East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 02, 1920, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE FOURTEEN, Image 14

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    t : t ,?' o
"X I Wnnev 4V. A KiatUwide Institution
, Rock Bottom
Always f
We Sell
For Cash
Economy Prices
On Men's Cold Weather Apparel
!T9ll.mM liSf'!rtt: MTiriliiiV VIN1..01'lrHfcft 9,-i9Dft
l !
? V
Good coal is necessary in these
lays. It is economical coal, too.
Wliy not order the hest for your
furnace or stove? It always goes a
longer way. . '
B. L. Burroughs
Phone 5
College & Webb Sts.
Keeping Faith
rv over thirty-one years tlio American National
Bank lias kept faith whh the people la carefully
carrying out Its every strive mn-iit with. tle ntknost
rare. And by following rlosHy tlie Ijio of honest
bntfne uiotliods, this bank, lias niet with a won-,
derful success. 1 '
Your account Is invited.
The AmencanNational Bank
Pendleton. Oretfon. '
'Strongest Bank in Gastern Oregon"
Don't forget to have on hand a case of that wonder
fully sparkling and refreshing
An occasional bottle during these strenuous days,
will do much toward relieving the fatigue and nervous'
Btrain of the industrious housewife.
A bottle of WINE-O at dinner, also, will soothe the
Irritability of father, when he comes home and finds
the house topsy-turvy. "
Besides, it is good for the kiddies.
Keep a case of Wine-O in the house all the time. '
Bottler, of All Kind Soda Waters
WITH toUR. 6Y5, I iT ReVO!sJC2M Zd
Including Pendleton Prices and Associated Press Reports
The following prices A the prices
being paid to producers by Pendleton
business houses.' Wherever retail
prices are given the face will be spe
cifically mentioned. ,
Hens and Poultry.
Eggs, 65 cents in trade. (Retail price
is 70 cents.)
Hens. 20 cents.
Spring fryers, 28 cents a pound.
Country Horn. Eta.
bim, best quality, 28c
Bacon, best quality, 40c.
Butter Fat and 'Butter. .
Ranch butter, SI. 10 a roll. (Retail
price is also $1.10.) .
Seattle Coarse Grains
and I-'reels Are Unchanged.
SEATTE, Oct. 2. City delivery:
Feed Scratch feed 182 per ton; feed
wheat 87; all grain chop $68: oats
$60; sprouting oats $64; roiled oats
$62; whole corn $72; cracked corn
$"4; rolled barley, $63; clipped barley
$6s. . , i mkmtt J22S
Hay Alfalfa $30 per ton; double
cpmpressed alfalfa $36; ditto timothy
$42; Eastern Washington mixed $36.
-mvaTtf iai-n-v''-i)ia'ii i.ManisiWMiimsniri
r i
Vernicol makes old
furniture new
keeps new furniture
from getting old
Don't discard that old pise
furniture just becausa its finish is
scrstched and marred. Giva it
new lease on life witK a coat of
YeniicoL the jiffy-do-over varnlaB)
stain. Stains and varnishes the)
wood at each stroke of the bnuh,
Scratches disappear almost magi
ally. Dries with a rich, hard,
floesy luster. iWesrs and wears.
It's Rood for floors, too.
Keep a can of Vernicol handy. TfS
S great antidote) for careless servants
sad thovsrhtiesa children. Comes in ail
toe popular rnnrma, .u lor ooaenr
aard and booklrt.
Phone 158 513 Main St.
t e s
U., S. Army
Hotel St. George Sample
- Rooms.
500 U. S. Army Blan
kets from $3.00 and
i '
U.S. Army Wool O. D.
Shirts, new and re
claimed from $3.00
and up. '
All Sheep and Lambs :
Uower at Kansas City
.KANSAS CITY, Oct' 2. Sheep, 5.
000t. fat lambs 25 to 35c lower; top
western 12.40; natives 11.50; few
sales sheep 25c lower; good western
eewa 6. r5: 'feeding lambs 25$j50c low
er; top 1J.0O..'
