TWO DAILY EAST 0EOONlAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 21, 1020. TWELVE PAGES !!il!!fll!!ll!lillllllll!l One More Day And The Greatest Show 1 . '' ' f ' ' ' ' - " . . ," 4 . (.'' - .. ' : '. ' 1 y ' .... ' 1 ' and your shopping days Will be gone. Are you ready? It will pay yovi to come to Pendleton's Greatest Department Store for your last minute shopping. We , have the most wonderful stocks we've ever shown and the largest and most efficient salesforce. We'll give you the best for the price, no matter what the price. ' . The I Muiiminnisi IS ON FULL BLAST. Thousands of Dollars Worth of Good Wear for Everybody at Reductions That Will Open Your Eyes. , COATS DRESSES ' , As good as the very best. Coats of the finest Silk and woolens at prices you never have paid materials. All sizes, 14 to 44 bust, selling as high before dresses that are as pretty as the pret- as $110.00 . tiest. , SPECIAL $4.89 TO $32.87 AND SUCH PRICES! Hundreds of Dollars Worth of Good Sweaters, Skirts, Waists, Hose and just such other wear that is most needed. MEN'S GOODS IN ABUNDANCE. SHOES SHOES SHOES SHOES WOMEN'S SHOES $1.00 NEATLY AND WELL DRESSED WITHOUT EXTRAVAGANCE - - ! Is the desire of sensible women today, and this is the thought we kept before us. in selecting for your inspection these Dresses just un packed. You will revel in the variety of style and the freshness of their appearance and you will wonder how they can be sold so reasonably. Velvet, Serge, Tricotines, Tricollettes and Messalines $28.50 to $85.00 "" Thousands of dollars worth of Shoes for every body. Men's shoes at extremely low prices. Children s shoes all bargains. Children's wear at prices that will make you Tables full of good things. Shelves piled high, fairly wild to buy. Outfit your children today, racks crowded full. . Plenty for everybody if you hurry! aaBBBBaBjatBxaByjBxaBBSBBSB Our Kitchen Section is Actually Jammed Full of the Most Needed Articles at the low est prices in Pendleton. Remember the place and attend the , Big Rummage Sale IN OUR BARGAIN BASEMENT. y T. P. W. PURE FOOD SHOP In Our Model Sanitary Basement. CLEANLINESS ECONOMY SERVICE 3 Main Line Phones, all 15. All Other Depts. call 22 TRU BLU CRACKERS AND COOKIES A Fresh Shipment Just Received Order a good supply of Tru Blu Fancy As sorted Cookies and your cake baking problem is solved. Plenty of Swift's Premium Hams, Bacon, Fresh Eggs, Etc. PLEASE ORDER EARLY. YOU'LL BE GLAD OF IT If you make it a point to get clothes of best quality, you'll be glad of it at the end of six months. . You'll find that it's the quality that saves money for you, more than a .low price. HART SCHAFFNER & MARX clothes cost just enough to be as good as they are; you'll find them as good as they cost. Our prices are as low as we can possibly make them. ju.jLUJlII13 We Are Splendidly Ready With all DRESS ACCESSORIES for Round-Up week., A visit to this store will repay you in many ways. t.yj? . . New Brown Kid Gloves, the pair. . .... $3.75 Slipon or Strap Wrist Gloves. . $6.50 to $7.50 New Belts at . ... ........... .... . . 35c to 65c Party Boxes at ............. , $3.85 to $15.00 Bead Necklaces .............. $1.25 to $6.50 Leather Bags and Purses ..... $2.95 to $15.00 ' "Rain or Shine" Silk Umbrellas 4n black or colors with handles to'match $9.75 to $25.00 Novelty Neckwear $1.00 to $8.00 Drape Veils, black and colors, in the. very lat est things, each ; $125 to $5.00 Slipon Veils 15c to 75c Vanity Cases j 50c to $2.00 New Lace Silk Hose in brown and black, the ; pair .v.-; .V. Fi i i $5.75 Silk Hose, black and colors . . . . .$1.25 to $5.00 Silk Cord Girdles, very new... $2.50 to $3.50 Rhinestone Pins and Hair Ornaments, white or colored stones at. .... ... $5.00 THE PENDLETON WOOLEN MILL3 PRODUCTS Indian Robes, Slumber Robes, Bath Robes, Couch Covers, Shawls, Bed Blankets, Carriage Robes, Auto Robes, etc., will be shown here in a very comprehensive way. liring your out- of-town friends in to see the display. ' - 1 f Pendleton Woolen Mills Pillow Tops on sale in the Art Department. ' . - Make this store your headquarters during the Round-Up. Use our phones, rest room, etc ' PENbLETONS greatest department store fiePeoplesfetrehous WH ERE IT PAYS TO TRADE It will pay you to visit this store often. New goods are arriving daily. .T'innnninriinniiinHniiiiiiiiiiiininiiniiffliii NOTICES Notice of Street Jmiruvement Notice Is hereby given that at i fejcular meeting of The Common Coun cU of The City of Pendleton, held at the Council chambers la Pendleton. Oree-on. on September 15th. 1920, the fulowing reolution was duly adopted: WHKKEAS the City Surveyor of The dry of Pendleton did on the 8th. day of Krntnmbor. 