tL',.-.:'. t DAILY EAST OKEQONIAN, PENPIETOft, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 31t 1920. TWELVE JPAGE3 PAOS SIX aoi 10C30E lOCXOl raoi l"" Mania auaaaaaaauillliaMiillltilflaiulliiiillllli ! Social and Club News VI KITH FIln.M HKI-IN " 1 1. nolle McFarland and Mra. Kisk. The A week-end vinHor In ronnlcton ! affair In to be held in Union hall ami Mifi. w. P. 1'liTi- who wus lure the rteilar session la scheduled for Ironi her hi)in! near Helix. -:.) o ciock. MICH. CI-AUKr? IlKPAHTS Xn A. C Clark, mother of Kilwnrd J. Clarke, l fl lal evening for Ash land. Mie plana to rf-niain (here and In Willamette Valley points fur ail ex tended Visit. IlK'iflKK WKUTOIKS M1CMBKHS. The Uesree of Htitltir is to meet to monow afternoon In its first regular NeKsion following summer recess, ami lifter the business meetinic a reception iw to tie held complimenting two mem-j I'era who nave returned to Pendleton j to reside after having: niado their j hnmet In Spok:ine. Thev are Mix ; ASPIRIN WILL MAKE HO.MK HER K. Mrs. Saran O. Kuotli of Toledo. OrrRon, is explored to arrive soon to maKe IVndleton her home. Mrs. IUoih is the mother of Mrs. tiriwa.d J. Clark, Her son, loron Booth, ar rive.! Monday and entered srhool here. He will be a truest t the Clurk home until Mrs. Itooth arrives and they will then le domiciled in the rM Alabie lesiUoiiee on Lewis street. TO VISIT IX KKXXKWICK Miss Kther Richardson departed yesterday for Kennc-wlck, Washington, w here she will ! a truest at the home of her sister Mrs. Edward C Tweet. Mis Richardson expects to bo awa about week. Name "Bayer" on Genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin' is jrenu ino Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for over twenty years. Accept only an un broken "Baypr package" which con tains proper directions to relieve Headache, Toothache, Barache, Neu ralgia. Rheumatism, Colds and Fain. Handy tin boxes af 12 tablets cost few cents. Druggists also sell larger "Itayer packages." Aspirin is trade mark Bayer Manufacture Monoacetic acirtftster of Kahcvheacin The Farmers and Mer chants Bank. formerly Farmers Savings Bank 4 iK-r rail Interest n Time IHHslm WALLA WALLA WASH. HOTRROCKS LfeAVK OX TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Hmrley Hothrock, of the Wild Horse mrion, left In their car this morning on a pleasure trip to ! The Dalles and Portland to be gone sverl days. Their two sons and ' Mrs. Ida Rothrv-k, Mr. Kothrock's mother, accompanied them. inu'KCH societiks to meet J Tone rrvw has been chosen by the j three women's . organizations of the Church of the Redeemer for their first meeting of the season. The Parish Aid. The Sanctuary Chapter and the Ladies Auxiliary will meet in Parish italL VISIT FROM LA GRANDE. Mrs. Trespa Oct tie and her son, j Ue-orsre Gelt it came to Pendleton from , their nome in La CSrande yesterday and are to remain for a few days' visit. . CU B SCHXDfLKS MEETING Clean, cool dais and the opening of 'school beckons the return of many 1 families from beach and mountain land while the Round-Up and its at tendant festivities claim premiere at- Jtention for the next .few weeks, the pases of tho 1320-21 calendar are be jemninsr to ope a aid they promise in teresting things and a busy winter sea son. The first f Pendleton's literary Hi $ggon(yr in fAe dankmno ' a good 'friend '-usiSiins toriiiTJO di 'stance - A HEALTHY bank account al ways responds to a written order for assistance. If you pay your bills by check on our bank you are giving folks something more to think about than the mere fact that their bill is paid. Open a check ing account. vml Moeial orKnnliuttiouii to he it In Its Tall work is the Woman's "lub for It aeheiluled its opening meeting for Thursday. VVII.l, MOTOIt SOI'TH. Mr. and Mrs. Ij. A. Winn and their Iwo daughters. .Misa (Iheratlne Hnd Miss l.uclle Winn plan to leave innmr. row lv motor for Lunu- Hmmh fornlu. where they will spend the Win er tne conservatorv of muKti. at in..f ter tne conservatory of music at Lone eaen. sue was formerly' a siuiIimu here but spent last veur at th t-- in Aci-iculturnl College. VISIT HERB K. ItOlTB. Iuests in Pendleton vesterdav Mrs. C. s. Cheshire and little Miss Uuiise Cheshire of Milton, who stop ped nere en route homo from Hoi (jtke whero they have spent the week with Mr. Cheshire who Is convalesc nc from recent Illness at the Funita rlum there. , ' I VISITING IX U GUANDK. I