East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, September 20, 1920, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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People Here and There
A honoymoon spent partly In an air.
pin lie In the truat whloh Mr. and Win.
JjOwIh C. Witherbee, of Seattle, will
onjay tomorrow. Tho young couple,
WQilded at Halt Jjiko Hal m day, iiaHxed
thrmiKh Pendleton on route to Yakima
this morning where they will meet
Lieut. Harold Soovlllc, a friend with a
plane at th WonhlnRton. Btato Fair,
and continue to Seattle ly air. Mr.
and Mrs. Wltherlx are former stud
ents at the UrdverHlty ' WashlnKton
nd he In now engaged in tho automo
bile umilnesg there, , - ,
Mrs. Rlliiabeth Jane Folnom,' aged
f5. In coming to I'ondlRfon from Beau
mont, California, to see the Jtonnd-lv'p.
will be uceonipalned by, hor Grand
daughter, Miss Jean tfolxom. Oilman
Folnom who nan been sojourning In
California, and bin brother, Marry Fnl-
som, of Keutinioit, will al8o see the Wk
how and will analie the trip to this
city by autoj,; ., . ,, i -
rioyal M. ' Suwtello. returned this
morn In if from Walla Wulla where he
attended the- Frontier Days Blunt on
Kalurday. Mrs. Hnwtolle and children,
who. accompanied him, will remalmliw
Wnlla Walla until tomorrow. They are
tho IfUUKlH of
Mm. iien Hill.
Mm. Suwtelle's sinter,
J. M. Kconoy, formerly part owner
of the Cunningham fiheen & land Co...
In here from J'ortland today looking
after other buslnexs Interests., He
Hold hlx liilore.it in the sheep concern
to F W. Fulconer a few month ago.
One of the most prominent men In
tho Insurance world in Ban Francisco
Ih tJeorne W. ltrooks, secretary of. the
California Insurance Co. In company
with. Mrs. ltrooka, ho Is coming to the
two final days of llmincl-Up, having
made reservations on the Journal's
ppecla) train from Portland. Word of
Mr. Brooks' contemplated visit, was
received today by H.t W, Graham of
Muntiey-'Uraham Co. ; .t. -
and the most famous cowgrl In (he
world. "Mrs. Dlancett will not appear
in the arena at the Hound-up this year
but will be in the grandstand as
guest ef the ltound-Up association
Mrs. Blancett arrived this morning
from Portland, where she is employed
as press feeder for the Irwln-Modson
Hruiu-ho Bob Hall and TJoyd Vi
Union county buokaroos who take pari
each year tn tho bucking events . at
liound-Up, arrived this morning with
their outfits and will again be In the
lists. . ..,
The (juaiUllle at Happy Cannon Is
to be led this year by Bertha Blneett.
en time' woman's bucking champion
'- "V ' XN. m
julMtr Delegates Jail.
A dozen la hor delegutes called at the
county jail this afternoon to visit the
cells and: see the four men awaiting
trial on charges of murder. They
wore shown through by Deputy Sheriff
Glen Bushee.
Teacher Obtained for Bcliool.
Mb. W. H. Oliver of Pendleton, to
day filed her ctmfract with the coun
ty superintendent to teach In district
So. 13, ten miles west, of Pendleton.
The district has a teacherage and Mrs.
Oliver and her mother wjil , reside
there. . ,. t.
lacing centers also Is hKtefamonKthe
starters in the Oregon rases and may
bo booked to meet Horey m a special
match race for side bets and purses.
HlllnBhoe and Horey have never cIilsIi
ed on. a dirt track despite the foot that
both men have been following the rac
Ing game for several years.
Independent Republicans Turn
in? hi Large , Numbera to
Candidacy of League of Na
tions Supporter. . '
Two Districts I'usupuMed.
Two districts In the county are now
without teachers, these being No. 80
noar Milton, and No. 36, Cabbage Hill.
All others which have applied to the
superintendent, for teachers have been
supplied. .
The value of bak
ing powder is tesed on its
leavening strength. You
can't judge it by the size
of the can or by the amount
you get for your money. You
must estimate it by the amount
of baking powder used in eacn ,
baking and the results you get
is the greatest value ever
offered m Baking Powder it
has greater raising "trc" it goes
further than most of the other
brands. You use only a rounded or
heaping teaspoonful where others
call for two teaspoonfuls or more.
But Baking Powder is not
all you'll, save when using Calu
met. You save baking materials,
Calumet never fails. The last level
teaspoonful is as powerful as the
first Calumet is perfectly manu
factured keeps perfectly and is
moderate in price.- -.t ?
