East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 27, 1920, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Social and Club News j rmewrooms ; J. J;
: "
MIns Anns Howard of Pendleton Is
hniuc guest of Miss Anna Bowser of
this city. Miss Howard will visit here
for two weeki.
Mm. W. Mathews was yesterday
elii'led ly members of the Christian
Ijiiiim Aid "orli-tv their 1920-21
president. The nieetlnB held in
the church reception rooms where
many memt.erc bn. a number of
friend gathered for the first meeting
on the new calendar. Mrs. Mathews
v.ns formerly vice-president of the so
ciety, and In her new capacity she will
ii o y
Taylor Building
w Wik
-X',1!? . 'lit-J
Baled Alfalfa Hay
Phone 1014,
succeed Mrs. O. V. Huey. retiring
president. Mrs. Kohert l.ee Htissa
bitrger w chosen vice president and
Mrs. Ida Oloott and Mrs. Al Carden
were re-elected secretary and treasur
er, respectively.
Plans were made at the meeting for
serving meals at the church during
the days of the Hound-l"p.
A social hour followed the business
session and dainty refreshments were
served by Mrs. Olcott and Mrs. Math
ews, who acted as hostesses. The
rooms -were attractively decked with
clusters of brilliant gold blossoms and
pastel colored asters.
Showing the
New "CO-ED"
'for Fall 1920
Silver embroidered belt and
metal buttons to match set off
the lines of this smart frock of
navy blue French Serge. Collar
of ecru net with double edge of
Valenciennes lace.
Reasonably priced, $29.75
Sold exclusively by this shop.
2nd Floor
Because It s made
in One Piece
KANTLEEK is built Tike a
bottle all in one piece.
Most hot-water bottles are
made in sections, then cemented
together. When cement dries
-and cracks, the bottle leaks.
Every Kantleek Hot-Water
Bag is moulded of pure soft
rubber one continuous piece.
No parts, patches, cement. Even
stopper socket is moulded in.
And guaranteed for a full two
years' service or a new Kant
leek free.
Don't wait until your old bag
leaks. Get a Kantleek. Your old
one may break open tonight.
6 1
475, 351
Mrs. Kva Wlssler left this morn-
Inn on Nik 6 for l.a Grande where she
will be the guest of her daughter, Mrs.
Karl Doane for a few days. Mrs.
Doane and two daughters. Mary and
Marcia Doane will accompany her
Home for an extended visit.
Mrs. J. H. Klltsnn and Utile Miss
Dorothy KUIson of 4 I 7 Garfield street,
artved home this morning from Port
land after a six weeks outing at Sea
side and Long Beach and in Seattle.
Mrs. i Ii Wniles is enjoying a visit
tt the home of her son In Cabinet.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fulton of Her
mlston were Pendleton visitors yes
terday. sins. nnRir.Ei.EY is or EST'
Mi's. Charles Berkeley is here from
her country home nt Hay Creek and Is
rveinc welcomed for a visit as the
guest of her sisters, Mrs. Norhornc
Berkeley and -Mrs. John Isaacs, at
'Hawthorn." Her mother, Mrs. N. E.
ne Spain Is also enjoying a stay at the
McKay Creek home.
Mrs. John S. French of San Fran
cisco who Is a guest at the home of
Mrs. Ounder Terjeson. was compli
mented and pleasantly surprised yes
terday when a group of friends were
bidden In to share in the celebration of
her birthday anniversary. Dainty
Sifts and a shower of good wishes
were extended the honoree. The party
included, besides Mra French, Mrs.
F. B. Peters, of Rieth, Mrs. C. E. Wll
llammson, Airs. Fred Bender. Rich
ard Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Terjeson and
Mildred LaVerne and Ralph Tergesoo.
Miss Gertrude Morton who set to
day for her departure for Portland
enroute to her home in Phoenix Ari
zona, was extended another delightful
compliment last evening when Miss
Jane Roosevelt asked a group of
friends to the home of her parents Mr.
and Mrs. Clinton B. Roosevelt on Jack
son street.
The evening wag a charmingly In
formal one and during the final hour
the irls enjoyed a delicious supper.
Miss Roosevelt's guests included be'
sides the honoree. Miss Catherine Mo-
Narv. Miss Helen Thompson, Miss
Genevieve Phelps, Miss Helen Idle
man, Miss Maida Huber of Monmouth,
and Miss Nancy Dickson of Portland
who is being welcomed for an extend
ed visit at the Norborne Berkeley
Miss Morton has been the guest of
her grand parents. Major and Mrs.
Lee Moorhouse, for the past several
weeks. Her presence hero has been
the Inspiration for many Interesting
festivities planned by old time friends.
and the charming "adieu" of last
evenlne was no exception to a list of
relig-htful events.
Miss Morton plans to visit In Port
land as the guest of Mrs. J. R. Dick
son before her trip to Phoenix.
