fACE TEN DAILY EAST OREGGNXAN, 3PENDLETON, OREGON, " THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER SO, 1820. TEN VAGLS QKTBURSTS OE EVERETT TRUE J. C Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution I TO SCR NY1 1 Arasin-r- .r- UTcst Novee. This ts tfN'D so mm inc. tr or it UHICH iiwvs rv.o 1 if fJn; : fed mm, The Furnace Says "Feed me good coal for I have a distaste t for poor coal. I consume it too quickly and " it doesn't prove at all satisfactory. It's just like eating poor food. It doesn't sustain the body properly." Our coal is unsurpassed order today, t ,-.r- B. L. Burroughs . Incorporated rhonc 5 College & Webb Sta. " "r I . I Dollar Knowledge There Is nothing sunr tliau tills: tlint t!i mail or the woman wlm Is thoroughly in forme, on the value at the dollar Is going to win out over those who are not. SiH'h m nuui or woman might at times not pet lita or her monryH worth but as a rule .tou will rind them rig:Iit financially,-they know the worth of a dollur. - A naviiitrs account In this strong bank and kept up persistently, furnishe In itsolf, an education as to money value uch savings accounts are opened here every day. TKeAmfiranNairoiialBank Pendleton. Oregon. "Strongest Saafc in Gastem Oregon" t WHILE HOUSECLEANING Don't forget to have on hand a case of that wonder fully sparkling and refreshing WI NE-O An occasional bottle during these strenuous days, will do much toward relieving the fatigue and nervous strain of the industrious housewife. - . A bottle of WINE-O at dinner, also, will soothe the irritability of father, when he comes home and finds the house topsy-turvy.. Besides, it is good for the kiddies. Keep a case of Wine-0 in the house all the time. Bottlers of All Kinds Soda Waters . WM ROESCH BOTTLING WORKS - lfanafacteren FZBtDiiErroir, okdoos ' " JI TRUVD TO, BUT VOU STUCK IN 20 HANY UNTRANSLU e-O fORei&N Phrascs that YOU KlU-eO TH5 STORY it IF OU'CC UJR.ITS YOUR. M5VTON6 -ALU IN CMQ.LISH YOU ft REAT3ERS VOU R&ALL.Y ARC Smart!? I J irv i w i v- I : I DAILY MARKET NEVS, LfjCAL AND GENERAL toclnding Pendleton Prices and Associated Press Reports 1 The following prices ar t i.ri. being paid to producers by Pendleton business houses. Wherever retail prices are given the fiw-A win cifically mentioned. liens and Poultry. Eggs, 65 cents In trade, r Retail nrl. is 70 cents.) Hens. 80 cents. Spring- fryers. 28 cents a pound. Country Ham, Etc am, best quality, 28c. Bacon, best quality, 40c. " . Butter Fat and Butter. Ranch butter, $1.10 a roll. (Retail price is also 11.10.) Sheep Steady and Lambs to 15 cents IlitlK-r. KANSAS CITY. Sept. iu.uuu; sheep steady; fat lambs strong m nib-ner; top westerns 15.25; '8 lamoi steady; top 12.65 Seaboard Buying and Frost - Give Bulls Inner Hand ..CHICAGO, Sept 30. Seaboard buy ing of wheat together with frosty weather likely to affect the corn crop to some extent had a bullish effect today on grain values. Wheat closed strong l 1.4 to Sc net higher with Dec. .24 V4 to 2.2414 and March 2.20. Corn Pained 1 6-9 to 2 3-4, oats 5-8 to 1 7-8 and provisions 10 S 60c. . Scantiness of offerings in wheat tended to draw more attention to sea board buying than might otherwise have been the case. The cautious dis position of sellers was in turn ascribed in some degree to gossip of a possible scarcity of wheat at domestic milling points between now and next June ow ing to large export shipments. Bullish sentiment was noticeably augmented by the strength of coarse grain. Corn strength reflected official fore cast that the frost area would stretch eastward across the Misslsslnnl t t. 30. Sheep ! "iana. Besides month-end evening-up oy September shorts continued. Oats were lifted by the upturn of corn. Improved cash demands helped to rally provisions from a setback due to' lower quotations on hogs. Thomas Crown . RflOVJER ' Variable Speed. "I--4: The Most Successful fllacliine for Alfalfa, i, Forsalebjr Sturgis & Storie Feadkton, Ore, " i JV'oIIa Walla, Wash. BACK BAD TODAY? .Backache is usually- kiinv.nh. " manes you aun, nervous and tired. use lan Kidney Pills for weak kid remedy recommended hv uur irienas ana neighbors. Ask your iicijsiiuur. fliessersmlth. blacksmith, im veDt St., Pendleton, savs: "linanT. money l'nis are my old stanrihv Whenever I caught cold in my kidneys caused my Dack to ache and I suf fered with kidney complaint. At times when I would stoop over, sharp pains would catch me in the small of my uacit ani i wouiu nave to raise up slow, ly. My kidneys acted too frenuentlv causing me to got up many times dur ing me night. Doan's Kidney Pills from Tallman's Drug Store quickly mmsnea me Dackache and nut mv kidneys In good condition. I still keep Doan's on hand to use in case nf nacna. sity." Price 60c, at all dealers. !