TWELVE PAGES DHL? EAST GREGOITIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 31, 1020. rr It -WA People Here and Tiere Noivrly an far famed as the phuto Itruph of the Cuyuxe twlnii by Major Lee Moorhouiw la that of Dull Scully catching: suckers through a hula In th street at Aftortii, 15 or moio years ago. . Mr, Heully, now A traveling ealesmun, formerly ownort a cigar atura In the city by the sea and In those ditya tide water coursed far up under the main streets. Perched on a chair In front of his estulillxhrnpnt, Mr. Scully ona duy dropped In a hook and line through the wooden street and hauled lip a flHh. ' A iihotoffnipher was called andt the event chronicled. Even to this" day, with the streets changed to tilthullthlo payment and the water kept out by a seawall, Astoria Htatlon era sell this picture postcard. Mr. ftoully wua In Pendleton last evening and called at the new Elks home. Birds are rather scarce In the West ern division of the Umatilla National Forest, says It. A. Botleher, deputy supervisor who returned this morning after a 10 days Inspection trip. He Haw only a few jErouso and phoaaunts. Mr, Koltchcr saw no deerf but saw some doer traeka. A heavy 'rain which fell In the mountains was,batlly need ed, says Mr. Uqttcher. ' Floyd Hamol. traveling salesman for the Westlnghouse IToducts, with headquarters In Seultlo, IB in Pendle ton today on business. " Mickey Mutiny, f-nri-wntliiir the CrcBcent .Munufucturtnn t."o.. of Seat tle. Is In Pendleton aid vicinity today In the Interests of 'hlw concorn. Quotas assigned to various HtuleJ by the republican committee for the 1H20 campaign totaled $4, 887, GOO, Treasur er Upham disclosed before the sou- ale sub-committee today. , This sum he said, represented ''every penny tho republicans at any time planned to collect and really represented twice what party leaders expected to raise. NEWS OF THE Mi OFFICES AND OFFICERS Voimg Miui (liartul With I,urviiy. w. K. Itloomqulst, a youth recently employed In harvest at the Muloncy farm, was arrested yesterday after noon at Myrlck on complaint of J. i. Maloneyi lie was charged with hav ing stolen a watch and a koduk from tho Maloney ranch when ho left. The watch iJlootntftilst carried was not Identified as tfolonging to the com plaint and as yet he hua not men Kuett to folk on Koto The Oregon Ufa Insurance Co,, to day brought suit to collect 4402,25 al leged due . on a note signed by Peter Meorgarun aim I'eter JvosmtiS, anu for f 75 attorney fees. Peterson, High op & Clark repnHent tho plaintiff. Two Kiliool Oim-ii Tonitwrow. The schools in'Athena and Hermis- ton will both open for the 19ZM-121 season tomorrow. O. C. Hadley will be new principal at Athena, .while A. C. Veelker will return as " principal at Hormlstiin. Mrs. Josephine .pelt, who Is to teach the eighth grade at A then 1 was here today en route to that city from Independence, Ore. PORTLAND PARTY TO BE HERE IN OCTOBER Pendleton Is on the Itinerary of week's Junketing trip to be taken be tween October 17 and October 24 by members of the Portland Chamber of tlfled the camera as his. In Justice Commerce. The plan Is to have 300 or court Isloornqulst was released on 175 bull. Now ltrtrlt Karnes Officcra. School district No. 120, near Thorn Hollpw. yesterday met and chose io Hergev.'n, rgar Forrest and Alex ander Kirk as directors and Carl Plucker' as clerk. The district Will Icsn.r.nd Fltxaerald vli'ts the west "cn chol a temporary location each year, com!,,, from New Vurk asllutc fieptcinher and plans to erect . ,.nr,.,.m.iu. M.r i-r, . 