1.r-,'''-v-v-'"v-- TWELVS PAGES FRftDAY EVENING, OCTOBER .130. PACE TWCLV.E DAILY EAST 0EEQ0N1AW, PENDLETON, OREGON, OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE J. (J. Wnney Co., A Nationwide Institution SO VOO RAsI ARODKin SHOPPING. Fro Conciliation . ' anil Advk-e by Our 1'oot JCxprrts. Your loot Troubles I an Ho ' Cured. AND THEM OipN'T BY A THINCS ion t rAT i"iT vine f USOMAN ii r HAU! B'ARS HAR'Vr S I ar-i111 i m. i in P II COIOV'S CASH GROCERY WHERE KASII IS KING. SPUDS 25 lb . $1.00; Sack, 3c pound Criaco 1 1-2 Iba. 50c; 3 . $1.00; 6 lb. $2.00 Best Entflinh Walnut, lb. 40c Manchurian Walnut, lb 35c COFFEE Golden Gate, Hill Red, M. J. B. 1 pound - 58c 5 pound - $2.85 New Dromedary Dates, package 25c Prune, pound 15c Corn Meal, 9 lb. ack - 60c Grape Juice pints, 30c; quarts, 75c Peanut Butter pint 35c; quarts, 70c Bet Crepe Toilet Paper 3 for 25c Half Peaches, Sliced Peaches and Pineapple No, 2 tin, each .... 35c Cottelene 4 lbs, $1.40; 8 lbs. $2.50 Van Camp Pork & Beans, No. 2 tin, each . .'....19c Van Camps Soups, tin 1.... 11c Hominy, No. 2 1-2 tins, each 20c Hebe Milk can, 13c; case, $6.25 Dollar Knowledge There is notliinfr surer tlian this: that Uks mail or Uh imuui win is thoriMiehly tiiftH-meri mi the value of tin dollar is going to wm out over those who are not. Sm-li a man or wnnuui milrt at times not ri4 his or Imt mimey's wortli but as a role ou will find tliem ri;ht finaot'ially, tlicy know the worth of a ilolliir. A fa vines account in 11 lis stronjc bank ami kept op , porsi4ntl, furnishes in itself, an oclueation as to money such savings accounts arc opeuutl here every day. The American National Bank Pendlefon.. Oregon. 'Strangest Santc in Cast em Oregon " WN'T THAT Just uk& A MAM If 1 HI BOUGHT ANYTMfHG: YOU'O H4V About it''..' DAILY MARKET NEWS, LOCAL AND GENERAL Including Pendleton Prices and Associated Press Reports Th following prices are the prices day. There was a total run In the al- being paid to producers by Pendleton I leys of less than two loads, therefore New Felt Footwear " - The comfort and ease of attractive new felt styles combined with, the very low prices made possible by Penney merchandising meth ods assures their popularity with all. who see them. Many ,. of . the styles and colors are shown in our south island window,- ; - J.25 ...v: Juliet Fur Trimmed ! Popular fur trimmed style, leather sole ' 7 and heel, vamp ornamented with - f ur . trimmed bow exactly as pictured, .' black and wine only, pair ............ .". $2.25 - J. L. .VAUGIIAN, ; ELECTRIC CONTRACTS EVERYTHING ELECTRIC - The Fideral Electric Washer Machine we are showing is a new machine :ja this city. Pefore buying look it over. Phone 111 aoe E. Coon m. business houses. Wherever retail prices are given the face will be spe cifically mentioned. liens and Poultry. Eggs. 65 cents in trado. (Retail price is 70 cents.) Hens, 20 cents. Spring fryers, 28 cents a pound. Country Ham. Ktc ram, best quality, 28c. Bacon, best quality, 40c. Butter Vat and Butter, Ranch butter, 31.10 a roll. (Retail price is also $1.10.) liners tm RtHI Lower ami Nlicop Are Impressed North Porand, along with prac tically very leading hog market in the ?ouniry, showed a further slump in hog values Thursday. Cattle were steady, while sheep ruled depressed. In the hog alleys the extreme top of the Thursday morning market was $16.50, a lofs of 5fle from the previous HII!ltllU!lilIlilllllIlllit!IIIIIIIIIlllllHilllllllllllIlllllllllllimilliIlUlllinilllIIHIIiUltt 5 -V . - THE JOLLY INN s SUNDAY I I ' Cliicken Dinner Roast Meats Meat Croquelts ' I , Salads, Pasterics Open from Noon to 7:30 I Tiie best dinners in the city. Ziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiniimiiiirtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiii.- iMiMaiiiaiiiiMiiaMHaMMianiwnwai'wr owes r i r e 3 Phone 158 Vernicol makes old furniture new keeps new furnitcro from getting old Den't discard that old p!oo l farnitrtre just becatue its finish is scratched and marred. Give it new lease on life with' a coat of yerniooL the jiffy-do-orer YarniaK tain. Stains and Tarniahes the wood at each stroks of the bruabi Ecratches disappear almost maji ally. Dries with a rich, hard; lossy luster. .Wears and wears, t's good for floors, too. Keep a can of Vernicol handy. Mi a great antidote for careless servants and thovzhtlesa children. Comes la all the popular finishes. Ask tot eolae sard add booklet. L. J. McATEE 513 Main St Genuine U. S. Army Goods Hotel St. George Sample Rooms. 500 U. S. Army Blan- kets from $3.00 and ii). U. S. Army Wool O. D. Shirts, ney and re claimed from $3.00 and tip. And a complete line of U. S. Army Goods. ! it was not the new supply that caused ihe generally reactionary tone. Eastern influence was perhaps the grentest factor, although it must be acknowledged that so much stubble stuff is coming forward that this Is depressing the entire trade. Half fats and half starved stork predominate in the offerings. General hog market raage: Prime mbted $1.001.50 Medium mixed 15.50 016.00 Smooth heavy 15.00016.00 Rough heavy 12.00914.50 Pigs 12.00S1.7S Only a handful or so appeared In the mutton alleys at North Portland for the Thursday jnorning trade. General trade conditiyns showed a lack of buying appreciation and the entire 'un dertone " of the market was In bad shape, although there was practically nothing' Available during the day to thoroughly establish any quotation. General sheep and lambs range: Kant ol mountain lambs I 9.00i tO.Bo Willamette valley lambs. Feeder lambs . . . OulL lambs . , . . . . Yearlings '. . . Wethers . . ve With only a small run all told in the North Portland alleys for Thurs day, the cattlo market appeared Mteady. Of the total supply of 70 head 2 loads went' direct to outsido killers and therefore were not offered here. A load of calves likewise departed General cattle range: Choice grass steers Good to choice steers . . . Medium to good steers . . Knir to good steers Common to fair steers Choice cows and hoifers Good to choice cows and heifers Medium to good cows and heifers 4.761 Tanners 2.751 Rolls B.nnm 8. 0 ft.OOie 6.00 fru 6.50i 6.00 fi 2.25 9.50 9.50 8. 50 9.50 6.50 6.00 A ver; Cuff black pair II . i . -. . . . , t ii E-Z Felt Cuff $1.79 V .. i ? A. i i.Ui. n1Ar, nnwifn.f oQCll ffl tTfif.' . il y practical supper at a price tuat iiiaaca .ujh.u j , . style, bow ornamented vamp, e.k hide sole ana neei, coipra iv , , , blue, gray, pair -. ..-it. . Comfy, $2.25 ' ..! , . f . ; i--s ' C f f ' Daniel Greeii Similar to sketch except top has per forated band trimming and vamp has silk pon pon, a beautiful array of dainty col ors to match kimonas or bath robes. Old rose, light blue, lavender and Pekin blue, Kid Boudoir Slippers $14?$2. ' Exactly as illustrated, high grade col-' ored kid, leather sole and heel, colors are black, pink, lavender, blue andbrbwi. Same style made Up in genuine '-Skin-1. 4 and lavender, ' . $3.49 ner's Satin, quilted, pink pair . i Meni Felt Slippers $2.49, $3.4?; Z t 3) J. C. Fenney (JoM A Nationwide institution Choice dairy calves . Heavy calves Beet light calves Medium light calea Best feeders Fair to good feeders . 18.00O16.0 7.00 . 11.00 13.00 .ooan.oo 7.009. 7.60 f. 00 7.00 9.001 10.00 7.751 9.00 8.751 6.25 1 6.7511 6.751J) 7.75 6.75 6.25 7.50 O.TtiP 6.75 .7S 4.75 6.011 59 "Gets-It -Painless Corn Remover rills Corn llcmovcr Is Guaranteed U.S. Army Goods Sales Co. 1 uy ilia Cm Canadian Wlteat Buying ; i' f " Imers Oik-ago Market . CHICAGO, Oct. l. Big purcliasing of Canadian wheat by millers In the United States had a good deal to do -with a severe break In wheat here to day. . The market closed heavy, 7 l-i to 9 1-4 "net lower with Dec. 2.16 to 2.17 and March 2.10 to 2.11'4. Corn finished 6 down to. Vic advance, oats off 1 V4 0 1 H to 2 and provisions unchanged to SOo lower. Selling pressure In wheat eanjo' largely from houses with northwestern connections and this appeared to give rnecial emphasis to word that further large amounts of Canadian -wheat had been bought to