w- tar""'"'" " r----ii 1 , ', - .i r- -" ; TWELVE PAGES ' " DAILY EAST OEEOOWIAlf, PEWDLET05, OEEOOll, FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 10, 1920. agsagro-ii. j; ...uluau ' ' n i j i miu m,1 ji i. . .. i u. u .. n . r- nn. u. , ;7rn : . . - " FAGS ELEVEN 'V.iA'r im .- j. ...,t j .- Notices, lousiness Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found, For Rent, Etcdf Handy Business Directory of Pendleton and Vicinity ' v . i ii ifrii iiir pjmv i i f-rf i u , i i,i v, E5) t r , Vi II, I i t I mammm ; l . . 'r' j ' FORI SALE Bicycle with hUfh priced tires $12.00 416 B. Alta. , FOR SALE Metal mitre box new uw, (9.00 415 . A Ha. with FOR SA LB flix room house to b moved from lot at $300. Apply or pnone Joe yejr. WANTED WANTED Chambermaid Hotel. at Rleth J' UK SALE 1920 Maxwell touring car A-l condition Phone 795-11. FOR SALE Fine residence 60x100. price reasonable Phone 886 after p.m. FOR BALIS A three burner kerosene stove and a coal heater' phone 610-J. FOR SALE Uolt-45 combine engine. food condition Jim Hill, Pendleton Oregon, Phone tit.. FOR SALE Self-propelled combine harveeier, lif model, good shape terms Bturgls A Storie. , FOR BALE Tobacco, cigars, candles and canned good a w. M. Tlndel 301 8. Main, Phone 261-W. ;. . . , . WANTED Cook 10F4. on ' ranch 1'hone WANT TO KENT FurnlHhed Apt. , Sept. 10th. Phone 80. by WANTKD Girl for general house work phone 1043. Thin Directory is especially handy for the out-of-town reader who may want the name and address of responsible business men who represent the following; lines. All are reliable, responsible business concerns who s.an dready to give yoivproinpt ervlce. , , . AUTO TIRES AUTO TRANSRER BATTERIES OPTICAL PBNDiJSTOji CYCLIC CO. Aax, Ke vere and Savage tires. 228 K Court Street. C. E. WILLIAMSON Stand at Grlgg BATTERIES repaired or reoharged Cigar Store Plione 107S. nw and rental batteries. Eiwxrlc Service Station, Cor. Garden and Court OET YOUR ROUND-UP rooms and beds from now until after Round' Up from C. A. Stevens, 61. Lillet h St, Phone 302-W. BIX ROOM HOUBR FOR RENT to party buying; furniture, no children. Phone S53-R or Inquire J- W. Brad ford Economy Shoe Store. FOR BALK Four wagon boxes, for bulk grain, low price if taken soon B. L. liurrotigha. Phone 6. LOHT Hy tourists on rood . oetween Echo and Pendleton, School ab sorber coming from Cole cir. Find er please bring to Western Auto Co. and obtain IB. flu reward. WI5 ARK 4 'IO! NO uiit all our used cars, r'onie nnd make us jui oner. Ford roustabout, una Ford louring, Z Chevrolet tourings. Uiulnon. 1919 Oak land, Ford bug nnd Paiire. Terms to suit purchaser O. K. Holdrnan Auto Co. Phone 48. . l'OJt 6ALE Wood by car loads at Kamela delivered If preferred In quire Geo. p-urdy, Kamela, Ore. FOR BALE 8 -room house neur high school. Terms if desired See Frank Chntas 81 G W. Alta or Quelle Cafe. WANTED Competent girl for general Housework Phone 3S9-W. WALLACE BROS. Fisk Ttres, jords or fabric-. Ws do our own adjust - l ing. MOS-12 Jutuison 8U I 8. BliNTLEY A CO. Goodyear and Diamond Tires Tire service, oils and accessories Alts and Gardi-n Sta. W. O. FISHER Stand Riley . Kemp, J . A. M. BOTDEN Stand at Hennlnga Cigar store. Country trips Plione C WANTKD GOOD CLKAN RAGS AT , The Fast Orexonian office. WANTED flirt or school g-lrl for gen eral house work Phone 614. WHEAT HAULING If you want your wheat hauled with trucks phone 442. GERTSON' tc MARTY Gates Hal Soles, 0000 miles buaranteed 1-2 