TAQT, EronT DAILY EAST ORECJONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, -SEPTEMBER 11, 1920. FOURTEEN PAGES I AT -THE THEATRES !STIIK TOIY ,AIUVIK Si MAY AM) MUMMY in Well Ml mm m Hum In Ills New I A M WIV sTOISY hri.Mv. .tim .s.uiw." I rni: uoiu i ami ins In nn outdoor da, -with the hig j ll'IV lOMIX KI.KK lhnMT country for a cum ait it ml with Alma Unhens. who was the featured I hi! Ihe of the lumoet luck for atino- player in Huniorewiue" has the lead-l-hore. Wullwe Ueid. Ihe ever popular 1C role In the new Cosmopolitan J'iiramount Uir, 1m tdeallv ent. This. IModitellon, "The World ami Ht In exceptionally he ease In "The Wife." whieh wil be shown ut tho Kmrcc," his late.st pairing ehiele. ) At vade Theatre tomorrow, w hic h will he ditmhocd at ihc ruM.inei Tho scene in tho picture, w hieh was theatre today. I Th principal filiation f lht Vlgorouti photoplay Involves the refor niRtion of a man who in addicted to drink and who through the influence of h woman and the hlgncN of the outdoor life, cornea havk with a ven geanee. ThlH wort of character Is on of the red blot ided kind in which Mr. Keld invariably n,pH-urs to atfmut nd viintaRo and there i liule doubt that hla admirers will find his new charae- j lerfzation one of tho host of his screen ; career. j Mr. Kcid Is charmingly supported I'v Ann Little, as the girl, Theodore adapted from a succes.sful llroudway play, nr luid in .Spuln. Miss Rubens ha the role of Kedora, a young Span ish girl, who marries iHm Julian, very rich and much older than herself. Krnestlo, a youthful writer and son of lon Julian's deceased friend, conies I morrow Fortune' stories which appeared In (ho Saturday Kvening l'ost. Will Koff ers has the role of a western cowboy bent on sacrificing himself so that his friend und tho girl that he himself loves hi vain may find the happiness I t hat Is dented htm. j The humorous haekKroutnl of the str- center about the attempts of a temperance society to banish liquor from the town. In the course of the si ii y, the town saloon heroines a soda water parlor, and the men stay away from t heir homes- 41s usual to con gregate there and swap stories. How ever, Will Rogers sueeeeds in his at tempt to reform his rivaj. and then resignedly steps aside to permit fctra to wed' the girl ho loves. A small hut excellent cust supports tho star. Among the cast are Irene Rich, Howtand Lee. Wade Holder, j -Marguerite Livingston, Lilian ljuUKdon and l.ydia Yea mans Titus. "Water. Water Everywhere ' Will bo shown at the l,astime Theatre, to ll Is a picture, that will make to live with them. ld'll stories are cir culated about the young folks. A duel in which lon Julian is fatally wound ed, and several other startling events follow. Resides Miss Rubens, the cast of "The World and His Wife'' Includes such notable players at Montague Love, Gust on Glass, !edro de Cordoba cue better for seeing it. Kobcrts, Uaxmond Hatton. James j and Charles Gerard. Robert G. Vig- Yue and others. The picture was directed by George Melford &nd the story hi based upon the successful novel of Clarence Ku ding-Urn Kelland. nola directed the picture and it is u raramount Art era ft release. A I. TV TOIVW IIKIKS ltY STAIIS IX "IRAKIS UKKKX. A NEW St'RKKN COMKUV Charles Kay's latest photoplay "Paris Green," will be the chief at traction at the Alta Theatre today: H is described as u delightful roman tic comedy, in which the trail leads from Paris to Quigley Corners, X. J. Mr. Hav has the role ol Luther Green. doughboy, who in the hour which he j upends In Paris before leaving; for the United States meets a pretty French j girl and gives her his card. j Luther is discharged from tho army j and returns to the farm to find his old j' sweetheart engaged to another man. j Meanwhile, Ninon, his Paris-acquaint-j encc, journeys to America to take upj residence with an uncle here. She falls Into the hands of a gang of crooks! upon landing- from the steamer. Es caping, she goes to the only address she knows Luther Green. Quigley ALT A Si DAY AM) MONDAY GAY, ItlMGltT LIGHT KFOKY UF ITICS ALL AROl M TIIK YVOIUJ) There's a string of gay, bright light si in every great city that en circles the globe. In ''The Yellow Typhoon" these, lights are all around the world lights. They stretch from New York to London, Paris, Home, Monte Carlo, Berlin, Shanghai, China, Manila and back tif New York again. This remarkable story, starring Anita Stewart in a dual role. Is Har old MacGrath's greatest adventure tale, a First National attraction which will be shown at the Alta .Theatre to morrow. Story of Two Sisters It is the story of two sisters, one selfish, self centered, who Is willing to sell her own soul for the pleasures of life, a woman intelligent, but heartless and ruthless, who leaves a wake of wrecks of men in her path, 'willing to do