Tm hw yes kay H Ym MTt vkta ya an
One trial wijl satisfy you of these'
facts and demonstrate beyond doubt that
'Calumet spells economy.'
Your grocer sells it on a guarantee
of money back if you are not pleased with
Calumet contains only such Ingredients as
have been approved officially by the J. S,
Food Authorities. . , . , . , v
When you buy a pound of Calumet you get a full
pound 16 oz. Some high priced .baking powders are
now being put on the market in 12-oz. can! instead of a pound. Be
sure you are getting a pound when you want it. No short weights
with Calumet.
Alleged IiituuniHt Taken Hraith. ,
IJilward A. Teutschman, -alleged big
arrest ea nere iast week, was
taken to Ualinas, JaL for . trial. In
charge of Sheriff J. F. Nesbitt, of that
city, aunuay. The officer arrived, last
evening and departed, on No. t with
his man. Mrs. Teutschman left late
last week for the. south and will con
test the case against her husband by
Mrs, Hazel Teutschman of Salinas.
who had the man arrested on the big
amy charge. ...
Itutlur Again raruied.
, Myron Butler, the youth who was
on parole to Guy Wyrick for several
months and was finally returned to
the sheriff, has been taken out on trial
by Earl Dudley and put on his ranch
near Athena, The youth did not vio
late his parole while out before but
became obstreperous and was returned
for safekeeping. ,
txaaificld Case 'Transferred.
The Case of R. K. Stanfield vs. the
Great Northern Itailway Co.. filed, re
cently In circuit court, has been or
dered transferred to the circuit court
of .Multnomah county for trial. The
order was signed today by Jude G. W.
Phelps. The action is a suit for dam-
ag-es to sheep in transit. lU
Jurymen Fall to Appear.
The September term of circuit court
jury was called this mornlnv and
jury obtained to try the case of th
State vs. Robert Hunter, charged with
larceny of a calf. Several of those
summoned as veniremen failed to an
pear and It Is probable that bench
warrants will bo issued for them. The
Hunter case could not be tried today
owing lo the fact that witnesses must
come from the south of the. county
ana they will not be here until tomor
Perry Ifniitor Changes rica.
Perry HuMef. charged with simple
larceny, today changed his plea from
not guilty to guilty and was fined I0
by Judge G. W. Phelps. His trial on
the first of three indictments against
him was set for today in circuit court
but when he plead guilty the Jury was
given a recess until tomorrow morn
liuj. ..... . . , .
Guns (iiven to Juvenile Court,
The case of Eugene Hunter, charg
ed with larceny of a calf, in conjunc
tion with his brother-in-law. Robert
Hunter, was referred to the juvenile
court in an order. made by Circuit
Judge G. W. Phelps today. ......
209 E. Court . , Fhone 8S0 or 881
j DOZEN, $1.00.-'
2 Pounds $1.40.
Pay Cash
Receive More
Pay Less
209 E. Court Thone 880 or 881
Clerk's Office J las New McmiIht.
Mrs. Bortha Ward of this city, today
accepted the position as stenographer
n the county clerk s office, made va
cant recently by the marriage of Miss
Beatrice Rogers, to Charles IS. Haynes
of this city.
Order Confirms Sale.
An order confirming the sale under
execution of property In the case of
J. R. Raley vs. J. II. . Bonney and
Belle Bonney, was signed by the cir
cuit Judge today.. , ,
I'maiklne Couple Ijkvitsrd.
,A marriage license was issued -today
by County Clerk R. T. Brown to
Floyd (Joodman and Miss Neva Moore,
both of TJmaplne.
Bank Sues for Stock, "
The Prosser state Bank today filed
suit against Charles Whirlwind and J.
H. Ijoek to recover a mare and- two
horses and a wagon, or their equival
ent, $600 which the plaintiff alleges
should revert to It. The defendant.
Whirlwind, Is allegod to have dispon
o4.,of the. property to-which the bank
has a claim. Peterson, Bishop , &
Clark and Andrew Brown, of Prosser.
represent tSe plaintiff.
Sues mi Note Dalance. :
IK 1. Nmlth today brought suit
against George K. Atterbury to recov
er SUUO and- interest, the balance al
leged due on a promissory note. 8. A.
Newberry represents the plaintiff.
(Continued from page 1.)
PORTLAND, opt. 20. There Is
very widespread defection In Oregon
of republicans to 4ho Cox tump, , Last
week 10 republican progressives joined
a Cox-Roosevelt club In Portland.
Three of the first contributors to I
Cox campaign fund tn Umatilla coun
ty were republicans. After the; Cox
meeting in Balem, several republicans
announced their Intention of voting
for' the Ohio progressive. On top of
those shfts comes word that two very
prominent Portland, progressives will
m all probability vote for Cox.
