East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 02, 1920, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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'News of Pendleton
ItPiflxtr nw, count clerk's
nfrtim. Hooka cIoho fcuturduy,
OcUilM-r S.
Oct. 2. Registration books
clime for general election. ,
Oct. - Rivers and Har-
bon Congress, Portland.
Oi-t. D. Last duy for tax pay-
Oct. 8-8 Hermlston Dairy
and Ho Show.
KrclihUl to Hulld IIoiino.
XioiitKi- (J. Kroliblel today wan Issued
a permit by the city recorder to ereoi
a dwelling house on Klutne street to
coHt tluuO. Alex Manning will do the
Oct. 18. County Y. II C, A.
Convention here.
Oct. 20-22 Joint Institute
Morrow-Umatilla teachers here.
Oct. 22 Portland Chamber of
Commerce visit here.
Nov. 2. General election.
Nov. .7. Northern Oregon
Older Hoys' T Conference here.
Nov. 13-20 raclflo Interna-
tlonal livestock Exposition, Port.
I.'Ih Kail to Appear.
Herschel Lewis, who was out on
$100 ball on a charge of having liquor
In hlH possession unlawfully, forfeited
bull of $100 In police court Friday af
ternoon for his failure to appear for
trial. Lewis Is also out on ball on
charges filed at Walla Walla and It Is
presumed that he has sought
fields for the time being.
al headquarters, has taken a position
with the Hartman Abstract Co., and
entered upon her new duties on Frl.
duy. JHsm mack resignud when tli-j
niehway Oil Ice was moved to l.i
Bnby I'amti Away
rne Infant son of Mr. and Mrs
Thomas A. Hodsou, of Grant street,
puxscd away last night. He was born
on Hept. 80 at the home.
Use the Phones
Grocery, 2 Phones 526
Other Depts. 78
Ue the Phonct
Grocery, 2 Phones 528
Other Depts, 73
cutting New X-Ray Miu'lilne
Jr. H, H. Hattcry is having a new
X-Ray machlno Installed In his offices
this -week as an addition to his equip
ment. The work Is being done by
Charles V. Savage, northwestern dis
tributor for the Vulcan Coll Co., of
Los Aneetes, with, headquarters In
Miss Clilldrcth Returns
Miss Thelma Chlldreth. formerly
now with Folsom's Undertaking; Parlors,
nils resumed her old position there and
returned today to her work.
Cnr Hum In Flolil.
A. V. Knlttht lost a Cadlllno auto by
fire this week when It caught fire
while standing In his field at the
ranch and vm completely destroyed
KvptiitiK Servian t 7:30.
HeicinniiiR on Sunday, Oct. 3, nil lo
cal churches will ro on the winter time
schedule and hold their evcnlnjr (ser
vices at 7:SD. The summer season
schedule raits for 8 o'clock services.
Time for I'lllnff Xears V.m.
The time for filing petitions for city
or county offices will end at 5 o clock
this evening when all petitions, certi
fied and checked, mutt bo in. the
hands of the county clerk. It Is Just
;o days from now until the general
election on Nov. 2 and all papers con
taining measures or candidates for
the ballot must be In today.
Lloyd Mcltao Is Pledged.
Word -has been received from the
University of Oregon that Lloyd Mo
Itae of this city, a freshman there
has been pledged to Sigma Nu frater
nity. . He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Mcltae.
Joins llartiiian Abstract Foreo.
Wins lva lllack, of thlH city, who has
been Htenofrraphor with the State
H'urjiway Commission hero at division-
"iVi 'ioiJ!!li()j ioi-.ibi m ioi ioiioi'l
ff If
In rant Son Ilc-s
The 15-Month-old son of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Herbert Almando, of nicth, died
yesterday at St. Anthony's hospital and
tunerai services were held this after
noon from Folsom's chaoel at 2:30.
Father Van Hoomison wus in charge !
oi me services.
tiiOnU. i.,V!!i rr.': - :
$2.00 to $6.00 Yard
Moro 'ondldatcs Filed
Petitions for places on the city bal
lot were filed yesterday by Marion
Jack, seeking reelection to the water
commission, C L. Bonney for coun
cilman, Leo Moorhouse for citv trea
surer and Claud penland for councilman.
Place Your Orders Willi "101
and (
Be Assured of the Drop in Prices as.
They Occur.
