WW wsr THE EAST OREGONIAN IS THE ONLY INLAND EMPIRE NfWSgAfER GIVING ITS READERS THE BENEFIT OF DAILY TELEGRAPHIC NEWS REPORTS FROM BOTH THE ASSOCIATED PRESS AND UNITED PRESS DAILY EDITION Number of copies printed of yesterday's j'hi iy 3,288 This paper In a member of anil audited by the Audit Bureau of Circulations. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 82 VVVTLY EAST OREGONIAN, fENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 28, 1920 1 -u 'f jp ,g 1 .- 1 ' n "sa h f m i nnun in nnnirn mr niinrhmif NO. 9642 BACKBONE OF mfm RICANS IS BROKEN BY SUSPENSIONS FOR GAMBLING W W Vrf : cyj v , ' DAILY EDITION 1 CITY OFFICIAL PAPER CONSPIRACY NOT PROVED IN FIRST DAY'S TESTIMONY ; State Calls Eight Witnesses in Trial of Henderson and Stoop ; -, for Murder of Sheriff Til Taylor on July 25j. NEiL HART LOOKED TO . AS STATE'S TRUMP CARD Condemned Murderer Brouaht ; Here Today From Salem to Tell of Events Leading up to Fatal Jail Delivery. '. Eight witnesses vera called by the stale in in morning In the second day of .the trial of Jrvln Lcltoy Stoop and rioyu u. Henderson, charged with firm degree murder In connection with tho shooting of Sheriff Tllman U. Taylor. There are exprc ed to be about 20 witnesses In all for tho mate. Testimony introduced this morning did not tend strongly to prove that the two .defendants were In a- conspiracy to break Jail and kill Khcriff Taylor. Tho state, however, planned to play It , trump card when Kmmott Bancroft, alias Neil Hart, was called lute this afternoon. i Hart,- confessed murderer of the , sheriff. Is expected to toll the story of the wholo affair, which was planned for more than a week before, the fatal afternoon of Sunday. July 25. Since then-he has' been sentenced to han for his crime and has been converted by the Salvation Army, Hart's testl mony has. been accepted by Hhcrff: Taylor, District Attorney Keutor and other officials as true. i KixUrrcn put u Stand. Albin Unctgren. the lxl prisoner to escape when the Jail delivery was made, was called as a witness thl moraine but he denied any knowledg es any pip; In J.rftdaJnU he con fined Ills testimony to a relation c events which transpired on the day o the break-. - i. , , Deputy Sheriff J. C. Marin, who wa overpowered by the prisoners when hi took them their dinner on the-day 01 the fatality, was one of the chief wit nesaes for the slate this morning. H. told of the trend of events from th time Hart and Owotia were brought l Jail After the thrilling- chase and cap ture of them by Sheriff Taylor am himself. The testimony of I. C. Snyder. Ic cream vendor, who saw the primmer making toward the railroad yards foi lowing the tragedy, was Introduce by the state as -one of the connectln links in tho chain of evidence. Road master R. 15. Phelps, who was at work In his office In the court, huurso base meitt,' related having heard, tho slruR gle and of going to the sheriff's offlc to see what had transpired. Pliyiicuuia Kctato Ktory. Dr. H. H. Mattery . and Ir. Oil Boyden, both of whom were called t administer to the. wounded sherlfr were railed to tho stand by tho state The eighth man called was Walter ' Hansom, a civil engineer, who prcpar cd a map of the Jail and sheriff's of flee to bo used in connection with th trial. A large crowd1 packed the cour room both morning and afternoon an followed events closely. Production wore freely heard that the ease wouli bo settled by tomorrow nlRht. "" , Jury MpccdUy M-awn. Rivaling Hie speed with wlilch th trial Jury in tho W. V. Wlldor casi was obtalnod' last winter,' 12 men wen worn In aa the Jury in tho caso Mon day afternoon by 4 o'clock. Twenty nine veniremen had been examine botweon. 10:80 and 12 and 1:30 and an elapsed time of four hours. Flv wore excused for cause, one challong ed by the state and 10 by the dofunsi Those on tho Jury are: . C. W. Howell. Pendlelbn, farm er: F. E. Bllnn, Helix, merchant: JVrank Waugaman, ' llerrnlston. farmer: Thomas Ullloll, Millon. merchant: J. C. Crlmmlns, Free- LAST MURbRER HANGED IN STATE PAID FOR KILLING OF PIONEER NAMED TA YLOR CARS AND FOOD When Kiumelt Pancroft, alias Nell Hart, stepfj upon tho scaffold at tho stale penitentiary on Friday, November G, to pay for murder by hanging, hn v im ue mo nrHt man uinve November 14, 1913, to be hiiiiioU in this Btute. Ottwuld C iiufiMol, of Autorlu, was the laut man to Buffer liio death penalty tn Oregon. , Curiuualy enough, both murdorerH killed men naincd Taylor and both victimH were men very prominent and highly reHpeted hi their reHpective comunltie. HuuhcI shot and killed Judge Frank J. Taylor, a nioneer attorney 'f Lite lower Columbia chy, whllo Hart's victim wan fc!heriff Tilman D. Taylor. 