Cot fee Futures Slow V
Willi Slight Hi He
NEW YORK, Oct. 2. The market
for coffee futures was very quiet again
today and prices moved within a range
of four pr five points. The opening
was 2 points lower on Dec. and Jan..
but generally 2 to four points higher
and active months sold to 6 points
above last night's closing figures dur
ing the middle of the day on scattered
covering. Otherwise there was very
iittlo demand and the tone was rather
easier late in the afternoon on rumors
of lower cost-and freight rates, al
though last prices were within a point
or two of the best. The close was 3 to
6 points net higher. October 7.25:
Dec. 7.70; Jan. 7.86; March 8.19; May
.; July 8.57;. -
Spot market was ontet at 7 4 ? 8
for Rio 7a and 12 to 13 for San
tos 4s. '('
rattle and Hogs Weak
(n Puget Sound Market
8EATTL.E, Oct. 2. Hogs Receipts
Tiling Weak. - Prime 16.50017.00
medium to -' choice 1 15.50 16.50;
smooth heavies 14.50115.00; rough
heavies 12.60 13.00; pigs 13.00
14.60. - - '
Cattle Receipts 101'. Weak. Prime
steers 9.50 If 10.00: medium to choice
S.009.00; common to good 6.00(37.50
best cows and heifers 7.257.75; med
ium to choice 6.00 7.00; common to
good 4.6O!6.O0: bulls ' 4.006.00;
calve7.00 9 15.00.
Heavy All Wood Unions
Extra; Quality garments, made of -fine,
soft wool by "the "famous
North Star Mills. Natural wool
color, fine rib, closed crotch, close
fitting wrists and ankles, the
suit $6.90
North Star Fleeced Unions
Heavy fleece lined cotton uni
, ons provide warmth at small out-
lav. Closed crotch, litrht gray
With pure white fleece, suit $2.49 ".
North Star Warm Unions Men's Two Piece Suits
' ' - - V ;.
v.- fv.;..
. . . . ' .'V ,'.'
$498 ;
Another good garment from
North Star Mills, a good per
centage of fine wool gives
warmth while the added cotton
makes for long ' service, closed
crotch, suit ....... . $4.98
Warner Closed Crotch
Unions $2.98
Every season ' .brings new
friends for Warner Unions. This
fine ribbed suit of mercerized
cotton will bring many more.
Just the weight for the man in
doors. Its closed crotch and fine
fitting qualities, proclaim worth
far above the price we ask, the
suit . .'. ....... $2.98
$1.29 Garment
Good weight drawers and
shirts of fine ribbed ecru colored
cotton. Our price shows no adr
vance over what you paid 'for -this
garment a year ago. Each
$1.29.. v.,..'.
, V ' ;. ' . ... T: vh.' -:.
" Collins Health Under-
' wear $450 Garment' ,
t, ' '
The heaviest and warmest all-,
.vool underwear we stock. Noth,
ing better for the man whose :
work takes him into all kinds of 'l-
weather. Made lot finest wools '
and guaranteed to give satisfac- "
tion, rich tan color, two. piece
suits only, garment. . ... . . $4.50
J. C Penney Co.. A Nationwide Institution
Territory Pine staple, tl.85ai.40:
half blood combing, 1.201.25; 3-8
blood combing. 85 9 90c: 1-4 ' blood
combing, 66 70c; fine clothing, 81.20
1.26; fine medium clothing, 81.000
Pulled Delaine, $1.3601.40; A A,
$1.104311.15; A supers, 865c.
Mohairs Best combing, 41)60c;
best carding, 88 40c
the republican women's stale execu Article 13 of the league eovenant'Waa
tive committee, had deliberately ana i
wilfully perverted the 'Emgltah lang- I
And a conmlete line of
U. S. Army Goods.
U.S. Army
Sales Co.
Heavy Sellings of Wheat ,
1.4-ad to Xew Declines
CHICAGO, Oct. 2. Heavy selling
by houses with northwestern connec
tions did much today to bring about
fresh declines In wheat. Prices clos
ed unsettled. 34 to 6 54 net lower.
with Dec. 2.11V4 to 2.11 and March
2.07. Corn finished 1 net lower to 14
advance, oats up 1-2 to 3-4 7-8 and
provisions at a setback of five to 25c.
Selling pressure on wheat appeared
to be largely influenced by continued
talk of Canadian competition and by
bearish estimates of the world -supply.
The estimates were said to indicate
that there could be no world -wheat
scarcity before May or June: At the
extreme of the subsequent break In
values. December delivery was 9c un
der yesterday's finish and March at the
lowest yet this season. ' The market
had fTeiuent rallies later but' mere
was wheat for sale on all of the hard
spots. -Big receipts -forced corn to .a
new low level for the season oui
r,hort covering lifted prices again
later. . Crop damage reports from
Argentina helped strengthen oats.
Commission house selling of ribs
weakened the provision- market not
withstanding higher quotations on
hogs. - - ' ' ' ' ...
Wool Market Will Quiet ,
With- Occasional lluyinc '
BOSTON, Oct. 2. The Commercial
j Bulletin today says: ; ' "
Business nas oeen urs'"i
this -week,' all eyes being turned toward
the opening Australian sale. In this
market attention has been directed
towards the attempt to secure a pres
idential Imposition of a wool Import
embargo although this seems hardly
to occur. Prices have been rather on
the easy wide, unless something very
rholce- In staple and fine In quality.