Mrs. M. E. Shutrum and Mrs. Trace
Baker left this afternoon on a motor
trip to Portland where they will Bpend
the next few days.
Mrs. J. C. Snow, Miss Ruth Snow,
Claude and Bobble Snow arrived
hotec the early oart of this week aft
S enjoying a visit of several weeks in
J5ai. xa..M Oty.
Mrs. & F. Averlll, little Miss Ma
rian Averill and Edgar. Jr.. are being
welcomed for a visit at the home of
Mrs. Averlll's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
G. W. Courts. The Averllls are for
mer Pendleton folk but have made
their home In Spokane.
Mrs. Mary Lane and Miss Xeva
Lane have arrived home from a de
lightful summer's visit to coast cities.
Mrs. Lane spent the time In Portland
while her daughter visited In Seattle
and enjoyed an interesting sojourn at
Mount Rainier. Both were extensive
ly entertained during the visit.
Beauty More Than Sldn Deep
There Is an old saying that beaut
la only skin deep. That may be so
with those who get their beauty out of
a box but not the genuine sort. Beau
ty la really only another word for good
health and no woman who la bilious
and constipated can reasonably hope
to be beautiful. Chamberlain's Tab
lets will correct these disorders, then
with proper diet and exercise there
is no reason why any young woman
with regular features may not hop to
bs beautiful.
She Sets Good Example.
"I keep a bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy In the
house st all times and have recom
mended It to many friends and ac
quaintances whe have used it with I
rood results" writes A. O. Newell. New
Kenslington. Pa. Should you not do
like wise? Think of the pain and suf
fering that must be endured when
medicine must be sent for.
Now I tbe Time to net Rid of Tour
If you are troubled with rheumatism
get a bottle of Chamberlain's Lini
ment and use It according to the plals
printed directions. ou will be sur
prised at the quick relief which It af
fords. No Internal treatment Is re
quired In cases of chronic or musclar
rheumatism. All you need la to use
Sis liniment freelT.
WAXTKD Experienced
wife on ranch 10FU2.
KAKL, CI'IOTT Teacher of Plnno
Phone 23, Golden IluWs Hotel, I loom
&, Pendleton. Ore.
IXST Small boys green roughneck
sweater with yellow stripes around
middle lost In West end of town or
river bank Keward S05 Calvin.
We carry brooms made at the largest broom
factory in the world. If you are tired of inferior
brooms, the next time you order try one of our
Quality Brooms.
Little Queen, -each
Fancy Parlor, each
Number Seven
Little Polly, each
The largest stock of fine Fruits and Vegetables
for our trade every day of the week.
Largest Stock Highest Quality Right Price
(jrayjros. Grocery (Jo.
Fri.nds of Mrs. Florence Spear
are regretting to learn that she ex
pects to remain permanent! m
land. She Is to be associated with
Miss English's Millinery Bnop, wu
plans to make her home in that city.
Mrs. Speare left Pendleton a fort
night, ago for a visit in Portland.
REDDING, Calif.. Aug. tl.
(XI. p.) A soft drink parlor pro
prietor found he had paid 800 to
learn not to buy whiskey from
traveling "Oresonlans." He paid
that to a party of travelers from
Oregon for 30 gallons of the for
bidden liquid. After the visitors
left, he sampled it and found only
colored water.
water; department
(Continued from page 1.)
creek will be made by the board and
engineer Sunday to examine unused
springs which are a possible source of
water for summer use. The board
this summer was again obliged to run
In some water from the Umatilla
river, despite an extension made last
vear to tan Chapllsh springs. It Is
the board's intention to see the pos
sible source of supply during the time
wnen water Is at its lowest so mat
recommendations may be made for
possible extensions.
Finances Curb Extension.
An extension might have been made
this vear but for the financial situa
tion. With bonds selling so low and
the board hampered by the present
debt limit of 15000 in outstanding
scrlnt. nothing- could be done.
To prevent a recurrence of this dif
ficulty, the board appointed a com
mittee to draft a charter amendment
to be nresented to the voters this fall,
calling for an increase from 16000 to
125,000 as the maximum of bonds or
script that can be issued.
In line with the survey to Dring
new system Into use here, the board
last night ordered that all water met
ers hereafter be placed at the curb.
The commission also decreed that its
system otops at the. curb line and
that the individual is responsible for
his pipes and jystem beyond that
point. Allowance for leaks beyond
the curb line was ordered discontin
ued. The engineer was authorized to look
into the matter of obtaining a filing
system for the records of the office
and to make recommendations at the
next meeting.