1920. under directions and by requirement of the Common Council file In the office of the Re corder of The City of Pendleton, plane I and specification for an appropriate improvement of the folowing named street la said city: Lincoln Street, from the North line of Raley Street to the South line of Jackson Street, together with the esti mates of liu work to be done and the probable cost thereof with a state , ment of the lots, parts of lots and par ceU of buid to toe benefited iy such Imorovement and the percentage of the total cost of Improvement, which each of such lots, parts of lots and parrels ef land should pay oi account of the benefits to be derived from sucn Improvement, and, WHEHEA8, the council has examin ed such plans and specifications and mtimatM and found the same satis frtory and the estimates therefore to be in accordance with the probable coat of such work and, WHUHMAK. the property reoom mesKle l y the City Surveyor to be In cluded wtthla the boundaries of the Hau-tct benefited Is In the Judgment included within such Improvement dis trict and no property is excluded therefrom "which should properly be included therein, and, WHEREAS, the improvement of the hereinabove described portions of Lincoln Street either with Gravel Bitu lithic Pavement, Concrete Pavement or Warren Its Bitulithlo Pavement on Crushed Rock or Crushed Gravel foundation. Is at this time necessary. therefore, be it. RE80LVJ3D, by the Common Coun-1 dl of The City of Pendleton that It is 1920, is hereby included and hereby re ferred , to particularly, and be it fur ther. RESOLVED that the plans and spe cifications and estimates for such im provements are prepared -by the City 6urs-yor and filed with the Recorder of The City of Pendleton on the 8 th. day of September. 1920, be and they are hereby adopted and approved, and be It further. RBSOLVED that the cost of making such improvement shall be & charge and lien upon all lots, parts of lots and parcels of land to be benefited by expedient to Improve said portions of auch mproVement and the owners of Lincoln Street by paving the same with jjruch Iots pa,rts of lots and parcels of either Gravel Bltulithie Pavement, Concrete Pavement or Warrentte Bltu lithie Pavement on Crushed Rock or Crushed Gravel foundation, such pave ment to be constructed and the sur face thereof to be finished upon the establiKhed grade of said street and the street to have curbs and gutters and nil other thimrs in accordance with and as shown in the plans and specifi cation for the improvement of said portions of said Unjoin Street, pre pared lit F. & Hayes, city eurveyor, filed with the Recorder of said city on the 8th. day of September, wilch said plans and specifications 'are hereby particularly reerred to, and, be it further, KKHOLVBO that ths Engineer's estimates of the probable total cost of such improvement, which said City Kneineer's estimates wei e mane ana oretsred bv P. B. Hayes. City Survey or of said city, in the sun of $,79.S. and was filed wtth the Recorder of Of Us Co bubo Council properly to be j aajd. city on the tto. day of September, land, so specially benefited by such im provement shall be liable for the pay ment of the costs thereof, and be it further, RESOLVED that an Assessment District Is hereby created to be known as "Assessment District No. 69." em bracing the property benefited and to be assessed for the payment of such improvements, which Assessment Dis trict Bhall Include all lots; parts of lots and parcels of land lying and oemg within the district bounded and de scribed as follows, to-wit: IMtKTliKkin of Assessment IHstrtct jNumbcr 69, Commencing on the Southwest cor ner of Lot , Block IS, Raley's Addi tion to Pendleton; thence 300 reet Korth and parallel with the west line of Lincoln Street; thence 260 feet East and along the South line of Jackson Street; thence J 00 feet south and par srrel with the east line of Lincoln i Street; thenea 260. feet west of thej North line of Raley Street to the point of beginning. And be it further RBSOLVED that a copy of this res olution together with the notice that the surveyor's estimate of the propor tion of the cost of said work to be charged against each lot, -part of lot and parcel of land is on file in the of fice of the City Recorder