TEN fAG3. DilLt Mfit 6A66lAf fitfcf6if 6fifl6ir, MbSftAt fiVESfiJfi, SEMfiMifift 13, id2d. Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals Lost; Found, For Ren, " Classified for Easy Reference. ? Etc. . ' - . I. . I. HrwmnAV i I I1L.II lUUfU .FOR BALK A -Hires-burner kerosene, GET YOUR ROUND-UP rooms and stove and a coal heater Phone beds from now until after Round- S10-J. Up from C. A, Stevens, 614 Lllleth St. Phone 302-W. WANTEID-Raby's wloker Phone 28 1-R. go-cart- FOft SALE Cut Flower 601 Lin coln. St. Phone 627-R. FOR SALE HoU-40' com bun engine. 4 good condition Jim Hill. Pendleton ONE3 FRONT HOOM for two for rent Oregon, Phone if).' 11' " each'. Also housekeeper wanted, refined man and wife might FOR 8ALB Self-propelled combine be considered Cull 24 8-M morning Harvester, lain moaei, good shape I or evening. wnu tnurgis wont. FOR BALK- C?H (SAP Player piano Phone 874-J'or 874-W. ; WOMAN; WANT'S to care for girl un der six yearn Phone 26S-M. WANTED Truck driver and catter i pillar operator Call at 224 E. Court Street. - . , . c . iWANTliD Waitress at Railroad mens boarding house. Good wages Keith Oregon. FOR QUICK 8KRVICJ3 call Hoyden's Transfer at Hennlng's Cigar Store Phones. Handy Business Director y of Pendleton and Vicinity This Directory is especially handy for the out-of-town reader who may want the name and address of responsible business men who represent the following lines. Alj are reliable; responsible business concerns who stan dready to give you prompt ervlce. n autoihp.es PENDfcETON CYCLE CO. Ajaic, Re vere and Savage tires. 228 id. Court Street. . I , AUTO TRANSRER BATTERIES OPTICAL' SIX ROOM HIIIISEI mm HUNT to FOR SALE Tobacco, cigars, candieB nartv buvlmr furniture, no children. I an canned goods W. M. Tlndel, Fhuna ac3.it or lnouira t. w. Hrid-1 sol . Main, Phone- 261-W. ford Economy Shoe Store. . . . . . WALLACE BROS. Fisk Tires, cords or fahrict We do our own adjust Ing. 808-1 2 JoIniMOU St. (VR BALK Four wagon boxes, for bulk grain, low price It taken soon 13. L. Burroughs, Phone 5. WANTED FOR RENT Four room apt., also furniture for sale Call SIS S Main after 9 p. m. FOR SALE Good- second hand Ham ley set Mrs. Adams, llyer'a Orove, opposite Woolen' Mill. WANTED Position .on ranch by man and wife experienced ' in- wheal farming Address "4 3" care K. O. WOMAN COOK- will take Job, crew, camp work or small town hotel see rne Room 3, Bowman' Hotel. FOR SALE: Wood by car loads at Kamela delivered If preferred In quire Geo. Purdy, Kamela, Ore. FOR SALES 8-room house near high school. Terms If desired See Frank Chatas 816 W. Alta or Quelle cafe. .- WANTED Chambermaid Hotel.. " At Rleth WANT TO RENT I-urntohed Apt. by Sept. 10th. Phone 8(1.,. WANTED Girl for general work Phone 1043. , . house- I S. BENTLEY & CO.aoodyear and Diamond Tires Tire service, oils and accessories Alia and Harden. Sis. GBRTSON & MARTY Gates Half Soles, 6000 miles buaranteed 1-2 cost of new tires. 63T- Cottonwood St. SIMPSON TIRE SERVICE! CO. Re public ani. Firestone tires, oords or fabric 223 K. Court St., llion-j 651. FOR SALE OR LICAKB Sheep ranch WANTEDJ-Competent girl for general Housework Phone 3S9-W. WESTERN AUTO CO. United Stltes Tires. Both cord and fabric, cor ner Cottonwood and Water Sis. A. M. BOYDEN Stand ax. Hennings BATTERIES repaired or reofiarged Cigar store. Country trips Phone , new and rental batteries. KlectrkJ r; : Service Station. Cor. Garden and Court Phone 622. C. E. WILLIAMSON Stand at Griggs Cigar Store Phone 1075. Lehman ' Spring' Stage Leaves French Restaurant 10:30 a. m.. Monday.' Wednesday. Friday. . PHILADELPHIA iIAMOND GRID BATTERIES guaranteed for 18 months. W. E. coaxe ., 820 B. Court. Telephone 269. Pendleton. PENDLETON RUBBKR & SUPPLY tin acres, wen equipped Aoun- wanteti nnnn clean uag.i at". " ... .. 