, w ii i "T-. TWELVE PAQEd " rites biz DULY EAST OSSOONTAW, PENDUCTOR, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 21, 1920. eaoi toaoi raaao I Social and Club News DKPAKT FOB MONMOUTH members will bo e-islxtlng with the MIkh Gwendolyn Horseman and MissVhurch dinners, beginning Wednesday, Carcl Kciiu.Ti departed Sunday morn- September 12. Some will attend the In fr fcionir.-iuth where they will re- meeting of the synod of the Province iime their studies at the State Normal Fchool. GUESTS AT 1IAM1TON HOMR. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stockton and their daughter are guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Hampton. The Xtorktone are cousins of Mr. Hampton. They are to remain until after the Round-Pp. ARKANSAS FOLK VISIT. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Askew of Little Rook Arkansas, are to be guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Snyder until after the Hound-Vp. READI.Va IS POSTPO.VED. It has been decided to postpone the next meeting of the Woman's Bible Reading Circle until the second Weil nday In October, since many of Its of the Pacifie tit Seattle on the 2lh and the local parish branch of the Woman's auxiliary will meet the first Wednesday In October. The special j reading will be the Forty-first chapter ui rsenesis. BKRT CAMPRKI-L, TAKES BRIDK. - retails ,4it the marriage of Bert Campbell, former Pendleton man, and Miss Helen Goetxenberger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward O. Ooetxenberg er, of Minneapolis, have been received by Mr. Campbell's mother, Mrs. Rose Campbell, and will be of Interest to local friends of the bridegroom. The service occurred in St, Paul's Episco pal church in Minneapolis, Saturday. September 11, and three hundred guests witnessed the ceremony. Rev. O. Q. Bennett officiated and the wed ding-music, pipe organ, played by Hal FOR ROUND-UP WEEK We have assembled from Fashion's leading manu facturers an extra special showing of SUITS, COATS, DRESSES, BLOUSES, SKIRTS, ETC Your inspection invited. 2nd Floor Taylor BIdg. Woodruff. Describing the event, the Minneap olla Press rays: "The bride who entered with her father was gowned In her mother's wedding dress of white satin and em broldered mull. Her veil was held by clusters of bouvardla. White bourvar diu bride roses and sweet peas, were in the bridal bouquet. touts Hahn and tho bride's brother, Ralph Goet- senberger, stretched the ribbons and acted as ushers. After the ceremony sixty members of both families and intimate friends were entertained at a buffet luncheon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Goetsen berger." A letter received by Mrs. Campbell this morning says the- couple spent a short sojourn at the Dykman hotel in St. Paul, leaving soon for Buffalo and thence to lake Talaska in Northern Minnesota, where they enjoyed a week domiciled in a cottage at Ellenwood Camp. They were to leave today and after a short stay in Minenapolis come wes tbyway of Banff and Lake Louise to Vancouver. Victoria and Seattle en route to Takima. They will stop two days in the Canadian Rockies and will also visit in Seattle. The couple will reside in Takima. where Mr. Campbell is engaged in the automobile business and where the ro mance .had its origin, Mrs. Campbell having spent a year In domestic sci ence work in the Yakima high school. The wedding was an interesting event in Minneapolis circles and it oc casioned a host of gifts,. showered tip on the couple, an interesting one being an elegant bedspread, knitted by the grandmother of the bride. M'OTOR FROM PORTLAND. Dr. and Mrs. F. E. Onllck (Edith Slusher) and Mr. and Mrs. Don Coe Jaxthiemer (Bernice Ruppe) left Portland today by motor and are ex pected to arrive tomorrow to be guests at tho home of Mr. and" Mrs. -William Slusher until after the Round-Up. Another guest to be entertained there be Mrs. Hugh Haznett of Chi cago. HOME FROM CALIFORNIA Mrs. George D. Haslett arrived home this morning from Portland after an extended and delightful sojourn. In California. Quality . Everything- bought of us during this busy Ma son will be the very best obtainable. , . Plase place your order early, to insure getting goods in time. J , " ' ' . V.