East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 31, 1920, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    lit I trtH viuu t
News of Pendleton
Sept. 2J-J5 Pendleton Round-
Up. '
Sept. 22-28 County clerk of
Oregon convention here.
Sept. 2 Kaatem Oregon 1Ih
trlot Medical AHHm:lutloii, I -a
Kept. 19 StaU Federation of
iJibor, here.
Bept. 11. HermlRton Field
Sept.' 9 and 10 Corcul ttruln
show, here. '
8ept. 8 Joint Iihor Day
celebration, Pendleton, la
Grande and Hnkor at Haker.
Oct. 8-9 HermlRton, palry
and Hog Show.
nnvld SwniiHini I inployert.
: Iavld HwanHon, a ecnlor In thn
Pendleton hlKh m-hool. has acccpifd
m' pinltlon n hlBh school reporter for
the CuHt OrPKontan.
lig Enrollment Kxixftiil.
, It In probublo tlmt lue enrollment
at tho Pemlleton hlish Hthool will he
m-nr 300, . aeronlmnr to ewttnuite
made by Auetln Lanrtreth, principal.
At preaetit there are 23f HtiulentM en
rolled and with the end of harveHt,
many more are expected to enroll.
IlearrnniiliM; Inlrrlor
The fountain In T'nlly
hoen moved and other fixmrea In the
Interior ehmmed In preparnllon for
the fall and winter HeaHon, for which
the uwuern are phiniilntf. other
:hanKeH will he made between now and
October 1.
Will Inspect School tloii-so.
Itaymond W. Hatch, local architect,
left thin morning for Umatilla where
he will -Inspect the Umatilla school
hotiHe at the reonctrt of the achool
board. The building Ik to be repaired
before the opening of the gchnola next
I'ftyMte -'I'liV company hae atl.oti'l
Hheep. Mr, .'''-ileuner Ih at pri.'--.t in
S'lh. iaUp where he reprea-'tjie 1 the
Htate Vet,l r:n,werH atetoclatioo -t'lrx'
Xaliruml vto.l (Irowet-M smwiinn
meeting. Tie Hall Lake ram kii!i .h,
'. il'g he.il si this time and V)1 inn
fi out the C in i jngham Co. will f t' tol'l.
Use the Phones
Grocery, 2 Phones 526
Other Depts. 78
Use the rhonea
Grocery, 2 Phones 526
Other Depts. 78
l'Blon u i;.nme Mecilnuii
Pendleton Post, American lesion.
planH to remime Uh monthly mpellnge
a week from lonhfht, after taking a
summer reeeBH. On account of Mon
dity'B being Labor Kay, tho meeting
will bo held on Tuesday evening, Sep
tember 7, in the aiwombly room of the
county library.
Fnlcntter enluartcr Hero
The KnterprlMe office of Fred W.
ral'-oner Ih to be moved Immediately
to Pendleton, according to announce
ment made today by Mae HWfce, dec
retory of the Cunnlntthain Hheep and
l.nnd t'o. f.ently purehHwed by Mr.
1'nlcontjr. Mr. Faleoner'H Wallowa ln-t-ret,
hl I'mntlltn county IntercHta
and the affair of the 7 Z U ranch in
Idaho, recently Incorporated, will be
r:i lulled In fl'ture from the Pendleton
o.'fiie. Thi IntereKtH of the Yapette
Unit! and J.ivcNtoek i'o.. Inc. rf whlrh
..ir. '.".it- inr baa the controlling Inter
will r mtlnne to be handle.! from
101101101101101101 101101101101
i - -
Working on County Program.
The program for the forthcoming
county convention of the Y. M. C A.,
wnich will be held here Home time lit
October, is being started by OtiMh
Wood, county secretary, I'rellminary
tej) for the convention have been ta
ken out. The convention 1 i-xpertod
to be quite a, lare gathering and con-
nlderable work of importance will be
worked out nt thn time.
AHjmi Alitthea H:innon, one of thoHf
choHen a a member of the hitfh
whool faculty, today Bent her ref-lna-tion
ta K. lnlow, city Kchool Biiper
Intendent. Mian HunHcn'n nucceHKor.
will be chosen later. Htchard Han
Icy, new athletic coach will arrive herp
September 7 and cuurneH In phyaleai
training will ben (fin at that time, a
well uh other athletic pui-HuitN.
RMH!tcl for Grain Show.