cost of new tires. C.1T Cottonwood St. WANTED Olrl to help with house work 704 Thompson Phone 6S4-M. . . FOR BALE OR LEA.hu Sheep- ranch 320 acres, well equipped Abun. dance of range Joining Address M- it Walter, Quinsy, Wash, FOR SALE by M. O. Jieiiui-tt, owner Modern Uot' h .Colonial house. Just flrtWiid. viory enameled wood work throughout, Jjirtce living room, with colonial .fire pteve, dining oom and modern calln I kitchen down stairs. Three bed rooms with numerous built in features nnd hnth up stairs, liase- ment.. Double corner lot, south ex Dostire. north side - location, shade trees. For' sale at cost Phone 066 FOR BALI E room house, ,s blocks xrom Main St, Geo. W. Elder, 818 Main St., Phone, 9a. .Res. -Phone FOR BALE Good millinery store, fine stuck, good locatlbn, splendid bus In ens George W. Elder, m,Maln St., Phone 3. SIMPSON. TIRE SERVICE on Be. " publ'c and Firestone tires, cords or fabric;. 2IC3 li Court St., i-lione S1. thinan fprlngs fits Be Leaves 4 French Restaurant 10:30 a- 4 m- Monday, Wednesday, Friday. WANTED Pasture for 25 head of PENDLETON RUBBER & BUPPLY ' stock, R. B. F. Hosslngton,; Hermis- "20 Barney Oldfield, Goodrich 811 ton. Oreeron. , vertown Cord and Pennsylvania Vacu- urn Cup '105 Ji Court. WANTED Furnished fcouse or fur- nlsheu Apts. Doctor Ohmaftr Phone 607. , , , . WESTERN AUTO CO. United States Tires. Both cord and fabric. Cor- niT CotlonMOOd and Water Sts. u Pendleton-Walla Walla litis Leaves Allen-Knight, Pendle ton at 2:30 p. m., to Walla Wal la, Dayton and way points. I .eaves Grand Hotel, Walla Walla at 10:00 a. m. PHILADELPHIA iIAMOND GRID BATTERIES guaranteed for II months. W. K. cuasei 329 B. Court. Telephone 249. Pendleton. DALH HOTHWL'lJj Outametrtst and Optician. Olasaes ground to fit your yea, American Nation Bank Build Ins; f-bonsi 09 ' OSTEOPATH PREST-O-LITE BATTERIES Best by competitive test. Service on all makes of batteries, guaranteed. Prest-O-I.ITE Service Station, 40 K. Court Phons 4. CATERPILLAR WORK CATERPILLARS, harvesters, gas en gines, sutomobiles and general blacksmlthing. Round-Up Garas;, Parks Nebergall, 111 West Webb. DR. O. E. HOLT Osteopathic, physi cian and Surgeon. Judd Bids. Tele phones, office ROM; Ib-KMence S-W. DR. LENA M'CONNELI, Osteopa thlc physician and surgeon. Temple I!lir. Office phone 347-J, Res. JS4-.NL CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS POULTRY SUPPUES CHIC FOOD, Scratch food, tonics. bone, ahnll, grit, corn, oats, rolled barley. Umatilla, Hour tk drain Co. AUTO PAINTING BOY WANTED with bicycle and not attending1 school Apply at Koep- pens Drug- Store. , ; 7 MEN WITH YEARS of experience. Motor Inn Garage, 722 Cottonwood, Ward A. HooKUtfid, Prop. : i WANTED Plain or faucy sewing children clothes a specialty In quire 310 Turner, or Phone 306-M. FOR SALE Two billiard tables and one pool table, with cues, , balls. racks, counters, etc . Inquire of or ad dress The Pendleton Commercial As soeiatlon. NOTICES Notice . Power will be shut off Sunday from 7 to 11 a. m. to cut over lines for road builders. PACIFIC POWER A LIGHT C- Notice The Bowman Shop on account of colng out of business, reovest that all outstanding; accounts b aid on or before Oct. 10th., otnt .ise will be placed In a lawjers hands for collec tion. - i . IXJR SALE POR 6 A LB New Lexington, f cylln. . der will '.ake small car, part pay. NEW DORT Plenty of extras will , give terms on this. DA'DY BUG 3 speeds ahead, S back this Is a fllwer. GOOD FORD terms. touring