East Oregonlan Bound-Up Sonyenlr Edition f ' Pendleton, Oregon, Saturday, fcteptwnbe 25; HERE IS FULL TEXT OF MARKET COM SSION MEASURE ON BALLOT Important Bit of Proposed Legislation Aims at Reducing Spread Between Producer and Consumer. LET 'EK BUCK 1 Imim Supporter of the market commli- ducers, consumer and distributors, a. Ion bill to b voted oa by the people sistlng them In economical and effl- of Oregon In November believe that tha passage of the measure would ac compllah much goad towards enabling produoera to obtain fairer prices for their product. The text of the Initia tive meaimre la aa followa: (Oil Official liallot, No, a 20 and .121) A MKAKUitR To provide for the creation of the . "State Market CommlHalon" and I tha organization thereof; to define Ita dutlea and powcra; to create the ponmoi or state Murket Director clent dlatrlbutlon of any products at fair prices. Mecnnd. To gather and disseminata linpattlnl Information ooncernng atip ply. demand, prevailing prices and commercial movements, Including common and cold storage of any pro ducts. Third. To promote, assist and en courage the organisation and operation of cooperative and other associations and organizations for Improving the relations and services among produo. to define his duties and powers; to j era, distributors and consumers of any create the State Market Commls- ' slon Fund; and to provide penalties , for a violation of thia act, to be aub , mltted to the legal electors of the state of Oregon for their approval or reception at the regular general election to be held November 1120; proposed by Initiative petition filed in the office of the secretary ' of state of .the atate of Oregon July Tha following; Is the form and num ber in which the proposed measure will be printed on the official bal lot; Initiative BUI Proponed by Initiative , Petition Initiated by the State Taxpayer's Lea gue: President, Walter M. Pierce, 1a Orande, Dragon; Vice- President, .: C. 1 Hawley, MVCoy, Oregon; Vlce . President, J. A. Westerlund. Med- ' ford, Oregon; . Secretary-Treasurer, RohUR Hmlth. Title and Trust Co.. ; Portland, Oregon. NiaU .Market Commission Acllirpnee: To cre- ate a "State Market Commission," . establishing the office of State Mor ' ket Oireclur, salary It.f.Oo per nn- ' num, and secretary,- salary 13,600 per annum, deflnlwrduties and pow- products, and to protest and conserve the Interests of the producers and con sumers of product. fourth. To roster and encourage cooperation among producers, distri butors and consumers of any products in the Interest of the general public. Fifth. To foster and encourage the standardizing, grading. Inspection, la beling, handlulng, storage and sale of any products! Sixth. To act oa a mediator when requested by either party or as an ar bitrator when requested by bath par ties In any controversy or issue that may arise among producers, distribu tors and, consumers of any products. Seventh. To certify, for the pro tection of owners, buyers or creditors, when so requested, warehouse recelpta for and products, verifying quantities, quulltles thereof, to take from any common or cold storage warehouse, whether privately or publicly, samples iof any products, and to charge for such service fees sufficient to make the service at least self-supporting. RiKhth: To Issue labels bearing the seal of the Slate Market Comml flon on request of the producer, pack er, Conner and distributor, for any era of commission to be to assist In , products, for which state labels have T economical distribution of products at fair prices, dlaseminale Informa tion concerning market conditions, encourage cooperation aiming pro . duoera, distributors -and consumers, mediate disputes -when requested, aupervlse markets und cooperative association, ' Issue Jahelg. In certain caws. Inspect products In, storage, warehouses, and ' common carriers, authorising -hiring attorney and Mother employes, providing for ap : proprlatlon of f GO. 000 jto eover ex penses through year 1S22, and pro- Adding penalties for violation of the . - ' . - SSO Yea Vote Ye or No St 1 No - A Bill For an act to provide for the creation "of the "State Market Commission" and the organization thereof; to de fine Its duties and powers; to create the position of State Market !lrer 'tor; to define his duties end powers; to create the Htate Market Commls .' sfon Fund; and to provide penalties ' for a violation of this act.' I Be It Hi1cl,by tile INvplc of the j ' . Sta'e 'of Oregon ' ' Section I.. . There la hereby created i the State Market Commission, a state not otherwise been authorized by law, under such rules and regulations the director may deem necessary and to charge for such labels such feee as In the Judgment of the State Market Director may be proper. . Ninth. To act on behalf of the con sumers of any products in conserving and protecting their Interests In every way. f Tenth. To Improve, broaden and extend In