The goods market Is hardly changed,
consumption Mill being light.
Scoured IJasis: .
Texa FWie, 12 months, $1.30; fine,
8 monthV$l,201.25.
California 'Northern, $1.3501.40:
middle counties. 11.10; southern $1.00
1.06. ,
, Oregon Knstern staple, $1.36; east-:
era clothing, 81.20; vHly, No. 1, ILZO.,
More Divergent Trading
Marks New York Stocks
. NEW YORK, Oct. 2. The only ap
preaclable change in the stock market
today from that of recent sessions was
the more divergent character of the
trading. Rails continued to Improve
while numerous popular industrials
and -specialties were at lowest prices
in many months. .
Entrance into the final quarters of
the year brought little comfort to the
constructive side. of the market. The
monthly survey of the Federal Reserve
Eoard, which stressed the caution pre
valent In general business circles,
seemed to confirm a feeling' long ex
istent in high financial quarters.
On the other hands, the rails, it was
asserted, are enjoying a boom partly
because of belated recognition of their
intrinsic worth, but more particular!
because of the benefits they are. ex
pected to derive from transportation of
buorner crops.
Among the stocks most effected to
day were the several sugar iiuw.
which broke 2 to t 1-2 points. South
Porto sugar distinguishing .Itself by
a sheer descent of 15 point on a lew
transactions. -. ''-
The rise In rails was the most im
pressive of the current movement,
most of the Junior western and south
western shares saining 1 to 3 points.
with a gain of 6 3-8 for Wisconsin
Central., Investment Industrials, trans-
continentals and coalers rose to l toa
and ' coalers made some gains. The
entire list strengthened later on re
ports of probable avoidance of the
British coal strike. Sales . 926,000
shares. . - '.' .'
Foreign exchange rallied from its
.orw degression although the Argen-
... inula a new low record. An
8 per cent quotation represented the
hgh call money quotation of the day
aad bonds especially standard rails
and' Industrials made variable -gains
with liberty Issues. Total sales, par
value, aggregated $1.T50,000. Old V.
S. bends were unchanged oni call.
NEW YORK, Oct. 1. (A. P.)
Oeorge Bass, chairman of the women's
bureau of the democratic national
committee, in a statement issued at
headquarters yesterday, asserted that
Mrs". Arthur IJvermore. chairman of
Overbeck & Cooke
: Co.
Pendleton, Walla Walla, Portland
Member of Chicago Board' of
. Trade, : .
Stocks Bonds Grain
Private Wires to all Exchanges ,
Boom Jodd Bids.' rbone f)M
uaa-e in her attack at Somervllle. N. J.,
Tuesday .night upon the . league of
nations and its provision in relation
to traffic In vomen and children.
Raymond B. Fosdick. former secre
tary general of the league of natfor.s.
In a statement last night denied tnat
an attempt to legalise' the traffic In
women and girls." JMr. Fosdick said
that for eight months he had charge
"of this particular ''activity" of the
league and the work "was aimed' at
the. ultimate suppression of the trr'ffto
In women and girls." -"'.'
Free Proof To You
All I want is year asms sad addrm m t ess send T a free trtoj
treatment. I wsat yo Juit to Inr tbui treatoxiat ttist's all last
fve Ein In th. Retail Dm Batiaeaj for t yea". I am gecntarr of the Indians Stat Board I
ef Pharmacy end Freatdont of tlx Retail Drussffta' Awoei.ttoo. Nearly ewnrnM la Port Wane
I7ZTuMi kiain about Bf auccnaful treatment. tr Isnrleoe taaeaaeiel frve as
Men. Women aad Children outeid of Fort Warn nave, ascerdiag U their sere eUUoaeeu, bees
ta DT una rreaiDBeoi ainve nr., ,-
If roa han Kciema, Itoh. SaH Rhenw, Tettor-nTr mind haw bad
rd the wool cam I aw aaw-srve ane e ahaeaee te sreve nay eletaa.
Sadai rour nasM and addreae oo tlie coupon below and ret Itie trial trestawst I wast) .
end eoo nU The wondera aecompliabed In your own csae will tar eyeea.
eesseaaaessaneasaseaseea CUT AND MAIL TOOAY
J. C. HUTZCLL, DrtJKsist, . 304 West Main St., rrt Ways, tm4. ;
Pleaeir send witbont coat, er oblig atioe to om your Frae Proof Treatment. -
Street and N. .
..J' S The Ideal Summer Fuel
. : BURNS CLEAN , ; .:?:':f v
JarveW eamna.
Makes Cooking a Pleasure '
Phone 178 v
QuUtyQinU'ty Seciric