18 ye'urv Khcrlff and 8 yearn prcMldctit of the Pendleton Itound-Cp. " 1 ' i ' i.n- -nn Cranio Ottairretl on (Sunday. TrtMCC ADC UIIDI Cm AT iiarnmi nnui anu jimne myior I UlMtO AnL nUnLLtJ A I on (Sunday morning, Sopt. 14, 1UJ3. The AIIT1 IMVflnilMn PA MP attorney. wuH-en route 1o the railroad r iVVt.. H. . r.r-.. 'tolion about 8 a; m. lie wan bound ' OF UlVtATILLA nEDMEN for hlH mimincr home and ranch near Mtrnuhan Htatlon, ulontf ClatHOp Beach, for tlie day. Hansel waw ar reutod ut once. n the day follow Iijk:, tho circuit court grand jury convened In regnlar Hetwion and Manuel Wii indicted, found Kullty of murder in the first desrec I'aiid executed within two months of the day or hin crime. Insanity Was Ilea, Hi d(ene whh temporary jiisuiilty. Hansel cJaiinuiff be wua not reKpon Hible fop hl act, although tho t crimp was fihown to have been premeditated. Hansel collupHOd in the circuit cour room when acnlenced by Judue ("amp bell and when he wuh executed the prison KiiardH were compelled to strap him on a board In order to take him to the Bcaffold. Neil Hart, I'endletnn'a murderer was brought here today , by prison guard from 8alem to testify in the trial of lrvin I. Hloop and Floyd Hen derson, alnu charged with tho murdei of Sheriff Taylor. ' IN PRICE SLIDE HERO OF A YEAR AGO GRIEVES IN GRASP OF OFFICERS OF JUSTICE An auto beluns ng to two men and two women from ToppcnlHh Ih wlrtMided near the Indian camp at Hound-Up park- today, . badly riddled by tho shower of rocks hurled at it last night by McKJn ley Williams, an Indian, who was reported to the police , as having run amuck. After the red man h.td scattered the four occupant with his barrage, he tore out all the wiring1 of the car and other wise damaged It aa much as possible. The women came headquarters shortly o'clock last nlfjht to Uolreris of the affair, arrived with them at Williams was gone and could not be found in. the darkness. The mission of the . four per sons In the car at tho Indian camp at thHt hour of night, coupled with lb to actions ( Williams, are subjects of Investigation today' by llio chief. into police after 1 1 tell Chief When tie the park. War is Over Says Henry Ford, and it is Time War Prices Were Over; . Franklin and Studebaker Makers Agree. FRUIT QUOTATIONS ARE NEARING FORMER LEVELS Chicago Director of. Fight Will Point Out Alleged Discrepan cies Between Costs and Marks on Menu Lists. . CHICAGO, Kept. 28. (U. P.) A man who a year ago was ha'led as a hro. hurried down a dark hallway in a criminal court building here toddy with an of ficer of the law on each side of him and tears streamed down hia cheeks. His face was pale and drawn. The man was Kddie C'l cotte, one of the greatest idols of basvball a year ago. He had Just finished telling the story of a plot to throw the 191a world series to Cincinnati. LEGION APPEOVES OF ALLEGED PLOTTERS ARE EXECUTED BV SOIETS CLEVBAVO. Sept. S. t. P.) urxu.", sept. an. (V. v.) Fif teen alleged participants in an anti soviet plot at Archlniiel were executed Allowing a.iari fight the American by lluwlun authorities it br"ropoi.eC . , (Continued from page 6.1 Warner Reported by Major bee Moorhotiae. Maximum, 72. Minimum. 