7...r.t ... dn nf n.. lnlnln.-lrfHr... u n " -T. 7 1 . T "J" Barnejr u.uneiu, uuouncn - a w. ... 1 Iia XtL urKUHULQ OXKICVV rraitor, yuiney, vvasn. vertown Cord and Pennsylvania Vacu- WHRAT HATILtNn Tf vmi wnnt vnur um CuP 3u5 Court. cu A room nouse, -diocksi , wheat hauled with trucka nhone 44. from Main St.- Main St., Phone 227-J, -Geo. y a 3. W. Elder, 818 Res. Phone WANTED Girl to help with house- AUTO PAINTING work 704 Thompson Phone 7 MEN WITH YEARS of experience. (84-M. , . i. , i Motor Inn Garage, 722 Cottonwood Ward A. HonglaiKl, Prop. - FOR SALE Good millinery store, fine stock, good location, splendid bus- WANTED Pasture for 25 head of Iness George W. Elder, 818 Main St., I stock, R. B. 7. Hosslngton. Bermi. rnone 893. ton,-oregoni . FOR SALE Two billiard, tables and WANTED Furnished bouse or fur one pool table, with cues, balls. I nlshed Apt a. Doctor. Ohmalt iiiir WAMTP5tioBt- I'l vnni of use raeits, counters; etc. inquire-or or m. ij uuoo tvi, . . . 1 dresn Th. pAndlAtnn rnmmero.lal Am- 1 not anenamr scnooi jT"-, " - T WANTED Cook and dining room girl Drus Oo. WANTED Girl with 8th grade edu cation only to work In office Can learn work st office $15.00 a week at start Call 722' Cottonwood between 8:00 and 10:00 o'clock Tuesday morn Ing. ) " - I i-.se-!'. NOTICES Notice The Bowman Shop on account of going out of business; request that all outstanding- accounts he paid on or before? Oct. 10th.. otherwise- will be placed In a lawyers hands for collection. Notice of Bids for City Printing Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the City Recorder in Pendleton Ore' gon, up to 5 o'clock P. M. on Septem ber 15th 1820 for all City Printing for the balance of the year 1920. The Com jnon council reserves the right to re ject any and all bids at Its pleasure.' Dated this 2nd day of September 1820. THOS. FITZ GERALD, City Recorder. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE" 180 ACRES, 7 miles southwest will take small house or go vacant and ' cash. - t - -t at Helix good wages for right FOR SALH by Mv C. Bennett, owner j party phone 222, Helix, Ore. Just AUTO ELECTRIC WORK AUTO ULECTRIC WORK of all kinds. Magneto; starter. Ignition, etc. Elec tric service station, Garden and Court streets. WB REPAIR anything electrical on an automobile. W. E. Cliase Co, Modern Dutch f?nlnni&i house. finished, ivorv enameled wood work WANTED-Young man to learn Du throughout. T-urm. living room, with P'ex printing press steady. Job to i i. mi - . i i . riicht.bov flnnlv Foreman, this office: 1 ..re ,..,- u.nn.v ' MATERNITY and convalescent hos- L0ST AND FOUND' WANTED Plain or fancy sewing chlldrens clothes a speclalty--In- quirei 310-Turner, or Phone 306-M. Thres bed rooms with numsrous bullt- tn features and bath up stairs. Base ment. Doable- comer-' lot, south ex' posure, nortn side- -- location shade WANTED TO ' BUY 6 trees. For sale at cost pnone 5. housn. cAom to Main St. cash. Inquire 211 W. 843-M; ' a. 6 : room Will pay Court Phone FOR SAIjM FOR SALEiNew Lexington, cyllh-1 der will- Uike small car, part pay. MESSENGER. BOY WANTED at I- Western. ITnfon Teleeratih Office new noKwrar,M extras win mU8t u yoars of age Apply man- give terms on this. DANDY BUG 2 speeds ahead, S