"You Can Depend on "101" "
Pendleton Cash Market, Inc.
f:-.. -r-i-: PHONES 101
(Private Exchange Connect Hath DepartsaeataJl
ioiioi loi lot 101101101101101101-
Canadian tTiullonol Currency Seen
A bK'al hank today received a carios
ity in a Canadian 25 cent paper piece.
Issued under an act of parliament of
1900i Tho fractional currency Is rare
and la discounted the jme amount as
oiner uanauian currency so that the
28 cent ficce was credited at only 20
Ifimlcrs Fnrra PailUu
Two parties of hunter "Who will go
In search of China 'pheasants early
tomorrow morning consist of T. H.
Banfield, W. A. Rhodes, Fred Iamp
kin, Brooke Dickson and Al Knight
who will hunt on the Knight ranch.
and Jim Bowler, Howard Sheehan,
Lyman nice and Herbert Creen.
Offering -the newest weaves and shades of brown
for that new fall dress you're planning on getting.
rick out tne style pattern you want, then come down
and let us help you in purchasing the material and
We have for your selection such as French Serge,
.Lpingle, ir'opun, Uabardine, lncotine, Velour, Uuve
tyne and the like. No trouble to show goods.
HAIR BOW RIBBONS 69c to $1.15
Comes in iust the proper length and widths. Of
fering wide range of patterns and colorings. Select
three or four now. -. ,
Commissioner KUKHe How.
R. V. Kid ill Mtn(v hirhwnv rnm
mlssloncr from La Grande. Is here to
day on official business. Mr. Kiddle i
and tho Umatilla county court, Judfse
C. H. Marsh and Cowimissi oners B. E.
Anacrson and O. I Dunning, drove
to Wall u la to coi.fcr with regard to
the proposed road extension from
Umatilla up the Columbia river to the
Washington line.
i in tra E3w
That's tho way w learned to fftriirn and wo fiiruro at present prices
of li.cr)ul and eontcntH, jour barn has doubled in value.
I. you don't believe it, price building nmlcrtals todnj and compare
tlie oriccs with what you paid wlien you built.
Kce fix you would he in with a fire about now, chT . . .
lM'IUiASK your mro Insurance.
jSwwmwsaii,iii ,i m i jji'wil ifnuynmnai imw 1 -m'W
. MqyAjga)!ja
Ilonr Quoted lxwvr Ifcre
Flour manufactured by Tendleton
mills la quoted today at $12.30, a drop
of 35 centa a barret The drop took
effect yesterday, keeping pace with tho
lead f)t Spokane and coast mills. The
present figure In about $2 under the
price paid for flour In the spring and
Ik for folur In. 49 pound sacks. At
present quotations no business is de
veloping and millers are awaiting a
revival of the market.
You don't have to play that old game to find out
who has the buttons, for it is a certainty that we have
them and a big supply, of the very latest, trimming
and coat buttons, and all of them are priced by that
low standard of pricing that makes this store the bus
iest little store in town,
i. , ,
We call your attention to knitting yarns. We
carry Fleischers Knitting Worsteds, which is recog
nized to be the best yarns on the market for all kinds
of knitting. Our assortment is complete. Make
your choice here and save yourself money.
2 oz. ball, 79c
pay Cash tendMon' Variety Store Save Cash
The Season for Chinese pheasants in
this county opens tomorrow morning"
nnd continues until sundown Sunday,
Riving eight days In all for shooting.
There pre not believed to be as many
birds as usual and with wet weather
for hunting, it Is expected that they
will not be seen In large numbers. A
number of shooters plan to go out to
morrow, nevertheless, and In the west
end of the county, especially. Inroads
are expected to be made on the bird
Tliroo Ijtutl Jtals Malo.
Three leases of wheat lnnd In the
post' week were reported tortay, indi
cating that activity In this line of rc.il
estate is not altogether dormant, al
though nothing large was involved.
Krank Morrisctt sold 40 acres in sec
tion 3 3, township 3 north range 34
eaHt,' to I,oweH Rogers, and It. V.
Kirkputriek sold 40 acres in section
31, same range 'and township, to J.
W Maloncy. Paul Jones sold Hoy
Kttncr 80 acres In section 9, "township
1 north range 33 east. Tho latter
transaction was said to be for $10,-
Buttons of all kinds, whether for suit, dress or
coat.. We have them in all sizes and shapes. All
prices. ' . .
in abundance. The best of quality and all makes.
