leaders i in me pacific coast league pennant! rnce, defeating Vermin. .. ,i.;il Um Angeles was Irs-lng to Oakland. I ...mc,iy pucning uy Cole vos" niaiuly responsilile for tlie Keals' victory. The game was won in the fourth when Ag new scored from third on Hasbrook's single to left. ' Good Appearance TWO RACES ARE HELD ON STATE FAIR COURSE! ' wis more flian styh linen 4s more tlmn fine ;ailr;ni; .j more tluin splend d materials A combination of many good itualities spells good apnearance. , It's the way your clothes drape and swing; on your body the way they set on your shoulders the ' impression they make on uth the feeling' of contentment they bring you the knowledge that you ire rightly attired, in good taste. You are assured of ail these su perior dualities when you buy OAKLAND CLOUTS ANGEL PITCHER TOR 144 WIN Chicago's Hopes Dimmed : ' ST. IjOUI! Oct. . Ht. Louis dlnj med Chicago's pennant hopes, defeat ing the White Sox, to f . In the open ing game of the series of three that rounds out the American league race. Th loss of the game, while Cleve land was breaking even In a double keader with' Detroit, placed Chicago two gamea to the rear of the leaders and destroyed their last chance of cap- BAN FRANCrfcCO. Oct 2. (A. P.) Oakland fell out. Crandall with a vengreance In the third Inning, driving in eight runa that went toward making tip a 14 to 4 victory over Ios Angeles. Crandall wu knocked out of the box for the second time this week. Kvery member of the Oakland team faced. him that Inning, three of them twice, and Willie got two hits. Brown pitch ed the rest of the game for the Angels. R. Arlett knocked a home run Into the left field bleachers In the seventh. SALEM, Oct. 2. (A. P.lOn a tracK cr mud and water, two running ;S racea wer-j put on at Lone Oak track 'ss friday. All harness races were called off but an elaborate program will be put on today., weather permitting. . " . In the seven-furlong race, purse ' IS'iO, Prairie, owned by Charles an-' mcrt, and ridden by Howe, won over i 5 Tom (loose tWeblierj and M nnie ,11. ,n Lis J-z. In a five-furlong special, Louis Ijichniund, owned by Les Oabraith of SSS Independence, or., and ridden ', Howe, was firsl. His time was 1.03. E pma, owned by auth Parton uf Yal- ; ma, was second, and Koaiie li.ver. owned by Wilson, was third. ;a GOOD CLOTHES They are an investment in good ippearance -and In economy as well. , ... See the new fall models the nat ural free-set shoulders, the fine de signing the fit and drupe of the collars and lapels, the rich fabrics, the appealing patterns and color tones; single and double breasted models. . to Pees Rtnp Winning Streak 8ACKAMENTO. Cal., Oct. 2. ramento's winning streak and Finery's string of six .straight vic tories were broken when Bait Lake took Friday's game,' 2 to 1. Sheely tlie Iioiim- of KuppenlicAner cloilien 1 1 11 ill I Wl W-iA - ill' llllllHllllllllllliillllllllllliilllllllilllilliH Pncf c CoMt Vernon l-os Angeles f'n Francisco Sac- Seattle ...I. Paul Bait Lake RESULTS OF PREVIOUS WORLD SERIES . ' J ' ; ; : Tear ' -' Winner Loser : ls4 Providence IH. L.I, won 2. New York (A. A.), won 0. .. SSt Chicago N. L.), won S. St. Louis (A. A. O.), won 3; one tie; 1 . champion. . " . 111 St. Louis (A. A.), won 4. Chicago N. won !. HIT ' Detroit N. L.). won It.- St. IajuIs (A. A.), won S. lilt New York (I. I, won . St. I,ouis (A. A.), won A. Ill New Tork N. L), won . ". Brooklyn A. A.), won 2. . 1190 Brooklyn (N. U), won 2. Louisville (A. A,), won 3; one tie; t ' ' champion. . . 11(1-1102 No series. 1S03 (First sine organisation of present American League.) Boston CA, U), won 6. 1104 No series. 1105 K Tork'tN. L), won 4. JI0 Chicago (A. U), won 4. HOT Chicago N. .), won 4. 1101 Chicago XN. U) won 4. ' 101 Pittsburgh (N. won 4. 1110 Philadelphia (A. U. won 4. Jll Philadelphia (A. U) won 4. 1112 Boston (A. U), won t. 113 Philadelphia I A. U). won 4. Jl4 Boston .V. K), won 4. 1(15 Boston A. Ul won 4. Ill Boston (A. U), won 4. 1117 Chicago (A. U. won 4. lilt Boston A.. won 4. . 1111 Cincinnati (N, L.), won S.,- Pittsburg (N. L,), won 8. Philadelphia. (A.. U). wqn 1. ,'. Chicago (N. L.), won t. Ietrolt (A. Lw, won 0; one tie, Detroit (A. L.). won 1.. t -Detroit (A. L), won I. , Chicago (N. L.), won 1. New York (N..U), won 3. New York N. L.), won" 3; one tie. New York (N. U). won 1. -Philadelphia (A. L.), won 0. Philadelphia (N. I). won 1, Brooklyn (N. U) won 1. . ' New York (N. U), won 2. Chicago (N. L..), won 2.' Chicago A. L.) won t. .c:v-ik 100 83 C 8!i 1-6 9.1 SO 90 84 i.,lu..u SI HI Portland . . .... 78 SI Sacramento 76 ,l6 National Ix'ainie. Brooklyn. 