car, can give Notice , of Bids tor Ctty Printing Notice Is hereby given that aealed bids will be received at the office of the City Recorder In Pendleton Ore gon, tip to 5 o'clock P. M. on Septem ber lath 12 for all City Printing for the balance of the year 1820. The Com mon council reserves the right to re ject any and all bids at Its pleasure. Dated this 2nd day pf September mo. THOS. FITZ GERALD, City Recorder. FOR BALE 1C0 acres rood land will take good house. Geo. W. Elder 813 Main St. Phone 993. WANTED TO BUT 5 oi 6 room house, close to Main St. Will pay eauh. Inquire 211 W. Court Phdne 343-M. MRSBENGEtt BOY WANTED ; at Western Union Telegraph Office must be 16 years of age Apply man ager. WANTED Work operating farm tractor four years experience Write Alfred Fosmask, Gen. Del., Pen dleton. Ore. AUTO ELECTRIC WORK AUTO ELECTRIC WORK of all kinds. Magneto, starter. Ignition, etc. Elec tee service station, tiurdt-n and Court streets. ' ' WE REPAIR anything electrical on an automobile. V. E. Uliase Co. s e PARKER & BANFiKLD, Designing. Engineering, Constructing, 10 years j experience in concrete and brick con- struction. 64 K. Third St. North, Port- j land, Orea-on. CHIROPRACTORS - Pilot Rock-Pendleton Auto Stage Lt.aea Pilot Rock at X a. m. . 4 Leaves Pendleton at 10:30 a. m? 4JDR- c- EM-SWORTH Specialising Imim Pilot Rack st u. m. . l ' nervous disease and diseases of Leaves Pendleton it 4 p. ft.. 4 PIANO TUNING WE CAN TUNE your piano any where and time. Phonograph repairing;. Warrens Mumc lioiiwe, 14j Main St.. Phone 124 , , r FANCHO STUBBLEFIELD, 1 Prop. AUCTIONEER women. 9 to 12 a. ici. 1 to B:3n p. m. Evenings 7 to 8. Pnone 700, Smltli CrawfonJ Bulltliiu;. DRS. TERPENIIIO ChlropracUc and Sanlpractois, 510 Tllstin, I'luxie 442 CLEANING AND PRESSING PrANOS AND PLAYERS "" HIGH GHADF! PIANO ot pleas) Ba tons quality. Players of Individuality. Its the construction that eounta. 8e piano oril display, write br phons Thm Bee Hive, f2H Mala St., Pnone 107S J. p. Darnall, Factory Kolas Chase Piano Co. Painting and Papef Hanging LOST AND FOUND J IAST Fiber tool chest . containing tools. Finder noury n Ward Ser vice Station. WANTED Carpenter work special attention paid to Job work city or country. . Phone 302-W, call S14 Lillith St. USED CAR EXCHANGE FOR SALE One 4 cylinder Paige In good shape and & good tires Wal lace Bros. FOR SALE 1919 Hupmoblle In ex cellent condition McLean eV Sna- vely. 1 Garden, Phone 222. Notice of IIMs Notice Js hereby given that sealed bids will be received up to 8 o clock p. m. Saturday, September II. 1920 for the painting- of the school house at Riverside, chonl District No. 117. The board of. directors reserve the right to accept or reject any or all feldss 'For particulars see, J. Z. ENGLISH, Clerk, School District No. 117, IF YOU DON'T like your old ,car, trade It for one you do like at the Wealern Auto Co. Used and new cars. WANTED Solicitors for . East Ore- gonian Souvenir Round-Up Editions Liberal commission Inquire .circula tion department. WANTED High school girl to do light housework small family located near High School. Will pay 310.00 per month and room and board Phone 490-M. FOUND Yale key near postoffice -owner .may have same bv calling at this oince ana paying- ror tnis aa. COL. W, F. YOHNKA Auctioneer, I Call at Bturgia A stone a implement Co., for sale dates. AUTO REPAIRING THE "PIONEER" AUTO MA.' Satis faction guaranteed. We repair any make. Glen Ixmgr, Za Cottonwood. NATIONAL BICYCLE stolen from in . front of Pastime Theatre Aug-. 