' -i krtrtf '! if' "' TEN PAGES ."7 DULY EAST OREQOKUSf. PEKDLETOIT. OSEOON. iHONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 13, 1020. K J .1 AH tNDBPBNUlLNT I akttsa Rail? UHWIONI1N I'CHULSBINd SKX t aha poatofric. p.asia- a-elaaa na4l , IM SAL in OTB1K ririB. telsj Motal Now ato, FkUuI ONI VIL.M AT frll ' Bull- WuklKftiw, O. , Ivtu MX ret kath au-Mt. M. W. rasaciurrioM . (IN ADVAJTU) year, by MIL Aeotsel Praea ! axoluaimy MUticd to th us for republication of 11 im dtapatcnaa eradltad to It or mot otbarwia. orit4 la thla papar 4 sJao Uia looal a.wa aubUakad ar- natty. Dally, ml month a. by real! Dally, three months by mi Dally, ona mouth bv ma. I Daily, oat yaar bv aarrlar Dally, alx month by carrl.r Dally, three montha by earrlar. Oally. ona mntn ' bv nifriu Ssml-Wacklr, ona yaar, by mall 1.M 8ml-Wkly all montha. by mall .71 8ml-Weekly, four stoat a. by mail .at lit I LH aa sa t IXU THK COMING OF TIUS JXVWN e The fire falls dead and the nluht (trows late. ' But the Lord hears the prayer of the poor;' 1 Trouble is a-knorkin' at the outside Rate, But he can't reach the inside door! And hope ain't Rone When the dark cornea on, We're wattin' in the shadows For the comin' o' the dawn! , Thunder's shakln' of the big rain down, ' But the Lord is the shelter o' the poor; There's a regiment o' troubles from the Tribulation Town, But they can't reach the inside door! . i Oh, the hope ain't Kone 1 j When the dark comes on: ) Ain't you waitin' in the shadows ' For the comin' o' the dawn? Copy -Ighted for the East Orefronlan Tub. Co. J "tea, HARDING'S GREAT DISCOVERY SITTING on his front porch, Senator Harding: has discov ered something: that has been overlooked for more than a year by 40 million Frenchmen, by 30 million English men and by some 100 million Americans, and as far as is known by all the rest of the world except Harding. His discovery is that there are "shocking: discrepances" in the English and French texts of that part of the covenant relative to the Monroe doctrine and that these might "readily involve us in a conflict." The discovery was a wonderful tripmph for the front porch, indeed, and no one will deny Senator Harding the great glory that is his. We can even afford to waive the suggestion that as a French translator the senator may not, have a 1920 license. or that the Marion Star may wish to divert public attention to some other subject than the Harding campaign fund. Seriously Speaking, this Harding expose of the league cove nant seems the most puerile thing the campaign has developed There were hundreds if not thousands of experts at the peace conference including leading French, English and American aipiomats ana scnoiars. ii mere naa Deen any serious discrep ancies in the French and English texts on the point in question the trouble would have been discovered. Furthermore our "conflict," if we had one, would he with France and La Belle France is about the last lady on earth that would trouble Uncle Sam over the Monroe doctrine. France has recognized the Monroe doctrine for over a century and but recently was' res cued from a bloody grave by the timely arrival of two million American doughboys. "Involve us in a conflict," bosh. . 4 But if there is danger, as Senator Harding thinks, the answer is plain. -All join the League of Nations and thereby see to it that the catastrophe is averted. We cannot rely on Senator Harding's Hague tribunal because a prior "discovery" has been made concerning The Hague court. It was made in 1914 and it was that the Hague tribunal stops warfare just like a sieve holds water. Don't try to save money buying cheap or big-can Baking Powders. You can't do it. YouTI throw out more in spoiled bakings than you save on price of the powder. And don t think that old style high priced powders are best because they cott most. They are MX. , CA PnnSUS" BAKING IUIJf.j POWDER has proved in millions