-.,( simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the sam that' Mr. Mcssersmith had. Poster-Mulburn ' Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. PKNDLKTOW, ORBOOIT OPPOS1TB SOTEXi PEXDLETOIT Lower Prices on Cotton Goods With our organization of Merchandising experts in touch with the markets of the country every day we are always in a po sition to secure every advantage of t lower prices for our customers. . 28 inch Percale in popular light and dark grounds, yard. . . . 23c 36 inch Percales of standard quality, pleasing patterns on light or dark grounds, colors that are not afraid of wash days, the yard 33c . 36 inch Percales of heavy qual ity and good colors, yard. . . 39c .' , ' 29 inch Amoskeag Apron Checks, browns, blues and black checked with; white," yard . . 29c 27 inch Dress Ginghams from the mills of America's best known textile workers, Amos keag, Red Seal, Toil ; Du Nord and other standard -brands. In this lot are stripes, checks, plaids and broken plaids, the yard. 39c 27 inch Outing Flannels, high grade materials every one, 1921 cloth and Amoskeag brands' are included, white or colors, yd. 35c 32 inch Devonshire and Kiddie Cloth. These materials need no ' introduction, their, quality is es-'v . tablished and our patterns are good, yard . 49c 16 inch Bleached. Crash,' part linen with blue banded edge, the yard . ...V.; 25c " , , . - .'''' 36 inch Berkley Cambric Mus lin. A fine muslin with cambric -finish, desirable f or underthings. , Every woman knows , its soft) sheer finish, yard .......... 39c J. C Penney Co A Nationwide Institution imum of the early week. 1 Specalatlve rails and local tractions were strong features 01 mo , i market, liberty issues showing -mixed changes, with no especial alteration of International prices. Total sales, par value, aggregated $15,775,000. Stock Values Change . With Price Readjustments. NEW YORK, Sept. 30. Extension ot the recent readjustment in the var- MarUct for Hogs Is $1 Ixnrer at Seattle. SEATTIJE, Sept. 0. Hogs. Re- kets was primarily resnonslble for the further irregular depreciation of quo ted values on the stock exchange to day. One of (he significant develop ments as affecting the general credit situation was the news that the federal reserve bank of Kansas City had ad vanced discounts en liberty bonds and victory notes from fi 1-2 to oer cent. Announcement of additional price re- 16.50317: medium to choice 13.60W 16.60; smooth heavies 14.6015.00; rough heavies 12.50 013,00; pigs 812. G Oft 13. Cattle None. Steady. Prime steers 8.5010; medium to choice, 8 8 9; common to good 67.60; best cows and heifers 7.25 7.76; edlum. to choice 637; common to good 4.50 ; bulls 45: calves 7?1&.. J. Coarse Cralna and led ' i- -ot rhetorical arguments should not be Interpreted In the sense that things are In a bad condition. Rather, it means the opposite. ' Both sides are 'stating their viewa without hindrance, and it sh'ould therefore, be possible to find a way out of the seeming dead lack that the cuntriea are In over this question." . The 'Marquis then proceeded to an alyse the anti-Japanese movements In the United States. "The antl-Japaneso movement in California, which In one of the most knotty tangles that the United States and Japan wilt have to unravel can be traced to racial pre judice, combined with economic Jeal ously," he said. "The diligence and the thrift of the Japanese settlers, and the comparatively low wages which they were willing to work for, made jthem soon very popular among Ameri can employes. Their exclusion Is In sisted on because they are quick at saving money or in developing their' business, with the' result that : the American finds It difficult to compete with the Japanese seuler. With this creeps a feeling In the minds of the Americans that the Japanese, If left alone, will soon establish their inful ence In the entire district west of the Rockies. i . , "It Ja not difficult to see that the exclusion of the Japanese Is perfectly unjustifiable., Therefore It Is .quite within the bounds of possibility for the Japanese to secure the aid of think ing Americans and enlist their help against Mie perpetration of what will be nothing short of Injustice, ffuch an opportunity the Japanese have receiv ed through the presence of the Amer ican Congressmen In this country.' ?!. manufacturer,, al .up cm in steei piates ana suspen- . . j-u ,inu OQAliUO. OlsUfc. " " v- J v. ........ Feed Scratch feed $82 per tonfecd plates and susDen. sion of operations as three of the mines of the Anaconda Copper Com pany in Montana testified to the in settled conditions in many lines of raw una zauncaiea materials. The Iron Age confirmed reports of iurtner shrinkage of Iron and steal buying, due chiefly to the state of the automobile trade and predictions were treely made of an early reduction In pig iron and refined copners. variable rallies ensued In the final dealings regardless of a rise In call loans to 8 per cent. Sales were 900, 000 shares. Foreign exchange moved against home centers, the London rate falling almost 3 points under its mix. wheat $87; all grain chop $68: oats 360: BDrouting oats $64: rolled oats 162: whole corn $72; cracked corn $74; rolled barley $63; clipped barley $68. Hay Alfalfa $30 per ton; double compressed alfalfa $36; ditto timothy $42; eastern Washington mixed $36, GolderiWest , The Cream of Ice Creams The perfect End of a Good Dinner. All Good Dealers. ; . All Good Flavors. . " Brick or Bulk. COZY BILLIARD HALL ' HARRY LEEDY FRANK GRIGGS DUPUIS CIGAR STORE , WELCH'S CIGAR STORE A. L. DUN LAP Advance of 6 to 10 Points' In Coffee Futures Made, NEW YOAK, Sept. 80. The market for coffee futures opened at an ad vance of 6 to 10 polntst but except for some scattered covering mere ap peared to be very little demand and prices eased off during the middle of the day under trade selling accorapan- ie by reports ot Irregularity In cost and freight market. December sold down from 7.80 to 7.65 and March from 8:30 to 8.18, with the market closing net one point lower to one point higher. . September and October 7.19; December 7.69; January ?.8z; March 8.18; May 8.38; July 8.65. Spot coffee irregular; Rio Ts 7 3-4 8; Santos 4s 12 3-b(S 13 3-4. Kill That Cold With CASCARApJ QUININE FOR Colds, Confhf La Grip Neglected Colds are Dangeroua Tk. no chances. Keep this ntandard remedy handy for the flntt meet. -Breaks cp a cold In 24 hours R.li.v.s Grippe in 3 days Excellent for HMdachs Quinine in this form does not sffect th. head Carers U best Tonic L.otiva No Opiats in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT teed and Grain Hold . SKATTL.B, Sept. 29. City delivery Feed: Scratch feed $82 per ton: I feed wheat $87; all grain chop $68; oats . $60;- sprouting oats $64; rolled oats $62; whole corn $72 cracked I corn $74; rolled Barley io; cuppoa Ibarley $68. ' . 1 Hay Alfalfa $30 per ton; aetibie' compressed alfalfa $36; ditto timothy I $43; eastern Washington mixed $36.. i FORMER PREMIER SEES JAPANESE SETTLEMENT TOKIO, Sept. 80. (A. P.) Mar- nuis Okuma. former Premier of Japan land one of the most revered of this country's statesmen, "writing in the To- Iklo Asahl, took a very optimistic view I of the present state of relauons be lt ween American and Japan. "It Is when the Japanese keep si lent,," said the Sage of Wascda, "that the situation becomes really gloomy. 1 That Is the barometer by which one Imust go. Today, the situation is ciam ourously discussed, and therein lies ample proof of the possibility of reaching a happy settlement. The i banding of word or the marshalling , True, to the Buick tradition of twenty years, the one feature Buick engineers have partic ularly sought to develop in the new Nineteen - Twenty One Buck Series is high utility value. ' You will find, in fact, when you investigate ' these new models, that Buick capacity for hard, fast, sure transportation is even greater than ever before. The high-powered, sure working Buick Valve-in-Head Motor is a fea ture of each of the new models. Added to their great service value are a beauty of contour and appointment and a com fort of movement and teeating arrangement that appeal to the most particular. ( Oregon Jotor (j-arage Distributor CADILLAC, HUDSON, BUICK, E52EX . . AND ACASON TRUCKS