East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 02, 1920, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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    : ';,-.,v:r i.
imcs ten
IMtNf ER. Colo.. Oct. . (U. P.)
Ths world's Uinw continuous tutu
'cnlo highway -460B milesconnerf
ln slevn national parks and travers
in aius vwurn stales, was dedicated
hare yesterday to all America, by
fctophM T. Mather, dir"tor of tha Na
tional Park Service, and officials of
tha National Park -to-Park Highway
'. Hum simple ceremonies consisted of
"a, world challenirsj to com pet a with
tha enchanting wonders contained In
tha federal recreational areas," which
Jura tha traveler to snow-cooled
hetg-hta. The dedication her was
mtrked with the opening- of a puollc
'hy tour by federal, state and eity of
ficials. Including- LN rector Mather.
'" Tha days of old prairie schooner
travel were wiped out forever in the
caravan of 2B automobiles that carried
the official party in comrort on the
circle awing that will require d dnvs
to complete. It also heralded a new
era In which every man, woman a.nd
child In tha country Is given a share
in the hospitality of the great west.
Tha park-to-park hitthway, laid out
by A. U Westward,. scout for the Am
erican Automobile association, reach
est the Rocky Mountain National Park1
In Colorado. Yellowstone Park in Wyo
ming; Glacier Park in Montana,
Mount Rainier Park In Washington,
Crater Lake Park, Oregon; Lassen
Volcanic park, Yoaemite, General
Grant and Roosevelt Parks In Callfor
nfc. the Grand Canyon In Arizona, and
M.sna Park in southwestern Colorado.
The ultimate object of the National
Park-to-Psrk highway association is
to prevail upon congress to furnish a
hnrd-surfneed boulevard maklna eas
ily available to the
people America's
Quality Goes CtearTJwoutft
-Efficient and Economical oh Gasoline
We are willing to let any DORT owner speak for the
car. This is a very bold statement but the DORT
has earned our confidence by its consistent perform
ance.' -, ''
You, too, will be as equally enthusiastic as other
DORT owners, particularly so when you find that it
will average from 20 to 25 miles to the gallon of gaso
line. ";
Each DORT is as good as the best one ever made.
1 Western Auto Co.
Detroit, where upwards -of 1,000
Dorts have fceen sold at retail this
year, furnishes two striking illustra
tions of the long life of these cars.
William McCaffrey, a contractor in
the motor city, bought a rort roadster
In 1918 and In the five years has cov
ered mure than 150,000 miles.
Thousands of miles have been with
a semi trailer loaded with bricks, mor
tar and building supplies. In tha first
four years McCaffrey spent J15 for
service work and this year he had the
car overhauled at a cost of J 100.
T. C. Purney, also of Detroit, has
driven his Dort touring car five years.
during which he has spent exactly
sixty cents for parts, and this not un
til September. Mr. Purney says he
has driven under all conditions and
over all roads and taken care of the
car himself, because it is such an easy
Job owing to tha accessibility of all
parts. -
Thruout the country traveling men
are finding that light cars not only
multiply their efficiency by . two or
three, but cut down traveling expense
as well. Recently the Milwaukee dis
tributor of Dorts'made a test during
which careful records wera kept.
Fourteen towns were selected, some
of them off the rail lines, and thirty-
nine grocers were interviewed by the
salesman of the wholesale grocery
The distance covered was 400 miles
and the trip was made in three days.
the roadster averaging just 20 miles
the Kt.:;n. Cost figures showed
to. 00 for gasoline. Kail transporta
tion for the trip would .have been
1 12.00 had all the towns been access
ible, butas some would have had1 to
'be covered either by motor car - or
horse and buggy the cost would have
been considerably more. :
Rati schedules show that the trip
would have taken six days if the
steam lines had been used, so the ho
tel bill was cut in half, the same as the
salary of the salesman. - 1
"Many aalemen operating out ot
Pendleton in this section and covering
the small towns find the Dort road
ster ideal for making quick trips and
not only calling on their regular trade
but the small cross roads dealers as
well," said the Western Auto Co..- Dort I
dealers here. ' ' " s
Unique tests are being made with
every new Dort car sold by tha dis
tributors at Cleveland. The car is tak
en out with the buyer who Is promised
certan mileage, or his money back.
