East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 21, 1920, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE TWELVE, Image 12

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    rxaz TWELVE
twelve rjusna.
J. C. Penney Co.. A Nationwide Institution
Good Goal
ffi IJ )h Vlv1 i 'nation-wide Jnstttutlon. (
In these uncertain days good Coal is hard
to pet. . There's so much of the inferior pro
duct on the market now.
Hut we are fortunate in having excellent
grades of Coal for every purpose.
A friendly tip to you : Order your winter
coal immediately. It may be hard to obtain .
later and when you really need it
B. L. Burroughs
ThoncS College & Webb Sts.
feiHjiE Umpty
uhem i get up to tsive.
American National Service
There Is au obvious TUlvnnmgo to Uio patrons oT Uie '
Aincriean National Rank In tlxs fact tliat much bus
iness rail bo tranttu-ted with ft through its many de-Mj-tiiKMUs
and in its various capacities.
We offer our ouHtffincrs the facilities of every de
MMuiciit located under one room, Ui cf iar?c of com
ncteiu. and courteous officers.
' -' !:
The American National Bank
Pendleton, Oregon.
'Strongest Bank in Gastern Oregon"
f I J- ' Tk . ' : ' I
n Howe's . .
r e 8
Vernicol makes old
furniture new
keeps new furniture
from getting old
Don't discard thai old piece el
furniture just because its finish is
scratched and marred. Give it
sew lease, on Ufa with' a coat of
rVernicoL the jiffy-do-over varnishl
stain. Stains and Tarnishes the
wood at each stroke of the brush.
Scratches disappear almost m&fjio
ally. Dries with a rich, harcL
glossy luster, Wears and wears.
It's good for floors, too.-
Keep a can of Vernicol handy. Ifi
S great antidote for careless servants
ana thoughtless children. Comes in all
the popular finishes, A&k for color
card and booklet.
Phone 158
513 Main St
12.500 Square Feet of Floor Space
Newest and Most Desirable Features of a Practical
Steel Range
Value Wesco
Twin flue construction enables you to heat all
six lids on top of stove at an equal temperature
without heating the oven. Saves heat in the room
during summer months and saves fuel. Flue
around oven is uniform in size so heated air comes
in contact with every part, of oven. We guarantee
that pies or cakes can be baked eve on top and
bottom and all sides without burning.
One-half the fuel used in the ordinary range
will do your work better in this up-to-date range.
Let us show you this range. Pre-war prices.
Cruikshank & Hampton
134-13S K. W ebb St. QUALITY COUNTS
ilHne MS
12.500 Square Feet of Floor Space
I -T-iSS 111 (UI -
laclading Pendleton Prices and Associated Press Report?
Th following prices are the price
being paid to producers by Pendleton
business houses. Wherever retail
prices are given the face will be spe
cifically mentioned.
Hens and Poultry.
Eggs, 60 cents In trade. (Retail price
is 66 cents.)
Hens, 20 cents. ,
Spring fryers, 28 cents a pound.
Country Ilnm, Kto,
ii.xm, best quality, 28c.
Bacon, best quality, 40c.
Butter Fat and Butter.
Ranch butter, $1.10 a roll. (Retail
price Is also J1.10.) -
Prime mixed .......... J19.6020.00
Medium mixed ........ 13.00 ji) 19.50
Smooth heavy lm. ......... 17.5018.00
Rough heavy ...16.50 17.50
14.50 18.00
With a run f 2590 head in the al
leys for the Monday morning trade the
North Portland market for mutton
was generally about a quarter lower.
There was a fairly steady tone In the
lamb division, with no changed indi
cated In early prices.
General sheep and I a pi Da range:
Prime-lambs 9.G010.S0
Oull lambs 6.00 8.50
Yearlings, ... . 6.50 9.50
Wethers ... 6.00 6.60
Ewes '........ 2.2j 6.00
While at the start of the day's trad
Hogs Continue Higher
Cattle Undertone Weaker
Hogs reached a new high record )n in the , .
land cattle showed no price changes.
the market nos indicating a weak
early Monday' at $20, cattlo
steady to slow with a weaker- under
tone while lambs were steady,, sheep
lower. Receipts for the day totalled
115 cars compared with 14 3 a week
ago, ,86 two weeks ag"0, 106 four weeks
ago, 77 a year ago, 68 "two years ago
and 101 three years ago.
North Portland continues to lead tne
leading- stockyard markets of the
country in regard to swine values with
a new top ibright and early Monday
morning at $20. This is 25c above th
extreme top of the pervious week.
The higher price reflects not only the
scant, offering of 594 head here for
Monday but it likewise shows the gen
eral trend of the trade In regard t
hog values throughout the United
States. Practically all the leading
markets were advanced for the weeks
General hog mRrket range
Appear At Your
Best Instantly''
If yoa receive a sudden
caller or an unexpeetea in
vitation you can feel con
fident of always appearing
at your best. In but a lew
mosnents It renders to your
I 1 soft complexion that is
. B t beyond comoarUon.
