East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 21, 1920, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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Notice of Proposed Street Improve
ment Notice la hereby riven that at a
regular meetings of the Common Coun
cil of The City of Pendleton, held nt
the Council Chambers In 1'endleton,
Oregon, on September 15th, 1920 the
. following Resolution was dully adopt
ed, vis;
WH ERISAS the City Surveyor of
The City of Pendleton did on the 8 day
of Beptembor, 1920, under directions
end by requirement of the Common
Council file In the office of the Re
corder of The City of Pendleton, plans
and specifications for an appropriate
Improvement of the following- named
streets In said city:
' Jefferson Street from the North line
of Martin Street to the North line of
Wilson Street, tog-ether with the estt
mates of the work to be done and the
probable cost thereof with a statement
of the lots, parts of lots and parcels
,. of land to be 'benefited by such Im
provement and the percentage of the
total cost of Improvement, which each
of such lots, parts of lots and parcels
of land should pay on account at the
benefit to be derived from suoh Im
pxovement, and,
. WHERBASthe council has examln
ed such plans and specifications, and
estimates and found the limit satisfac
tory and the estimates therefore to be
In accordance with the probable cost
of such work, and
WHEREAS, the property recom
mended by the City Surveyor to be In
eluded within the boundaries of the
district benefited Is In the judgment of
he Common Counoll properly to be
Included within such Improvement dis
trict and no property Is excluded
therefrom which should properly be
Included therein, and,
. WHEREAS, the Improvement of the
hereinabove described portions of said
'Street, either with Gravel Bltullthlo
Pavement, Concrete pavement or War
renlte Bltullthlo Pavement on Crush
ed Hock or Crushed Gravel founda
tion. Is ot this time necessary, there
fore, be It.
RESOLVED, by the Common Coun-
, ell of The City of Pendleton that It Is
expedient to Improve and It Is hereby
proposed to Improve said portions of
said Jefferson Street by paving the
earns with either Gravel Bitullthlc
Pavement, Concrete Pavement or War
renlte Bkullthto Pavement on- Crush
ed Rack or Crushed Gravel founda
tion, such pavement to be construct
ed and the surface thereof to be finish
ed upon the established grade of said
street and the street to have curbs and
gutters and all other things In accord
ance with and as shown In the plans
and specifications for the Improvement
of said portions of said Jefferson
Street, prepared by F. B. Hayes, City
Surveyor, filed with the Recorder of
said city on the Jtrt day of September,
1920, which said plans and specifica
tions are hereby particularly referred
to, and be It further. 1
RESOLVED that the Engineer's;
estimates of the probable total ooet of
such Improvement, which said City
Engineer's estimates were made and
prepared toy p. II. Hayes, City Surveyor
of said city, In the sum of $5368.98
and were filed with the Recorder ot
said city, on the tlh day of September,
1920, la hereby Included and hereby
referred to particularly, and be It fur
ther, - ..
RESOLVED, that the plans and
specifications and estimates for such
Improvements, as prepared by the City
Surveyor and filed with the Recorder
of The City of Pendleton on the 8th
day of September, 1920, be and they
ere hereby adopted and approved, and
be It further.
RESOLVED, that the cost of mak
Ing such Improvement shall be I
charge and lien upon all lots, parts of
lots and parcels of land to be 'bene
fited by such improvement, and the
owners of such lots, parts of lots and
parcels of land, so specially benefited
by such Improvement shall be liable
for the payment of the costs thereor,
and he It further, .
RESOLVED that an Assessment
District Is hereby created to be known
as "Assessment District No. 70 em
bracing the property benefited and to
'be assessed for the payment of such
Improvements, which Assessment Dis
trict shall include all lots, parts of lots
and parcels of land lying and being
within the district bounded and de
scribed as follows, to-wit:
Description of Assessment District
Known as Improvement
District No. 70
Commencing at the Southwest cor
ner of Lot . Block 14. Livermore'a
Addition to Pendleton; thence North
510 feet and parallel with the West
line of Jefferson Street; thence East
260 feet and parallel with the North
line ot Martin Street; thence South
(10 feet and parallel with the Enst
line of Jefferson Street; thence West
260 feet to the point of beginning.
And be It further .
RESOLVED that a copy of this res
olution together with the notice that
the surveyor's estimate of the propor
tion ot the cost of said work to be
charged against each lot, part of lot
and parcel of land Is on file In the of
fice ot the City Recorder be published
for a period ot ten days In the East
Oregonlan, which newspaper Is here
by designated toy' the Common Council
for the publication thereof.
And further notice is hereby given
that the City Surveyors estimate
the. probable cost of said Improvei.ien
' to be charged against each lot, part of
lot and parcel lof land on account of
said Improvement Is now on file
the office of The City Recorder, sub
Ject to Inspection and examination.