1 1, I modern building later. The district New Y. ik i. I..Ihis. lie Is here to- " '""" s day on business. '' , . Paul lel principal of the Hells school, v. arf a ImMncH visitor In Pen dletnn toi! iv. He w II open the school there on londay for the coming year, COX yi'OTlX (Contlncd from page 1.) Cox. wan made today by Fred W. I'p ham, treasurer of the nntiniial repub lican romiulttec, beforo tho scnute in vestigating rouiiiilttce. Fred W. 1'phatn. republican natl. onat treasurer, told the Investigating rommlttco today of different statu quotas and the amounts collected. In Oregon, :8S was collected for the na tional campaign and f 1,663 for the state campaign. The 4'phain statement Is In con trast with the recent statement of an Oregon Harding official that (19,000 had been raised In this state. ' Quota Is t4.K77.5O0 CHICAGO, Aug-. 81. fir. p.i I Second JlnJf Taxes 80011 I)ne. ' i.ouccuons on tne secona nair 01 tne 1919 tax roll will soon be coming In to the sheriff's office and preparations are being made there to accept the payments which, after October B, are delinquent. A few payments are be ing made daily but the bulk of the money is expected to come in later after farmers dispose of some of their crops. .1. Il.iim liulhlc rs File I.H n. Tho Northwestern Honiehuilders Association today filed with the coun ty clerk notice of a lien against prop erty owned by F. F. Carey to collect (1742.70 and $250, alleged due and unpaid for service and labor perform ed. ' ' more business men of the metropolis tuke this trip to Eastern ' Oregon, vis iting 23 cities and towns on the trip. The party will not attempt to visit Idaho towns on this Jaunt but will merely look Into trade relations in the counties of th.'s aection of Oregon. They plan to travel by special train, making their moves by night and spending their' days In the' various towns-en route. Tentative arrangements are for the special train to leave Portland at S p. m., October 17, make short stois at various cities and towns during the day and travel at night. The schedule plana to return to Portland at 7 a. m. October 24. ; Cities and towns which will be vis ited are: Union Junction, Cove, North Powder, Haines, Baker. Nyesa. Vaie. Ontario, Wallowa, Joseph, Enterprise. Elgin, Imbler, ' La Grande, Adams, Athena, Weston, Mllton-Freewater, Pendleton, Pilot Rock, Echo, 8tan- fJeld. Umatilla. "' " ' ' Two Xoies Alkt"! Uniiulil. Mnythe-loncrgan t'o. today brought nit against Almond Hartauff to col lect the principal and interest on two notes, the total being 1617.55. The plaintiff also asks 975 attorney fees. Carter & Fmythe represent the plain tiff. C3 si m. m f CRIES 26 O , NLY actual driving brings out the mechanical perfection cr this benes 20 SPECIAL-SIX to its fullest degree. Beneath the harmonious lines of its exterior are mechanical features which assure economy and efficiency that are at once apparent to the experienced notorist and will proclaim themselves by ears of constant service. ItQ-imth nuhtflhasti JO-kcrsgptnvtr dt- mtuntabli head mttori impnvtd kot-tpot intuit manifatHiinttrmidinUtTammuinnt impronjid nuindtkield with buliit tttU lampi; nrd tirti) (xientuu fssstas lamp. ' ; t . J $1785 i " ' I. - k. Dttrelt WALLACE BROS, STI KF.IIAKFH t'AHS " FISK TIIIKS . IVIM HDR TRUCKS i:ika Temple I'lione 74 m T YET FOUND BY POLICE CHICAGO, Aug. 31.