East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 02, 1920, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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unusnoa imir and ttrml-Weekly, at
lmllton, Oteg-on, by th
tvntercd at tha pontoff lea at l'endle
ton, Oraon, aa aecond-claaa mall
Imperial Hotel NVi Ktand, Portland.
, , ON F1LB AT
OMnare Bureau. 0t Security Build-in-
Waahlnrtnn. D. C, Bureau 01 Four
teenth Ktreet. N. W.
Meaafcer af 4ha Aaaartataa' Prraa
Tha Aaaortated preea la axclu.ively
milled to the uae for republication of
all newa dtepatchea credited to It or
not otherwiae credited In thla paper
ana aio tna local nawa puonaaaa ner'
Dally, ena year, by mall ....
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1 lie
(By Frank U Stanton.)
Ixv knock's- would enter to the llKht,
Lured by lt gleam;
I leave him In the alorm ni night:
I've had my dream!
A bcKjrar a rags a beRfrar'a hands!
Hia hot tears stream:
But not for me Love's ruined land' ,
I've had my dream! ,
Once a suppliant did I wait
His one star's beam:
Ills sweetest kisses come too late:
I've had my dream!
Copyrighted for the East Oresronian Pub. Co.
record on trmt question to bvinir him
the agricultural vote In this stuto.
fidelity on Part of Ohio Gover
nor is Contrasted to . Sena
tor's Stand Again Loan Act
and Wheat Price.
T T is safe to say that the average farmer in Umatilla county
1 - or elsewhere in Eastern Oregon was not aware that wheat
price guaranteed by the government during the war was
too high.
The quite general impression has been that the wheat price
was not excessive. It may have been too low but the guaranty
did have the effect of assuring the farmer such returns that he
could afford to push his acreage to the limit. He did that and
the world was the gainer thereby.
But in the senate Mr.- Harding, now candidate for president,
opposed the wheat guaranty and he said some things that souad
unfair to the man on the soil. In a speech in the senate on July
20, 1917, he said: " ;
"I thare the anxiety to strike at greed. I should like to
ttrike at the greed for power. It would be agreeable to strike
at the manifest greed in some of the agricultural sections of the
United State.
"I do not think it ($2.26 wheat) will bring the desired result
but I venture to say, Mr. President, that if the qualities of Amer
ican patriotism are such that we must guarantee the American
farmer a price for his wheat in the face of a world famine then
there is not patriotism enough in the country to win the war.
The strange thing about the Harding atitude in the senate is
that he was willing to strike it what he termed "manifest
greed in agricultural sections but he was wholly unwilling to
strike at the greed of the oil companies, the fuel trust or other
Mg beneficiaries of war conditions. He failed to vote on an
amendment to include petroleum and its fuel products in the
food control act. He voted against an amendment to include
ere and its productss, farm implements and binding twine. He
opposed the Cuminings amendment to prohibit the importation
of alcoholic beverages and the withdrawal of bonded distilled
spirits during the war. ,
Senator Harding was also a bitter opponent of the farm loan
set which brought about lower interest rates on long time farm
Do farmers want that sort of a man in the white house ?
Cox leaders ore depending on the
vote of farmers to aid In giving Gov
ernor Cox the vote of a great majority
of the farmers of Oregon because of
Hardlng'a speeches and votes against
agriculture in the senate, and because
of Cox's record of fidelity to the for
mer as tloveriior of Ohio.
In addition to fighting against a
price of more than a dollar for wheat
and opposing the farm loan system,
both in speeches and with his votes,
and tn addition to Introducing testi
mony In the senate characterizing the
farm loan system as an attempt to use
the credit of the United States In be
half of a special class. Senator Hard
ing told members of the senate that he
would like to strike at greed In certain
agricultural sections of the United
States. -Calls
Asrlrulluro Orcctly
"I share the anxiety to strike at
greed," he declared as reported on
page3326 of the Congressional Kecord.
"I saould like to strike at the greed
for power. I would be agreeable to
strike at the manifest greed In some of
the agricultural sections of the United
The Senator further declared that
If the American farmer must be guar
anteed a price for wheat there was not
patriotism enough in the country to
win the war. " ' ' . I
I do not think it ((2.26 wheat)
will bring about the desired result,
he said, "but I venture to say Mr.