Dated this 16th. day of September,
City Recorder.
MM(i i3mMri Gap 3 1
Directory of Architects, Builders and Supply Dealers. Timely Hints and Suggestions About Building.
Let us show you oar complete line of P. & F. Corbin locks
and Hardware. . ,. ..jfaaLya
- MM
Universal Stoves Furnaces
643 Main Street
Phone 81
the New Home
Let us paint your home at least let
us figure with you before you let the job.
-Can't be beat
Paper Hanging, Calrlmlnlng and Inter
lor Decorating that gives satisfaction.
Ill E. Court Street
Telephone 3 IS
' ' Dks CVib Opens.
Typical of the warm hospitality of
the B. P. O. E. was the inception last
night when hundreds of . Pendle.on
people called at the attractive new
Elks' building, thrown open to the
public for the first time since the com
pletion of the structure.
Each Elk constituted himself a host
and made we loo mo the visitors who
thronged the charming rooms. Danc
ing was enjoyed in the spacious lodge
room, and punch dispensed on an al
cove" at a table decked with asters in
purple and white, the lodge colors.
The same flowers, supplemented by
others In fall shades were used in the
ladles' room, blending with the golden
tints of .the hangings. The reading 1
room and club room, each In a color
scheme of Its own and carrying out
the general beauty of the building, re
ceived their share of pralRe from the
guests. The dining-room, with walls
showing a conventional motif of sev
eral colors, was also admired.
Bachelor quarters on the third floor
were also thrown open to the guests
and the well furnished apartments of
Rex Ellis and Harvey Bender, Roy
Ritner, Marshall Bpell and Carl Cooley
were shown by the hosts.
ID. B. P; &R. Co.
General Contractors and Builder
Pianino; Mill, 705 W. Alta St., phone 737 Shop and Office,
Golden Rule Hotel Basement, Comer Court and
Johnson Sts., phone S83. '
We do All Kinds of Building and Repair Work and Mill Work
of All Kinds Estimates Free of Charge See
Us Before You Build.
Mill Phone, 737 Shop Phone, 383
Residences, Business Buildings Apartmenta,
Churches, Garages, Farm Buildings, Job Work.
Let me give you estimates on your job.
728 Cottonwood St.
Phone 744
f , . ;
Raw Material to
Finished Product
A Machine Shop Second to
A Modernly Equipped Foundry
Employing Modern Methods
Phone 71
Phone 106
Burns Foundry
and Mch. Works
Cottonwood and Water Sts
Careful Attention Given
will give you the best service and prevent
rrfanyafire. We use care in all our work
The largest and finest stock In eastern Oregon to select from. We would
be pleased to figure with you.
Pendleton's Biff
Electrical Store
206 IT Conrt Street
Telephone 13
When painting your home, why
not get the best.
bse mm mm
Get my figures on painting, papering and calcimining
before you let the job. . - -
Paints, oils, varnishes, calcimine,
brushes, picture framing, glass,' etc.
515 Main Street
Telephone 158
Notice of Proposed Street Improve'
Notice la hereby given that at 1
regular meeting of the Common Coun
ell of The City of Pendleton held at
the Council Chambers In Pendleton,
Oregon, on September 1920, the following-
Resolution was duly adopted
WHBREJAS the City Surveyor of
The City of Pendleton did on the 8th,
day of Sept. l20. under directions
and by requirement of the Common
Council file In the office of the Re
corder of The City of Pendleton, plans
and specifications for an appropriate
Improvement of the following namea
streets In said city:
Matlock Street from the North line
of Raley street to the North line of
Jaekaon Street, together with the esti
mates of the work to toe done and the
prohafeift cost thereof with a state
ment of the lots, parts of lota and par.
eels of land to be benefited by such
Improvement and the percentage of
the total cost of Improvement, which
each of such lots, parts of lots and
parcels of land should pay on account
of the benefits to be derived from such
Improvement, and,
WHEREAS, the council has examin
ed suoh plans and specifications and
estimates and found the same satis
factory and the estimates therefore to
be In accordance with the probable
cost of such work, and,
WHEREAS, the property tecom
mended by the City Surveyor to be in
cluded within the boundaries of the
district benefited is In the judgment ot
the Common Council properly to be
included within such Improvement dis
trict and no property la excluded
therefrom which should properly be
Included therein, and.