43 Barometer, 2-83. eg(on convention today adopted a ren utlon approving the action of the na nal executive board on tno adjusted mpensation act and directed the com- titltee to 'take sonic action as it may ecm necessary to ensure prompt astagc of the bill." A resolution call- nar on Secretary Baker to publish a lacker list passed without debate. Avoid IIHf3. CI.KVICIANU. Sept. 8. (A. P.) Hie American Legion resolutions com tilttce report does not contain a stato nent regarding politics or orsanixed abor. It Is learned from authoritative lotirces today. Wm Work for league. C.JKVKLAND. Kept. 2S. i IT. P.) Supporters of the l-eague of Nations ill aiake an effort to have the Amer- an jUcglon convention here endorse i covenant, It Is learned today. by Moscow wrsieis today An appeal to patriotic rthuanlam' to arm thomsclvrs with any sort of weapons -hoc, spade or pitctiforks to prevent i'olish Invasion was issued by the government according to a Higa dispatch. TEXAS CATTLE SENT TO REPLENISH HERDS OF WAR RAVAGED LANDS OAIA'BKTON. Sept. Uf. A. I1.) That negotiations are undor way for the shipment of larce numbers of Tex f.s cattle to Uermany and Austria for lehubilitHtion of t he herds in the countries are under way was announc ed today. I'edest rains may be fewer in the fu ture, for two well known automobiles havo decreased materially In price and there are rumors f a tabnggan in the purcha.dng: price of other machines. The Franklin and the Ford are the two cars vhich have aniu-uncpd new price locauy. 1 he 1'einllnton Aoto Co., which handles the Franklin, an nounces that touring cars, formerly $-1450. are now 130(10: Mirlnns uurt ! broughams, formerly $4700, now $4000; two passenger roadster, for merly $3400 now 2S00; four passen ger rondKter, formerly $i4m0 now $2D0ft; two passenger Franklin with enclosed winiw top. .formerly $3nij now J31&0. The prices are f. o. b. Pendleton. t , The fcimpson Aoto Co. J oral Ford sellers, announce -. the following new prices, f. o. . Detroit: Touring $510: rotinahoot. $405; trucks $ r j 5 ; coupe. $745;. sedan, $795 and tractor $70. The reduction In prtc varies according to the models from $!& to $180. ttar Ih n-rr SavsFord In amuu'ncliig the mew price for Franklins, the Franklin' factory states that , the readjustment Wot only repre sents reductions varying from $500 tc $00 according to ivnn. km it also -ac cent nates the constructive econoiniot which Franklin c;r render in service. Henry Ford, in explaining the reduc- 1 tion in Ford prions, says that it Is In the face of the fact that the company has in hand immediate orders for 1 46.05 cars and tractors and that while the company will suffer a tem porary loss while using- up material bought at high prices, they are willing to make a sacrifice to bring business hack to a going condition as quickly ar possible and maintain tle moment urc of the buying powr of t he country Henry Ford remarks-also that Th war La over and it i time war price; were over." TRITON FROM W.GJ'ADOOCOIS WITH HIGH TRIBUTE Subscriptions From Cowboys Who Have Joined in Recent Round-Hps and From La Grande Swell Taylor Fund. LABOR AND FARM WILL SUFFER IF I S. STAYS OUT Governor Cox Says Failure to Enter League is Prolonging Unsettled Business Through out Entire World. (CTiW MfMDFDO ARE INDICTED IN WHITE SOX DEAL Cook County Grand Jury in Chicago Finds True Bills Against Alleged Conspirators in Big League Ball Scandal. . . , LACK OF CREDIT WILL THROWING OF GAME IN CLOSE FOREIGN MARKET 1919 SERIES IS CHARGED Decreased Wages and Slump- Information Gained in Probe of 'Hll tVMllilllli-X I CHICAGO. Kept. I Tiilllblf 2S. fU. HuhnrriptHinM from several cowboys who have performed In recent Kotind t pa, a list totaling 1149.50 from La ftiande and a $50 check from William (3. McAdoo today swelled the total of the Til Taylor Memorial Association's fund by $506. The. fund is believed to exceed considerably the mark of 15.000 set as a half way station. The check from Mr. McAdoo came as a complete surprise and wholly vol untarily, to Jnes H. Sturgis, a mem ber of the executive ' committee in charge of the fund. A letter of tribute accompanied the check. Irwin Sends. Check ; Charles B. Irwin, leader of the Irwin '"trinir of horses and cow-boys, sent in .Is check for Ho before leaving for 'oie. The rotund cowboy leader has performed at many a Round-Up under he late sheriff and was a close friend. Mr. Irwin was first x1 the cowboys to contribute to the fond and his action ed several others to follow suit. Kddie McCarty, Cheyenne buckaroo Who again took part In the rtonnd-lTp, aeded $ 1 0 to the fund. He. like Mr. Irwin, has known the late sheriff for a number of years and was only too ?lad to do his part towards honoring his memory. Thirty in I .a (irandc Donate The list from Va. Grande contained the names of 30 donors and the total turned over