Mrs. A. I... SiniPHon and Mrs. r;. l.'arney and cliildi-en left yesterilav for La Grande where they will visit for the next few days as guests of Airs. F. W. Kendall. MUS. HI" 11 BAUD 'RETURNS -Mr.. Thomas Huhbnrd, who has been here as the guest of her daughter Mrs. W. li. McN'arv. hua ratntn t her home in Salem. HOME FROM MOTOR TRIP Mr. and Mrs. v. T. Rlnhy and son have returned from an Interesting mo :or trip to the middle western states. They visited friends and relatives while anient from Pendleton. RETURN- FROM SRATT1.R Mr. and Mrs. Riehard HI mis children have returned from Seattle where they spent the summer. They will be In Pendleton for the winter. Sapone Carrara Pure Castile Soap with Fine Wh Cloth Soap and Cloth both for 15c Broadway Peroxide Bath Soap, large'bar ........10c Broadway Geranium Bath Soap, large bar .:....10c Lifebuoy Health Soap, 2 bars 25c Maxine Elliott Buttermilk Soap, 12 bar box $1.50 Creme Oil Soap, dozen $1.20 ; Palm Olive Soap, dozen $1.20 We can supply you with all the best brands of toilet, bath and laundry soap and powders. 30 kinds to select from. Largest Stock Highest Quality- Right Prices Gray Bros, (jrocery Co. MISS DICKSON" HONORED. Miss Nancy Dickson, attractive maid who has come to Pendleton to remain throughout the winter as a guest at tne rvoroorne Berkeley home, was complimented In a delightful way Saturday when Mrs. Berkeley enter tained a group of friends for her pleasure. About sixteen guests were bidden to spend an informal afternoon with needlework. Artistic clusters of bright goldenglow decked the rooms and centered a dainty tea table about which the guests gathered for a buffet lunchon. THREE PHONES QUALITY m I THE THOMAS SHOP lllllllllia have been sont to their respoctive cap itals to consult the governments re garding any proposed transfer of ne gotiations to another place, accord ins to a Moscow wireless today. Wlliii CONSVI.T JOVKUXrEXTS LONDON, Aug. 31. (A. P.) Rep resentatives of both tho soviet and Polish peace delegations at Minsk j Aune Wheeler Studio i 5 222E. Alta Phone 533 S A W woman and held in strict confidence. If you folks only knew You would not delay J ! c.,:,i; t ... -i hat photograph an- K (JLUU1U 1UI V U LI .UU1U W I SUFFERED THREEJEARS Finally was Restored tp Health by Lydia E. Pinkham' Vegetable Compound. - Lowell, jas. "I was all run down and na.i an awful pain in my right side, vu persistently consti pated amMiad very dizzy spells. I suf fered for thrs vears and was perfectly misrrahle until a friend wa$ telling me to try iydia & Finkham s V e e c - taole Compound and I found it a wonder ful medicine. I can now do twice me much work and 1 recommend the Vegetable Compound ta other women. You can ;:se these facts as a testimonial." Mrs. M. I'heai.l ItessEY, 49 Chestnut St., Lowell, .VI a a. Why women will continue to suffer so on? is more than we can understand, .hen they ran find health in Lydia K. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound ! For forty years it has been the stand ird remedy for female ills, and has re stored the health of thousands of women jrho have been troubled with such ail ments as displacements, inflammation, ulceration, lrrepilarities, etc. If you want special advice write to Lydia K. Pink ham Medicine Co. (conft lential), Lvnn. Mass. Your letter will be oiiencd, read and answered by a FIVE AFFIDAVITS 10 SUPPORT PREJUDICE ; CLAIM ARE FILED Father of One of Defendants Contends for Change of Venue for Prisoners Held for ' Murder of T. D. Taylor. 5 YEARS FOR SCANDAL T4 i do, r other day. I For Sale wwwwwwKUWAw1A'WVVWVnIKV, There is Nothing Better for Your Chicken than i OurSCRATCHFOOD and Our EGGMASII There is no reason why your chickens shouldn't lay at this time of the year. Feed them our feed and Ta k-i iitnn va c-vvijr ua v . 8 I 13(H) V. Alta St. PJione 1014, 475, 351 end part residence, lot, part UMATILLA FLOUR & GRAIN CO. 2 t room hoUKe. eant cah. part time. Beautiful 6 room North Side. Large cash. room bungalow, lot 50x100. brand new. Good terms on this. 8 room residence, Xorth Side, street aved, part cash, part time. 8 room residence. North Hide, east front, part cash, balance easy. 7 -room residence, 100x100 feet - lot, street paved, near school; easy terms. 