I 1 DULY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 31, 1920. TWELVE PAGES PAGE EIGHT BiNGHAM VISITORS ARE RETURRNG TO HOMES AT THE MA TRtS 8 ! AI.TA 1XM.V v .l "Out on the blistering, relentless. lncrt of ytentern America," to quote the author, Knbtrt Ouy hoI.s a party wf ftvil eas1m- laying -the trail for a On m won! 1 it v.i tH I ra.llrou,d. His men and mock r almost vexhau.vtod, and McWIllJams, Clay's associate in many advenlures, suggests that they take ".n'easier route. . "Thin route means the nfi vinfc of millions of dollars to the Company, and it I do not ro through with It she would thinfc I'm. a quiite." i rrpHoa (lav. a he Kates at the picture of a girl in the cover of his watch. The girl Is Alice IJingham, a stranger to him. daughter of his employer. He riad cut out the picture from the (social Secret of Energy These Dog Days" JLiittnnat doiiim mmii congestion front stomach and bowels with Dr. QaldwelVs Syrup Pepsin "HERE is no time of the year A when people should be more enrcful of tlieirdtet than during the hot summer months,, but unfortunately it li the season of greatest carelessness. Cold foods, ices, unripe and overripe fruits are soon followed by cramps, heartburn, tndiffestioa. constipation. Do not wait until yon have a splitting hniachci, but when you find yourself getting biftaws and constipated, that very night take a teasnoonful of Egyp t an Senna and Pepsin, which 4s sold in drug stores under the name of Dr. Cald welt'a Syrup Pepsin. By morning your bowels will be telieved and the conges tioa gone. 'Then be cautious at meal time for a few days' ami jvfcu wiU hare no further troubte. Dr, Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a com bination of sinple laxative herbs with pepsin, thai has grown la great public favor for thirty years. We know of many thousands of households that are never without a bottle. Mr. Eugene McMaaus of llanayonk. Pau. was very FREE JAiUwns of people chrome constipation. Ur, w, c. CaUudt, IiL. far a free samble & million botxU were bought at drug stores ivicMonaia aruoios - ' r Bert A. McDonald, violinist i ' Nellie Whiting McDonald, pianist - . , K r " and assistant teachers. Modern and efficient methods of instruction. ' . FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 1. Applications for enrolhnent jiow being received! 1 510 W:. Webb St" " " SIMPLICITY In order to determine the real or intrinsic value of a Piano (which is the simplest thing possible) it is only necessary to . eliminate all guessing scheinsvrpuzzie' contests and the continual special saje artist that has a sale on every month in the year, ad vertising something for nothing in the shape of Free Prizes, etc.. and center your attention on seme responsible firm whose past record and commercial standing is unquestioned. Business meth ods and financial vitality to stand back of its goods with a per fect guarantee of satisfaction assured, and prices consistent with quality, determined for quality, goods and prices that are always right, get Pianos and Player Pianos direct from the factory, through J. P. DARNEMj, Kastern Oregon Factory Representa tive of KOHLKK & CHASE PIANO CO., Baker, Ore. See Pianos on display at the Beer Hive, Pendleton. Arcade Today Children 10 - . TOM MIX I 'In ol iRed Blooded Drama of the Canadian "Wilds Cyclone A Tale of the Northwest Mounted Police I All the Thrills and .Excitement of the West in the Early Pianeer Day when the Pop of a Six Shooter was Music to the Ear. , , CHRISTY COMEDY Kidnaping edition of a popular masastne that lie hud found and looks upon the pretty Kirl aa fits mascot; ? Of course. Ihey were destined t meet. -After tho cumnwera oomrilete their work, Clay is Introduced AHeo at a reception Riven by Mr. Uingham In honor of President and Madame AJvcrex, of tlie little repub- iie or Olancho.m South America Hope,. Mr. Lansfham'e youniter daugh ter, who has not as yet made her de hut, and her brother Toddy, view tle retention through the balustrade Alice Ltfngham proves a willing list ener to Clays story of the picture that he carries In his watch, but her Inter est is realy centered in Reginald King. ( - DR. W. B. CALDWELL Jn him 82 nd yar dyspeptic until he patronized his drug gist for a bottle of Svrup Pepsin, and now he ean ret am and digest whatever he eats; be is sleeping sour der. gaining in weight and strength and is in all re spects feeling better than in years. " Just get yourself a bottle of Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin at a drug store and see the great good it will do you. of all ages suffer from occasional or Let them send name and address to 512 Washington Street, Monticeto., bottle of hi tirmAprfiiI Potscta last year, the largest sale in the world. " " ' Phone 645-W Adults 30c Caroline (East OiCKonlan Spectal.) GIBHON.Aag. St. V. W. Koch was a Pendleton visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson went to Athena and spent several days tins week. Miss Grace Hoch left Friday for Portland after spending the past two weeks at Blngnam with her motliur, Mrs. Mary Hoch. t Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thompson and little daughter Zona were Athena" vis itors Thursday. Miss Barbara Hoch left Saturday for Pendleton where she will teach in the public scnool. She has been spend ing her summer vacation at Binghan Springs. Mrs. W. D. Humphrey of Pendleton spent last week at the Corporator ranker station with Mr. ami Mrs George Brace. Mrs. Dolf Thompson and little son 'Kldon have returned home from a two weeks' visit near Weston with Mr. and Mrs. Roy and Cooll Hyatt. Mrs. Casper Woodward, Mrs. Dave Stone and Miss Maxine Elliott all or Adams, are spending a week at Biiw,-- nam. ; Mrs and Mrs. Charles Gerklnsr and children left today for the'r home near Athena after camping: at Bingham the past week. rorest Kanser ucorffe ensby war here Thursday from Fry Meadows on his way -to Duncan Ranger station wnjch is his headquarters. Mr. and. Mrs. Luther StrumbauKh and children of Joseph, Wallowa, Co. are at BinKliam Springs for a week. ftirs. v.