31 Finder please return to E, 0office 15.00 reward. ; . ; WANTED TO BUY Span of 1600 lb horses well broke, harness and wagon can be seen at Cabbage Hill after Aug. 30. J. L. Mars care East Oregonian. FOR SALE CHEAP One J-ton four wheeled trailer; 1 I -ton two wheel ed trailer Oregon Motor Garage. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 180 ACRES, 1 miles southwest will take small house or so vacant and cash. - 10 ACRES Hermlston alfalfa land A-l, under government ditch . small .house and cash. . EQUITY IN FINE 1-S SECTION ad loinlnr city limits of a first class Alberta Canada city Take Oregon, Washington or Idaho property. F1NB NEW AUTOMOBILE for etty property, want residence If possible- see this car. n FINE V. C. SMITH shot gun for good furniture, rug or-heatlng stove. :. CJX. W. ELDER Ml 8 Main SU Office 9 Bee. Phono 837-J For Sale or Exchange 1127 acres good wheat land in the north country near Helix. , , r ito. W. Elder Phone 99S 818 Main Bt. FOR BALE Harley motorcycle and Bide car Dandy buy moke me an "ffer ask for George at Western Auto Co. FOR BALK We have some exception al buys In late nodel cars. Every one is in A-100 per cent condition, practically all light standard maJces. Terms if desired Umatilla Auto Co.,, 818 Gardent St. - WANTED Reliable salesman -to sell a staple line of groceri'js direct to the consumer at wholesale prices. One who is a steady plugser and not afraid to work. Good proposition for right party. Cnll at 300 W. Webb St., City, WANTED One 60 to 0 H. P. engine and boiler prefer traction engine will either buy or rent for crushing rock at Cabbage Hill all fall. State what you have to offer and price Address J. L. Mars care East Oregon ian. i FOR BALE Household furniture In cluding Reed chairs and table, Vlc- trola, cabinet sewing; machine, electric washer, Circassian bedroom suite, white Ivory bed, breakfast table and chairs, ruga etc., will be sacrificed for Immediate sale Call 1003 Raley St. FOR SALE 1920 Ford, shock absorb ers, demountable rims, cord tires. starter, foot throttle, extra tires, run about 2 months. 1919 Light Six Bulck repainted and overhauled. A real bar. gain. 1918 King; Eight In excellent meohanical condition; reralnted Pen, dleton-Hamllton Auto Co., 104-1 Johnson St. OLD LINE Life Insurance Company wants cood man or woman to rep resent it in Eastern Oregon, local or general agency, no previous exper ience necessary, A real opportunity to E STRAYED Two 2-year-old mules. running- srith white Shetland last seen on '"trutuilla Phone 21F2 re ward. PERKINS & AMMOXS, Automobile Repairing. Ford, Chevrolet, wJtude baker or any make of car.. Service at any time. 030 Cottonwood, Phone 20S. -.. AUTO TOPS MISCELLANEOUS IF YOUR SEWING MACHINE gives trouble Phone 786. MRS. ADA FIELD Spirella corsetiere Phone 324-W. Address 514 Jane, PETE AND TOM Specialize on Has'nes, Hunmobiles and Jeffreys. Fords given special attention 701 W. Alta Phone 780, Res. 1034. i REWARD PAID for addresses of Mary (McKenzie) Dogiua,, Bernice McKen- zle, Jean Kelly General Efficiency Co., 1112 Market St., San Francisco, Calif. GADWA'S AUTO TOPS, Plate Glass, Backs, Side Curtains 201 East Court St. MODEL TAII.OP.S & CLEANERS Pressing and repairing. 