(AM Matftjsf
undertone with forecasts of losses to
follow. There was a liberal run in
the alleys Monday morning with a to
tal of 2560 head, but of this volume
ljS carloads did not stop here, being
direct purchases at country points by
outside killers.
Uenerai cattle range: ,
Choice grass steers .....J 9.25 10.00
(Jood to choice steers" . . . 8.25 8.28
Medium to good steers . . . 7.25 8.25
Fair to Good steers ..... 6.759 7. 25
Common to fair steers.. 6.00 tfu 6.75
Choice cows and heifers 7.25 8.00
Good to choice cows and
heifers ...... ... .25 7.2S
Medium 'to good cows and
heifers 6.25 6.25
Fifteen Million Dollar
Corporation Backs
Penney Jr. Clothes for
Your Boy
. .-' . , ,..;.;....,' .
The size of the organization, however, -would
have little interest for you if the clothes '
it sponsors did not deliver. 1 "
In actual practice its really these good
clothes backing the corporation instead of the
institution standing by the clothes. In fact
Penny Jr. clothes for boys have played.an im
portant part in the phenomenal growth of this
nation-wide organization with their individ
uality of style, their very reasonable prices foi
such good clothes and the integrity of their,
fabrics and tailoring. ,
Bring your boy in and see how different he'll look in Penny Jr. Clothes.
Our splendid showing of new patterns will surely offer a material in,
keeping with your idea of what your boy should wear., $14.75 to $19.50. .
New Fall Hats for
Men $4.98
Smart new, numbers' showing the latest
fashion trend of headwear for men. Good
quality felts made under our own brands by
America's f or emSst hatters. Greens, Browns,
Grays, or Black in modifications of the justly
popular trooper style. $4.98.
J. C. Penney Co. A Nationwide Institution
scattered realising around 8.10 for De
cember and 8.68 for March. . Last
prices were a few points off from the
best in consequence but thct market
showed net gain of IS to 26 points..
September 748; Oct. 765; Dec. mo;
Jan. 81f; March 858; May 879; July
891.' - . S
Spot cotfee was roportcd in moder
ate demand with Rio 7s quoted at 8'ff
8 14 and Santos 4s at 13fa 13-4.
Choice dairy, calves .
Heavy calves ......
Eest light, caivos . ... .
Medium' lightcales
Best feeders
Fair to good feeders
2.75 4.76
6.00 6.00
7.00 .00
11.00 13.00
6.50!f 'T.OO
5.501$ 6.66
Coffee Futures Advance
(n (ood Word froau Brazil. ' :
new jouk, Kept. pi. The mar
ket for coffee futures opened at
advance of 10 to 16 points In response
to better Brazilian cables and active
months sold about 27 to 30 points
abov the closing prices of last week
during the earlier trading. . Some buy
ing was reported for European ac
count and there was scattered cover
ing promoted by reports of better feel
tne: In Wall street but the market met
The Ideal Summer Fuel.
. -'...(. ... .
Makes Codking a Pleasure
Phone 178
All lanes. Cattle and. ? -
Steep, Have Weakness.
KANSAS CITY, Sept. 21. -Cuttle
28,000. Quality plain. cw , boor
steers steady. All classes closing
weak'. Bulk late sales beef steers 26C
lower; late top 15.75; medium cows
eak to 25 lower; Kansas grass he!fe-
10.25; bulk canners 4.50; most other
classes around steady; heavy calves
weak; best vealers 1616.60.
Sheep 15W.000; fat lambs 1525c
lower; top westerns 13.75; .'sheep 25
50c lower; good western ewes $.50;
feeding lambs steady to strong; best
" " V,.': "
Rig Receipts of Corn Tend ' ' ',
to Weaken AU Grains. ,
CHICAGO, Sept. 21. All grain and
provisions weakened in price today as
a result of big receipts of corn and ow
ing to unlikelihood of frost. Wheat
closed steady at the same time as Sat
urday's finish to l-2c lower with Deo.
2.39 3 -4to 2.40 and .March 2.34 8-4.