9 room residence, North Side, corner; easy terms, long" time to pay. 7 room residence 100x100, beau tiful home. 8 room residence. South Hill, plastered house. Could take $75.00 per month room rent. 4ood terms on this. Furnace; full basement. S room residence. South Hill, lot 0x20fr. Good barn, woodshed and outbuildings. Part cash. 10 room residence. South Mill, large ground. This Is a snap. 160 acres good farm land. Would take house as part payment. Good land. 20 acres alfalfa land to trade for house. 8 room house. Will take cash and Rood car. GEORGE W. ELDER IS Main St.. Pmdleton. Residence Phone, 227J Office I'hone, Five affidavits of prejudice to sup port their contention for a change of venue, were filed late Monday after noon by attorneys for Elvie l. Keruy, John L Rathic, Irvin U Stoop and Floyd Henderson, chargred with the murder of Sheriff T. D. Taylor. The only affidavit from a disinterested per son was that of S. A. Lowell, an attor ney, of Pendleton. Ik H. tftoop, father of one of the defendants, filed the most exhaustive affidavit in support of the contention that his son should be slven a trial elsewhere. Joseph J. Lavin, attorney for young Stoop and for Henderson, also filed an affidavit, in which he quoted an editorial from a local morn ing newspaper Indicating prejudice. P. M. Collier and Edward J. ?4ark, lecal attorneys appointed by, the court to defend Kerby, alias Jim Owens, and Kathie, field briefer arguments for the contention. Mr. Lowell went at considerable length to explain that he acted as a citizen and as an officer of the court in filling the fifth affidavit Other local persons who were asked to present similar assistance requested t-he attorneys -to be excused. The papers were presented Just be fore the expiration of the time limit set by Judge O. W. Phelps when the defendants were called to plead on August 20. The state has asked to be j given an or ims weeK in wmcn to pre pare motions objecting to the motion of the defendants' attorneys. Jude Phelps said this afternoon that, he'hud 4a ken no action on the motions and that no time had yet been set as a limit for the state to file Its objections. District Attorney Kcator already has busied himself with pre paring data to combat the motions. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 31. (A. P.) William McCarthy, president of ttoc Pacific Coast Baseball League, an nounced todny that he had reconsider ed the order suspending William Rum lcr.,of the Salt Lake club for an In definite period, and that he hnd sub stituted his previous order with one which provides that Uumler shall be suspended for five years. McCarthy stated that lie had tele grupned to P. V. Ijine. president of the Salt Lake club, that Mumlcr's case hnd been re-opened, and that In a sec rn telegram to Luno and 'Umpires MeOrew and Anderson, he fixed the period of suspension at five years. This action, it was explained, was nef cessltated by the fact that under sec tion 27 of the Pacific Coast League constitution, the president of the league is empowered only to suspend players or team managers for a defi nite period. .; REINDEER MEAT MAY PRIVATE DETECTIVE IS OTTAWA, Ont.. Aug. 31. Accord ing to an order In council Just gazet ted here a vast territory. In Baffin's Lnd will be leased to Vllhjalmur Stef- ansson, the Arctic explorer for the purpose of gracing reindeer and musk ox heads the meat of which will. It is said, go far toward solving; tne prob lem of cheaper food. I -The land which is to be leased for 30 years with a renewal period not to exceed 20 years, is that section de scribed as the southern half of Baf fin's Liand south of parallel 68 degsv nortn latitudcand Including a strip to J miles wide along the north Boundary of Lake Metilllng. For the first fifteen yeara Bt'efarisv son will be given free grazing privil eges, but for the remainder of his lease he will be asked to pay-$11, afl, a year. According to Stcfansson'n statement to the Dominion "govern ment he has Interested sufficient cap ital to Insure the success oif nis pro ject. -''V. While musk-ox meat Is known only to a very few epicures of the northtafid reindeer meat Is quite a common dish on the northern Pacific coast aild is often available in restaurants as f.