-i We invite you to bring your friends to see our fine fruit display during Round-Up. We will show the finest fruits raised in Umatilla county as well as fruits from other states. Also fine ' tropical fruits." ..' v " Largest Stock Highest Quality Right Price (jray jros. (jrocery (jo. THREE PHONES QUALITY KEEP YOUR RECORDS UP TO DATE Two New Releases by Art Hichman's Orchestra La Veeda A2972 Tell Me Little Gypsy. In the Gloaming . A2970 A Young Man's Fancy. Down the Trail to Home Sweet Home A2973 TIig Love N6St. Let the Rest of the World Go By ' A6165 The Love Boat Rigoletto Barrientos & Stacciari 49611 Eili Eili Violin Solo (Toscha Seidel) 49526 Aida Rosa Ponselle . 49557 La Forza Del Destino 49558 Rosa Ponselle and chorus. . v II Trovatore Rosa Ponselle 49559 Cavalleri Rusticana Rosa Ponselle ' 49570 Madam Butterly Rosa Ponselle . 49571 Our record stock is always complete. THOMPSONS' DRUG STORE Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention. TO SERVE! DINNER TOMORROW Introductory to the serving of meals during the Round-Up, the. ladies of the Church of the Redeemer are to be dinner hostesses tomorrow even ing. Loral folk are Included in the invitation and places, at one dollar each, will be provided for one hundred. Serving will begin at 6 o'clock In Parish. The finance committee Is sponsor ing the affair and Mrs. S. P. Sturgis, chaiman, is toeing assisted by Mrs. Charles H. Marsh. Miss Reta Hunt ington and Miss Sarah Huntington, of Corvallis, will arrive to take charge of the preparation of the. meals, Mrs. George A. Hartman will superintend the dining room, Mrs. Norborne Berke ley and Mrs. Horace Stillman will take charge of the salads, and Mrs. Charles Greulich will direct the serv ing with the girla of Mrs. James Johns and Mrs. Hartman's Sunday School classes assisting. Each of the women of the parish is to give two hours dur ing the three Round-Up days toward the enterprise. We carry a full line of poultry supplies and medicines HORSE FEED AND MEDICINES COW FEED AND MEDICINES HOG FEED AND MEDICINES SHEEP FEED AND MEDICINES " ! POLISH ARMIES CLAIM . SMASHING SUCCESSES WARSAW. Sept. 21. (U. P.) Smashing successes in Galacia are claimed in a polish communique to day. Dubno. northeast of Lemberg. was occupied after hard fighting, the report said. The Poles claimed to hold the line in Galacia running through Husiatyn, Trembowla, Oles zow and Taruopol. Wrangel Takes Railway. CONSTANTINOPLE,, Sept. 21. General Wrangel in a cavalry drive against the south Russia bolshevik captured strategic railway positions and over 2000 prisoners and quantities of supplies, it is reported In advices from Crimea today. Local banks today posted notice in their doors that they will follow cus tom and close at noon all three days ot Round-Up. Schools will also be closed Thursday and Friday. Tickets Sales Swell. Ticket sales yesterday for reserved seats were exceptionally good, accord ing to Ernest Boylen, who is in charge of the booth. Many sales were made to delegates here for the annual con vention of the Oregon State Federation of Labor. The visitors will be at work most of the week and are anxious to spend the remainder of their vaca tions with enjoying the biggest fron tier exhibition in the world. Charley Irwin and all his outfit. which. In itself Is enough to stage a first class wild west show, ia on the ground. All the Drumheller ' horses and performers are also in the city. Joe Cantrell and his relay string are in camp. Indians from the reserva tion are drifting in by the hundreds and their tepees are rising with the same mushrobm-like speed as iot dog emporiums. Everything is going up except the cost of meals, already. THE SUSPECTS HELD custody at the county jail. The visitors entered the .place, In rear of 54S Main street, and demanded the guests to put up their hands. The money and a few pocket pieces ot the colored men were made away with. Harvey Bazell, who as one of the vic tims, told the police he as certain $700 had been lost. Another said the crowd probably lost $40. The suspects were arrested west of town and when searched this morning were found to have equivalent am ounts of money on their persons. The sheriff's