Corn closed unchanged to i 1-8 down,
oats off 3-8 to 1c and provisions at a
setback varying from 2 1-2 to 2Gc. ' '
A good deal of selling pressure on
wheat was evident during the first half
of the day but after a moderate down
turn In values fair support developed
and the market rallied. Sympathy
with the depression of corn' apepared
to be the only well defined reason for
the temporary drop in wheat. i
Corn dropped to the lowest prices
yet for deferred deliveries, lleacttons
were ascribed to profit taking' by
Oats were governed by thS action of
corn. f . ;
Provisions gave way with grain.
st ra hits on the bullish operations of Tind4l gave it ami Evan Cameron
Po.ola. save 1 to the fund. .The total for I the
.Better freight conditions were re- day was 23. -k-' . . . -
sorted by railroad officials at western Jim Van IK-ummi to Speak.' ! . '
and southwestern terminals, but these 'Mrs. Kdlth 3. Van Deusen, 'home
were tempered by advices from the demonstration agent, acted an a Juiico
oMRHcn,,,iB Bicninr - i me case-maKing contest In Weston
tioa In purchases of general mcrchun
dlse. .. .'.
' Financial interests again stressed
the need of conserving credits but this
attitude had. no perceptible influence
upon the call money market which
rillid at 7 per cent. . -
Conditions bearing upon interna
tional exchange remained unchanged,
save for another moderato rally in
pritlsli rates.
- Domestic bonds, including rails and
liberty issues were firm; but Interna
tionals moved contrarlly. French mu
nicipals made further gains but the
new French 8s and United Kingdoms
eased. Total sales, par value, J12.-
375.000. Old U. 8.. bonds unchanged
911 call. i .
Hog at Seattle Pass
S2A Mark hi Stiff lUse.
SBATTL.B. Kept. 21. Hots 4 7a.
Stiff. Prime 19.75I&20.36; medium to
choice 18.75 19.75; smooth heavies
17.75i18.25; rough hcavios 10.76
16,25; pigs 1315.
Cattle Receipts 377. Weak. Prime
steers 8.60 10; medium to choice 8
.common to good 6 7.60;; best
cows and heifers 7.25i7.75; medium
to choice 6 7; common to good 4.60
6.00; bulls 46; calves 7el5.
Ko Change In Hides ami ,
Wool at New York.
Four Cio to Memorial Fund.
rour contributions to the Til Taylor
Memorial Fund were added today. W.
D. Chamberlain, collcotor of Internal
revenue in Pendleton, and Dr. George
J. Mm or Ashland, formerly of Pen
dleton, sent in 110 each. William
Saturday. She will speak at Western
October 2 to tho members of the Sat
urday Afternoon club, and will assist
in planning the club's work for i he
year. October 1 she is to speak atjho
Hawthorne I'arent Teacher association,
meeting and October 6 at th,o Pilot
Hock community club.. ;
. ' r.-. r. .. t
CLEVELAND, Sept. gt.-(V. P.)
By splitting oven In a double header
with Sioux City Sunday, Tulsa, Okla..
won the 1920 Western league pennant.
Had Tuum. lost notfc ams, Wlehlis,
Kas.. would have been the winner, as
the latter club took: both ends
dauhlo header from Omaha.
LONDON, Sept il. (U. P.) Pol
ish 'peace delegates arrived today at
Hlga to meet "the liusslan oommlsslon,
dispatches ' sis ted, "
Dissorr. uutastlv m tongas,
f la hot mr mM water, r , ,
vk7. kij mz tM tesatsia.
md w9 mott a tmmu
V-i's v3 ty Q i entity S sr vice
I-ecd and Orafins Nantinal ,
in Seattle Market. '
KATTIiE. Sept. 21. City delivery:
Feed Scratch feed $82 per ton; feed
wheat $83; all (Train chop $70; oat
$63; sprouting- oats $67; rolled oats
$65; whole corn fig; cracked corn
$75; rolled barley $63; clipped barley
Hay Alfalfa $30 per ton; double
compressed alfalfa $36; ditto timothy
$42; eastern Washington mixed $36.
Strength of ItaUrcnd and
OiK MarkH Stock Rxchanee.
NEW YOItK, Sept. 21. Th weOrt
on the stock exchange began with a
resumption of the recent comprehen
sive inquiry for railroad and oil
shares at irregularly high quotations,
various miscellaneous issues aluo
strengthening. . .
Net gains of 1 to 6 1-2 points were
registered by such stocks as Crucible
fcteel, Atlantic Gulf. Writing Paper
Pfd., American Tobacco and Mexican
Rails fell back on profit taking in
the final hour and some of the special
ties, notably leathers, lost ground on
rumors of prospective dividend reduc
tions. Sales amounted to one million
shares, the largest turnover Jn many
Events over the week end, including
the enormous clearing house ex pan -
ision of lotfii imposed occasional re-
prides itself in possessing the world's confidence
and with such unwavering faith and individual
preference of buyers, Buick demand and produc
tion are eclipsing all records so the wisdom of
early purchasing for future months delivery by
those "who know" is a fore-thought for the' pros
pective buyer who tarries from day to day. - ,
All Buick models will be advanced about 300
this week. Place your order now and save this
amount, as we now have cars for immediate do
livery a me olU price. .
Qregon oi6r (jarage
T "
Distributors '"