of bake-day tests that it is the best baking powder ever made that's why it Is the biggest selling baking powder in the world today. No other baking wholesome bakings. No baking powder of any where near the same quality is sold at such a low price, You use less of Calumet-because , it ij the highest grade baking powder. One tea spoonful is equal to nto teaspoonfuls of most other brands. And there is no "luck" about it when you use Calumet. No loss. It is absolutely aura. It ia the moat economical of all. Millions of houMwivea uk h-aad aa do leading domestic science teachers and cooking- sxperta. Taa ee whaa aa key k Ta asm vkaii yea sm it Calumet contains only such ingre- dients as have been approved officially by the v. reea Auuwnnaj JUiUMEj AIR MAIL ACROSS THE CONTINENT "1TH the institution tomorrow of a through air mail ser vice between New York and San Francisco an advance in methods of postal communication will be effected deserving to rank as one of the notable achievements oi the post office department, comments the World. Thus what waa only the other day an experiment in the transmission of mail matter by airplane between, Washington and New York is extended and adopted as a regular medium of fast postal trasit from the Atlantic seaboard to the Pacific. The flight route will include Cleveland, Chicago, Omaha, Cheyenne, Reno and Sacramento, and the expected reduction of the time of transcontinental mail delivery from ninety-one hours to fifty-seven hours in winter and to fifty-four in summer gives an idea of the possibilities of public benefit in the plan. But apart from, its aspects aa an improvement of postal ser vice the installation of air mail delivery from coast to coast must be welcomed as a valuable aid to the development of aviation Here is a spur to progress in flying such as it has lacked since ANOTHER COLLINS IK BIG LEAGUE 7Y'- : nrli if- 7a n NOTE THIS ' When you buy a pound of Calumet you get a full pound 16 oz.' ' Some high priced baking powders are now being put on the market in 12-oz. cans instead of a pound. Be sure you are getting a pound when want it. no snort weigms witn calumet. the conclusion of the war removed its urgency as an arm of mili tary defense. At least its development is not to aepena soieiy on the restricted resources of the army and navy or be left to exploitation at country fairs. The post office department has provided an opportunity and an incentive wnicn snouia contrio ute directly to promote aviation through one of the prosaic agencies of peace. ' " ' ' ' There is a news story that a man's wife shot him because he would not stop snoring and he excuses the act as one of Bes sie's whims. It sounds more like Maggie's work. Eastern newspapers are not taking kindly to the slogan, "Boys, get the money." They think that the Harding money getting manager was a chump to use such stuff. But after all these are prosperous times and who can blame Mr. Blair for wanting them to "step on it .' a Of all delightful places to keep away from at this particular time Ireland nas tne lead witn isortn Dakota second. SHEEP SHIPMENTS ARE EROUS AT Workmen tit a given signal occupied more than 200 chemical works late yesterday and hoisted red flags on orders of the chamber of labor, which 'declared the move necessary to guar antee metal-workers the needed met als. f niMiB of CoUIr htm hen a bright m Hi basea.n ftwi! iflEddl Put on Athletic mniform back tn 10. fFjf I2L S2Z Jm2 a WhlU Sox contract Thl PwinT tha.Yantpaiky T (ESast Oregonian Special.) MEACHAM, Sept. 13. Hoskins Bros, shipped four cars of sheep to Chicago Friday. J. B. Smith live Slock Co. shipped three cars of sheep to 1'Hot Rock Thursday. F. H. JOenson tmnsacted business In La Grande Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Walters went to La Grande Tuesday and stayed over to attend Mr. Curran'a funeral, Frank Sloan shipped eight cars of sheep