(Confined from page 1.)
past. , There will be six events non
competitive but the remaining 18
will be for cash and merchandise
prizes, whose aggregate value Is close
to $10,000. The events and addition
al prizes offered are as follows:
1. Hiding bucking bulls, steers and
2. Cowboy's pony race.
3. Bquaw race, Umatilla Flour and
Grain Co. offers in addition to the
purse, one sack of Hkookum flour
each day.
4. Cowgirl's standing race. Genuine
sealskin purse offered by Tallman &
Co., additional, for best time for three
5 Cowboy's relay race for cham
pionship of the world.
. Kteer bulldogging for champion
ship of the world. Bond Bros, offer
a Stetson hat additional. Cruikshank
and Hampton offer $10 In merchan
7. Cowboy's standing race.
8. Cowgirl's bucking contest, exhi
bition rides each day.
. Indian pony relay race. Peo
ple's 'Warehouse and Max Uaer offer
10. Steer roping contest for cham
pionship of the world: $350 saddle
made by Hamley & Co. and presented
by the Pendleton "Commercial club.
It. M. Sawtelle offers $25 In Jewelry
and Allen-Knight Co. offers auto
11. Indian race (thoroughbreds).
Flashlight offered by Geo. Baer Hard
ware to winner on Saturday.
12. Cowboy's and cowgirl's grand
mounted march.
13. Spectacular Indian parade.
14. Trick riding.
15. Trick and fancy roping.
1. Full blooded Indian ceremonials
and war dances.
IT. Cowgirl's pony race. Sayres
offers $10 in merchandise to winner
on last day.
IS. Pony express race for champion.
ship of the world. William W. lteld
nt 'hli.nn nff.ra hrtrilM and KconomV
Drug store offers $25 kodak. I
l. Stags coach race.
20. Indian war bonnet race.
21. Cowgirl's relay race foY the
championship of the world. Thomp
son Uriig Co. offers $80 purse additi
onal, Koeppen Drug Co. offers $15
ivory manicure set, Hopfs garment
hop offers $7.50 waist.
23. Cowboy's bucking- contest for
the championship of the world. Ham-
ley and Co. make und present $500
saddle. Alexanders present - Stetson
hat and W. E. Hanscom presents ster
ling silver belt buckle.
iS. Quick change race. .
S4. Wild horse race.
Call For Ditto
Notice Is hereby given that bids will
be received up to 6 o'clock p. m. on
Monday Aug. 30th., 1920 for one 10 ft.
folding IJf Savins; Net. delivered at
City Hall, Pendleton, Oregon.
Acting Recorder.
Notice tH hereby ariven that at a reg
ular meet in ir of the Common Council of
The City of Pendleton, held on August
18th. 1920. tne following reaomuon was
duly adopted:
Whereas, tne city ourveyor or -j ne
Cltv nf Pendleton, did on the 10th day
of Aug., 1930, under directions and by
requirement of the Common Council
file In the office of the Uecorder of
The City or Pendleton, plans and speci
fications for an appropriate improve
ment of the following named streets
in said city:
Mirk street from the east line of
Matlock street to the west line of Bush
Perkins avenue from the south, line
of Haley street to the northerly line of
Walters' mill race)
Logan street from the south line of
Rale street to the north lne of Mark
together wlth the estimates of the
work to be done and the probable cost
thereof with a statement of the lots,
parts of lots and parcels of land to be
benefited by such improvement and the
percentage of the total cost of Im
provement, which each of such
lots, parts of lots and parcels
of land should pay on account of the
benefits to be derived from such Im
provement, and -
Whereas, the council has examined
such plans and specifications and esti
mates and found the same satisfactory
and the estimates thereror to be in ac
cordance with the probable cost of
such work and
Whereas, the property recommended
bv the City Surveyor to be included
within the boundaries of the district
benefited is In the Judgment of the
common council properly to be Includ
ed within such improvement district
and no property is excluded therefrom
which should properly be included
therein, and
Whereas, the Improvement of the
hereinabove described portions of said
streets either witn iravi uituntnic
I a venien t. Concrete Pavement or War
rfititt Kitiiltthlo Pavement on Crushed
Rock or Crushed U ravel foundation. Is
at this time necessary, therefore, be it
Resolved, bv the common council of
The City of Pendleton that It Is expedi
ent to improve and It is hereby proposed
to improve said portions or AiarK
street. Perkins avenue and Logan
street by paving the same with either
firavel Rltulithic Pavement, Concrete
Pavement or Warrenlte Bitulithfc
pRvrnpnt on Crushed Rock or Crushed
Gravel foundation, such pavement o be
constiucted and the surrare tnereor to
he finished upon the established grade
of sitd streets and the streets to have
curbs and gutters and all other things street: thence south 250 feet and paral
In accordance with and as shown Id m with the esst line of Logan street:
the plans and specifications for the lm- thence east 100 feet on the north line
nrnvement of said Dortlona of saidlr 1 jxt A mnlr , u.i.u. .jrftlmi
Mark street, Perkins a venue and Igsn
street, prepared by F. R Hi'--- ('
snwasBBBi Iia.t4 ij "aii.MBB, sg
KisaMfl8l '
mmmtumMBm muuiMmdti WL.......... . . a :' . .