office is questioning the three men. ETON Mil ON VERGE OF STRIKE SHATTLaE, Sept 81. U. P.) More than three thousand coal minora In this state are expected to quit Thursday xX operators do not meet their demands. There Is sliffht hope of settlement. Miners are demanding that wage increases recently awarded b made retroactive to August 16. White man last night visited W. M. Miles' Recreation Parlor for colorod men and made away with the respec- , tlve 'bank rolls of about 10 sojourners in the place. Three suspects are In The Farmers and Merchants Bank "Our Commercial Business Is increasing." "We try to please." WALLA WALLA, WASH. NOTICE 5 a 5 a By order of the Police Committee no cars are al lowed to park on Main street between the O. W. R. & N. tracks and Main street bridge during; Round-Up un til Sunday morning. Cars can park at curb long enough to load or unload. UMATILLA HOUR & GRAIN CO. Phone 1014, 475, 331. i WA OV" 3 J RUSSIAN WARSAW, Sept. 21. (A. P. Russians are concentrating heavy forces along the Niemen river pre paratory to an offensive expected to be begun within a few days.. Artillery, airplanes, tanks and part of the Rus sian workingmen's army are included. Minister of War Trotzky is at Lida to direct the operations. Poles Continue Advance WARSAW, Sept. 21. (A. P.) The Russian bolshevik have been driven from Eastern Oalicia by the General Polish advance along the southern front. Troops nriven Northward WARSAW, Sept. 21. (U. P.) Bol shevlk troops have been-driven north ward to the Pinsk marshes along the whole line of the river front, a Polish communique today claimed. In the south, the Ukrainians have occupied Czertkow and Bueacz. Tierce Fighting I'ndrrway LONDON, Sept. 21. (U. P.) A .1 i u n (i H 1 mm anvlftt mllitfirv H il - quarters in Moscow today said fierce fighting continued In the Kovelu dis trict, northeast of Lemberg. Leaders In Conference LONDON. Sept. 21. U. P.) A Riga dispatch to the London Chron icle today said the formal Polish-Russian peace conference had not been begun but that. John Dombski and Adolph Joffe. two leaders, had a two hour secret conference today. Aune Wheeler Studio 222 E. Alta TP rmi -fnllra nnlv Trnpw g What the Aune-Wheeler 2 Studio for you could ? do, Phone 533 You would not delay .That photograph an other day. . .". THE THOMAS SHOP immmmm. 11 UuiiililUiMli NEW FALL GARMENTS THAT PREDOMINATE ' and this la because the styles and prices are right Women who desire to be exclusively appareled In gar. ' menta of rare richness yet have hesitated to Invest be' cause of price, will surely rejoice to find that I hey may purchase one of these, , v ' . COATS, SUITS OR DRESSES ... . .. -.....''' i At a Most Reasonable Price. . , FURS We .wish to call your particular attention to. our Lynx, Fox and Wolf Scarfs - ' ' PRICED $29.50 to $197.50 . - SATISFACTION In Price, "Workmanship and Promptness . when you patronize The East' Oregonian Job Printing Department , .' ' . Phone 1 V : BRIGHT STAItS (Continued from pace 1.) morning Included Gilbert Mlnthorn. Indian, and Bill Ridings, white, and they are out to make it a real struggle for opremacy. Aa a rule there are only two coaches in the race. II THE BED5PRING LUXURIOUJfJ !! a I: m Mat tea ve& Me finance of-a s successrzf men AMBITION is the yeast that causes the financial dough to rise. Ambition should open a bank account and ask the banker's advice. We invite the active ac counts of ambitious men and women. mm No matter what kind of a Bedsprmg you now haveno matter how much you paid for it you will find that "DeLuxe the bedspring luxurious, will give you more toothing, delightful, healthful repose than you ever knew before. The secret pf superlative comfort in the bedspring "DeLuxe" is the crossed helical springs which connect the tops of the coils ' making the whole top flexible giving each coil freedom of action. "DeLuxe" conforms to the contours of the body does not sag like a hammock does not pitch to the center o; to the side of the heavier weight when , occupied by two persons. DeLuxe" has revolution ized coil bedspring construc tion. It will last lifetime. umiiMmtiifnuiiitMniiiimimtiinim s. ' lite i. Company HOME FURNISHER 103 li Court St. - I'hone aUl- I