every practicable way, the distribution and sale of any Oregon Products throughout the markets of tha world. Eleventh. To promote In the Inter est of the producer, the distributor, and consummer, economical and effi cient distribution and marketing of all or any agricultural, diary and farm products produced, grown, raised, manufactured or processed within the state of Oregon, to assist municipalities other political subdivisions, corpora tions or voluntary associations form ed within the state of Oreon In ea- tahlshlng, organizing and administer ing retail and wholesale markets, and providing rules for their management and operation. i J Twelfth. To gather, and diseemln- ate, through a monthly bulletin, Im- organisatien. for the following pur- partial Information concerning the poses, to-wll: " ..,.. snpplv of. demxnd for, cost of produc- Flrat. ..To act as advisor for pro- tlon of, prevailing prices of, expensea of distribution of, commercial move ments In intra-state and Interstate commerce of any products. Including quantities there of In common or cold storage. , 'rnirteentn. Tp supervise all co operative associatlona existing under the laws of the state of Oregon and In this respect the State Market Com mission la directed to require such Jim sedations to submit, and such aK8oda tlons shall submit, not less frequently than semi-annually, and as often as the State Market Commission may re Quire, reports upon forms to be pre pared by the Stats Market Com mis slon which shall contain a complete statement of the business of such as snclatlons for the correction of and de. fecta In respect to their organization or operation and In this respect to place before the directors, or members or stockholders thereof, such facts as the State Market Commission may de termine should be submitted to them for consideration and action. All rules and rcgulationa for government ' and general administration of public mar kets established by municipalities, or other public or private corporations or associatlona within the state of Ore gon shall be submitted to the State Market Commission, and before the same shall become effective they shall bear the approval of the director under the seal of the State Market Commis sion. Fourteenth. To keep the producers I and consumers of the atate of Oregon Informed of the supply of, and demand for, and In what markets products can most advantageously be disposed of or purchased. ' Fifteenth. To cooperate with the bureau of markets of the United States department of agriculture and with the officials of the Oregon Agricultur al College, In the securing of Infor mation and the compilation of statis tics and the dissemination of informa tion provided to be obtained and dis seminated In this act. It shall be within the province of the state market director, hereinafter provided for, to determine and decide. when, where and at what extent, evlst Ing conditions render It necessary or advisable to carry out any or all the purport of this act, except those pro visions which are mandatory, and he Is hereby granted power and authority to carry out any or all of said purposes. Section 2. This act ahall be known as the '"State Market Commission Act." r The followingi terms used In this act shall, unless a ' different meaning Is plainly reauir-ed bv the context, be construced as follows: The "Commission? shall be the State Market Commission. The "Director" shall be the State Market Director himself personally or hla duly appointed and authorized rep resentative. ' ' . ' The word "products" shall refer to the agricultural, dairy and farm pro ducts produced, grown, raised, manu factured or processed within the state of Oregon. s The terra 'organizations of produo- f ' " ' " -y USED WHEREVER GOOD SADDLES ARE KNOWN See the Round-Up Prize Saddles on Display AT OUR STORE. If you do not live in Pendleton, use our Catalog. It shows the real goods in SADDLES CHAPS BOOTS "STETSON" HATS "SILK GIANT" LARIAT ROPES BITS AND SPURS TRICK ROPES LADIES' RIDING SKIRTS And all other riding equipment. Kor the PlraMtire of our Catalog Cnstomers we lire fipnUliiK. to each name oil our Cistom-r I Am, m copy of tlte Saturday Round-l'p Kditlon of this paper and aJso m op j fif the Issue of Sept. 27. giving the finaiM in the Kouttd-V'p event. v . . ' ' "He a Haiiy Sale and Let 'er Bock" KJf a iArn ' iwr aiJ XW ' ; PENDLETON, OREGON lllllll The All-Artists Phonograph At a turn of the hand the Ultona plays any type of record. A child can do it. It is practically automa tic. - ' . Now your library of records can be bought according to your favor ites. For instance, each record maker has a famous tenor. On a one-record instrument . you can hear him only. Others are barred. And who likes to be restricted? The Ultona is the greatest fea ture offered any music lover.' And it is obtainable solely on the new 'Brunswick. Another vast improvement in tone projection is the Brunswick Tone Amplifier, built of moulded wood, like a violin. Let us explain the Brunswick Method of Reproduction. Hear your favorite records. Then de cide on merit alone. 