If he wishes. A special pint can- is
adjusted, the-tank drained, and the
can filled. Then the car is driven
as far as possible on the pint of or
dinary gasoline. The first experiment
showed an average of 19.4 miles per
gallon, which is high for a brand new
ear. Another averaged 23.6 miles and
the mean -average is better than 20
miles, which the Western- Auto Co.,
Dort. dealers in this city, says is a
better showing than any made by a
light car of tha size of the Dort.
themselves as the undisputed masters
in amateur and industrial baseball. In
the southern end of the stale, as both
Goodyear and the All Stars had pre
viously vanquished all aspirants fori
the title.
The teams performance for the sea
son stands. 4 won and ( lost, with a
percentage of .SI?. Present plana pro.
vide for all-year-round baseball!.
'" 1 1 ..I
Ifore are some sermon facts tor
drivers who are careless of the results
of overloading automobiles or trucks
and under inflation of tires:
An average si led tire, under proper
inflation and normal load reaches a
temperature of 140 degrees F. just
under the tread, when run at a speed
of twenty-five miles per hour. On In
creasing this speed to thirty-five miles
per hour, the driver raises the tem
perature to 155 degrees.
Now if this same tire is overloaded
by' 60 per cent the temperature will
reach 160 degrees at a twenty-five-mile
speed. And It will go to 100 de
grees and at thirty-five miles per
Morever, if this same tire Is run
under Inflated, at twenty-five miles
per hour the temperature is 180 de
grees an dat thirty-five miles per
hour it will rlsee to 220 degrees.
Both under inflated and earning a
SO per cent overload It will take only
thirty minutes for the sasne tire to
reach a temperature of 250 degrees
when running at forty-five miles an
hour. .
In solid tires, overloading and in
creasing speed has the same effect as
noted above for pneumatic tires. A
temperature as high as S50 degrees
has been measured in a solid tire under-adverse
Try -Ess Oretranlan Want Ada
.. yiinl'Midi,.
Tire Makers Baseball . Champs
In baseball the team of the Goodyear
Tire & Rubber Company is now the
unofficial Southern California cham
pion. By decisively defeating the Dyas
All stars in the first game to be play
ed on tha New Goodyear Athletic
Field, the rubber men established
tbHmtfSpam J ' -V JL 'JL V. tr.iJmiiam
TRUE to the Buick tradition of twenty years, Vfa-VTTi . . J
the one feature Buick engineers have panic- Nr -L -
; ularly sought to develop in the new Nineteen Vf" sf ; VOnt'
Twenty One Buick Series is high utility value. lt r-Sffi' (D Vi
f ' , You will find, in fact, when you investigate these rf Xff i y l
j ,. ' nets' models, that Buick capacity fc hard, fast, , Y j
Sure transportation is even greater than ever be- , i -SnroMT? '
L fore. The high-powered, sure-working Buick r
( : "' Valve-in-Head Motor is a feature of each of the X""" t , j"' , , ft
- - new models. jJMSY
' . - Added to their ereat service value are a beauty jmflil.
I of contoui and appointment and a comfort of T ' m pfljCSrgga
j movement and seating arrangement that appeal JfK " 't J&fffil
: to the most particular . iOlH TMI aft' A
Buick primarily, however, is a car of action. Built p l Jf4i ' fffl I f
' for business built to stand up is a well known . fc$?iMi'illi 11 I ' I J
, Buick feature. Business men will find the new y mJfTtvM', j
'"' five passenger touring car a happy selection. JwTaXIJ I J
Back of it, reinforcing its high serviceability in-. jr 1 Vr t "
suring the uninterrupted use of a- . ' - ZZZZ zIZI
' your investment is Authorized gggggggggggjSS
- ' Buick Service rendered by a na J j Mni mUg
.fr .... -
Notice JXir lUda
Kotlce is hereby given that sealed
bids and proposals will be received by
the Common Councy of City of Pen-
u it-m j, uii uuu uncii uocooer la, jysv,
at 6 o'clock p. n., for the improve
ment of Lincoln Street, from the North
line ot Raley Street, to the South line
of Jackson Street, Improvement Dls
trlct No. 69, with either Oravel Bitull-
thlo Pavement, Concrete Pavement or
Warrenlte Bitulithio Pavement on
Crushed Rock or Crushed Gravel
foundation. In accordance to plans and
specification for such Improvement
now on file in the Office of the City
Recorder of City of Pendleton, Oregon.
