PACE TWELVE DAH.Y EAST 0RE00NIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 31, 1920. TWELVE PAGES I I 11 11 E tl I I II I Don't Wait! Ho who waits un .lil the last minute may find himself with an empty coal bin this fall. You've heard many stories about the short age of railroad cars. They're all true we re pret to say. Iut right now we're well prepared to supply your coal needs. Buy Your Coal NOW! B. L. Burroughs Incorporated Phone 5 College & Webb Sts. OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE Your Savings Turn Local i:i-ry tlnllar which lia hwn savixl ami ch'iiositnl In this old r4ahIMiMl hank, 1ms been placed aiul hmI liro it most bencf itxl lmtU business, uih! lunie Industries in ail eetHmnikal way. Thus everj- tlullar ?o iJeMv-i.cil. has luul ite influc-em-e in (he up building of tkis irosierouy coiiimu iiil. . . . Thi hank. fU'eomiiioriatrs (lie rich and tlie in Mir. tin ;ll ami the young, by accepting ami ociiui; account for as low a One iHillar. Start Mich an account of jonr own this week. The American National Bank Pendleton, Oregon. Strongest Sank in Gastern Oregon" 9 , ... R'9 I c? ii O vm KB -I a.' V Paint it today Use it tomorrow Kimrmlta how shabby the id ear looked yesterday alongside of your neighbor! Mew one? Made yon f eel like an outcast. Don't let Utaf worry you get a can of Lowe's Auto snobile Varnish Colors and sake your "old bos" look lika a new one. Faint It today aai drive it oat of the garage ta morrow. These AntomobHa Tarnld Colors ere made in all VaM popular colors. Easy to us flow on like cream. Coma In and ask for frea booklet Si II II tl n n m n ii rs n fa u la 13 f:" L. J. McATEE Phone 158 513 Main St (Paints 12.500 Square Feet of Floor Space tMt l&SwdKjr.S lit C'3 -tf?3 RJi'S M2 JWt-icewsatft GOOD FURNITURE FOR EVERY NEED . AT SAVINGS PRICES If there it one room whir.n should he enrii hori it is your 'dimiiM- room. ft in in this room you and the family seek lihvHK-al (tn'ij inVutal euffttnaiiCt', i ace and affectionate coin paitimiHhip. It in thT"iore hut natural that you should dtfdre to fu mirth ' this room "witli 'Whatevnr will develop pure tuMr, healthy bod lew, -iltivHte thf intelltM-t and enndle the heart. . iifw tlinliiff rtwrni laMe. a hnffet. ami -omfortalh etuur"- JI it' a hity wa toward Mt-urUnr eonifort and HitititiMii Tor Mm ho, m fMks. w jw-oud of your diiitiiir rtNint. See tlt it p-to-liH. oim here and iuW out all our u;uetton in dining room funiiture. Cruikshank 8c Hampton 14-120 J- Webb KC QUALITY COUNTS ItKme M 12.500 Square Feet of Floor Space s a. LfTHCE JoNS pMlV (S AWAY, AND : A THAT teccow SITS OOJ ,TMCfcC5 1 ANU "TOOTS HIS TU HIS A I I 1 1 : '1 tt( H I 1 I I 7T YouVCS 0se Kl "T7TT I KfC THC5 HO R.N Quire- A toHtce. JI ir "Coo'fie njot too LA-Z.V. 20 UP MO RIMC1THS TX50R' iTHeRe's N5?tY Hons at thg Joivese-s ANV inc Cin vjijui-v LOCAL AND GENERAL Lacluding Pendleton Prices and Associated Press Reports The following prices are the prices being paid to producers by Pendleton business bouses. Wherever retail prices are given the fact will be spe cially mentioned. ICggs and Poultry. Kegs, 55 cents. (Retail price Is 55 cents.) ixiins, 20 cents. Spring fryers, 30 cents a pound. ( Country Ham, Eto, Ham, best quality, 28c Bacon, best quality, 40c. Butter Fat and Butter. Ranch butter, $1.10 a roll. (Retail price is also 11.10.) 9.5010.00 8.00 -if- 9.50 7.5 1 7.00 n 6.00 7.25 U 8.50 7.50 7,00 8.00 Ilcuvy Livestock Run Muds Market Steady (Tuesday Morning Journal) Monday morning run at the North Portland yards was heavy in all lines. 99 cars arriving. All markets were steady and considerable early trading was done. Prices received indicate all markets are in a healthy condition. Hog market is steady to possibl strong. Kun was fairly heavy for Monday, 6S5 head arriving. Only two carloads were placed on the market, all tho rest being direct shipment stock. General hog niarKct rur,e: Prtnio tnivixl' X 1 6. S 0 W 1 7. 