-U. P.) A "phantom bandit" today stalked through the Inquest over the remains of Hiiwnrd Khodes, shot to death near here yesterday.' Rhodes' 'was killed while riding with Mrs. Gladys Jacob son. Mrs. Jacobson said the motor stalled In "Lovers Lane." but was about to start when a handlt appear ed. Khodes, she said, hastily fired an autqmatlo, the robber dashing to the rear of the car, fired from there, the bullet passing through Ithujes' neck. Police are puzzled over the fact that the bullet killing Khodes entered the right side of his face, ranged down ward and that hla revolver was found in the road, if the woman's story is true ... BIG PACKERS WILL Washington; Auk. 31. (a. p.) Plans of the bifT five" meut packers for disposition of their Btocksards in terests, required under a decree re cently made with the department of justice, contemplate the sale of such interests in 15 cities to F. H. Prince and campJUiy, of Boston. The project was .filed to.)ay,., with the disuict su preme court. KILLED MAN, BURRIED IN MODERN EYEWEAR There Is a design of spectacles or eye glasses for every lp of face, so that tliuso, who need to wear glasses; are not marred In appearance. 'Fact is well fit ted moilorn glasses Improve the appear anco of the wenrer In nearly every Instance. Here 5"U will find a full line of the latest in spectacles and eye glasses and great euro Is exercised so that you may liavo the style that Is most allractiv's.a!) wcll(Jis the lens thai currocta jum vision. afeftotfiu?it STMOkKTIMf American National Dank fin I ll fbonwiili training said 13 years clcr;eiico at your scrvh-o. BRIDOEPORT, Conn.. Auir. 31. (U. P.) An autopsy is being perform ed today over the body of George M. N'ott. to determine how tho man came to his death. Noil's body was found jammed Into a partly hurled trunk In swamp last night. Klwood Made arid John Johnson. Implicated and munscled to policemen, pointed out the approximate location of the trunk to firemen ana police, who wnded neck deep dn water to 'eeaifrf. The police said today Wnde had practically con fessed to tire killing. - KILLED ASCAR ROLLS RKDOIN'O. California, Aug. 31. (A; V. ) Mrs. Peter Scov of Corvallis, Ore., as killed Sunday night when her brother Samuel Ij. ' Oould, lost control of the automobile In -which they were riding-and the car rolled down the mountainside between Har. rison fluleh and Itecgum. The brakes on the automobile failed to function, Oould stated. Mrs. Seov'a baok was broVen, hut her brother escaped with Injuries.. Mrs;-tcov lived an hour fol lowing the itceident. ' ' ' 1 '. i TENNESSEE HOUSE VOTES TO BLOT OUT RECORDS NAKHVIl.l.K, Aug. . (A. P.) The Tennessee house voted by 47 to S7 today to expunge from the house Journal all proceedings of August S3 with reference to action on the suf frage ratification resolution, with the exception nf roll call on that date, ind a point of order raised by Speaker W'alkor that no quorum was proaenL OUR PET THOUGHT fit niir store is lhii-4Thi liHWulUTCtlie Hple t"nio U Umk uimI (Dim Iu4'k to lny. That will Indicate how very welcome you are to vlnit our store and Inspect our attractive display of jrierrhundiKe. , Ple.iMe do not anticipate that you will be presned to buy, for liieh-presstire fttleHmunsliip has no need or plitce where-the (;oodH are the very bot and the prices the very lowest, . GIFTS Engagements, Weddings, Anniversaries. Illrth days, ;hrlstenings, etc., are occasions that suggest .Interest in our goods. Anything selected here Is . characterized by superior quality, correct design and attractive price. , , , s -it-. Si Inc. -cJeujelei Pendleton Ore. The Largest Diamond Dealer in Eastern Oregon. (E SPREADS TO BOSTON merit, flocked to regintratton booths l yesterday to register for the coming territorial elections, it is estimated that 10,000 women In the Islands have been enfranchized. They cannot vote for president, Chop s Pork, veal. Jamb or mutton chops whichever your taatc dictates from special cut at special prices. ; ". " ; "" '"" " . '" " WJien you 3ee the quality of these meats you will want to buy several day's supply. "I ' v Steaks and roasts, too, for .those who prefer them. ; Try some of our sugar cured bacon Sot jrour breakfast. - ' " . , . ..' ' .