back this Is a flivver. GOOD FORDtburing car, can give terms; FOR SALE: 160 acres good land will take good house. , Ceo. W. Elder 818 Main St. , Phone 893. ager. USED CAR EXCHANGE 20 ACRES ITermlston alfalfa land A-l, under government ditch small house and cash. EQUITY IN FINE? 1-2 SECTION ad joining city limits' of a-first class Alberta Canada city Take Oregon, Washlngtsn or Idaho-property. FINB NEW AUTOMOBILE for city property, want residence if possible see this car; FINB L. C SMITH shot gun for good furniture, rugs or heating stove. FOR SALE- 1020 Maxwell touring 1 condition Phone 79G-R- FOR SALE One 4 cylinder Pulse In good shape and 5 good tires Wal lace Bros. WANTED Work operating farm tractor four years experience r Write Alfred Fosmask, Gen. Del., Pen dleton. Ore. - WANTED Carpenter work -special attention paid to job work city or country. Phone 802-W, call 14 Lillith St. WANTED Solicitors for East Ore gonian Souvenir Round-Up Editions Liberal commission Inquire circula tion department. I GEO. W. KIJKR 818 Main St. Res. Phone 227-J Office 188 For Sale or Exchange 1127 acres good wheat land In the north country near Hellxi 4-o. W. Klder " - -Phono 882 818 Main St. For Sale or KxrtMmgo 820 acres first class wheat land ad joining a city of 16,000 population In Alberta Canada, will take Pendleton property $7,000 or $8,000 In exchange. Geo. W. Elder Phone 893 ' 818 Main St. FOR SALE 1919 HupmobUe In ex cellent condition McLean A Sua vely, 616 Garden, Phone 222. IF YOU DON'T like your old car, trade It for one you do like at the Western Auto Co. Used and new cars. FOR SALE CHEAP One t-toa four wheeled trailer; 1 S-ton two wheel ed trailer Oregon Motor Garage. WANTED TO BUY Span of 1500 lb. horses well broke, harness and w-agon can be seen at cabbage Hill after Aug. 30. J. L. Mars care East Oregonian. pltal 114 E. Bluff St. LOST Pair specktacles In case Finder return to French Restaurant for reward. LOST Gold wrist watch on Lincoln school grounds last Wednesday aft ernoonFinder return to 609 Perkins Ave. Reward No questions asked Pendleton-Walla Wa)la Bug; Leaves Allen-Knlghfc pendte ton at 2:30 p. m., to Walla Wal la, Dayton and way points. Leaves Grand Hotel, Walla Walla at 10:00 a. m. PREST-O-LITE - BATTERIES Best by competitive test. .Service on aH makes of batteries, guaranteed, rrest-O-LITE Service Station, 406 B. Court Phone 864. DALE ROTH WELL Optometrist and. Optician. Glasses ground to fit your yes, American. National Bank ttulldi Ing Ptione mt OSTEOPATH k. CATERPILLAR WORK DR. O. E. HOLT Osteopathic, physt. iclan and Surgeon. Jndd Uldg. Tele. phones, office &)8; .KcMklence U7V-W. DH. LENA M'CONNKLL Osteopu. thic physician and surgeon: Trmple Bldg. Office photi 347-J, Res. 264-M, . POULTRY SUPPLIES CATERPILLARS, harvesters, gas en gines, automobiles and general blacksmtthlng: Round-Up Garage, Parka St Nebergall. 213 West Webb. CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS : pilot Itork-Pendlcton Anto Stage , Lbaves Pilot Rock at 8 a. m. . . "Leaves Pendleton at 10(30 at m. i PARKER & BANFIELD, Designing, Engineering, .Constructing, 10 years experience hi concrete and brick con struction. 04 12. Third St. North, Port land, Oregon. CHIC FOOD, Scratch food, tonics, bone, shell, grit, corn, oats, rolled barley. Umatilla Flour & Grain Co. PIANO TUNING WE CAN TUNE your piano any where ana time. Phonograph repairing. Warrens Music House. 