to Chicago Friday lr. Logan of La Grande was here Wednesday between trains. Mrs. Frank Hanlen of Kamela Is a viHitor for a couple of days at her mother's Mrs. J. B. Baker. Mrs. Anna Betts of Yakima Wash., is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kobs, Ed Welch went to Pendleton Thurs day on business. tteve La-wlon was In La Grand Friday on business. HARDING PLANS TRIP TO WESTERN COAST MAniON", Sept. 13 (A. P.) Hard in? campaign plans, as now under ser ious discussion, contemplate a tour of the Pacific Coast with addresses In all western states where senators are to be elected thia all, In addition to four or five speeches In the east late In Oc ttber. The western trip would start tho last week of September. VOLSTEAD IS RULED . OUT BY HIGH COURT ST. VAVU SFt. 13. (V, P.) Rep resentative Volstead, father of th pro hibition law, was ruled off the Minne cota republican ticket for reflection by the state supreme court today. It re versed the decision of the lower court which held that J. O. Kvale. winner in the primary, violated the corrupt prartiees act, declaring Volstead there for the nomine. ifiHZE CII.KMICAIj WORKS. MII-(A Italy, Sept, 13. (A, P.). BOOTLEGGER KILLED ' BV PORTLAND OFFICER roRTUAND, Sept. 13. (A. P.) Brrt Tfcdderleo, under suspicion as an HlleKed liootlegger, was shot throUKh the head and probably fatally wound ed, last nlKht when ho endeavored to speed away In an autfxmoblle from a house where a raid was made. Offi cers were hidden near the house when Hedderlce and two companions drove up. fleorKe Icwis the officers said, slartcd to deliver the lliuor. He was arrested, whereupon Hedderle and a woman In the car started away. - The shooting followed. i-Ri:i';irri-:rt is rti;nxATrn. TOKIO, Sept. 13. A. P.) The freighter C'lty of Omaha, which sank In Yokohama harbor while on Its way lo San rramro from Kole, hias been refloated, according to - advices here, . , . . . TasasBasBSBBasssssSBSSBSSSBr'..' f'lS Bigger and Better than ever r-iy: "m. jv;. YOU are going, but listen, 7 . ' . how about . :l : V, ' ,JF).- YOUR FRIENDS who can not attend tho ROUND-UP this year. They ',' wU) want to hear all about it.'c';'.?;';; . Uiu rt LjQreQnian) The , :: ?4.;.V; . jWjlf again fasiiet ' Flkftjiv 5 J ' Three . Big Souvenir Round-lUp Editions (A big separate edition jeach day of the show) , Jf ' 'f : , ! ... .. " 7 Covering the Round-Up from its inception. " 'I;fci'iI JAM': iXI Hundreds of illusti'ations with interesting stories: " . ' ( i ji id; 2 All the winners of all the events at the great 1920 Round-Up. ii All different, bigger and better than ever. ; Boosting Pendletonj Umatilla county and surrounding territory. Showing this sections wonderful resources and opportunities for busi- . ness institutions' and homes. H t -. V " ' The three editions mailed to any address for only 30 cents , Foreign Countries 13c extra, f ' Thousands of these big booster papers have been mailed in the past over this section, the northwest, yes, even the entire nation, and to the remotest parts of the globe... We, are going to make this years ROUND-UP. EDITION better than ever and print mpre of them. ' ..'JL,imiakltiiiSSllZ!l Get your order in NOW before you get . too ibusy The following order blank is for your convenience: '2T cI JX Date ..' Don't Put It Off Send in Today. . M, East Oregonian Pub. Co., ; Pendleton, Oregon. 1920 i Enclosed Tind 30c for which please send your Special 1920 ' Round-Up Editions postpaid to the following address: Name . Post Off ice Name of. Sender , mZ&1L&itJ mri jtiHVl Do It No Wl " Ycru'll be later! ' COX BABY "ENTERS THE MOVIES"' , i c . , 7;- a I r:. mr ivi - . - 5t7 i 1 rjr, t - S 'A 7- DAYTON, O. Baby Anne Cox. daughter of the Democratic candidate for president, has tore the mories." Mrs. Cox is (b groiiuaa, uaxcr osocaWT sjv ' rtr s4 MtfTMaaUo". I U Co yr4jw , . T - . . ,'. - " is II ''I ) P v. J ' - I hi