904 W. Webb St. Phone 32l,.Peulleton, Ore. DRAYMEN CALL PEN LAND Bros., ltuatcr van to move your household goods. We also pfeck or store goods. Ws do coun try hauling. Telephone J. W. JACKSON Wall paper for sale cheap, painting; paper hanging sa4 kaiaomlmnff by day or ex Phone 1034 le Calvin 8U PAINTS, Wall Paper. Plot are Fram ing. L. JI. MoAtee. ths Practise! Paint Man. Lowe Bros.. Paints. DENTIST DR. FLOYD CROUP Dentist Room 109 American Bank Bid. Phone 328 Pendleton, Ore. RADIATOR REPAIRING ALTA AUTO RADIATOR VORJJj 701 East Alta street. All make of -"'"nri repaired. Work guaranteed. -erg;. Prop. -'. . RESTAURANT ATTORNEYS GEORGE W. COUTTs, Attorney Law, Room 17, Schmidt block. CARTER A SMYTH E, Attorneys at Law. Offices In rear of American National Jtank building. FEE & FEE, Attorneys at Law. Of fices in Pespaln Bonding. R. L KEATOR, Attorney t Law, Room 24. Smith-Crawford Bnildlng. S. A. LOWELL, Attorney and Counsel lor at Law. Office In Dos pain Bldg. , A. NEWBERRY, Federal Building. Attorney at Law. THE OREGON JOURNAL delivered 66 cents a month, Sunday Included G. W. Hooker, agent. Office, Alice Shinning Parlor (Al Richardson's Place) 809 Main St. Phone 822. MARRY AT ONCE We put, you in correspondence with thousands of charminff and refined ladies whrt' wish go in business for yourself, we will to marry, many worth from lf000 to teach you how If you have the ability 125,000 and upward. Particulars free. to learn. Write or call, Wm. J. Hoi pa. supervisor of ageats .Hotel Pendleton. For Salo or Exchange 320 acres first class wheat land ad joining a city of 15,000 population In Alberta Canada, will take Pendleton property 7.ooe or $8,000 In exchange. tleo. W-t Elder Phone 993 - 818 Mnln St. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Apart ment house bringing good monthly Income would take Yakima fruit land In part payment George W. Elder, 818 Main St. Pendleton Ore. Vsrd Car Bargains 1918 E-45 LITTLE BIjr, BUICK tour ing, newly painted. In rood mechan ical condition, f 950.00 easy terms if desired. 1928 BUICK ROADSTER driven only nhort time same as nsw oar big reduction in price. 1016 CHEVROLET touring car, fine condition, good tires, 3 WO. 00 cash balance easy monthly payments. 1919 FRANKLIN touring car, for sale at a bargain. Terms if desired Oregon Motor Garage Phone 498. FOR BALE 710 acre farm sroaU cash mvymant. balance crop pay- ment anyone, wanting a good layout look at this. George W. Elder, 818 Main St. Res. Phons 227-J. Office 993. FOR SALE FOR HALK. 8 room house, 811 -West Tustin street Phone 884-J. . FOR SALE All kinds of Insurance. J. II. Estes. 814 Main St., Phone 604. FOR SALE 6-room bungalow on S. Thompson Bt., Phone 420-J or call at 308 Thompson. )llll-: IS NOMINATED sRENO, Sept. 10. (U. P.) With only scattering returns missing, the victory of Tanker Oddie ever Rev. Adams for the republican nomination tor i.niteu APTS. AND ROOMS ALTA APTS. FOR RENT rooms. Phone 104M. FOR RHJNT Sleeping rooms Inquire 109 Water. . , OFFICE ROOMS tor rent Call Pen land Bros, office. FOR RENT 2 sleeping rooms Close In Phone 498-M- W ANT ED Two or three thoroughly experienced Sales Ladies for onr Dry Goods Department. Good salaries and permanent positions for those who can qualify J. C. Penney Company. DOINGS OF THE DUFFS Address Allen Nebraska. Ward, B 761, Valley. PETERSON, BISHOP & CLARK, At tome'e at Law. Rooms 1 and - 4 Smith-Crawford Bldg. JAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law, , uince over tajior tununn u pany. : .... RALEY A RALEY. Attorneys at Law. Office in American National Bank Biuldlng. ., . - TOM WATSON WINS. -ATLANTA, Ga., Sept. 10. (LT. P) Thomas Watson, Jr., former