314 Main 8t Phone 624. . CHIROPRACTORS Leaves Pilot Rock at 1 p. n. Leaves Pendleton at 4 p. a..' FAMCHO STUBBLEFIELD, - . . . Prop. AUCTIONEER COL. W. F. YOHNKA Auctioneer, Call at Sturgis Storie's Implement Co., for sale dates. AUTO REPAIRING THE "PIONEER" AUTO MAN satis faction" Buaranteed. We repair any make. jGlen Lone, 632 Cottonwood. EST RAY ED Two 3-year-oTd mules, running with white Shetland last eeen on. Tutuilla Phone 21F2 re ward. . , LOST By tourists on road oetween Echo and Pendleton. Schock ab sorber coming from Cole car. Find er phsase bring to Western Auto Co and obtain $6.00 reward. MISCELLANEOUS IF YOUR SEWINO- MACHINES gives trouble Phone 766. MRS. ADA FIELD Splrelia corsetiere -Phone 324-W. Address 514 Jane. WANTED One 60 to CO K. P. engine and boiler prefer traction engine will either buy or rent- for crushing rock at Cabbage Hill all fall. State what you have- to offer- and price- Address J. L. Mars care East Oregon- Ian. PETE) AND TOM Specialize on Waynes, Hupmobiles and Jeffreys. Fords given special attention- 701 W. Alta Phone 780, Res. 1034. OLD LINE Life Insurance Company wants eood man or woman to rep- FOR SALE Harlev motorcycle- and resent It In Eastern Oregon. local or side- car Dondy buy make me an offer ask for George at Western Auto Co. - FOR SALE We have some exception al buys' In- late- model-cars; Every one Is In A-100 per cent condition, practically all light standard makes. Terms If desired Umatilla Auto Co., 818 Gardent St. general agency, no previous exper ience necessary. A real opportunity to go in' business for yourself, we will teach you how-If you have the ability to learn. Write or call, Wm-. J. Holpa, supervisor of agents .Hotel Pendleton. THE OREGON JOURNAL delivered 65 cents a month, Sunday lncluded d. W. Hooker, agent. Office, Alice Shinning Parlor A1 Richardson's Place) 609 Main St. Phone 622. PERKINS &- AMMONB, Automobile Repairing. Ford, Chevrolet ijtude- baker or any make of car. Service at any time. 630 Cottonwood, Phone 203. - - -': .. ' f AUTO TOPS DR. R. C. ELLSWORTH Specializing in nervous- disease and diseases of women. 9 to 12 a- m. 1 to 5:30 p. m. Evenings 7 to 8. Phone Smith. Crawford Bnlldlng. PIANOS AND PLAYERS DBS. TERPENDQ Chiropractic and Sanipractors. 616 Tustln, Phone 442 CLEANING AND PRESSING MODEL TAILORS & CLEANERS Pressing and repairing. 304 W. Webb St. Phone 321, Pendleton, Ore. HIGH GRADE PIANOS of pleasing tone quality. Players of Individuality, Its the construction that counts. Ses piano- on display, writs or phone The Bee Hive, SIS Mala St.. Phone 107S J. P. DaroalL Factory Rep, Kolar M Chase Piano Co. Painting and Paper Hanging ' DRAYMEN CALL PENLAXD Bros., anLDSfer -van to move your household goods, we also puck or store goods. We do coun try hauling. Telephone 33. DENTIST GADWA'S AUTO TOPS, Plate Glass, Backs. Side- Curtains 201 East Court St. ATTORNEYS GEORGB W. COUTTa. Attorney Law, Room 17, Schmidt Mock, CARTER & SMYTHE, Attorneys at Law, Offices in- rear of American National Bank building. , , FEE ft FEE, Attorneys at Law. Of fices In Despaln BullJing. . . , R. L KEATOR, Attorney at Law, Room 24. Smlth-Crawf-wd Building. S. A. LOWELL, Attorney xnd Counsel lor at Law. Of tics In Den pain Bldg. S. A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law. Federal Building. . . MARRY AT ONCE We put you In correspondence with thousands of charming and refined ladies who wish to marry, many worth from $1,000 to $26,000 and upward. Particulars free. Address Allen Ward, B 761, Valley, Nebraska. - - -' ' FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE! Apart ment house- bringing