WHEREAS, the Improvement of
the hereinabove described portions of
said street, either with Gravel Bltu
llthic Pavement, Concrete Pavement
or Warrenlte Bltullthlo Pavement on
Crushed Rock or Crushed Gravel
foundation, la at this time necessary,
therefore, be It,
RESOLVED, by the Common Coun
cil of The City of Pendleton that It is
expedient to improve and It is nereDy
oroDOsed to Improve said portions of
i-ald Matlock Street by paving the same
with either Gravel Bltullinio lave
ment. Concrete Pavement or Warren
Its Bltullthlo Pavement on Crushed
iiArk or Cruched Gravel founanuon.
siu-h navement to be constructed and
the surface thereof to be finished upon
. MtiahHuhea trade of said street
and the street to ave curbs and gut-
nd all other things in accordance
with and as shown In the plans and
permeations for the Improvement 01
said portions of said Matlock Street,
prepared by P. B. Hayes, City Survey-
filed with the Recorder or '"
cltvon the 8th. day of September,
1920, which said plana and specifics-
tlons are hereby particularly referred
to, and be It further,
RESOLVED that the Engineer's
estimates of the probable ftal cost
of such Improvement, which said City
Engineer's estimates were made and
prepared by P. b; Hayes, City Survey
or of said city, In the sum of $5549.47
and were filed with the Recorder ot
said city, on the 8th. day of September,
192, Is hereby included and hereby;
referred to particularly, and be It fur
RESOLVED that the plans and spe
cifications and estimates for such Im
provements, as prepared by the City
Surveyor and filed with the Recorder
of The City of Pendleton on the 8th.
day ot September, 1920, be and they
are hereby adopted and approved, and
be It further,
RESOLVED that the cost of making
such improvement shall be a charge
and lien upon ill lots, parts of lots
IS Cole's Addition to Pendleton;
thence 160 feet North until said line
intersects with the Northwest corner
of Lot 4, Block 13, Cole's Addition;
thence 224.17 feet (more or less) East
until said line intersects with the north
east corner of Lot s,. Block C. Llver-
more's Addition to Pendleton; thence
South 620 feet untU said line inter
sects with the Southeast corner of Lot
7. Block It Raley's Addition: thence
West 200 feet to the point of begin
And be It further
RESOLVED that a cony of this res
olution together with the notice that
the surveyor's estimate of the propor
tion ot the cost of Baid work to be
charged against each lot. part of lot
and parcel of land Is on file in the of
fice of the City Recorder be published
for a period of ten days In the East
Oregonlan, which newspaper Is here
by designated by the Common Council
in catching the plotters, he said.
The blasksmtth who shod the death
wagon horse has been found.
SAN DIEGO, Sept. 21. (A. P.)
Governor Cox featured the league of
nations in an address Monday. He
was the' central figure of a long enter
tainment program.
and parcels of land to be benefltedfor the publication thereof.
by such Improvement, and the owners And further notice Is herebv given
of each lota, parts of lots and parcels that the Surveyors estimate of the cost
of land, so specially benefited by such
improvement shall be liable for the
payment of the costs thereof, and be
It further, '
RESOLVED that an Assessment
DlBtrlct Is hereby created to be known
as "Assessment District No. 71" em
bracing the property benefited and to
be assessed for the payment of such
Improvements, which Assessment Dls-
trlct shall include all lots, parts of lots
and parcels of land l lng and being j
within the district bounded and de
scribed as follows, to-wit: I
Description of Assessment District
Number 71
Commencing on the Southwest cor
ner of Lot , Block 10, Houser"s Ad
ditoin to Pendleton, thence SO0 feet
North and parallel with the West line
of Matlock Street; thence 79 feet
(more or lessj In a Northeasterly di
rection until said line Intersects with
tha Southwest corner of Lot I,
of said proposed Improvement to be
charged against each lot. part of lot
and parcel of land on account of said
proposed improvement Is now on file
in the office of the City Recorder, sub
ject to Inspection and examination.
Dated this 16th. day of September,
City Recorder.
ROME, Sept. 21. (A. P.) Estll
mates of the wheat crops of Argen
tine. Smith Africa and Australia show
those countries will produce 28 per
cent more wheat in 1920 than In
1919. These figures have been de
duced by the International Institute of
Crops In Spain Italy, Algeria, Tu
nls, Bulgaria, Finland. Switzerland.
British India and Guatemala are
NEW YORK, Sept. 21. A. P.)
Confidence that "American anarchist
fighters" believed to have caused the about the same as last year, the bulle
Wall street explosion will be caught I tin says, while wheat is above the
was expressed today by Chief Flynn. average in Austria, Cxecho-Slovakia.
of the bureau of Investigation, who
said he was certain from the similarity
of circulars found In a mail box near
the explosion to those found at scenes
of the various explosions June 19.
1919, that the same crowd was respon-
Clues to those cases will help
Denmark. France, Holland and Swe
den. The average In Germany and
Ireland Is slightly lower than that in
England and Scotland. Rye is good
in Austria, Holland and Sweden, but
is below the average In Germany, j
Cxecho-Slovakia and Poland.
Thomas Crown
yariable Speed,
The Most Successful Machine for Alfalfa.
For sale by
Sturgis & Storie
Pendleton, Ore, Walla Walla. Wash,