$ A Empire Meat Co. "The Old ReUable" -' Established 1890 ..-M,. A FbonsUI , -rr-'..'V lit... "ier BOSTON, Aug. SI. (A. P.) An unauthorized strike of longshoremen against steamship companies under the British flug in New Tork. in protest against the English attitude toward Ireland, was extended to this city today when women pickets induc ed a crew of 60 to quit work on tho Leyland liner Nltonian, loading . for London. NO XiAIM-Ht IWIl-VPli DENVER, Aug. 31. U. T.) There will be no labor day . parade here, according to an order. Issued by Colonel Ballou commander of the fed eral troops In Denver, which is under j martial law. Under the military edict no demonstrations or parages will be held because of the fatal strike riots of four weeks ago. LISTEN DO YOU KNOW WHAT 'CAPIASES' ARE? DENVER, Aug. 31. (V. P.) Spventy four criminal capiases upon which eight arrests have been mads Mince yesterday have been issued as a result of a special grand Jury probe of the tramway strike- riots. The grand jury continued Ita investigations today. HAWAIIAN WOMKX UKOI.STBR HONOU'Ll!. Aug. 31 (t. I'.) Hundreds of women enfranchized by the national womens suffrage amend- 111XGKH STUIKKIl IIKS. "WORCESTER, England. Aug. 31. The first death resulting from the hunger strike in an 'England jail oc curred today. Karl Bunwal succumb ed after going without food for five days. He had been imprisoned for contempt of court because he insisted on reoccupytag hla home after he had been ejected. t THEY ARE FOES OF , LONELINESS DESPAIN & LEE CASH GROCERY 209 E. .Court - Phone 880 or 881 Save Cash by Paying Cash it's a sre, safe vay to fatten the bfiixk ccQHnt. You save .from, 10 to 25 per cent on every purchase. Jiist think what that means on a month's grocery bill. Try U TLt. Mcnth. Pay Cash Receive More ' Pay Less DESPAIN & LEE CASH GROCERY 209 E.;Cpurt ; " f ;Phoie 880 or 881 r3 . ; " ' 'j f t k-f A 4 '7- ' DETROIT Mr. and Mrs. Robert Downle hT8 organized Get Acquainted Club here, and In so doing have dollvered a knockout to the curse strangers And in a great city loneliness. Tk club meets, at the Unitarita church. There's no preaching, but "Just tun. ej ay. . And tho urcnestra playa ragtima and 4axs music! The Red Crown" sign stands fur an all'refinery gasolinc STANDARD OIL CO. (CtltforaU) GdsoUm THREE-FOLD SATISFACTION J'-': In Price, Workmanship and Promptness when you patronize The East Oregoniaa Job Printing Department. Phone I ' i.! Columbia College and Conservatory of IWEufic Milton, Oregon - TWENTY-F?RST YEAR BEGINS MpNOAY, ; ' : ' .SEPTEMBER 13 : r A select school right at jour fJoor, where the best in education is provided under wholespmcinflnences and at the lowest possible cost ' ". COURSES: ' ACADEJVUC, COMMERCIAL, DOMESTIC -SCIENCE, ELOCUTION, PIANO, VOICE, VIOLIN, ORCHESTRA, CORNET, SAXAPHONE AND " ' " OTHER WIND INSTRUMENTS. ' Expert Teachers in All Departments Splendid Boarding Departrnent "THE SCHOOL THAT .IS DIFFERENT' Send for Catalog and Other Information. H. S SHANGLE, President. 'WHILE HOUSECLEANING . Don't forget to have on hand case of that wonder fully sparkling and refreshing ; '.I . . ' WINE-0 An occasional bottle during these strenuous days, will do much toward relieving the fatigue Jtnd nervous strain of the industrious housewife. ' ' ' A bottle of WINE-O at dinner, also, will soothe the irritability of father, when he comes home and find the house topsy-turvy. Besides, it is good for the kiddies. Keep a case of Wine-O in the house ail the time. Bottlers of All Kinds Soda Waters B afamafataiwa PENDLETOX, OIUGGOS 1 : A " J I- X