good monthly income would take Yakima fruit land In part payment George W. . Elder, 818 Main St. Pendleton Ore. FOR -SALES 710 acre farm small cash payment, balance crop pay ment anyone wanting a good layout look at this. . George W. Elder, Ris Main St. Res. Phone 227-J, Office 993. FOR SALE Household furniture in cluding Reed chairs and table, Vio- trola, cabinet sewing machine, electric washer, Circassian bedroom suite, white Ivory bed, breakfast table ' and chairs, rugs etc., will be sacrificed for Immediate sale Call 1003 Raley St. WE ARE CLOSING- out all our used , cars. Come and make us an- offer. Ford roustabout, one Ford touring, 2 Chevrolet tourings, Hudson, 1919 Oak land. Ford bug and Paige. Terms to suit purchaser O. E. Holdman Auto Co. Phone-4 6V' FOR SALE FOR SALE 8 room- house, 811 West Tustln streets-Phone 684i. , FOR SALE All kinds of Insurance- j. rl. j-istes, sit wmii d i . FOR SALE Fine residence 60x100 price reasonable Phone ,295 after 6 p. m. . OFFICERS CALLED AT MIDNIGHT TO QUELL RIOT OF LABOR MEN NEW YORK, SeM.' (A. P.") Police reserves were called to the Cen tral Opera House last night to suppress a disturbance which followed an nouncement by Samuel GompeW of the -names of a oomnitttee appointed to draft a constitution for the newly organized Central Trades ft Labor Council of Oreat New York and vlcln Itv. . FOR SALE! 1920 Ford, shock absorb era, demountable rims, cord tires, starter, foot throttle, extra tires, run about 2 months. 1919 Light Six Bulck repainted and overhauled. A real bar gain. 1918 King Eight In excellent mechanical condition ; repainted Pen dleton-Hamilton Auto Co., 804-13 Johnson St. . Vsed-Car Bargains 191$ B-45 LITTLE SIX BUIOK tour ing, newly painted. In good mechan ical condition,- $860.00 easy terms if desired. 1 1916 CTTEVROLErr touring ear, fine condition, good' tires, $100.00 cash balance easy monthly payments.- 1919 FRANKLIN touring car, for sale at a bargain. Terms if desired Oregon Motor Garage Phone 496. FOR RENT WANTED Two or three thoroughly experienced Sales Ladles for our Dry Goods Department. Good salaries and permanent positions for those-who can qualify J. C. Penney Company. ' RrSSTAV WOLF IIOITXDS DI'I? SANTA BARBARA, Cal., Sept. 13. (A. P.) Seven Russian wolf hounds formerly of the kennels of the Russian Czar will bo exhibited at the- Santa Barbara Kennel Club Show here Oc tober 7, 8 and. 9 by the Countess Re gorlsky, now In Vancouver. Com petition in the show is expected to bo remarkably keen. Mrs. Anita Baldwin's bulls, Russian wolf hounds, collies. aqd wire haired fox terriers which she recently Imported from Europe will be shown. - PETERSON; BISHOP ft CLARK; At torneys at Law. 1 too ma X and 4 Smith-Crawford Bldg. JAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law, , Office over Taylor Hard ware Com pamy.. BRING your junk to the Pendleton Hide ft Junk Co. see us before yon sell. L. D. Cameron, Prop. RALEY ft RALEY, Attorneys at Law. Office In Axneriona National Bank Biuldlug. FRED IL SCHMIDT, Attorney' at Law; Room 24, Smlth-Crsiwfora BltK?, - BEAUTY SHOP BE BEAUTIFIED at Miss' Robbs shop. Judd Bldg., Phone 1060. MARINELLO SHOP All kinds" of beautly parlor work.- Skin and scalp treatments a specialty Room 6, Association Block; Phone 775-R. - DOINGS OF. THE DUFFS A NEW ANGLE ON THINGS. 