-ir south as Portland, Oregon. The meat of the reindeer is very palatable and not unlike tnat of the whitc-tallod do mestic deer of the western states. - " I'-. ' New Fall Style For the first call of the new season we have gath ered together a widely diversified collection of Suits, Coats and Dresses for Women and Misses Correct in every mode detail. They will prove of un usual interest. . " " lr 1 Prices are exceptionally moderate, comparing fa vorably with those days that preceded the high cost era. Quality PRINTING at Reasonable Prices- East Oregonian Printing Department PROFITABLE HABITS' f Children are sent to school that then may bo bejler trained In mind and body ta meet -successfully, the competition and respon sibilities of their own productive age. Equip your children wit U J v , . Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen It teaches unconsciously, habits of neatness, exactness and flu ent expression, all of which contribute greatly to a successful career. ' - - ' ' . ' s ' Wo always carry a large selection of tbeso Ideal pen. ' Priced at $2.50 Upwards.- "' V CHARLESTON, Aug. 31. (A. P.) Maii.r Psvne. a private detective, was wounded In a, fight Saturday ' which "tiirted between striking miners and mine guards at tho Willis branch coal company, according to a statement of the state police. Two trains are being held outside the town, the crews fear ing to. take them through Willis branch l tho statement said. State police on the scene are attempting to qucN dis turbances and hare arrested a miner said to have been seen firing. SECRETARY BAKER TO TAKE STUMPFOR COX CLEVELAX1, Aug. SI. U. I.) Secretary of War Baker will tase tne stump for Governor Cox in about tnree weeks he announced today. , The na- innsii committee will ararnge his speaking tour, Raker said. ircEis. Alex MacKcnxie to T. O. Krause, J73S0. Lots 4. 11 and 12. Illock 80. Res. Add. Pendleton. Thos. F. Tower to Ansel P. Lund- hen it. V 1-2 XW 1-4 NE 1-4 Sec. 10. To. 4. X.-K. 29. , Rlanche Templeton to Sadie Elder 11000. Lot 1. Block 11, Halstead's Add. Echo. Roscoe Dickenson to Alex MacKen- zie $386. Lots S, 4. 6 and , block P, UklHh. LOS ANGELES VOTES ON WAR MEMORIAL TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FURXITURB FOB 8AXJS House for rent 70S Wilson. FOR 8ALK One brand new Overland Mn --od discount Mr. Ritchie Phone 720. FOR SALE BY OWN IS K 5 room house on North side, half block off Jackson St. Phon I079-W. LOS A.VOELES, Aug-. 31 Financ ing of two great civic projects, a war memorial auditorium and -a coliseum, was beinsr considered by os; Angeles citizens today, votinir on a proposed ?5, 000,000 bond issue. , , The first of the two Issues on, tne primary ballot calls for the erection of a memorial auditorium to coat 14 - tlOO.COO and to contain 13,451 seats, or one for every Los Angeles man en listing the army, navy or marine corfa (lurinj tna world war. The second project proposes erection of a Coll- suem In Exposition park to cost f 900. 000 and, to seat 75.000 persons, to be used for entertainments and athletic contents. ; The citizen's committee, backer of 'both projects, declared both' will be passed by large majorities. "The war memorial auditorium will be the nation's greatest war' memori al.' Sylvester L. Weaver, chairman of the committee declared. "It will house headquarters for war veterans' organ isations, civic community centers, and convention headquarters. "The coliseum will be the world's largest ampitheater, and will provide a perfect place for staging the next Olympiad," Weaver said. Plans are already under way to bring .the 1824 Olympic games to this I city, he said. . THOMPSONS' DRUG STORE Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention. ilMllllltllllMUIIIIIllllt-MllllllllllllllllllllllluiillHlllltlllllllllllllllllllllll'Mllllllllllin INTRIGUE TO RESTORE EMPEROR KARL BARED VIENNA. Auk- II. W. P.) Mill iner streter revealed In a eesHlon of the Austrian parliament a plot -to re- More former Emperor Karl to the throne. fcHxty nine deputies, members of former Premier Kriederlch's party. are said to be implicated. - Their names will he revealed later at a secret c slfin of parluiment. YOU CAN DO YOUR OWN SEWING You never were satisfied with the old foot treadle .5 sewing machine any great amount of sewing was too tiresome. You like to do your own sewing .at I home because you can have it done yourway when you want it, and so much more economical We want you to come in and see it. Closing out the 5 '? 2 SI 16 Free Electric Desk Style Sewing ' Machine $7490 ;.V;VvJ: I I Crawford rurniture Company f I . HOME FURNISHER Fhone 496 103 E. Court St tiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimitiiiiiiuiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiirTiiiiiiiiiiiinmitintiitiiHiniiiiiffrmtiiiiu