People here are attempting to dis
cover the reason for so many refec
tions. They differ In their findings.
Many observers declare the changes
mark the reaction of the people of
Oregon against war, expressed In their
advocacy of the League of Nations.
Others insist that those turning to the
Cox cause are progressives who cannot
support the reactionary Harding, oth
ers say It is the outstanding personal
ity and, purposes of Governdr Cox that
are drawing the republican vote. All
agree thai there has never i been so
heavy a shift from one candidate, to
another in the same pe.fon of time as
that which has taken place since Gov
ernor Cox's visit to this state.
One republican family in which
there are six votes, went to Cox on
the League of Nations Issue. Two of
the sons fought lit France. The mem
ories of the days of their absence
linger with the members of that
household and they say they Intend to
vote for the candidate who has faith
that something can be done to pre
vent a recurrence of world calamities.
Among others who have quietly
gone over to the Ohio governor and
ire sayhig nothing to. Intimate friends
are progressives who were followers
of Rooserelt in .Hi?. They say that
the man who referred to the progres
sives as "a concentration of all . the
forces of failure and -discontent.) re
ferred to. Roosevelt as a "modern
Aaron Burr" and to Hiram Johnson as
fakir and blackguard". . has , no
claim bow on their support.. They say
they cannot vote for Harding without
sacrificing their ideals.
Tlie lndivdua! cases of desertons
passed along in ordinary conversation
were a careful attempt made to, as
semble them, -would undoubtedly run
into hundreds. -Whether the move
ment will continue and what it will
amount to by November is, a riddle
that cannot be guessed at this time.
The defections, however, have so
far nerved to stimulate the Cox back
ers in their efforts to carry Oregon.
They are .going to the. voters with
their appeal .for progress- and
rather than reaction and war.
ItOMK. Sept. 20 (By Camlllo Clan
fatra, U. P, Staff Correspondents-
Italy ts experimenting In economics by
srantln luftor an extensive uhare In
the management of factories. With
decree lasued for the commlwtion of
n'orklnKmon, employer and tochfneal
experts to draft control of the indus
tries bill, a movement tt exacuate fac
tories seized by the employes to under
way. Hopresintatlvcs of the working-
men colled on Premier Oiolitte to urge
parliament to be convened immediate
ty to enact a control bill. The request
was refused on the ground that the
commisBlon first should meet and pre
pare the measure. ' ' '
- - -- i ti' f I a
RIO DE JANEIRO, Sept. 20. (A.
V. ) King Albert and Queen Elizabeth
of Belgium received a tremendous ova
tion when they landed on Brazilian
soil yesterday.
The dreadnaught Sao . Paulo, on
which they crossed the Atlantic, was
met at sea by a division of destroyers.
a stuadron of airplanes and excursion
steamers. ... -
President and Mnt Pessoa and Gov
ernment officials boarded the vessel
and welcomed the royal visitors. The
party then embarked for shore where
great crowds Hned the gorgeously dec
orated: avenues and' cheered the Bel
gians. They will remain here several
. SI
Jewelry of Character
Nowhere Is the superb taste of modern stylo more
clearly expressed than in tho, fine ,!lmoiiI and
platinum jewelry displayed In this store.
fjur designs are unique and docldolly dlslliicllvo.
We take particular Intercut and pride In aubmltt
, Ing special designs and remounting gems Into mod
ern jewelry. . ...1
Kstlrhates gladly given. k '
. mm
The Largest Diamond Dealers in Eastern
Quality PRINTING at Reasonable Prices
East Oregonian Printing Department.
SOUTH ASIBOY, N. J., Sept. 20.
(A. P.) Search has -been started for
the murderer of Mrs. Mary TrembowitJ!
66 years old, whose body, bearing
marks of strangulation, -was found yes
terday near the grave of her son Frank
near here. The body was discovered
by members of the family who began
a search when she failed to return
from her customary Friday visit to the
grave of her son, who was killed In
Rumors that the woman carried
large auras of money are believed by
the police to have prompeted the at
tack. Her Jiusband denied these re
ports. ' : . ..
PTRt1,AN'H. Sept. 20. (A. P.)
Cattle are steady, hogs are higher at
(19. SO to $20. ghecp are lower at
$9.60 to $10.60. Eggs are up two
cents, the buying, price, case count 'is
66 cents to 67 cents. Butter is firm.
DUBLIN. Sept. 20. (U. 'P.) Gen
era! Macready's coup yesterday in
which he surprised a body of Sinn
Fein troops at drill and killed one and
captured 40 Is regarded here as the
first step of a new campaign to smash
the "Irish republican" army. The
coup Is taken as an indication that
Macready Intends to take the Initia
tive against the Sinn Finors. "Re
publican" soldiers were at rifle and
bombing drill tn the mountains 10
miles from Dublin, when ,they were
surprised by the "auxiliary .police."