0 0 Medium mijpil 1 6.00 ft 1 6.50 1 6.25 7.25 Rough heavy 10.00ig 13.00 Smooth heavy 1 3.00 (M 15.00 Pigs 12.50 15.00 Cattle market is steady to strong. Tho long list of sales in these alleys indicate business was quite active. Steer sales were made within tho mar ket top range. , General cattle range: Choice grass steers .....$ Good to choice steers ... Medium to good stoers... ?"air to good steers Common to fair steers . . Choice cows and heifers Good to choice cows and heifers . . 4 .......... . Medium to good cows and heifers Canners . . . Bulls , Choice dairy calves Heavy calves Best light calves . . . Medium light calves Best feeders Fair to good feeders A steady tone was also shown In the sheep and. lamb alleys. . Trading was good, with prices unchanged. Kun was heavy. 4010 head arriving. General sheep and lamb range: Prime lambs $ 9.00a 10.00 Cull lambs ... 6.00 W 7.&0 Yearlings 6.2.-fn 6.25fD 6.7D . ...... 2.26 6.00 6.25 4.75 6.00 6.25 2.75 6.00 13.0015.00 7.00 9.00 ll.00ftl3.00 9.0011.00 6.503 7.00 5.50 6.50 Wethers ! Ewes . . When Folks Quit Coffee because of cost to health or purse, they naturally drink t WSTANT STUM "There's a Reason I Hop- arc Quoted Dull Wool and Hide Unchanged XEW'YORK, Aug. 31. Hops dull, state and Pacific coast 1919, 73 80c; 1P1S, 65(&72c. Hides, wool unchanged. London Wool Sold at Prhvs rnrhuiiKcd LONDON, Au. St. At the wool auction Bairn today 9.700 bales com prising' a moderate selection, were of fered, prices wcr unchanged. The continent ia buying1 carbonizing woole. Oittlc and Slwop Markets , at Kansas 1ty Active KAN'S AH CITY, Mo., Aufr. 31. Cat tle, 29,000; fodders and best Hhe-ntnck active; steady to atroiu?; medium cows and heifers dull and weak; choice heavy cows 11; hulk Bhe-stock 6.00 (t S.SO; beef steers Renerally steady; un riertnn weak:" early jtalef 9.00'f 14.00; "PEACOCK" NUT The Ideal Summer Fuel. y y ' - BURNS CLEAN , BURNS WITH LITTLE ASH B URNS ECONOMIGLLY Makes Cooking a Pleasure J. C. Penney Co., A Nationwide Institution ws$y : ikHda' FEMDLETON, OREGON OPPOSITig BOTKIi PENDLETON -. .' j -1- 0 . - AwV-VTs1 I J5 '. ? What Do You .iGet In the Clothes You Buy for your boy? PENNEY JR. SUITS HAVE UNUSUAL FEATURES Their smart models tailored as faithfully as clothes for "grown-ups" from fabrics out-of-the-ordinary in pattern; and, color-1 ing are accepted here as only incidental in the features of these high quality clothes for boys. Style and color without service, would be of no value to the parents who buy clothes for good husky western boys. The features of Penney Jr. Suits that do . make them different from ordinary clothes for boys are the specially selected woolens) tested and shrunk before making. In the coats are double elbow cloth, guaranteed mohair lining, special canvas fronts: that keep coats in shape until they are worn out. Reinforced pockets stayed and tacked. Pants have double seat cloth, double knees, lined throughout with extra quality) lining, taped seams, belt loops, adjustable bottoms and non-ravel pocket facings. ; , Best of all these features embodied in Penney Jr. Suits may be had for your boy at 14.75 to $19.50. . Other goods suits for boys, $8.50, $9.90, $13.50. T m m Wise Parents Buy School' Shoes Here. For Girls For Boys . . $2.98 to $9.90 . . $1.98 to $6.90 uofiniiisuf piMuonjJ V "Ky Aauuaf ) 'f other classes steady: canners mostly 4.008M.25; best vealers 14.00. Khecp 12,000; sheep and lambs stoudy; top ewes 7.25; wethers 8.25; yearlings 8.75; western lambs 13.90; feeding lambs 25c higher; top 12.75. rand foreign bonds registered only nom-tries. Hcarlsh crop estimates from 31.- City Clly IH-livery Quotations Tor Smttlo Gruiiw fBATTliH, Wash., Aug. delivery. -.