con gressman and former, candidate for president, on the , populist ticket, is nominated for United States senutor. according to- fairly -complete i-eturns today. FRED Law. Bldg. H. SCHMIDT, Attornsy at Room 34. Smlth-Crswfom BEAUTY SHOP BE BEAUTIFIED at Miss Robb's shop. Judd Bldg., Phone 10S0. , MARINELLO SHOP All kinds of beautiy parlor work. Skin -and scalp treatments a specialty Room 4, Association Block, Phone 7J6-R. - THAT CAR IS NOT AT ALL PARTICULAR 3Y ALLMAN FOR RENT Furnished room 1314 'E. Court. FOR RENT 2 nicely furnished rooms ladles preferred Call 616 Thomp son evening. FOR RENT Nice n sleeping Board across the street. 292,-M. 315 Garden. ONE FRONT ROOM for two for rent I $10 each. Also housekeeper! a anted, refined man and wife might I 243-M morning I Wales senator Is today consiuereu ue- ne consiaereu toil - zm I that sitSsMt-? I ! s-lk'i r SooWr rr . h nH. H. M. HANAVAN -Room 7, Temple Bldg, - Dentistry, Phone 772. EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT OPTICAL Dept., any size, style or " shape glas while you wait. D. Jf. Reber, M. D.. 1, 8. . Belts Bldg. THE QUELLE. A gooa place to eat. SECOND HAND STORE FARM LOANS SNOW A- DAYTON, 117 Court Bt. Real Estate. Firs Insurance. Farm Loans. See us about a loan. . HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING at the Singer shop. Mall orders promptly attended to. HEMSTITCHING Mail orders Mrs. Ralph Hassell 417 Bush, Phons 996. . WE BUY AND SELL all kinds of sec- ond hand goods and shoes' Repair ing a specialty. Martin A Keys, 210 i W. Webb St.- . .,-.. ., ; .,' SECOND HAND FURNITURE USE OUR REPAIR DEP"X We fea ture . upholstering. resHvering mir rors, remaking mattresses, packing and shipping house hold goods. We also buy and sell household goods Phone 632, Riley KsenB, 523 Malm. JUNK, JUNK, JUNK BRING your junk to the Pendleton Hide A Junk Co. See us before you selL L- D. Cameron, Prop. KODAK FINISHING PERFECT DEVELOPING and print ing - for ths amateur enlarging. Prompt work. Tali man Drag Co. SECOND HAND DEALERS V. STROBLB, dealer In new and sec ond hand goods. Cash paid for second hand goods. Cheapest place to buy household goods, 21 JK. Cowr Phone 271-W. - THE SWEDISH INSTITUTE LEGAL BLANKS LEGAL BLANKS of every inscription, Blank Deeds, Leases, Writs, Bill of Sales, Contracts, Subpoenas, Affidavits, Complaints, Summoi, eta, .for sals at East Oregonian Office LAUNDRY EVERY Article Laundered Perfectly. There's an agent In your town. Troy Laundry. 808 Garden St. MADE TO MEASURE Carl E. Franaera,- Klks Hides GIVES TREATMENTS t r Rsavuma tlsm. Stomach Troubles;, Nervous ness, run down condition, etc. Steam and electrical cabinet baths end medi cated tub baths are used in connection with massage, medical gymnastics end electricity. 743 Main St., .Phone 10I9-W. ., , ,., 's SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTIC THE most up-to-date effectual lead- ing science practised. E. V. CMhana P. S. T.; N. D. Room 12 Pee bier Bldg. SURVEYOR AND ENGINEER LAND SURVEY General englaeeiiua ' work. Z. A. Lanadale, C. 104 River side, Pendleton, Ore. TAILORS - 847 Main Phone 1008 I 8 Good Things Eat to Plums, Pi-unes, Pears, Peaches, Grapes, Blackberries, Bananas 'Apples, Cantaloupes, Green Corn, Cabbage, Lettuce, Casabas, Eg Plant, Beets, Green Peppers, Radishes, Car rots, Cucumbers, Green Beans. Every Thing; Fresh and SohU Priced Right. ..'1 The Dean Tatom Co. Meat Dept. Phone 86 Grocery Dept. Phone 688 1 delve. ' !- or evening.