Sinn Felners gave battle, using rifles
and bombs. Macready's men charged
Into the valley from all directions, ar
mored automobiles joining In the
fray. The "republicans" lay, down
their arms.
Authorities are plainly Jubilant over
the result of the first offensive against
the "republican" army. Macready's
troops In this skirmish were recruited
largely from former imperial soldiers.
While government forces were acoom
pushing this victory, 40 Sinn Felners
commandeered nutomobiles - as" they
left Dublin for Sunday drives. Thus
equipped, they raided more than 500
homes on Tyrone county -unionists,
searching them for arms.. At Abbey-
feale", Constable Ma.honey was ambush
ed and shot to death. Two of hia com.
panions were injured.
' - . I
, Xotico
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned will receive sealed bids up
ito Sept. -25. 1920 for the purpose of re
pairing the basement of school . house,
rii-lM Vn jr. ITmfltilla fn. Ore.
Plans and conditions may be had by
consulting Boone Watson or the Board
of Directors of said District. The
Board reserves the right to reject any
or all bids -
D. B. WATSON. Clerk, '
School District No. 45.
Thorne Hollow, Sept 14, 1920. '
J. L.1 yAUGHAN u
The Ftieral Electric Washer Machine we are show in g
is a new machine :jx this city. Before buying look it over,
fhone 13 MCaVOoartBt,
Notice Knijrhu of Pythias
A full attendance Is requested this
evening, September 20th. at 8 p. m.
Master of work' desires to complete
organiKUion third rank team. Prob
ably work in first or second rank.
D. B. SYIER. C. d.
taken to police headquarters,
pearcd In a Jocular mood.
He ap-
Khvs loro Will nappon
NEW YORK. Sept. 20. (A. P.)
A few minutes after Edwards receiv
ed tho warning. Fischer said, "more
will happen In the future. Unseen
powers communicated that to ie."
Edwards is inclined to regard the post
card as a hoax,
SALEM, Ore., Sept. 29. (Special)
'Half a score of "famous speed kings
are en route to Salem to participate
in the Oregon state fair competition on
September 27 and 28, according to an-
ouncement made today by exhibition
Prominent among the speed kings
ho will bid for laurels on the Salem
oval . will be Fred Horey of St. Paul,
for three years America's dirt track
champion, Morey Is bringing a pow
erful special guilt racing creation
here and expects to tak up a new
speed mark for distances varying from
one to five miles. The famous Essex
racing team, winners of the southenst-
rn sweepstnkes at Atlanta this year.
as well as many other important
cuts In the United States and Can
ada, also will be here.
Six events are included on the rae-
g card each day. The trials will be
included on the program with a spe
cial purse offesed as an incentive for
the drivers to go after new time marks
for the Paclfc coast. Horey. the St.
Paul veteran now holds 1 1 world's rec
ords for various distances and will be
looked upon as the most likely In the
record breaking events. Jules 'Elllng
hon, Canadian champion and holder of
track records at Saskatoon, lteainn.
Igalgara, Winnipeg an 4 other Canadian,
ANAVAN'S Transfer
Stand at DhnnpT
Charles Co.l HU1IU M
SUNDAY ... ( 1
1 Chicken Dinner
I Roast Meats "
Meat Croquetts f
Salads, Pasteries
Open from Noon to 7:30 g
The hest dinners in the city. s i i
Plastering and Cement
Itcs. 125 Johnson St.
Phone 730-R
European experience as
opera and concert sinp
cr. ' Associated FOR
SIX YEARS with the
Armbruster. School of
Opera and Singing,
Dresden. ' Students now
being registered at the
Assn. Bldg. Room 1
The Bowman Shop on account of go
ing out of business, requests that all
outstanding accounts be paid on or be
fore Oct. 10th, otherwise will be placed,
in a lawyers hands for collection.
The Ford Coupe with an electric self-starting
and lighting system i3 one of the most popular
members of the Ford Family. It is a perma
nently enclosed car, with sliding plate glass
windows an open car with plenty of shade.
Then in inclement weather, enclosed and cozy,
dust-proof and rain-proof. Just the car for
traveling salesmen, physicians, architects, con
tractors, builders, and a regular family car for
two. Demountable: rims with 3-inch tires all
around. To women it brings the convenience
and comforts of the electric with the durability
and economy of the Ford car. Early orders will
avoid long delays in delivery.
Simpson Auto Co.
-(Cut.'"' SSs."
' f