como Into the United Hates besides quantities announced yesterday. At the same time export business from this country was, said lo have met with a check. Swiss. German and Frenrh buyers nssertlug they were offered wheat cheaper else where. India was said to have rcieaar ed 14,000.000 bushels for export nut-r withstanding recent advances of aide-sH-ead starvation there. estimates that the 1920 corn crop would exceed the government forecast by 82,000,000 had a bearish effect on corn and so did big receipts and ap parent absence of frost damage pats fell with other grain. Provisions here degressrd- by the weakness of hogs and cereals. ' V Throw away that dangerous rasor nnd planter. Don't waste your time simply "treating" that pestiferous, ach- jlng curn! Get rid of It with "Gets-It. K.rnnv. It! Simply apply two or three drops of this favorite corn remedy and your pnin Irom THAT orn ceases forever. Thfn In two or three days, if the corn h- not dropped off, take hold with your ring'-ra and lift It oil as easily as you re1' banana! You never enjoyed such Instant, delightful relief from corn miapry, you never used anything so perleet "Oeta-lt." It never falls. "ils-lt" coata out a trifle at any irug store. Aioney back guaranteed. MM. by B. Iwrence Co.. rhleaso. hold In Pendleton and recommended as the world s best corn remedy by Tallmau Co., Isconomy prug Co. ( - ; ; v y ' - Oofft Future". Move " .Tbout A to S Polnta NEW YOIIK. Oct.- 1. The; market for coffee utures was very quiet to day and prices fluctuated wlthm-a range of four to five ' points. The opening was four points lower on No vcinbor but generally unchanged to 1 point higher and after selling at 163 December rallied to . 7.70 - while May fluctuated between 8.33 and .40. The close was net 3 points- higher to lour points lower; . Oct 7.22;'-Doc. , 7.67; Jan. 7.81; March 8.16; May 8.64; Juiy 8.64. ". - Spot coffoe nominal, unohangeu. 1116 . 7s 7 fy 8; Santos 4s 12W1-.; . i ; i 4 ;) HogM. Are Absent . .' : ' '. 1 an it. n y ' Seattle, Oct. 1. Hogs Tlecelpts none. Steady. Prime 16.6017.0; mcldum to choice 15.60 16.00; smooth heavies 14.60015.00; rough , neavies 12. 50 13.00; pigs 13.00 14.60. . Cattle Receipts 47. Btcady. prime steers 9.60i 10.00; medium to-choice ,8.00ig).00; common to good : 6.004 7.D0; best cows and heifers 7.25i7.75; medium to choice 6.0OW7.0O; com mon to good 4.606.OOj bulls 4.00 6.00; calves 7.00116.00. ; .; SHE SEAPLANES TO HER COLFING l r y n x : . t -f r. . r i ' - d .A :: Si: ,; " , i , NEW YORK When yon go rolling these dare, hop Into a sen 'plane, if yon would be up to data. Visa Ret'a Ptm Jutg get tba 4 example, and aba aaya It'a great stuff. Picture show Captain Tlbba, of the Tlbba Aero Service, helping Miss Retta aboard tba aea-alr i "yacht." at tba foot of tSth-at. Tba plana carrlas W up til Hud. ao l TarcrtovB and Ua faaoaa soU coo race. 8liccp Are Very Slow ' ' ' and Ijwnbs Are lower KANSAS CITY, Oct. 1. Shoep H, 000. Very slow. Sheep about steady; western lambs mostly 20c lower. 13.75 paid; -best unsold. ruw Grain Prices At KeUe arc Htcady BBATTM5, Oct. i. City delivery: Foed Scratch feed 182 per ton;fecd wheat 87; all grain chop s; oats $60; sprouting oats 64; relied oats $2; whole corn i2: cracked corn 74; rolled barley 163; clipped Daricy $8w ' , i . True to the Buick tradition of twenty years, ; , the one feature Buick engineers have-partic- v- ularly sought to develop in the new Nineteen , .' Twenty Qne Buck Series is high utility value. ' ."-' You will find, in fact, when you investigate' ' these new models, that Buick capacity for hard, fast, sure transportation is eve,n greater than ever before. The high-powered, sure working Buick Valve-in-Head Motor is a fea ture of each of the new models. . . ,, t. Added to their great service value are a beauty of contour and appointment and a com fort of movement and seating arrangement that appeal to the most particular. A Oregon jotor (jardge; Distributors , CADILLAC, HUDSON, BUICK, ESSEX - . AND ACASON TRUCKS - 9 5 2 .1