91 61 New York 8 6 Clnciiinati .'. 80 69 Pittsburg 77 '78 f"Slee-n, 75 77 Bt, Louis 73 79 ijb.u.. ................ &8 86 Philadelphia 60 90 Amerk-an lagnp. .546 .B.1IJ .627 .52i .517 .476 .462 .418 INDIAN WHO FIGURED IN HISTORY STILL LIVES ' ALTt'RAS. Cal., Oct. 2. fA. P.) Charley Faithful, the Modoc Indian who years umo, saved the remnant of Oenerul Whea'on's command from annihilation: during the war of the la va beds, still lives on tlie Klamuth Imlinn Reservation neur here and I draws a pension from the government He is now bi nd. .566 .537 .61! .493 Cleveland Chicago . . . . N'ew York . . .St. Louis . . . Boston Washington . Detroit Philadelphia ? 95 95 75 72 66 60 47 55 57 5 83 92 84 On January 17. 1873, General Wheaion attempted to override the .480 stronghoia of the Indians, but was re 403 pulsed with the loss of 4 1 of his com 400 maud. Caught in the maxes of the lava beds. It Is bel'eved that every. man -would . have periMheil . but for harley Faithful.- On a dark night Charley piloted the soldiers to a Kne of bluffs several miies distant, where they were able to make a successful stand. . I .638 .625 .617 .497 .4 68 .44" .395 .359 . , .BIG IF-WiVK BASEBALL- National Lcaiinc. Chicago 3, St. Louis 2, (17 innings.) Js'ew York 4, 8: Brooklyn 3, 4. American ramie. Cleveland 4. 10: Detroit 5, S. , Washington 13. Philadelphiu 3. QUALITY , SERVICE SATISFACTION At Your Our policy is to serve and serve you well with the best the market affords, properly priced. Why not try a market this month where you can purchase your, every need with one phone call? -" -v. ' . We feature only the best in both our meat and grocery departments and our produce de partment contains every Fruit and Vegetable obtainable from all markets of the. country. Pendleton Trading Co. ' ' Phdu45S ' " '' "If It's on the Market We Have It" H. S. McKENZIE, hi. D. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office: 10-11-12 Bond Building Pendleton, Ore. Never before has there been so much early season . interest taken in the games which will be played be tween the California Universities and those of Washington and Oregon. Ac- i cording tox the graduate managers at I both the University of Californ.a and IS'.anford University, the advance de mand for seats is such thut it already is a certainty there will not be suffi cient accommodation to seat all those who will want to attend the contests. As for the "big"' game between Cali fornia and Stanford, the call for tick ets has been au great that a movement ulready is on foot at the University of California to start a campaign lor a concrete playing stadium similar - to that of the University of Washington. It has been figured impossible to get such a stadium ready in Jlme for this year's game, but It seems more than likely that the structure will enclose r.ext season s big game. Literally (thousands w 11 be unable to' get in to see this year's contests. The loss of all these fine dollars at the gate will speed up the construction ns quickly as anything. If any spur is needed. Pusadena, California, has a move ment on foot to inaugurate another football classlo in addition to its New Year's East versus West game. The present plan contemplates nu annual football game to be held on Armistice Day. November 11. The American Legion . hus the consent of the armv and navy authorities to stupe the game which it Is hoped will be the forerunner of many more. The cham pion team of the Pac'fic fleet and the champion v eleven of the western de partment of the army are to.be con- g lenCere eacn year. - DR. C. H. DAY Pliyshian ami Surgeon Osteopath Rooms 22 and 25 Smith-Crawford Building. Telephone 704 Res. 749-R ! ''-'.'-- ' i i J s ;..' : UMATILLA COUNTY FARMERS YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD- Paige Oakland Oldsmobile Speed Wajgoh For " i ' SHERIFF j Regular Democratic Nominee - i W. R. TAYLOR ' i If elected will strive to j give the people an economi cal and efficient adminis tration. (Paid Adv.) A Gar For Every Use AUTO CD. 632 Cottonwood. Phone 337 I I I 1 i i ,l- .... .. . , TO-TrTJ'WWTWWi8 , ' - Mrt, .i'r.urt, ii ,,'ua!,', MiitwiTyigia jt " " m mm Sunday Oh Boy! CHINNEYS! The season will be open for 8 days. Buy your Western Shells now. Cheaper and better. SEE ME ABOUT THAT GUN BEFORE YOU BUY. aum Sporting Goods Man Hotel Pendleton Bldg. DOWNEY'S felARKET Now is a good time to start trading at this meat market. Open an account and see that difference. PHONE 600 " .' t j. t ..... ...... . j - , mtrfMln-ini rc n.ii m.r TTi..r..a 1 irsmimm mn.- m minim rm r-i- t,,,,,.,,, m Mmm,mmmmim-,iA- " ""' ishsh n n'ei "n.ji.iimiiipii.ll.li."J..i .j, -