Mrs. AVinnie Braden, Btale exhibit
apent. i expected to be here for the
Cereal Orain Khow, to be held Sep
tember 9 and 10 under the auspices of
the Umatilla County Farm Bureau, at
the Sturgfs A. Storie Implement store:
Mrs. Braden Ih in charge of the ex
hibit? at the Oregon building and her
visit here would be for the purpose of
securing exhibits from Umatilla
Tomorrow is September 1st. Place
'your meat and grocery order WITH
us. :
"Waste Less Uuy the Best"
Pendleton Cash Market, Inc.
t . PHONES 101
" Prtfate nxchantre Conneotn lloth IVpartmcaUT
viya. ojiocionuji au uiat
t I
Htijrirc.NtH That Lights Be l'wd.
i KutfKeHtion was made by a local
l booster today that the cluster Hljnts
j on Main street, which are no longer
jtllumlnated at nfhts, be fitted out
jwith plobes for Hound-lp season and
j utilised. Hia idea is that Main
;treet, with all these lighting fixtures,
: could be turned into a 'ireat White
Way" and add considerably to the
lively appearance of the city during
the time when thousands are its
Little Boh' Fcep Hair
IJovvs 75o 90e
Comfortable Corsets at Very Moderate
Little Bow Peep Hair
Dow Ribbons come in 1 1-4
yard lengths of best'quality
ribbons for the price. New
patterns and colorings. Buy
three or four lengths.
Art to be Subject.
A meeting was heM this afternoon
at the high school fot 9 11 those stu
dents interested in glee ub and also
in the new art course which is to be
offered. Art will be taught as a. sub
ject this year which has not been a
rtwtom heretofore. Because of the
ffrpat number that wish to take Klee
club two courses will be offered, (.Hie
will consist of the history of music
while th other will be the study of
ioi-ioi 101 101 101101101101101101-
That's tlm wajr wo Icttrnml to ftiriire mid we flffnro Bt present prices
of materiel and ixmtinlH, jour barn Iiiik donhlcd in value.
ir you dm't believe It, prk btrildlnit materials today and oonilUiro
theno prtcoa wlih wliat you paid when you built.
Nice fix you would he In with a fire about now, eh?
JNCItKASK your Vw Insurance.
Itov. ,onnll TcpartH
JU' n. K. (iornull, formerly partor
of the Methodist church, left last
niftM for Chicago where he will Join
Mrs. riorniitl and two daughters. Miss
Lois nnd MIks Beatrice. After a short
ttny in which he 'will assist his family
In becoming settled for the winter, he
will return hero. Later he will go to
Portland to take up his new duties as
secretary for the Portland nrea of the
Methodist church. Hcv. Oornall re
cently resigned the local pastorate.
Willow Srtrcrt Sewer finished
Contractor B. C. Day has completed
the laying- of 250 feet of sewer on Wil
li, w street on the south hill and it will
be inspected by the city engineer and
sower committee this week and prob
ably accepted. The Turner street
sewer work has not yet been let to con
tract but city Engineer Frank B
Hayes is compiling the cost from the
bids recently submitted. It is thought
t ha i M r. Day's bid will be low and
that ho will be awarded the contract.
I Housing Klttiniion Acnto
; The cal housing: situation today is
i pronounced more acute than ever with
schools opening and persons returning
j from their vacations. Many persons
i here who have rented homes during
i the summer are now heinK serVod with
j notice that they will be obliged to va
t cate and several XamiMes are more or
! less in a quandry. No relief from tTio
i situation has been worked out by the
jronlty dealers or property owners and
1 they are at a loss as to how to meet
! the situation. .
Money Saving
Just to convince those that are not acquainted
with our low standard of prices and higrh standard of
goods we are quoting a few of our regular everyday
3 bars Palmolive Soap 25c
4 bars White Flyer Laundry Soap 25c
4 bars Clean Easy Soap 28c
4' boxes Matches 25c
All School Tablets 5c
J. & 1 Coats Crochet Cotton 2 for 35c
Silkine Crochet Cotton 15c
Texto Crochet , 2 for 35c
Saddle Is Finished.
The Hound-lp saddle for the cham
pion in the bucking- contests made by
1-1 am ley & Co., local saddlers is finish
ed. The saddle, valued at $450 is
made of selected leather and is beau
tifully carved, showing an intricate de
sign of lilies, and the words "Let cr
Inick." Onthe taplderes, Jockeys and
wkirts are silver hand carved fleur-de-,
lis. A feature of the saddle de hixe if
(he channel sitchlng which makes the
.stitching invisible. The saddle for the
roping champion is well on the way
toward completion. It also is of beau
tiful leather and the resign Is the
wild rose, with tho lettering "The
Kound-l'p." The silver pieces are at.
in the rose resign.