Bach bid must be accompanied by
certified check of 6 per cent of the to
tal cost, payable to the Mayor of ths
City of Pendleton, to be returned If
the bidder is unsuccessful and to be
forfeited on failure to enter Into a Con
tract in accordance with the bid, if
Each bid must specify the price for
said improvement an follows:
126.30 cu. yds. of dirt exca- ,
vatlon, per cu. yd t..
40.20 cu. yds. of Fill, made
from surplus dirt of exc.
within the District, per cu.
yd. .. .
1000 sq. yds. of Hard Surface
Pavement, per sq. yd I.......
600 U ft. of Straight Curb,
per L. ft. J... .....
Total $
Bids must be filed with ths City Re
corder on or -before the time above
The Common Council reserves the
right to reject any and all bids and
bids will be opened by the Common
Council at the regular meeting there
of on the day herein above specified.
Dated Sept 30, 1920.
City Recorder.
Notice for Bids
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids and proposals will be received by
the Common Council of City of Pen
dleton on and until October 13, 1920
at 6 o'clock p. m., for the improvement
of Matlock Street, from the north line
of Raley street, to the North line of
Jackson Street, Improvement District
No. 71, wit cither Gravel Bltullthtc
Pavement. Concrete Pavement or
Warrenite Bltullthtc Pavement on
Crushed Rock or Crushed Gravel
foundation. In accordance to plans and
specifications for such improvement
now on tile In the Office of the City
Recorder of City of Pendleton. Ore
gon. Each bid must be accompanied
by a certiled check of I per cent of the
total cost payable to the Mayor of the
City of Pendleton, to be returned if the
bidder is unsuccessful and to be for
feited on failure to enter into a Con
tract in accordance with the bid, if
accepted. i
Each bid must specify ths pries for
said Improvement as follows:
72.1 cu. yds. of Macadam
Exca vatlon, per cu. yd. . . I . . .
75. cu. yds. of dirt excavation
per cu. yd f .
105.1 cu. yds. of Fill, made
from surplus dirt of exc.
within the District, per cu.
yd r. i...
671. U ft of Straight Curb, ,
per I ft
64.6 1 ft. of Circular Curb,
Per U ft
1439.5 sq. yds. Hard Surface
Pavement, per sq. yd $...
30 L. ft. Header, per I ft...)...,
t Monument t
Total .'..$...
Bids must be filed with the City Re
corder on or before the time above
The Common Council reserves the
light to reject any and all bids and
bids will b opened hy the Cnmmo
Council at the regular meeting thereof
on tna day herein above specified.
Dated Sept. SO, 1920.
City Recorder.
Oregon Motor Garage
rfcoo 4ff -. T ':' W Court
Notice for Bids
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids and proposals will be received bv
ins common council of City of Pen
dleton on and until October 13, 1920,
at 6 o'clock p. m., for ths Improvement
of Jefferson Street, from the North
line of Martin Street, to the North line
of Wilson Street, Improvement Dis
trict No. 70, with either Gravel Bitu
lithio- Pavement. Concrete Pnvrm.nl
or Warrenite Bitulithio Pavement on-f
Crushed Rock or Crushed Gravel I
I foundation, la accordant to plans and j
Hamm erecL
ONE PIRCK RIVOSF.aMly'installfdnnolJiibjertjo;
the high breakage of multiple piece rings. '
LKAKLESfl The American procn of hammering auuresl ,
m permanent and equnl pressure against all points of the
I'vlinder .walls. For this reason American Hammered Piston
(Rings are Iraklrss. jjl'heyretain thcir leniion.Heat.doet.
Jiot affect lhem '
' t '
Individually cast axd tested From spciar
grade of close grained gray iron, assuring a uniform tcxture.j
,The wear, therefore, comes on the ring and not on tlW; .,'Y-
cylinder, thus eliminating the need for rc boring. Every ring J
jis individually tested under the Brinnell yuan.'