Crawford Furniture Co.
103 E. Court St
j.,,, - - i inn-"
New Fall
For the first call of the new season we have gath
ered together a widely diversified collection of
Suit, Coat and Drewe for Women and Miea
Correct in every mode detail. They wjll prove of un
usual interest.
Prices are exceptionally moderate, comparing fa
vorably with those days that preceded the high cost
Surveyor, filed with the recorder of
aid city on the 10th day of August.
1920. which said plans and specifica
tions are hereby particularly referred
to, and be it further
Resolved that tn engineer's esti
mates of the probable total cost of
uch Improvement, which saia city en
gineer's estimates were made and pre
pared by F. B. Hayes, city surveyor of
said city, in the sum of I2S.S00.10. and
was filed with the recorder of said
city, on the 10th day of August, 1920
Is hereby Included and hereby refer,
red to particularly, and be It further ,
Resolved, that the plans snd speci
fications and estimates for such Im
provements as prepared by the city
surveyor ard filed with the recorder
of The City of Pendleton on the 10th
day of August, 1920, be and they are
hereby adopted and approved, and be
it further
Resolved that the cost of msklng
such Improvement shall be a charge
and lirn upon all lota, parts of lots and
parcels of land to be benefited by such
improvement, snd the owners of such
lots, parts of lots snd parcels of land,
so specially benefited by such Improve
ment shsll be llsble for the payment of
the costs thereof, and be It further
Resolved, that an Assessment T)lstr!ct
Is hereby created to be known as "As
sessment District No. 73.'f embracing
the property benefited snd to be as
sessed for the payment of such im
provements, which Assessment District
shsll Include all lots, parts of lots and
parcels of land lying and being within
the district bounded and described as
follows1, to-wit:
Ueserlptleai ef Assessment District
No. 72.
Beginning at the northwest corner
of Lmi 7. ttiock 1.1. Kitley's Addition,
thence 100 feet-at and parsllel with
the north line of Mark street; thence
100 feet north snd parallel with the
west line of Lincoln street; thence &20
reet enst and parallel with tne nortn-
west line of Perkins avenue:
- -, c in nn , . -n,,.h II.. If TtmltkV
'thence south 103.75 feet on the west
n- of riiish street and Its southern ,t-
Kiddie Koops
made of hard wood, white enamel finish, rubber
tired wheels and rustproof wire netting . '' Beat thins
on the maret for the tiny baby... Handy in the spring-,
(ummer, fall and winter.'.. Price $27.00 and $30.00.
Substantial, Luxurious
Overstuffed Leather
We have many patterns, splen
didly upholstered In genuine leath
er, best of coiled spring seat and
back construction, a prices from
IA.V0O down to $S7.5
tension: thenee 3(1 feet, more or .
west snd parallel wltW the south curb
line of Mark street between the west
line of Bush street and th; west line of
Logan street: thence south $.15 'set on
the soutneriy
line of Logan street: thence 100 feet
west and parallel with the south line
of Mark street: thence south 85 feet
and parallel with th. east line of Per
kins avenue; thence west !"
parallel with the south line of
street: thence In a southwesterly direc
tion 105.5 feet, more or leas, until said
line Intersects with the east line of
Perkins svenue st a point 161.75 feet
south from the southwest corner of In
tersection of Perkins svenue and MarK
street: thence 105.1 feet, more or lass.
In a southwesterly direction until said
line Intersects with the southerly ex
tension of the center line running
north snd south through .
Haley's addition at a point 1M.84 feet
from the south line of Mark street;
thence 33.09 feet north on said center
line of Block 8. Baley's addition: thenes
west 620 feet snd parallel with the
south line of Mark street; thence north
100 feet and parallel with the west line
of Lincoln street: thence west 100 feet
and parallel wlh the south line of
Mark street, thence 150 feet north on
the eaat line of Matlock street to the
point of beginning.
And be It further - '
Resolved that a copy of this resolu
tion together with the notice that the
surveyor's estimate of the proportion
of the cost of said work to be charged
against each lot. part of lot snd parcel
of land Is on file In the office of the
Cltv Recorder be published for a pe
riod of ten days In the Kant Oregonlan.
which newspaper Is hereby designated
by the Common Council for the publi
cation thereof. '
And notice Is further given that the
Surveyor's estimate of the proportion
of the cost of said work to be charged
against each lot. part of lot and parcel
of land within the Assessment District
In said resolution described Is on nis
in the office of the City H'eor'',,,,,
Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this H
day of August. 1M0. ,
Acting Recorder of the City
of the City of Pendie-
Phone 496