Schedule Is Tested.
The new high school schedule was
I given its first test today and worked
well according to Austin Landieth
principal of the hph school. Tho dav
; is divided into four periods of one. and
lone half hours. These are sub-div
tied into two 45 -minute periods for
the Irregular students and for st u
dents taking five subjects. This plan
g.ves a regular student 45 minutes oi'
reci'ation and 45 miiyitcs of super
vised, study for each subject. This
does away with the confusi n of
charging rooms to study, and fcives n
pcpH a chance to receive help from
his ttgular teacher, as well as the tea
cher being able to understand each
pui il nnd the problems that confront
We act you to compare MCDART
Corsets, front laced, with any other
corsets. We ck yo-.t to compare for
Quality, Lines, W ornmansnip.
And when you have felven it 2 tfcorotjfch,
impartial test by -H earing itwe will leave
it to your iudrnei:t whether or not there is .
any other front-laced orset in tha MODART
"We chose to specialize on the MODART
from -laced corset to feature it in our adver
tising to recommend it to o?lr customers
only after a thorough etudy and search of
thei:orset field. And only after w were
com ineed that mo other f Ant-laced corsets
com oared with the MODART in quality and
fine-fitting features, did re choose them.
'On expert, scientific vorset fitting aervic
' always at ycur free Sispo?l-
8450 to $20.00
S jr "7" 1 P Ah f'1
EM. .r:
We are now showing the new models. They are
wonderfully made corsets, very light. The figure
does not feel the weight and yet they give most sat-
isf actory wear. Say what you will, they are all good
models and made of batiste, they all represent excel
lent values.- -
81.95 to 86.50
Wash Skirting 65c to
81.50 Yd.
Right now is the time you 'I' J
n use most is a wash skirt. CV'V il '"Ik ,
e're offering a splendid A Y
assortment of fabrics suit- 1- - Ay
able for wash skirts. Comes i-
We're offering a splendid
in plain white, stripes and jf.ii'J lji
checks. ' -
New Point Laces 81.25 to 8400 Yd.
A brand new lot of POINT LACES for Collars
and Cuffs. Patterns that are different and of ex
cellent quality. Freshen up your dress with a new
collar. , .,
Grocery IDepartment
Assorted flavors, per dozen . . . $1.50
Imported Pimentos, per can . 25c
Imported Mushrooms, per can 90c
Imported French Capers, bottle 35c
Imported A. & B. Anchovie Sauce, bottle 65c
Curtis Ripe Olives, quart cans $1.00
H.-H. Stuff Olives, 12 oz. bottle .... ... 65c
Fountain Brand Large Queen Olives 60c
Extra Fine Country Bacon, per lb, .
arrive there until 4 in tho afternoon
from J-cmlleton. Kfforts will be made
to fret thj circuit here for one day or
have the routing changed so that the
Jump from l'cndleton to Yakima will
Me eliminated.
We cannot bqirin to quote all of our prices, but
have named a very few, just to prove to you that we
re right in what we claim to be that is Pendleton's
low prices store.
j Owing to the inability of performer.
;lo reach Yakima from endleton early
' enough to Rive tlielr matinee. the
Uoew vaudeville aetf. which were ten-t-itvely
sinieJ for appearance In the
' Alta theater here this wasnii, hiav not
come. ManninT miy .MaiiorK today
j received a wire to that effect. The !
: book in rs were to start September I l
frttid artu were to show here Tnesiny '
tind Wednesday of ench week, t'nn
tracts rail for a matinee opentne tu t
Hkitna on Thiirsday btt present train,
lklkVklkWW mtvko will not permit paugor.1 to
Pay Ch Pendleton Variety Store Save Cash
,ew tlrrnit lay Xt Come
Mr. Mc'oi-mmncli 111
Will H. AlcCormmach is seriously
ill nt his home at 215 Main street, lie
has a bad attack of pneumonia.
timber sale project, and it is alleged 1 Nichols form another party of hunters iron Farm Itureau representatives tho
that he was responsible for a fire who left yesterday. Joe Onrniek and idea is favored, a joint committee
Karl S.iwyer will hunt in Vktah, while iroru eacn part or tn state will meet
John Hamley and H. R. Green will to frm the federation. The meeting
have today for the John Day region. t La Oraudo yesterday wai attended
j by Farm Bureau executives from Mai-
which burned over eitfht acres.