1HSWICI All Phonographs in One THE BRUNSWICK REQUIRES NO EXCLUSIVE ARTISTS PLAYS ALL MAKES OF RECORDS AT THEIR BEST Agents for . " Victrolas and Victor Records i n Br , Economy Drug Company Hotel St George Bldg. Day Phone 711 Night Phone 718 ers, and distributors" ahall include all corporatlona, societltee,' associations and organizations of producers or of producers and distributors, coopera tive or otherwise, formed for the pur pose of facilitating the marketing of any such products. . A "person" shall be Understood to include individuals. narlnnrHhlns. nfl- vl ' sociationa and corporations or their agents or employees. When the singular Is used the plural la also Included. - Whenever the mas culine la used, the feminine and neuter are Included, Section 3. The State Market Com mission shall consist of a governing body of one person, to be known as the state (Market Director, hereinafter re ferred to as the director.- who shall "be appointed by the governor of the state of Oregon, and of a secretary to be ap pointed by the state market1 director, as hereinafter provided, and these two shall perform the, duties and exercise the powers of the State Market Com mission and shall administer the pro visions hereof, administer oaths certify, to all official acta and doall proper acta to carry out any and all of the purposes hereof. 5 ' Section 4. The director is hereby vested with full power, authority and jurisdiction to do and perform any and all things which are necessary or con venient In the exercise of any power, authority or Jurisdiction designated and conferred upon him under .this act. .. Section 5. The term of office of the director ahall be four years, or untH . his successor be appointed by the gov ernor, and the annual salary of the di rector shall be forty-five hundred i dollars ($4500.00). The first appoint ment of director shall be made upon this ace becoming effective. The gov ernor, may remove the director and appoint hla successor at his pleasure. Section t. The Stute Market Com mission shall have a secretary who shall be appointed by the director and , hold office at his pleasure, and shall perform such duties ns he may pre- j srrlhe. The annual salary of the sec retary shall be thirty-six hundred dol- lars (13600.00). , j Section 7. The State Market Com mission shall have a Real bearing the Inscription "State Market Commie-1 slon of Oregon," which seal shall be i affixed to all such instruments as the ! director shall require. ! Section 8. The salaries of the dlrec- tor and secretary shall be paid month- ! ly In the same manner as are the sal aries of other stnte of fivers. The aal-! ary of compensation of all other per- j sons holding office or employment un-l der the director shall be flxeo by the: director and shall be paid monthly In the same manner as are the salaries of , other state officers. All expenses of , whatsoever nature Incurred In carry ing out the provisions of this act shall be audited by the secretary of state and paid from the funds herein provid-', ed for In the same manner as other claims against the state are paid, after , approval thereof by the director. Section . The director snail not engage In any other business during his term of nflcfe. hut shall devote his whole time, attention and ability to the dutlea of his office. The director shall 1 not hold or own any stock or other In-1 terest whatsoever in any produce com mission business. - Section 10. For the purpose if car rying out the provisions of this act there Is hereby appropriated out of the priated. the sum of fifty thousand (150,000) dollars, or so much thereof as may be, necessary, for the period of time , beginning with the date upon which thia act becomes effective and ending on the thirty-first day of De cember, 1923. All feea. charges and costs collected by the commission un der the provisions of this act shall be al fund of the state for the purpose of paid Into the state treasury and by the 1 carrying Into full force and effect the state treasurer placed to the credit of I provisions of thia act. the general fund and any such pay ment or payments,' when so made shall constitute and be considered as and are hereby made an appropriation of such sums or amounts from the gener- Sectlon 11. " The director ahal make and submit to the governor, on or be fore the first day of December, of (Continued on pae 1.) moneys In th JfTivrnl fund in h ita:il kUiyiw; ! 'uv u i wiwuHni i liurd-' v: JAMES JOHNS, Pres. C. H. MARSH, Secy. Capital $25,000.00 r t . , HART1N ABSTRACT CO. INCORPORATED Loans Insurance Bonds Real Estate The Only Set of Abstract Books in Umatilla County Main and Court Streets PENDLETON, OREGON ijljl .ill.lili It! l.i. Inj, j '.ililii.itl. aaifcMaMaaeaekeafc Vi .'.: -Wit! 4 ' I 'ttm ti.t.Miif.JiliUi.