be published for a period of ten days in the Kastj Oresonian, which newspaper is Here by designated by the Common Council for the publication thereof. And further notice Is hereby given that the Surveyors estimate of the proportion of the cost of said work to be charged against each lot, part of lot, and parcel, of land on account of said work Is now on file In the office of the City Recorder, subject to in spection and examination. Dated at Pendleton Oregon this 16th. day of September, A. V., 1920. . THOS. FIT!! GHRALD, City Recorder. XOflCK FOIl BIDS Notice is- hereby given that sealed bids and proposals will tie received by the Common Council of the City of Pendleton on and until September 22, 1920, at S o'clock p. m., for the im provement of Mark Street from the Kast Line of Matlock Street 1o the West line of Bush Street and Perkins Avenue from the South Line of Raley Street to the North Line of Walter's Mill Race and Logan Street from the Gravel Bitulithlo Pavement Con Crete Pavement or Warrenlte Bituli thlo Pavement or Crushed Rock and Crushed Gravel foundation. In ac cordance to plans and specifications for such Improvement now on file In the Office of the City Recorder of City of Pendleton, Oregon. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check of 6 per cent of the total cost, payable to the Mayor of the City of Pendleton, to be returned if the bid der la unsuccessful and to be forfeited on failure to enter into a Contract in accordance with the bid. If accepted. Each bid must specify the price for said improvement as follows; 1575.70 cu. yds. of dirt exca vation, per cu. yd 11671.90 cu. yds. of Kill made from surplus dirt of Etc within the District, per cu. yd t ..... , 7220.38 sI. yds. Hard Surface Pavement, per sq, yd 3460.70 L ft. of Straight Curb, per L. ft 329.70 L. ft. of Circular Curb, per L. ft Catch Basins, per Catch Basin .... Monuments, per Monu ment ..$.... 220.00 L. ft. Vitrified sewer pipe 8 In., per L. ft I....... 120.00 L. ft. Header, per L. ft. ..... 7.3 cn. yds. Concrete for re taining wall, per cu. yd. .. I ...... . Total . . . Bids must be filed with the City Rocorder on or before the time above mentioned. The Common .Council reserves ths right to reject any and all bids and bids will be opened ty the Common Council at the regular meeting there of on the day herein above specified. Dated this 9th. day of September. 1929. THOS. PJTZ GBRALDt City Recorder. ! REALTY TRANSFFIK 1 1 Adams. I D. GerklngMo F. R. Wlleoj: $1.00 mete and bwmd tract In NK 1-4 Nfl 1-4 Sec. 27. Tp. . N. H. 35. J. N. B. Gerklng to K B. Wilcox J.o mete and bound tract hi NB 1-4 1-4' 27' Tp ,- 5. 0ra"K and M. B. Oonboy IW.00 Lot 3, Block 4, Orange and Con, boy's Add Pilot Rock. , BOXING TO BE FEATURE IN COLLEGES THIS FALL' South Line of Raley Street to the, 90.00 L. ft. m In. Oas pipe North Line of Mark Street, Improve- for railing, per L. fC . ...$ ment District No. 72, with either , . William MacKenzie to S. J." Culley ia,ouu.oo w 1-2 NE 1-4 and SR 1-4 NW 1-4 Sec. 86, Tp. 4, N. R. 35, E. W. M. and one half Interest In: commenc ing' at s. R. corner mv 1-4 NKJ 1-4 Sec. 33, Tp. 4, N. R. 35, run, north 2 rods, west SO rods, south X rods, east o roas. Mary Shaw to N. B. Poster 8380.00 East 2-s of Lots 9, 10 and 11, Block 5, original town Weston. Charley Smith to Chas. B. Owens 500.00 Lots 7 and 8, Block 4, Adams. Alex MacKenzle- to Bert Martin (60.00 Lots 3. 4. 6. and 6. Block P. t'kiah. , Miles Nellie to John T. Hale 81.00 Lots 12, 13 and 14, Block 9, Irvlngton Heights Add. Pendleton. Majrgie E. Parr to nMertha Kemler 110.00. ran of Lot 6, to Block 8, Roxlnit Will he one nt h. hlirirM. factors In college sport this year iwosi or the Pacific Const Col leges hove adopted boxina- as a competitive sport aoe) th California '. and Stanford varsity men have held Inter collegiate bouts for some years. Hack east there is a big boom In the glove game among the colleges and seventy of the larsjeai Institutions have adopted that sport as a competi tive branch of the college athletic rou. . tine. Lieut. Commander W. A. Rich. ' ardson of the Naval Academy, Hugo Bosdek former athtetia .director,- at. one of the Oregon colleges and now at , Penn State and Major M. Pickering of the U. P. form the Interenllegiats'com. ml tee on boxing laws for this season. Takes Permit for firnro- , . , The Van Pctten Lumber Co., today was Issued a permit to erect a garage at the corner of Ann and Alta streets) at an estimated cost of 8500, i