anything to sat isfy her liu;t of pleasure and "excite ment; the other fighting her own sis- Corners, X. J.A pretty romance springs j ter for her country and home. up between the two, with the aid of a. French-English dictionary, and Lu ther is not only able to foil the crooks when they follow Ninon, butto con vince her uncle of his honorable in tentions as well . Ann May is the leading woman, and the cast also includes Donald McDon ald and Otto 'Hoffman. Julien Josephson, who has written some of Charles Ray's best vehicles, furnished the story. Jeromo Storm directed. The picture carries you into every vicissitude of Jife. the simple home, the purity and sweetness of people of fine ideals and It carries you through the sorbid thought brilliant life or those who live only for plea sure and excitement. FASTI M E TODAY' The remarkable are of Will Rogers. j both as a comedian and as the por i trayer of pathos, is once more regis- tered on the screen in his newest Gold- The picture was produced by Thomas j wyn Picture, "Water, Water Kvery H. Ince and is a Paramount Artcraft j where ." In this picturization of ielease. William It. Lighton's series of "Billy ORPHAN REJOICES ON REUNION WITH OWN IN v FRENCH COLONY HERE OAKLAND. Calif..- Sept, 11. (A. ! xiie shadow of deportation oust over 1 ."i year old Marcel le Dupiey, French war orphan brought front France by Peter R. Kyne, author, was dispelled yesterday when in juvenile court proceedings instituted by Kyne to end the relation with his ward. Judge Uobinson allowed the boy to be placed in t he home of a woman of the 'a n Fra n oseo Fre rich co I on y . (;i;i)rhi:i stkamku is sauk. WASHINGTON, Sept. I L ( A. P. i - The cruiser Pittsburgh, aground in the Haltje sea. is in no immediate danger although several sections of the double bottom are flooded accord ing to navy department advices. 0. A. C. INSTRUCTION SAVES APPLE CROP OREGON AG RlCl'LTURAL COL LEGE, Corvallis, Sept. 11 In. 1919 apple growers who followed faithful ly tle college recommendations for the control of codling moth lost only 2.1 per cent of their crop by this pest, according to information gathered by the department of entomology. 1 See PASTIME on ? Page 13. AD Why does the Creator put biutes and elite into the same world? I AT THE A EC AD Today Those who failed to follow these recommendations lost 14 per cent to till per cent of their crop. The potential apple crop of Oregon for 1 !1 9 was 38ti0.000 boxes. "Had all growers fol lowed the college recommendations the total loss would have been 2.1 per cent of 81.600 boxes. At $2 a box this woul.i amount to $162.1 '20. Had all failed to follow th'c college recom mendatiou the averuge hs (ivould have been 55 per cent of ; 2.1 33,(0G boxes. These it $2 a box, would be worth $4.24 (, 000. Conservative cal culations show, it is said, that thp col lege investigations In the, control ' of the codling moth saved Oregon grow ers a million dollars a year. IS iS ! Children, 10c Adults, 35c Charles Kay 5 Homfc again with Mother! $ memory. 2 His uniform laid away and the war and France but a K 5 She riff Hells ComsfiaCu-f Till a dainty bit 0f Paris came to Quigley Corners, looking for Corporal Luther Green! t V ' ' ' ' - v': i,- ',; Then things began to happen 1 . ' '.. ' '. A Rural Story of Real Folks SUNSHINE COMEDY' SUNDAY Monday Children 10c The bride was young, her Spanish blood a leap with life. The man Avas - rich, but young no longer. When a youthful fried came into their home to live, the tongues of their world began to wag with gossip. A pulsing romance of jealousy and love. On a gay and danc ing background of fandango and Castanet. ALTA SUNMY-MOND1Y LOUIS B. MAYER. 4 PRESENTS MMW rat IB Adults, 35c HMMmww hw COSMOPOLITAN PRODUCTIONS CThe World ana Jlis uc s By Chades Fiederic Kiidlinoei featurincc ALMA RUBENS Dntcud by Robert G VignoU. Scrnatio by Fiances Marion jd garamoutijlrlcraft picture With Montagu Love jaston Glass With Pedro de Corboda Charles Gerard EXTRA SPECIAL HOW BABE RUTH KNOCKS HOME RUNS. -A MFFA ffWAW r';2 v A?k J-'l t vl I Jit e i' f iSZI . . .Mrurr f ! 1 4? YPH-pJ li- S3 m m m HAROLD MacGKATH. The Girl and the Woman Behind the Girl was the massed power of the Government. ' Her Son hazardous in the extreme tapped the very fountain of thrilling experiences. s Behind the Woman, the world-old power of captivating beauty and alluring manners. "The Yellow Typhoon" they called her in the Orient because of the wreckage she left in her wake sim ple men who saw not her tigerish heart. One dav they met the Girl and the Woman like a lighted fuse . i .u l., thorn -no -unrrlnrl h hn and nowaer aim wie iwuc .... comes the manner of the Female of the Species, NEWS WEEKLY Children, 10c i, MAGAZINE Adults, 35c hi (V - A If, A" FIRST NATIONAL" ATTRACTION t. -.3 E-5 3 i hi i! , ' ' "'-7 ' ; i " - - : . !