MKs KHrcrs 111
Xn-js u g.eo-thlySc,. .11
Atisa He trice llopers, who is em
ploved in the county clerk's office, is
ill. Miss VI osrer is suffering from
throat trouble.
The I'matilla county commissioners
will meet tomorrow niorninff at 10
o'clock in their regular monthly ses
sion. Several matters oi roaa ns
iness are to porno up for hevirtnfr, hav
ing been held over from the Au trust
netitn for investiyaiion and ctittisid-
Wholesale House Keplles
The Pendleton Oommercial Associa
tion today received from Ijnnjy & Co.,
wholesale grocers, of Portland, a let
ter acknowledging receipt of infor
mation recently requested concerning
the trade possibilities around this sec
tion. The data sent wad the most
complete received from any town
where information was requested, tin
letter stated.
Trot May No Attend
. t. Teel, of Kchn, one of elpbt
irrigation men of the county recently
delegated to attend the Northwest
reclamation and Irrigation con.arress
at Seattle September IS and 17. today
nitified tho Pendleton Commercial
Association that it may not be possible!
fop him to go at that time. lie sum
in his letter that he stromrly favocs
the meet in st 't hopes that he may
stH his wav clear to attend m the in
terests of this county.
i;fiisrs to Pa v line
Pen Short, of Pktah, who on Sfttur-i Hunters Are AIhtwhI
day was fined aner tie pieao i ue oi'eTHiip- oi me ut si-mmmi i
jriiiltv to lejivinff o fire burning1 on the! morrow has called many Pendleton
t'matilla National Forest, refused to- i hunters to the wild Dr. Frank Boy
i'hv to iiav the fine of nccordine den and Will Humphrey left th tit mot
Kabid iyoto Killed
A rabid coyote was killed near Knh
ler Basin recently by one of Frank
Knox's ramp t e n d e rs. aeco rd i n r to
word received by the local office of
the Pmatilla National Forest. The
coyote bit one of the sheep doss, which
later waa killed. Rabid Coyotes are
not common and the one killed la e
first found in this region for b.ir
heur, Btktr, Union, Wallowa, Umatil
la, Morrow, Sherman, Wasco and.
Descktutea eo untie. J. fbbina pre
sidod and -AllK'rt Hunter acted a secretary.
ItK-nme Tax rollottors Tier
C. 4. Ruff, divisional director for
the collection of internal revenue, and
his assistants, . V. Kberts W. I-
Hammer, and J. P. IVesan, are here
for a few 'days to conduct a special!
drive for the collection of dealers"
excise tax. Mr. Huff has his head
quarters here. Wit h the three men
from tho Portland, office, he hart leen
doing special work in tax collections
throughout V-astern trc-irn.
lUiroiaetor Is i;iJiuf.
The barometer is risintf and rec li
ters 29. S5, Riving Indication of fair
weather. The maximum today Jw It
and the minimum Is 4, says Major
Lioe Moorhouse, weather observer.
May lorm IXnlcration
The HViwtern Oreo
j farm .Purea'.i repre-ntatives
tbSTOV, AiC. 31 (P. I
orybody in tireil .f t h pre.-wiit
administration particularly Uh cotnliut
conference nf(vr uffaira alnnd." limi-nior Puolidir
terday in li trand voted for
receive this morning nt the! morning for John Day for a several a state federation of the Farm Itureau.
forest office by H. A. Viottcher. deputy days sojourn. .S1 Banm and party ;aays w. . tiarrun. mennH-r pi ihp
suoei visor. Mr. lTottcher irave ortiers lett tnis morning ior ine mmimmi MTumc i-. v w... ......
tu sear out a warrant for the re- 'nnd Colonel J. H. Raley will hunt deor( eau -who returned
:trr st .f Short. Short bad the brusH in the Granite Meadows region, Henry
piling contract on the Teel irrigatlonLHnis, Finis Kirkvauick, and si- 1-
day from L
rande. Mr. Harrah state that ll at buy fatici-
the cumins convention of Fasteni Ore- i, i ntent.'
t!fclared in opening the r'poolu hu
eampalgn in Mawachii!-tit. "The
country i not only weary. but corn
pletcly exhausted ami il I. g tinted wi! h
all the dne'r ma-Ire nnd vwionurnut,"
he said. " have had enoiixti fleet
and want omtrt rung per-