by Sheriff lyee Warnick was $148.50. The sheriff was on the list for 1 1 5. ' The list of subscriptions turned in iuring the final days of Round-Up eek and thus far this week, contains he following names: W. o. McAdoo. New-York, $50: C. 3. Irwin, Cheyene, $40; Glen Dudley, ing Prices for Produce Will Follow Says Nominee in Strenucus Day in Iowa. KN'ROUTB WITH COX. Sioux City. Iowa, Kept. 28. ( By Herbert W. Walker, U. P. Staff Correspondent.) One reason for any reduction iri wa?es that may come In the near future will he failure of the United States to enter the league of nation to assist in the repstablishment of international tradt. 'loverncr Cox asserted In brief stump talks here and throughout South Da kota today. The conspiracy of the "senatorial oligarchy" to hold up the treaty has continued and unsettled business has continued throughout tho world much longer than is necessary and inevitablt results of closed foreign markets be cause of lack of credit will first be felt by labor in decreased wages and by the farmer in slumping prices for his produce, the democratic nominee said. .Crookedness Understood to be Similar to Word of Phila delphia Gambler.. . Ia Is Strenuous SJOrX CITY. Sept. 28.-A. P.) Governor "ox this morning began a strenuous day with a. platform talk here. Sixteen speeches are scr-luled in Houth Dakota today. Continued on pare S. THE NEW MEMBER IS DUIUJN, Sept. 28. (A. P.) Colln ss Ocorgina Marklevlcs, Slnrt Fein tombcr of parliament for St. Patrick's Ivislon of Dublin, was arrested last ight In a suburb of Dublin. .The au horliles had been seeking her for a tix time. With tho coiintoss were a journalist mil Sean MacBrldo, sou of Maud Bnn le MacUrlde, tho "Irish. Joan of Arc," nd widow of the executed Sinn Fein eadcr. Young MacBrlde also was ar csied. The countess was passing" under the Hint of Mrs. MacDonald. She was akon to nridgewell prison In Dublin. INDIAN PUPILS LEAVE FOR CHEMAWA SCHOOL IHE WEATKEh "FOKCIBI Tonight and Wedncs day fair and warmer. I'Vom 30 to 40 Indian children of the ITmatllla agency will attend Chortmwu this year; predicts Major K. Swaitx lanilcr, superintendent of tho agoncy. Pupils are leaving dally for the school, which Is locatot five mllos north of iuli'ni and which has an enrollment f about 700 Indians. Agnes Williams left yesterday to cntor tho seventh grade at Choniawa. I,at year -she attended the' Cushman K'hool at Tacoma, which lias born closed. Today Maud Craig, Wlsaueth nd David Conner, children or Rev. K. I. Connor. Kllxabeth Itcynolds. Arthur md Henrietta Motanlc, children of Parsons Motanlc, Archlq Patrick and Ines Hushman. daughter of the lute Narc'sse Hushman, left for Chemawa. All are old pupils with the exception of Arthur Motanlo and David Conner. Schools on tho reservation opened yesterday. Ono school Is located al tho agoncy and one at Tutullla, and each employs a teacher. There are 40 pupils enrolled In each school, accord ing to Major Swartzlander, j ! ' r" ' ' PORTLAND, Ore,, Sept. 28 (IT. P.) The State Highway commission, in session here today, is considering- bids which were submitted on the follow ing- projects: Benton county Wren-Blodgett pec- tion. Corvallis-Newport highway, 7800 cuhic yards broken stone surfacnff. Clackamas county Oregon C ty-Os- wego section. Pacific highway, 6.5 miles of 16-foot pavement. Oirry county Hubbard creek-, Brush creek section. Coast highway, i 7400 cubic yards broken stone surfac ing, v I Harney county Lawen-Cransre sec- ! tion, Central Oregon highway, 73,000 cubic yards excavating", 23,000 cubic yards broken stone surfacing. Malheur county Bridge across Mal heur river near Vale. 105,000 cubic yards concrete. CHICAOO, , Sept. 28. (XT. P.) Bight members of the Chicago White Sox who were members of the team during- the 1919 world series, were In dicted here today by the Cook County grand jury, charged with consfpracy, following the investigation of alleged crookedness In connection with big league baseball. Those Indicted were Oscar "Hap" Ftelsch, George "Buck" Weaver, Fred McMullin, Charles Kis berg, i3idle Clcotte, Claude Williams, Joseph Jackson and Chick Gandtl. The information leading: to the in dictments is understood to have been substantially the same as that which was