President, that if the qualities of Am
erican patriotism are such that we
must guarantee the American farmer
a price for his wheat in the face of a
world famine, then there is not patrio
tism In this country to win the war."
Tries to Cut Wheat Price
The day before in fighting against
a higher price for wheat Senator Hard
ing said
KALKM, Ore.", Oct. 2,(A.
Ooorgo M, lirown of It oho burg', uttor-ncy-genorul
tor Oregon for a numbei
of years, wiw yesterday elevated' to u
deal on the supremo court bench of
the Mate by nppolntmont of Governor
otcott to succeed Justice Alfred S.
Hetmett of The Dalles, who resigned
today. T. B. Hundley, state corpora
tion commissioner, was appointed to
succeed Itrown as, attorney-general.
Hamiley's successor will be named
today, Handleys home is at Tilla
mook. Judge Bennett's home is at
The Dalles and he wil return there to
give hla time to porsonal ufl'iilrs.
Divisional , headquarters of thf
State Highway Commission, situated
in 'Pendleton since the spring of 1917.
have been moved to La Grande, the
change having been effected this week.
Virtually all of the force which waf
employed here has resigned.
The change followed the resignation
recently of Chief Engineer M. O.
Bennett, who went to .Montana to
farm. Part of his territory had been
assigned to R. H. Baldock, district en
gineer tn charge at Baker and the
rest will be handled from The Dalles
office.', ... .et
-With the appointment of E. "E Kid
dlo, of- Island City, as commissionei
for this, section, it was expected tha'
the office? would eventually be mov
ed to La Grande. Mr. Baldock wilt be
la charge there and his territory will
include Morrow. , Umatilla, Union.
Wallowa, Baker and Mulheur coun
ties. ; W. C. Crews, who was assistant
to Mr. Bennett here, is the only one of
the local force to go to La Grande.
Gilliam, Wheeler and Grant coun
ties, which were handled from this of
fice, will be under The Dalles office
I know a little something about t hereafter. Resident engineers work
ing on highways in Umatilla county
will continue their headquarters here
bUt all ClerlCAl Work Wil h r1rtrt In fa
iGrande. i ' ' r
t; r.'.' -- - ., . . VUA AJ&JIUJ.1 X JlUJUftJ ' ' ' ' ,-
iiiinii 111 ' i mi iiwiHiawiiiii nan mi i i.j. iaaMW imaiiiiii maaa mm n m
I m mtfm ISndeannglouCharms
ifr ..... . ....
A ?ARIS correspendent sends an extraordinary telegram to
his local organ of light and leading concerning the ghost
of Marie Antoinette. That ill starred lady might have
thought that by this time she would be allowed to rest in peace
but this alert young gentleman has flushed her ghost again in
Versailles Park, in the shape of a veiled lady in black taking
lonely walks alter nightfall, just as she did in 1911, when the
Agadir matter threatened France with war.
The supplementary part of this almost alarming report is
. even more significant of a disturbed spirit or a disordered
rnmd ; the correspondent proceeds : "Several tourists, while vis
iting the park and in the vicinity of the Petit Trianon, distinctly
feaw a tigure, clad in the costume of Marie Antoinette s day,
gamboling under the ancient trees." Now, with all due regard
to the exigencies of a correspondent s life and standing-, it is iir
possible to escape the conclusion that this correspondent had
ueen dreaming, or at least there is as much reason to believe 11
his dreaming as in Marie Antoinette's gamboling. At a time
when the world of liviner men and women is standing on its head
it is doubly distressing to hear of historic personages returning
irom behind the veil and behaving no better than movie hero
Next we shall hear of Napoleon reappearing as a home run
nero. xsew Xork sun. ,
After a man has given 36 years' service to his business and
r.is city with the faith that Lon Cohen has served, he is entitled
to a well-earned rest Pendleton regrets Mr. Cohen's retire
ment from active business but wishes him God-speed hi his forth
coming journey to New York for a rest.
Winter in Armenia is ricrorous and clothes are verv scarce
The old clothes which, with signs of lower prices, may now be
discarded, will do an Armenian far more good than the moths
wno wui get them in the attic.