-H. Leahre and two sons. David and Vern, who have been spend ing the past six weeks at Bingham from Walla Walla, expect to leave to day for their home. Dolf Thompson and Seth Hyatt spent Friday near Weston. Fred Brace and his sister-in-law. Miss Estells Weylon, spent Wednes day in Pendleton. Mrs. A. W. Cook of Gibbon spent Wednesday In Pendleton doing some shopping. Mrs. Fred Bruce and two children. Bobby and Thelma, returned Monday from a two weeks' visit in Baker City with Mrs. 'Bruce's father. Mr. Kerton Airs. Maud Phelps and two children from Ellensburg, Wasn.. are here vis- itim? at the home of her sister, Mrs. Millard Thompson. Miss Cora Sayer left today for Pen dleton to enter her second year In high school there. t Mr. and Mrs. George Brace went to Pendleton today. ,S. SHARE IN GRATITUDE Armenians who reside in this country are extremely grateful to Am ericans who contributed so generously for the relief of their stricken rel atives in . Armenia, said Asser G. Sar ian, of Spokane, a native Armenian, today who is in Pendleton for a few days. Mr. Sarian recently lectured In the interests of Armenian relief in Washington. v The relief which Americans have sent has reached all save the Interior portions of 'Armenia, which are not yet free of the Turkish nationalist move. Whereis has reached, Mr. Sar- ian said, is has saved many lives and Armenia .will always be indebted to this country for its aid. His father and two brothers fell in combat against the Turks but his mother and younger brother survive. SIILWAUKEE RACES OPKX MILWAUKEE. Wis., Aug". 81. P.) The annual great western cult association harness race meeting m TOM li Milim iiubW- I yA Forerunner to Good Baking 1 Jg Wherever you .find , ' ' '; f I ht GESEE&B Flour, used in ? ''J I the kitchen, you'll find good '. bread and pastry in the pantry. xs, I , V Bread I healthy : folks in the . family. There's. gr eat treal sealed up in every package of Pancake Flour rich brown pancakes and waffles. Try USJEEBS Wheal Hearts, too opened here Monday. The feature , ...vo Twaa uj uuum Grattan. Best time 2:01 1-4. TO ITGHT FOR COX WASHINGTON, Aug. 31. (U. P.) Heads of the Amprtcan federation of I )7 ' Here they are !" ' iM-0Blffl SOAP CHIP li Jf- j jm ' j "j M ' Children, 10c An Allan D wan Production Romance and Red Blooded Adventure Strangers in a Strange Land Face to Face with Death A Romantic and Gripping Story De picting the Adventures of a Daring Mining Engineer. CAST Norman Kerry, Pauline Stark, Anna Q. Nilsson, Wilfred Lucas, - Wal lace Berry, $100,000 COMEDY , ' , HAROLD LLOYD IN t ; From Hand to Mouth . And wherever good flour is sold of course, you will find jglgnSIHK. Put up in 10, 24 J and 49 i pound sacks.. v. II labor, who have gone on record favor- nig in enjtuion oi uovemor cox, yes. terday planned a campaign with its ohject to line up the labor vote tor. the democratic candidate. ATH AyfTA . On.', Aiisr. 31. (A. Fo 1 , RICHARD HARDING DAVIS ;. r ; prMenU Hi. A short method of making three loaves, or two loavca and twelve biscuits, m pints tepid water; 1H tablespoons auitar ( level 1; 1 tablespoon sale (level); 2 cakes compressed yeast; 1 tahlesr-oon shortening; (DSTnTiOS Flour, well sifted beiore measuring', enough to ninke a smooth dough, about yi quarts. Dissolve yeast In part of water, salt and sugar in re mainder. Combine and add Olympic flour to make smooth batter. Beat until free from lamps, then add rest cf flour, sufficient to make a smooth dough. Add melted turd or oil. Knead well, put in greased bowl to rise until double the bulk. Knead down 'and let rue aaain until double the bulk. Mold into loaves, let rise till light, bakemrnoderate oven Outfclder Satsumma, under contract with the BirmlnKham club of the Southern Awodation, has hen old to the Pittuhurprh Nationals, tt mi announced today. 1 .li Faroou. Novel "J, Z'.TiTi .5T."'iT TZS 1 7$iM f mmWM PASTIME Today Children 5c 1 1 .-Adiu-?0ct ' Art AGord IN r . THE MOONR1DERS IN- FATAL FORTUNE Comedy BEAR SKIN BEAUTIES ft Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee Chronic and Kervoua Dtseaaea and Disease of Women. X-Ray Electro fberapeutica. ' Temple Bids. Boom II Phone 41 , Dr. K. J. Vitrk hlnriie Itoota, liei l and barks compound la a. remedy which has been proven a. very succesBful and effective oirrtt for diseases of kidney, liver, rtomuch, lung-, rheumatism and all chronic and acute blood die ardors. One dollar and twenty five cents per bottle. Also 4ur Savant Salve Is performing a wonderful relief on headache. ?atarrh, cough, "bronchitis, rhett matisin srift ihmww. ititx ;ents per box, postpaid by us. K. J. York lillimo Ml. C)nJ" I". O. Ho 553, Walla Walla, Wn phone: ron cm-ammi AND ITtliSSING. Prompt service. Free dolivery, CARL E. FRANSEEN , Elks B11r. Adult. 35c Helen Homes