When you need notions, come here. .
in many unique and fancy designs for hair orna
ments. Prices 50c to $2.50 each
Comes in all length and shades you may desire.
Specially for the school girls.
Middy Ties ..! $1.50
Windsor Ties 35c to $1.00
New patterns and of better quality, for collars and z
cuffs and dress fronts. .We can supply your needs.
Use this splendid yarn for trimming of coats, J
suits, dresses and sweaters. Comes in . white and ;
LACES 5c YD. ,
it; ; ;-.. . ;
. Big assortment lace
edging and . insertions,
some of . them match.
Use them in trimming
dresses, underwear and
the like. . - v '
which includes val,
round thread and Sax
.ony laces. .
Grocery Department
We have on hand about -100 cases of XXXX brand Evaporated Milk, excellent
for cooking. While the stock lasts we will sell for per can 10c, per dozen $1.10, per
?-'(4 iloz.) case 440. '' ' ' ; - V:
Final Appeal 1 Made.
LONDON, Oct. 2. (A. P.) What
is described an a "final appeal" ta
Lard Mayor MacSwiney to accept food
was made today by tho doctor r
Prixion prison, accorling to a bulle
tin. The mayor was told he was sink
ing fast. He refused nourishment.
This is the fifty-first day of his hun
ger strike.
supervision. There is no occasion for
surprise that he should make such a
It was pointed out that Senator
Borah hus three ensageracnts to speak
In Connecticut next week. These have
not ieen cancelled, it whs said. '
(fly naymond Clapper, U. P. Staff
Correspondent.) An old fashioned
fnrniers basket picnic and barbecue
near lore today offered a setting for
Senator Harding's speech. The con-
dldate spoke briefly on agriculture,
declaring tho welfare of the American
faimci is the welfare of the American
people. Harding advocated:
Government aid to farmers purchas
ing lnmV
Chraptr distribution of farm pro
ducts through cooperative marketing.
Mere efficient rail and motor trans
portation. Protection of American agricultural
proAuctj from cheaper foreign com
petition. The lepuhllcan nominee is finding
tVio Iciil.e of Nations jssue the most
t.-oublssonio of tne campaign, fieaa
qnaifris still professed iKUorance, re
garding the nllt ed intention of Borah,
treaty irreconcilable, to quit the stump,
Harding sent a telegram to Kdward
Uyan of "Washington, a heckler wtio
Interrupted him at the Baltimore
meeting, flatly declining to state more
fully his attitude on the leaguo issue.
;ai,vkston has fitji-.
OAUVKSTON', Oct. 2. (A. V.)
Fire broke out in the south end of pier
4 1 this morning. A general alarm
wn turned in "almost lmmcdiatel
nnd -50 national guardsmen were
rushed to the scene. Fire was first
noticed when an explosion blcwioiit
windows nnd doors. It Is reported to
have suirted from spontaneous coni-
NEW YORK. Oct. . (A. P.)
Party leaders at republican nntlonnl
headquarters last night scouted the
idea that Senator Borah of Idaho had
"quit the campaign." as reported on
the strength of a letter in which he Is
Bald to have asked that no further
speaking engagements be made for
"N'o letter" has been eceived here
which indicates that Senator Borah In
tends to quit." an official of the repub
lican publicity bureau said.
"Several days ago we did have a
letter from the Senator asking that no
more engagements be made for him at
present- We understood this to mean
that he had made engagements of
his own according to his custom. Sen
ator Borah has been handling his own
itineraries nnd net working under our
ANAM'S Transfer
Stand at DflMIP 7
Charles Co.l IIWHU
Foley's Honey, and Tar
Fat ommj Ymn tha StwUn FubJt Cttf & Mci
Takm No SubrtHntm for Foiry 'm Heny A rf
Head of Voice Depart
ment Malen Burnett
School of Music.
For six years associated
with the Armbruster
School of Opera and
Singing, Dresden.
Pendleton Studio,
Room 1
Association Building.
Mr. Olson will be heard
in recital at the First
Christian Church of
Pendleton on Friday
evening, Oct. 1, at 8:15.
Public cordially invited.
fore is s guief '
emcunobfrusioe a-
&a fence in Mtf&anSc . v
A BANK balance is reserve pow
er. It is the anchor , to the
windward for your success
ship. It is your never failing; friend
in time of trouble. It is the police
man who will arrest Hard Times. It
is the judge who will render a rer
dict in your favor should you meet
Trouble. , . M-,.
m4 bustiqn