Post Toasties
you at once understand why the
package bears the statement
Superior Corn Flakes
Some who like corn flakes have
never had the best because they
haven't known POST TOASTIES
'are superior corn flakes.
Best Corn Flakes Sold
farming. I have followed the oradte
senators, with a rake, when wheat was
sold for 40 cents a bushel. That was
in the day when farming' was someth
ing of a contest for subsistence. In
this latter day farming has become
in occupation for profit and I happen
to know that under normal conditions,
91 wheat makes1 a very profitable oc
cupation, perhaps not to the- farmer
who farms the farmers, but it is to
the farmer who farms a farm.'"
Senator Harding not only spoke
against the interest of the agricul
tural classes as in the above cases,
but he voted against relieving agricul
tural corporations from income taxes,
although he opposed levying increased
taxes on the great corporations of the
country and on war profits. i: .
One Met FirmCTrf Crisis
Opposed to that record. Cox lead
ers point to the progressive governor's
action in a case of two in Ohio. There
was a shortage of seed corn. It was
sold to farmers at prices near '20 a
bushel. Governor Cox went into other
states, secured the corn, and sold it to
the agriculturists at $3.00 a bushel.
In another instance there was a
shortage of farm labor. There was
danger of huge loss to the agricultur
ists. The state, under the direction
of Cox, put 6000 tractors in the fields
and established a tractor school. "
The records of the two candidates.
Cox headquarters insist, leave no ques
tion as to their respective views on the
relation of government to farmers. His
backers in Oregon depend on
COI'PERFIELD. Calif., Oct. 2. (V
P.) Relieving the bodies of - Ka
Lampson and Asa Kingsberry, miner
who lost their lives in the burninr
Calveras Ottpper.eompany's mine here
will'he found cjoep clown in the mine
probably under water, a rescue creW
entered the mine today for the second
time in an effortto bring out the bod-
SAM FRANCISCO. Oct. 2. WWiair.
G. ' McAdOo, former secretary of thr
treasury, will stump northern Cali
fornia for the Cox-Roosevelt ticket. H.
Coxs will arrive in San Francisco October
There is hidden treasure in the simple
melodies of by-&one days. It's a trea
sure that lies locked in the storehouse
of memory.. And the key that opens it
to you is music s
But you need not he a musician to make this
treasure your own. Nowadays the Cecilian
Player, "the piano that any one can play," is
carrying the charm of music into the hearts of
America's finest homes. With the Cecilian, you
become the master musician. Won't you let us
acquaint you with this superb instrument?
I cl Of)
Made by BUSH & LANE
. '
Br It iftirrttw of Ccrfllan from th imno
fulurtr upder our direct plan of lltiia;, yov
vot on lr obtain the HIGHEST GRADE PLAYKR
TIANO IN THE WORLD with an unconditional
fi-uarantee. ut am required ta pay no mora than
' thr prices ordinarily asked lor inatru men La of
laaaer ajuality. '
1 HW 4lar M
w that BMW to W hurl M f
L-. I
. WMcaala'.
f (
Matrafartarora ,
Portland Stor
Basti La no ButJdi. Broadway at Atder
Portland. Orecaa
23, while Homer S. Cumininpra, chair
man of the democratic national con
vention held in San , Francisco and
who made the keynote speech for the
democratic party, will arrive in Ioa
Ang-eles October 27 to tour the south
ern i art of the state for the party.
at ta fore tor the UlneoU Bon J f'Zt ' ' ."'Jb J
Show, declared on of tie moat kjr jrffS Ofj" !
KSUADt ew heJd. Tbe pictaT9 y A '"m 'f- 7' I iC , I
ww. sr , .- ' , t ? , II I En. Mil' i ., I
Quality PRINTING at Reasonable Prices
East Oregonian Printing Department.'
I , Chicken Dinner . i
1 Roast Meats tX7"
2 iv j eat L.roquetts
. Salads, Pasteries
I Open from Noon to 7:30
5 The best dinners in the city. -
Betty J 8tettlnlu (upper J right)
tolnx orer hurdle oa "General
Thomas Crown
Variable Speed.
The Most Successful Machine for Alfalfa.
Sturgis'& Storie
. . : 4- 4 ' S w . -i - i
aLh Walla, Waslv-