- Feed scratch feed, $87; feed' vht 592; all grain chop $77: toats 7!tV sprouting oats $78; rolled oat, $79; whtle corn, $81.; cracked cYrn, $80; rolled barley. $70: clipped Barley, $75. Hay alfalfa, $32 per ton; double compressed, $36;' do. timothy, $42; eastern Washington mixed. ;$26. '-' Scaltle Gets No Hogs, (attlo I'lctitifui; Arc lower. BATTLE. Wash., Aug. l Hogs receipts none; steady, prime 17.00v? 17.50; common to. good 6.607.50; best, cows and heifers 7.75U 8.25; !mcdium to choice 6.50fM':50; common to good 5.O0IU.6.60: bulls 5.00M 6.5t; calves 15.00917.00. . ; . .; llfiiioval of Kmbargo At llmnlNiri-r ll"'lw ("offev Market NHW TOP.K, Aug. 31. .There was some buying for 'either Itraailian Kuropean account' in coffee' futures early today accompanied 1V reports that the Coffee Kxchstngo atHamburg had petitioned the government to re move the embargo on .importations. This created some little interest here and the opening-was 17 to 22 points higher, but the-advance met scattered selling which bccanie little more active following reports of an easier turn In Santos. December sold off from -8.86 to-8.80 and May from 9.87 to 9.50 or back to about Friday's close with the market closing net unchanged .to 8 points lower. September 8.10; Oct. S.30; Dec. 8.75 ; an. ' 8.95; Mar.. 9.30; May 9.60; July 9.70. ' Spot coffee was reported In moder ate demand with Klo 7'n quoted ot 8 3-4 and Santos 4's at 1I'(15H. : inal changes. Total sales (par value) $7,275.uo-0. Old V. S. bonds unchang ed on call. Kxort Demand Slackens And Chii-Hgo Mlicut lrps. CHICAGO, Aug. 31. W'lie.-tt slid downward in price today largoly as a result of the slowness of export do .mand. Closing quotations were heavy r'-'-7-8 to 4c net lower with December i.33 and March 2.29 1-2. Corn fin ished 1 U4 to 1c down; oats off 3-8 to 4c and provisions at a solback of five to 85o. Talk was current in the wheat pit that foreign governments were having no difficulty In financing tholr pur-i-lmscs of Rraln. On the other hand 'liberal sales to Italy last week wero confirmed and also considerable bust opus with other trans-AtlHiitlc roun. Canada and from Oregon. Washington and Idaho attracted soma attention. in the corn market, larger receipts together with prospects of a continued free crop movement, did much to weaken valuos. Oats held relatively firm.. . . Provision. ndvAiu-od with hoes: WARNING Ot mlMrtl iacsnlvaat h.itd ... trnam a v . I --i. $iu, wnoMMina, iMt ami (94 Whara. Kern Ik rVllef Im I InrliuUlM fmiUMrian ksaduk-if !.- I atMib. fealefclaa. Ma has-i.. wV ' wwi. smist sum pnr-( !, ,1 RM20IOS (ORANULCa) ES INDIGESTION DImoIts imUatlf ea tongus, 01 in hoi or cold water, or - i hy. Try at soda fountain. QUICK RELIEF! a. 8. Mckenzie, hi. d. Zje, Ear, Nose and Throat." Office: 10.11-12 Bond Bnilding ' . Pendleton, Ore. ALSO IK TABLET rORH mam er Scott a sswns MAKJERS OF cOTrjaiMULsif V L PIANO TUNING tt your piano sounds "tinny," needs tuning, regulating and voicing to bring back the orig inal tone, have your piano tuned before school opens. Special rato by year. b. a. Mcdonald, I'lione 65W , 1 1 1 ej Phone 178 SMYTHE -LONERGANO Qiility Qjiitity Sarvica Show In Ktofk Miukt NBW YORK. Auk. 81. Factors which contributed ' to the reactlonery movement of recent weeks In the stock market were uppermost again today. prices of the mercurial iHmie record gross declines of 1 to 6 points. Kvents over the week-end epcial ly tho substantial recovery of clear injf houws actual cah reserves, were mainly of favorable import, hut these seemed to be nullified by another flur ry In the money market and! renewed weakness of foreign exchange. Htflms of more stringent money con ditions were forthcoming early In the session, call loans opening at per cent. Long before the final hour. $ per cent was asked and this wan ad vanced to 10 per cent, last week's maximum, at the close. lSfotors and accessories, oils. chemicals, steels and txiuipments were most susceptible to bearish maneuvers, but made trregular recoveries on' the better tone of transportations at the end. Sales 300,000 shares. , Speculative railwsy bonds wer variably his her, but Liberty , Issues !' iiifjiipif HI! Today Is Your Opportunity to place your order for delivery of a BUICK, Valve- in-Head Motor Car tomorrow, next week, or longer delay may cause your waiting thirty, sixty or ninety days in securing delivery. , BUICK demands are increasing steadily each day and present purchasing is advised as protec tion in future motor car delivery. Oregon Motor Garage DrponpoRam ' Distributor , CADILLAC, .HUDSON, BUICK, ESSEX ' AND ACASON TRUCKS t ' PkMMt 481 10-121 W Court i I' i t