3Y ALLMAN sas tot I'M CoWialftLGAVE r , . ,. ,u uirr-a Voti Tuia. Ptmaucf OUWA AMP I Afc APT8. AND ROOMS ALTA APT& FOR RENT 8 rooms Phone 204 M. OFFICE ROOMS for rent Call Penland Bros, office. FOR RE-NT 2 Bleeping rooms Close In Phone 498-M. i ' vrasrai HNfV It HA Mr IM.4.f.rttl VV JB ktursru M Bf4. Sftfttt. Ahrfty R rlltt la FOR RENT Furnished room 1214 BX Court. Bleeping FOR RENT Nlee sleeping , rooms Board ' across trie street. Phone 182-M. lit Oard'Or- 'IW , SAV6M,l'M60W6To-fiAe A'' 'ffiMi. feIP , -. . I SKOOIP SAW AIOT! ' tf lr PAmmV VMTI4 VoU Ttllo BnVUMli ! U g W "J Wt'lie. GotuH To A J lit 1 sav OoSboOftis liTHt-nwe mas come vihew JEmcwp' '7- j , PUfV NOCSEGIRL H i 3 fSU 1 PAOI, 14 MOTHER. . ' i wwlVdu VAB&& The. boss w hi ' Jf 44j DR. FLOYD CROUP. Dentist Room 109 American Bank Bldg. Phone 326 Pendleton, Ore. J. W. JACKSON Wan paper for sals cheap, painting, paper baaulnc and saraomming oy day or Pfaoiw lua-t i (Mtla 88. . PAINTS, Wall Paper, Plottire ing. Ij. J. McAtee, the Practises Paint Manv Lews Bros, Paints. RADIATOR REPAIRING ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WORKji 701 East Alta street. All Biases of radiators repaired. Work g-nsrantood. Blasberg, Prof. RESTAURANT ' QR. IL M. HANAVAN -Room 7, Temple Bldg., - Dentistry, Phone-7 T 2. THE) QUELLE. A good place to eat. EYE, EAR; NOSE & THROAT OPTICAL Dept.. any slse, style or shape gtae while you wait. D. If. Reber, M. V., 7, 8, 9, Belts ItMg. FARM LOANS SECOND HAND STORE WBTryANBLLalTldn iec-' ond hand goods and shoes.- Repair ing a specialty. Martin Kers, 210 li W. Webb Sti - SNOW ft DAYTON, 117 Court St Real Estate. ' Fire Insurance. Farm Loans. See us about a loan. HEMSTITCHING SECOND -HAND FURNITURE HEMSTITCHINO at the Singer shop. Mall orders promptly attended toi- HBMSTITCH1NG Mail orders Mrs. Ralph, Hassell 417 Bush, .Phone 996. ....... .. . ... ,-.-.. JUNK, JUNK, JUNK USB OUB REPAIR DEPT. We fea ture upholstering, resllvering- mir rors, remaking mattresses, packing and shipping house bold goods. . We also buy and sell household goods. Phone 624, Riley A Kemp, 823 Mala. SECOND HAND DEALERS V.- OTKOKLB, dealer In new and ond hand goods. . Cash paid for KODAK FINISHING PERFECT DBVELOPIlfO and print ing for the amateur enlarging. Prompt work. Tallman Drag Oo.- LEGAL BLANKS LEGAL BLANKS of every Jescrlptlon, Blank Deeds. Leases. Writs. Bill of Sales, Contracts, Subpoenas, Affidavits.- Complaints, Summor.sv etc., for sals at East 'Oregonian Office - -e LAUNDRY EVERY Article Laundered Perfectly. There's an agent In your town. Troy Laundry. 608" Garden St. MADE TO MEASURE Cnrl FJ. KTntisceitv Elks Bids;. second hand goods. ' Cheapest place to buy household goods, 210 K. Ooctrt Phone 271-W. ;., THE SWEDISH INSTITUTE GIVES TREAT .14 iO-VTa I Rssmma tlsm. Stomach. .Troubles., Nervous ness, run down condition, etc ' Steam and electrical cabinet baths and medi cated tub baths ars used in connection with massage, medical gymnastics and electricity. 748 Mala st, PhooS. 1078-W. SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTIC THE most up-to-date effectuai lead ing science practise. E- F. Otbsoa P. Si T.J N. D Room It Feebler Bldg. SURVEYOR AND.JEI.GINEEB LAND SURVEY General englseerlng work. a. A. Lsnsdale, C fi, Rivera side, Pendleton, Ore. 1 ' TAILORS 647 Main Phone 1008 I 2 I 'A Avoid the Push'- Next week; Pendleton's busy time, means extra worf for all of us. So many people wait until the last minute to order that it causes much confusion. Delivery service is slow stores are closed early i and you are disappointed in your order. We suggest that you order all your non-perishable food stuff this week, Tlie Dean Tatom Co. Meat Dept, Phone SQ , Grocery DepL riione C88 1 I