CONCENTRIC The same thickness at all points"o(ciraim-
ereice The piston gVoove is filled all around, thus leaving
no pocket behind the ring for. oil accumulation and carbon
deposits.' m
FOR "A LL MOTOIia American Hammered Piston Rings1 '
are suitable for all make and sites of automobile, truck,
tractor, motorcycle, marine and stationary internal combus
tion engines. Rings sold to users for replacement are subject
to same rigid insfxetion as rings furnished to the highest
class motor car manufacturers as standard equipment. ,
" ' , '
OVRSIZES-lN'o extra charge for versixe rings." In order
' ing. always give the diameter and width of rings wanted.
SEALED CONTAINER Every American Hammered
I'iMon King conies its a sealed moisture-proof container,!
twelve rings to a boo The American- HammeredPis'ont
King trade mark is your assurance of quality.
SPECIAL FOJt FORDA Special site American Hammered
Piston Kings for Ford cars are made to the same rigid
cations as the rings used as standard equipment on fierce
Arrow. Mercer. Stuu.Wiiiton, hite and other more ex
, j tensive cars.' , , . , 1 .
" ' ; . " "
CtIA R KTtCICO K f y AiiKiUan llanmicrcu f 'iMn" K"'j t
is piarautvtJ. ' v
Phone 400 . ,
sr.: y.'Jg
List Prices
. a"
. SK"
SS" Jli"
, 4,4i.
AIM wljlha rf t'i'. r'
. is-
U" tSti.i-1.1 wall iMrkn.M
, .!" .It" niKD
$1.26 r.':
No eli-a rhsrite tor ovi-wlse ri
Tar FoidJ
$9.00 ' V v
Per Vt of I
-. .hi';-
out ;ux .. uaxuat' fOmuc
specification for such improvement
now on file in the Office of the City
Recorder of City of Pendleton. Oregon.
Khch bid must be accompanied by a
certified check of 6 per cent of the to
tal cost, payable to the Mayor of the
City of Pendleton, to be returned if
the bidder is unsuccessful and to be
forfeited on failure to enter Into a
Contract in accordance with the bid, if
accepted. , -
Bach bid must specify the price for
said improvement as follows:
260.9 cu. yds. of dirt excava
tion, per cu, yd. $..-...
121.9 cu. yds. of Pill, mndo
from surplus dirt of exs.
within ths District, per cu.
yd. f '..
1321. s sq. yds. nard Surface
Pavement, per sq. yd
00 I ft of Straight Curb,
per L. ft t
94.2 I ft. of Circular Curb,. I
per L. ft ....
1 Monument -.$...,.,.
Total t
Bids mnst be filed with the City Re.
corder on or before the time above
The Common Council reserves th
rifrht to reject any and all bids and
bids will be opened by ths Common
Council at the regular meeting; thereof I
on the day herein abova specified. t
Dated Sept. SO, 1920. I
City Recorder. " V
"ioih. mom es nisatiomi'
at .your rmuootrr -
Arf v.riMS oiT
Taw. DUMAMB natswn
sts1lsif AtkMi DrM-riaA ft
Chlbstra UlartMsl Rru4j
calrcl rltk Must lJiU 1
Wsk ivi J mmm M Cisjr. r rmmm '
r PSPttarsHsat. A a m frm ' 1 1 tTtr ts teMM. a
mAi7fn HKAn s-ilia r i ai
MnkMKtM Bast, SitMJUimM BLtdus
.-:.';!- ,-t'i ')
The Bowman Shop on account of go
ing out of business, requests that all
outstanding: accounts be paid on or be
fore Oct. 10th, otherwise wijl be placed
in a lawyers hands for collection.
The Rugged Endurance of a
is traced to its Special Steels
A dollar travels a long
distance in a Maxwell. For
its steels -last. Tliey stand
terrific road shocks. They
seldom fracture.' Thpy out
live the ordinary steels.
They are made to Max-"
well's own formulae, devel
oped from thousands of lab
oratory tests and countless
miles on the road.
They make possible the
ideal construction of great
strength with light weight.
The tendency today is
toward light weight, the
elimination of useless
pounds. tmM$Z?3
It makes for better motor
ing. It saves money in car
operation. It makes possi-.
; ble greater acceleration,
quicker brake action, less
repairs, a higher average
road speed, and lower initi
al cost. ' .
Maxwell, with its special
steels to give not oidy light
weight but rugged - endur
ance, has: won an ever in
creasing number of friends.
To date nearly 400,000. In
another year 100,000 more.