made public in a statement alleg ed to have been given out by a Phila delphia gambler recently. ' I'kiMte Testifies. The Indictments were . voted after Kddie C'cotte, ace Chicago pitcher during the series, appeared before the Jurors, and told them all he knew of the alleged throwing of the series. The eirht players were suspended by the White Sox' management -immediate,y after the announcement that the men had been Indicted. , Plana for the world tefies this year will not be changed as a result of the Jndictents, Presidents JahnsooAiMl Heydler of the two leagues, announc ed.. ll- A plot to throw the 1915 series is said to have been arranged by a go I between who offered 9100.000 from a gamblers syndicate to throw the games. It Is understood the eight players were double-crossed, only re ceiving $10,000. . The Information gathered by offici als tended to Indicate that the same clique of gamblers which Is alleged to have "fixed" the 1919 series made plans to have Brooklyn throw the coming series to Cleveland. These reports said the Chicago Sox are be ing blackmailed by gamblers who are alleged to have gotten the players in dicted under their grasp .last year, to throw this year's pennant to Cleve land. Bookmakers on baseball are known to have passed a tip that Cleveland wjuld win the American Ijcag ie pennant as well as the world aeries. -, For Alleged 'Throwing" CHrCAGO, Sept. 28. (A. P.) The ock county grand Jury today voted Dayton section. Wept Side highway. 3069 lineal feel guard fence. PRISONER IS REFRESHED Yamhill county Xewberg-West ; true bills against the following; -base- oati players in connection with its in vestigation of the alleged "throwing" of world's series games last year. Ed die Cicotte. Claude Williams, "Chick" Oandil, "Happy Kelsch, Charles Ri berg, Joe Jackson, Fred McMulUn and "Buck" Weaver. AU are members of the Chicago Americans. Charles Corals key. president of the -White Sox, suspended every member of the team indicted, thereby throwing away all chances of winning the Am- j )-rer. ! eriean league pennant. The White ' better i9ox wer onl' hlf game behind c leveiana. kONTfX. Sept. 28. A rence MaeSwiney passed night. He is refreshed today. Phy sicians said, however, that he is un questionably growing weaker daily In Ntato r KxliMustkm l.OXim.V, Sept. 28. lP. l-nrd Mayor MaeSwiney today entered his forty-seventh day of fasting somewhat refreshed by sound sleep. He is in a stale of exhaustion however and suf fering some pain, a Sinn Fein bulletin paid. CLEVELAND STEPS UP E CHICAGO, Sept. 2S. A. P.) The White Sox are idle today while Cleve land scheduled her third tame with St. lyouix. The Sox open a thiee gain series in St. Louis Friday. Cleveland hHi six more games this senm ascainxt St. latins and Detroit and if Cleveland wins five games she will clinch the American league pennant and face Brooklyn in the world scries. CH IC A (J O. Se pt. 2 8. IS, p. Kddie Cicotte, named in a published statement ns the White Sox player who helped sell the 1919 world series t Cincinnati for $100,000, positively de nied participation in the deal. Cicotte t admitted he met Bill Burns In a Xew I York hotel shortly before the world j series, as Billy Maharg claimed, but j fenied a whispered conversation In a private room. He said the meeting was In the lobby with several other players present. PAI MKIt PKOTIOSTS lUX. WASHINGTON. Sept. 2S. A. V. Attorney General Palmer today fil ed formal objections with the I1strlct of Columbia supreme court to "Btg Five' packers plan to dispose of their stockyards Interests saying it would mean sanctioning- violation of the anti trust law. PLANE TAKES IFOR BENNETT TROPHY RACE KTAMPKS, France. Sept. - 2S. -!. P.) Sadl lecointe, famous French aviator won the James Gordon Ben nett internation airplane race trophy. Americans were t-lt minuted early In the race. KTAMPKB. France. Sept. 2. iV. P. The airplane rat e for the Gordon Bennett trophy got underway at 1:3& P. m. today when the first flyer took the air. Aside from the honor of capturtn the pvent ther is a 1 0,000 frano prise, the Bennett cup valued at 2509 franca ar " -nv smaller prtz. Either America, Hngland or France can set permanent possession of tho cup each having already won it twice.